Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Sangrado. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Sangrado. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, 27 de agosto de 2023

Revisión de los resultados perioperatorios y el tratamiento de pacientes con fractura de cadera tratados con anticoagulantes orales directos

Revisión de los resultados perioperatorios y el tratamiento de pacientes con fractura de cadera tratados con anticoagulantes orales directos

El #anticoagulantedirecto-oral se asocia con un aumento del #tiempocirugía con retrasos frecuentemente +48h desde la presentación hospitalaria. No se encontró que el TTS esté asociado con un mayor riesgo de #transfusión o #sangrado
#cadera #fracturas #OpenReviews #anticoagulación #hip #fractures #OpenReviews #anticoagulation

Review of perioperative outcomes and management of hip fracture patients on direct oral anticoagulants in: EFORT Open Reviews Volume 8 Issue 7 (2023) (

miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2023

Un estudio de cohorte retrospectivo de las características del sangrado y la pérdida de sangre oculta después de la instrumentación de tornillos pediculares segmentarios en la escoliosis neuromuscular en comparación con la escoliosis idiopática del adolescente

Un estudio de cohorte retrospectivo de las características del sangrado y la pérdida de sangre oculta después de la instrumentación de tornillos pediculares segmentarios en la escoliosis neuromuscular en comparación con la escoliosis idiopática del adolescente

Pérdida de sangre oculta: un tercio de la pérdida total de sangre en pacientes con escoliosis neuromuscular sometidos a instrumentación con tornillos pediculares segmentarios
  • La escoliosis progresiva en pacientes neuromusculares a menudo requiere una fusión espinal instrumentada larga. Estudios previos han demostrado una mayor pérdida de sangre intraoperatoria en estos pacientes que en aquellos con escoliosis idiopática del adolescente (AIS), pero la pérdida de sangre total compuesta por pérdida de sangre visible y oculta no se ha descrito en esta población de pacientes. El objetivo de nuestro estudio fue investigar las características del sangrado y la pérdida de sangre oculta relacionada con la fusión espinal en la escoliosis neuromuscular (NMS) en comparación con los pacientes con AIS.
  • La pérdida de sangre oculta constituye un tercio de la pérdida total de sangre en niños sometidos a instrumentación de tornillos pediculares segmentarios para la escoliosis neuromuscular. La pérdida de sangre oculta es significativamente mayor en la neuromuscular en comparación con la escoliosis idiopática. La pérdida de sangre oculta debe considerarse en el manejo perioperatorio del SNM.

Soini V, Raitio A, Helenius I, Helenius L, Syvänen J. A retrospective cohort study of bleeding characteristics and hidden blood loss after segmental pedicle screw instrumentation in neuromuscular scoliosis as compared with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. N Am Spine Soc J. 2022 Dec 5;12:100190. doi: 10.1016/j.xnsj.2022.100190. PMID: 36561891; PMCID: PMC9763505.


This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

lunes, 31 de mayo de 2021

La aspirina no es inferior para la profilaxis del tromboembolismo venoso después de una artroplastia de cadera en un registro estatal
La aspirina no es inferior para la profilaxis del tromboembolismo venoso después de una artroplastia de cadera en un registro estatal

Sigue habiendo incertidumbre en torno al uso de aspirina como único agente quimioprofiláctico para reducir el riesgo de tromboembolismo venoso (trombosis venosa profunda o embolia pulmonar) y sangrado después de la artroplastia total de cadera primaria.
La aspirina no es inferior a otros anticoagulantes como profilaxis farmacológica del tromboembolismo venoso con respecto al riesgo posoperatorio de tromboembolismo venoso o hemorragia. En el paciente apropiado debe considerarse el uso exclusivo de aspirina para la profilaxis de la tromboembolia venosa después de una artroplastia total de cadera.
Muscatelli SR, Zheng H, Hughes RE, Cowen ME, Hallstrom BR. Non-Inferiority of Aspirin for Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis After Hip Arthroplasty in a Statewide Registry. J Arthroplasty. 2021 Jun;36(6):2068-2075.e2. doi: 10.1016/j.arth.2021.01.025. Epub 2021 Jan 20. PMID: 33589277.
Copyright © 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

martes, 16 de mayo de 2017

Sangrado perioperatorio / Perioperative bleeding

Mayo 16, 2017. No. 2690

Chichen Itza

Manejo del sangrado perioperatorio severo. Guías de la European Society of Anaesthesiology. Primera actualización 2016
Management of severe perioperative bleeding: guidelines from the European Society of Anaesthesiology: First update 2016.
Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2017 Jun;34(6):332-395. doi: 10.1097/EJA.0000000000000630.
The management of perioperative bleeding involves multiple assessments and strategies to ensure appropriate patient care. Initially, it is important to identify those patients with an increased risk of perioperative bleeding. Next, strategies should be employed to correct preoperative anaemia and to stabilise macrocirculation and microcirculation to optimise the patient's tolerance to bleeding. Finally, targeted interventions should be used to reduce intraoperative and postoperative bleeding, and so prevent subsequent morbidity and mortality. The objective of these updated guidelines is to provide healthcare professionals with an overview of the most recent evidence to help ensure improved clinical management of patients. 
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Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

