viernes, 19 de enero de 2018

5°Maratón del hombro y codo doloroso. Mi hombro y codo ¡Basta de sentir dolor!

¡Basta de sentir dolor!

Este 27 y 28 de enero del 2018, tendrás a un grupo de expertos en Traumatología y Ortopedia, entre ellos a un servidor, totalmente dispuestos a ayudarte para sanar tu hombro o codo doloroso en el Hospital de Especialidades Catalina, ubicado en la calle Pablo Valdez 719, Col. San Juan de Dios.
¿En qué consiste el Maratón del Hombro y Codo Doloroso?
Se trata de un fin de semana completo en el que los especialistas te ayudarán a diagnosticar con exactitud la causa de tu dolor. El paquete de diagnóstico consiste en:
Una radiografía
Un ultrasonido
Consulta especializada con doctor ortopedista
¿Tiene costo?
El paquete completo estará al precio especial de $1,350.00 MXN
¿Cómo puedes obtenerlo?
Llama y haz tu cita con el Dr. Carlos Cortés al tel. +52 (33) 1204 0143 o directamente al Hospital de Especialidades Catalina al +52 (33) 3883 1080.
¡Apunta la fecha!
27 y 28 de enero del 2018

International Board of Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons, Dr Michell Ruiz, parte del comité científico del ICSES 2019 en Buenos Aires Argentina, representando a #México

Dr. Michell Ruiz – Traumatólogo Alta especialidad en Hombro, Codo y Rodilla


Agradecido con el International Board of Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons por seleccionarme para ser parte del comité científico del ICSES 2019 en Buenos Aires Argentina, representando a #México.

Este congreso es el más importante a nivel mundial y se realiza solo cada 3 años con los mejores cirujanos del mundo, líderes en Cirugía de Hombro y Codo.

Seguimos preparándonos para dar siempre lo mejor a nuestros pacientes.

Más información:

#Hombro #Codo #AltaEspecialización

jueves, 18 de enero de 2018

5°Maratón del hombro y codo doloroso. Mi hombro y codo ¡Basta de sentir dolor!

¡Basta de sentir dolor!

Este 27 y 28 de enero del 2018, tendrás a un grupo de expertos en Traumatología y Ortopedia, entre ellos a un servidor, totalmente dispuestos a ayudarte para sanar tu hombro o codo doloroso en el Hospital de Especialidades Catalina, ubicado en la calle Pablo Valdez 719, Col. San Juan de Dios.

¿En qué consiste el Maratón del Hombro y Codo Doloroso?

Se trata de un fin de semana completo en el que los especialistas te ayudarán a diagnosticar con exactitud la causa de tu dolor. El paquete de diagnóstico consiste en:
Una radiografía
Un ultrasonido
Consulta especializada con doctor ortopedista
¿Tiene costo?

El paquete completo estará al precio especial de $1,350.00 MXN

¿Cómo puedes obtenerlo?

Llama y haz tu cita con el Dr. Carlos Cortés al tel. +52 (33) 1204 0143 o directamente al Hospital de Especialidades Catalina al +52 (33) 3883 1080.

¡Apunta la fecha!

27 y 28 de enero del 2018

Seguridad del paciente / Patient safety

Enero 18, 2018. No. 2966

Viñetas en seguridad del paciente. Volumen 1
Vignettes in Patient Safety - Volume 1
Edited by Michael S. Firstenberg and Stanislaw P. Stawicki, ISBN 978-953-51-3520-3, Print ISBN 978-953-51-3519-7, 186 pages, Publisher: InTech, Chapters published September 13, 2017 under CC BY 3.0 license
DOI: 10.5772/66106
Edited Volume
It is clearly recognized that medical errors represent a significant source of preventable healthcare-related morbidity and mortality. Furthermore, evidence shows that such complications are often the result of a series of smaller errors, missed opportunities, poor communication, breakdowns in established guidelines or protocols, or system-based deficiencies. While such events often start with the misadventures of an individual, it is how such events are managed that can determine outcomes and hopefully prevent future adverse events. The goal of Vignettes in Patient Safety is to illustrate and discuss, in a clinically relevant format, examples in which evidence-based approaches to patient care, using established methodologies to develop highly functional multidisciplinary teams, can help foster an institutional culture of patient safety and high-quality care delivery.
Libro / Book / Livre
Viñetas en seguridad del paciente. Volumen 2
Vignettes in Patient Safety - Volume 2
Edited by Michael S. Firstenberg and Stanislaw P. Stawicki, ISBN 978-953-51-3731-3, Print ISBN 978-953-51-3730-6, 200 pages, Publisher: InTech, Chapters published January 10, 2018 under CC BY 3.0 license
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.69032
Edited Volume
Over the past two decades, the healthcare community increasingly recognized the importance and the impact of medical errors on patient safety and clinical outcomes. Medical and surgical errors continue to contribute to unnecessary and potentially preventable morbidity and/or mortality, affecting both ambulatory and hospital settings. The spectrum of contributing variables-ranging from minor errors that subsequently escalate to poor communication to lapses in appropriate protocols and processes (just to name a few)-is extensive, and solutions are only recently being described. As such, there is a growing body of research and experiences that can help provide an organized framework-based upon the best practices and evidence-based medical principles-for hospitals and clinics to foster patient safety culture and to develop institutional patient safety champions. Based upon the tremendous interest in the first volume of our Vignettes in Patient Safety series, this second volume follows a similar vignette-based model. Each chapter outlines a realistic case scenario designed to closely approximate experiences and clinical patterns that medical and surgical practitioners can easily relate to. Vignette presentations are then followed by an evidence-based overview of pertinent patient safety literature, relevant clinical evidence, and the formulation of preventive strategies and potential solutions that may be applicable to each corresponding scenario. Throughout the Vignettes in Patient Safety cycle, emphasis is placed on the identification and remediation of team-based and organizational factors associated with patient safety events. The second volume of the Vignettes in Patient Safety begins with an overview of recent high-impact studies in the area of patient safety. Subsequent chapters discuss a broad range of topics, including retained surgical items, wrong site procedures, disruptive healthcare workers, interhospital transfers, risks of emergency department overcrowding, dangers of inadequate handoff communication, and the association between provider fatigue and medical errors. By outlining some of the current best practices, structured experiences, and evidence-based recommendations, the authors and editors hope to provide our readers with new and significant insights into making healthcare safer for patients around the world.
Safe Anaesthesia Worldwide
Delivering safe anaesthesia to the world's poorest people
World Congress on Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine
April 19-21, 2018, New York City, USA
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Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

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martes, 16 de enero de 2018

Un caso raro de hemimelia tibial, técnica quirúrgica y resultados clínicos

A rare case of tibial hemimelia, surgical technique and clinical results

Este artículo es originalmente publicado en:


Basso M1, Camurri V2, Frediani P3, Boero S4.

2017 Dec 13. pii: S1017-995X(17)30135-9. doi: 10.1016/j.aott.2017.11.004. [Epub ahead of print]

Todos los derechos reservados para:

Peer review under responsibility of Turkish Association of Orthopaedics and Traumatology.


We report a nine-year-old boy with a type IIIa tibial hemimelia, according to the new Paley classification. We describe the x-ray findings, the surgical treatment technique, and the prognostic course of the patient. Descriptions of such cases are very infrequent in the literature and type of treatment is still object of debate.


Correction of pediatric deformity; Jones classification; Leg reconstruction; Paley classification; Tibial hemimelia; Weber classification


Presentamos un niño de nueve años con una hemimelia tibial tipo IIIa, según la nueva clasificación de Paley. Describimos los hallazgos de rayos X, la técnica de tratamiento quirúrgico y el curso de pronóstico del paciente. Las descripciones de tales casos son muy infrecuentes en la literatura y el tipo de tratamiento sigue siendo objeto de debate.