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lunes, 13 de marzo de 2017

Sangrado en trauma / Coagulopathy in trauma

Marzo 13, 2017. No. 2627

Componentes hemáticos en el manejo de la coagulopatía por trauma. Revisión sistemática de la literatura del TUG
Blood Component Therapy and Coagulopathy in Trauma: A Systematic Review of the Literature from the Trauma Update Group.
PLoS One. 2016 Oct 3;11(10):e0164090. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0164090. eCollection 2016.
BACKGROUND: Traumatic coagulopathy is thought to increase mortality and its treatment to reduce preventable deaths. However, there is still uncertainty in this field, and available literature results may have been overestimated. METHODS: We searched the MEDLINE database using the PubMed platform. We formulated four queries investigating the prognostic weight of traumatic coagulopathy defined according to conventional laboratory testing, and the effectiveness in reducing mortality of three different treatments aimed at contrasting coagulopathy (high fresh frozen plasma/packed red blood cells ratios, fibrinogen, and tranexamic acid administration). Randomized controlled trials were selected along with observational studies that used a multivariable approach to adjust for confounding. Strict criteria were adopted for quality assessment based on a two-step approach. First, we rated quality of evidence according to the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) criteria. Then, this rating was downgraded if other three criteria were not met: high reporting quality according to shared standards, absence of internal methodological and statistical issues not detailed by the GRADE system, and absence of external validity issues. RESULTS: With few exceptions, the GRADE rating, reporting and methodological quality of observational studies was "very low", with frequent external validity issues. The only two randomized trials retrieved were, instead, of high quality. Only weak evidence was found for a relation between coagulopathy and mortality. Very weak evidence was found supporting the use of fibrinogen administration to reduce mortality in trauma. On the other hand, we found high evidence that the use of 1:1 vs. 1:2 high fresh frozen plasma/packed red blood cells ratios failed to obtain a 12% mortality reduction. This does not exclude lower mortality rates, which have not been investigated. The use of tranexamic acid in trauma was supported by "high" quality evidence according to the GRADE classification but was downgraded to "moderate" for external validity issues. CONCLUSIONS: Tranexamic acid is effective in reducing mortality in trauma. The other transfusion practices we investigated have been inadequately studied in the literature, as well as the independent association between mortality and coagulopathy measured with traditional laboratory testing. Overall, in this field of research literature quality is poor.

Ácido tranexámico en el sangrado por trauma. Beneficios y daño
Tranexamic acid in bleeding trauma patients: an exploration of benefits and harms.
Trials. 2017 Jan 31;18(1):48. doi: 10.1186/s13063-016-1750-1.
BACKGROUND: The CRASH-2 trial showed that tranexamic acid (TXA) administration reduces mortality in bleeding trauma patients. However, the effect appeared to depend on how soon after injury TXA treatment was started. Treatment within 3 h reduced bleeding deaths whereas treatment after 3 h increased the risk. We examine how patient characteristics vary by time to treatment and explore whether any such variations explain the time-dependent treatment effect. METHODS: Exploratory analysis were carried out, including per-protocol analyses, of data from the CRASH-2 trial, a randomised placebo-controlled trial of the effect of TXA on mortality in 20,211 trauma patients with, or at risk of, significant bleeding. ...... CONCLUSIONS: The time-dependent effect of TXA in bleeding trauma patients is not explained by the type of injury, the presence or absence of head injury or systolic blood pressure. When given within 3 h of injury, TXA reduces death due to bleeding regardless of type of injury, GCS or blood pressure.

Curso sobre Anestesia en Trasplantes, Cirugía abdominal, Plástica, Oftalmología y Otorrinolaringología.
Committee for European Education in Anaesthesiology (CEEA) 
y el Colegio de Anestesiólogos de León A.C.
Abril 7-9, 2017, León Guanajuato, México

Informes  (477) 716 06 16,
Vacante para Anestesiología Pediátrica
Hospital de Especialidades Pediátrico de León, Guanajuato  México 
Informes con la Dra Angélica García Álvarez o al teléfono 477 101 8700 Ext 1028
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