Corrección de la deformidad pediátrica; Clasificación de Jones; Reconstrucción de piernas; Clasificación de Paley; Hemimelia tibial; Clasificación Weber

PMID:  29248252  DOI:  10.1016/j.aott.2017.11.004
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Resultados después de la artroplastia de cabeza radial en fracturas inestables

Results after radial head arthroplasty in unstable fractures

Este artículo


Lott A1, Broder K1, Goch A1, Konda SR1, Egol KA2.

2018 Feb;27(2):270-275. doi: 10.1016/j.jse.2017.10.011.

Todos los derechos reservados para:

Copyright © 2017 Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Board of Trustees. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



Whereas most radial head fractures are stable injuries, they sometimes occur as part of complex injury patterns with associated elbow instability. Radial head arthroplasty has been favored in patients with unreconstructable radial head fractures and unstable elbow injuries. The purpose of this study was to review radiographic outcomes, functional outcomes, and complications after radial head arthroplasty for radial head fracture in unstable elbow injuries.


Radial head arthroplasty is an effective option for treatment of unstable elbow injuries, with recovery of functional elbow range of motion and no difference in complication rate or implant survivorship compared with those patients with stable injuries.


Radial head arthroplasty; complications; elbow instability; flexion arc of elbow motion; rotational arc of elbow motion; unstable elbow injuries



Mientras que la mayoría de las fracturas de cabeza radial son lesiones estables, a veces ocurren como parte de patrones de lesión complejos con inestabilidad asociada del codo. La artroplastia de cabeza radial se ha visto favorecida en pacientes con fracturas de cabeza radial irreconstruibles y lesiones inestables del codo. El propósito de este estudio fue revisar los resultados radiográficos, los resultados funcionales y las complicaciones después de la artroplastia radial de cabeza para la fractura de la cabeza radial en lesiones inestables del codo.


La artroplastia de cabeza radial es una opción efectiva para el tratamiento de lesiones inestables del codo, con recuperación del rango de movimiento funcional del codo y sin diferencias en la tasa de complicaciones o la supervivencia del implante en comparación con los pacientes con lesiones estables.


Artroplastia de cabeza radial; complicaciones; inestabilidad del codo; arco de flexión del movimiento del codo; arco rotacional de movimiento del codo; lesiones inestables del codo

Copyright © 2017 Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Board of Trustees. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

PMID:  29332663   DOI:  10.1016/j.jse.2017.10.011


Un estudio de supervivencia de 838 reemplazos totales del codo: un informe del Registro Noruego de Artroplastia 1994-2016.

A survivorship study of 838 total elbow replacements: a report from the Norwegian Arthroplasty Register 1994-2016.

Este artículo es publicado originalmente en:


Krukhaug Y1, Hallan G2, Dybvik E3, Lie SA2, Furnes ON2.

2018 Feb;27(2):260-269. doi: 10.1016/j.jse.2017.10.018.

Todos los derechos reservados para:

Copyright © 2017 Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Board of Trustees. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



The aim of this study was to present the long-term survivorship (20 years) of total elbow arthroplasty (TEA) for a relatively large population and to compare different prosthesis brands and patient subgroups.


Fairly good results in terms of prosthesis survival were obtained with TEA, although results were poorer than for knee and hip arthroplasties.


Elbow arthroplasty; acute elbow fracture; fixation method; inflammatory arthritis; national arthroplasty register; osteoarthritis; prosthesis survival



El objetivo de este estudio fue presentar la supervivencia a largo plazo (20 años) de la artroplastia total de codo (TEA) para una población relativamente grande y comparar diferentes marcas de prótesis y subgrupos de pacientes.


Se obtuvieron resultados bastante buenos en términos de supervivencia de la prótesis con TEA, aunque los resultados fueron más pobres que para las artroplastias de rodilla y cadera.


Artroplastia de codo; fractura aguda del codo; método de fijación; artritis inflamatoria; registro nacional de artroplastia; osteoartritis; prótesis de supervivencia

Copyright © 2017 Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Board of Trustees. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

PMID:  29332662   DOI:   10.1016/j.jse.2017.10.018

Ketamina en depresión mayor / Ketamina for major depression

Enero 16, 2018. No. 2965

Con este tercer envío consecutivo sobre ketamina en depresión mayor esperamos que hayamos motivado su interés y curiosidad científica sobre este apasionante tema. Hay mucha información disponible y actualizada que con seguridad terminará en la aprobación de este anestésico general como una novel droga antidepresiva de rápido inicio. 

With this third consecutive e-mail on ketamine in major depression, we hope that we have motivated your interest and scientific curiosity on this exciting topic. There is a lot of information available and updated that will surely end in the approval of this general anesthetic as a novel fast-acting antidepressant drug.

Avec cette troisième expédition consécutive sur la kétamine dans la dépression majeure, nous espérons que nous avons motivé votre intérêt et votre curiosité scientifique sur ce sujet passionnant. Il y a beaucoup d'informations disponibles et mises à jour qui finiront sûrement par l'approbation de cette anesthésie générale en tant que nouveau médicament antidépresseur à action rapide.
Disección molecular y celular de subtipos de receptores NMDA como dianas antidepresivas.
Molecular and cellular dissection of NMDA receptor subtypes as antidepressant targets.
Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2018 Jan;84:352-358. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2017.08.012. Epub 2017 Aug 23.
A growing body of evidence supports the idea that drugs targeting the glutamate system may represent a valuable therapeutic alternative in major depressive disorders (MDD). The rapid and prolonged mood elevating effect of the NMDA receptor (NMDAR) antagonist ketamine has been studied intensely. However, its clinical use is hampered by deleterious side-effects, such as psychosis. Therefore, a better understanding of the mechanisms of the psychotropic effects after NMDAR blockade is necessary to develop glutamatergic antidepressants with improved therapeutic profile. Here we review recent experimental data that addressed molecular/cellular determinants of the antidepressant effect mediated by inactivating NMDAR subtypes. We refer to results obtained both in pharmacological and genetic animal models, ranging from global to conditional NMDAR manipulation. Our main focus is on the contribution of different NMDAR subtypes to the psychoactive effects induced by NMDAR ablation/blockade. We review data analyzing the effect of NMDAR subtype deletions limited to specific neuronal populations/brain areas in the regulation of mood. Altogether, these studies suggest effective and putative specific NMDAR drug targets for MDD treatment.
KEYWORDS: Depression; GluN2 subunits; Glutamate; Ketamine; Molecular biology; NMDA receptors
Uso de terapia repetida con ketamina intravenosa en la depresión bipolar resistente al tratamiento con comportamiento suicida: informe de un caso de España.
Use of repeated intravenous ketamine therapy in treatment-resistant bipolar depression with suicidal behaviour: a case report from Spain.
Ther Adv Psychopharmacol. 2017 Apr;7(4):137-140. doi: 10.1177/2045125316675578. Epub 2017 Jan 1.
The rapidly-acting antidepressant properties of ketamine are a trend topic in psychiatry. Despite its robust effects, these are ephemeral and can lead to certain adverse events. For this reason, there is still a general concern around the off-label use of ketamine in clinical practice settings. Nonetheless, for refractory depression, it should be an indication to consider. We report the case of a female patient admitted for several months due to a treatment-resistant depressive bipolar episode with chronic suicidal behaviour. After repeated intravenous ketamine infusions without remarkable side effects, the patient experienced a complete clinical recovery during the 4 weeks following hospital discharge. Unfortunately, depressive symptoms reappeared in the 5th week, and the patient was finally readmitted to hospital as a result of a suicide attempt.
KEYWORDS: antidepressive agents; bipolar disorder; depression; ketamine; suicide
La administración aguda de ketamina corrige los marcadores óseos inflamatorios anormales en el trastorno depresivo mayor.
Acute ketamine administration corrects abnormal inflammatory bone markers in major depressive disorder.
Mol Psychiatry. 2017 May 30. doi: 10.1038/mp.2017.109. [Epub ahead of print]
Patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) have clinically relevant, significant decreases in bone mineral density (BMD). We sought to determine if predictive markers of bone inflammation-the osteoprotegerin (OPG)-RANK-RANKL system or osteopontin (OPN)-play a role in the bone abnormalities associated with MDD and, if so, whether ketamine treatment corrected the abnormalities. The OPG-RANK-RANKL system plays the principal role in determining the balance between bone resorption and bone formation. RANKL is the osteoclast differentiating factor and diminishes BMD. OPG is a decoy receptor for RANKL, thereby increasing BMD. OPN is the bone glue that acts as a scaffold between bone tissues matrix composition to bind them together and is an important component of bone strength and fracture resistance. ...
We conclude that the OPG-RANK-RANKL system and the OPN system play important roles in the serious bone abnormalities associated with MDD. These data suggest that, in addition to its antidepressant effects, ketamine also has a salutary effect on a major medical complication of depressive illness. 
Nuevas estrategias de tratamiento de la depresión: basadas en mecanismos relacionados con la neuroplasticidad.
New Treatment Strategies of Depression: Based on Mechanisms Related to Neuroplasticity.
Huang YJ1, Lane HY1,2,3, Lin CH2,4,5.
Neural Plast. 2017;2017:4605971. doi: 10.1155/2017/4605971. Epub 2017 Apr 11.
Major depressive disorder is a severe and complex mental disorder. Impaired neurotransmission and disrupted signalling pathways may influence neuroplasticity, which is involved in the brain dysfunction in depression. Traditional neurobiological theories of depression, such as monoamine hypothesis, cannot fully explain the whole picture of depressive disorders. In this review, we discussed new treatment directions of depression, including modulation of glutamatergic system and noninvasive brain stimulation. Dysfunction of glutamatergic neurotransmission plays an important role in the pathophysiology of depression. Ketamine, an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist, has rapid and lasting antidepressive effects in previous studies. In addition to ketamine, other glutamatergic modulators, such as sarcosine, also show potential antidepressant effect in animal models or clinical trials. Noninvasive brain stimulation is another new treatment strategy beyond pharmacotherapy. Growing evidence has demonstrated that superficial brain stimulations, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation, transcranial direct current stimulation, cranial electrotherapy stimulation, and magnetic seizure therapy, can improve depressive symptoms. The antidepressive effect of these brain stimulations may be through modulating neuroplasticity. In conclusion, drugs that modulate neurotransmission via NMDA receptor and noninvasive brain stimulation may provide new directions of treatment for depression. Furthermore, exploring the underlying mechanisms will help in developing novel therapies for depression in the future.
¿ENCENDIDO o APAGADO ?: Modulando el Receptor de N-Metil-D-Aspartato en la Depresión Mayor.
ON or OFF?: Modulating the N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor in Major Depression.
Front Mol Neurosci. 2017 Jan 13;9:169. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2016.00169. eCollection 2016.
Since the discovery that a single dose of ketamine, an N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) antagonist, had rapid and long-lasting antidepressant effects, there has been increased interest in using NMDAR modulators in the pharmacotherapy of depression. Ketamine's efficacy seems to imply that depression is a disorder of NMDAR hyperfunctionality. However, studies showing that not all NMDAR antagonists are able to act as antidepressants challenge this notion. Furthermore, NMDAR co-agonists have also been gaining attention as possible treatments. Co-agonists such as D-serine and sarcosine have shown efficacy in both pre-clinical models and human trials. This raises the question of how both NMDAR antagonists and agonists are able to have converging behavioral effects. Here we critically review the evidence and proposed therapeutic mechanisms for both NMDAR antagonists and agonists, and collate several theories on how both activation and inhibition of NMDARs appear to have antidepressant effects.
KEYWORDS: NMDAR antagonist; depression; glycine site; mTOR; subuni

Safe Anaesthesia Worldwide
Delivering safe anaesthesia to the world's poorest people
World Congress on Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine
April 19-21, 2018, New York City, USA
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