sábado, 27 de mayo de 2017

Primera liberación del compartimiento del extensor para la Tenosinovitis de Quervains

First Extensor Compartment Release for deQuervains Tenosynovitis
Este artículo es originalmente publicado en:
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Dr Nader Paksima DO MPH
Dr Laith Jazrawi MD
Chief of Sports Medicine,
Dept of Orthopaedic Surgery Hospital for Joint Diseases, NYU Langone Medical Centre, New York, USA http://newyorkortho.com/

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Presión pleural / Pleural pressure

Mayo 25, 2017. No. 2699


Teoría de la presión pleural revisada: un papel para el equilibrio capilar.
Pleural pressure theory revisited: a role for capillary equilibrium.
J Thorac Dis. 2017 Apr;9(4):979-989. doi: 10.21037/jtd.2017.03.112.
BACKGROUND: Theories elucidating pleural pressures should explain all observations including the equal and opposite recoil of the chest wall and lungs, the less than expected pleural hydrostatic gradient and its variation at lobar margins, why pleural pressures are negative and how pleural fluid circulation functions. METHODS: A theoretical model describing equilibrium between buoyancy, hydrostatic forces, and capillary forces is proposed. The capillary equilibrium model described depends on control of pleural fluid volume and protein content, powered by an active pleural pump. RESULTS: The interaction between buoyancy forces, hydrostatic pressure and capillary pressure was calculated, and values for pleural thickness and pressure were determined using values for surface tension, contact angle, pleural fluid and lung densities found in the literature. Modelling can explain the issue of the differing hydrostatic vertical pleural pressure gradient at the lobar margins for buoyancy forces between the pleural fluid and the lung floating in the pleural fluid according to Archimedes' hydrostatic paradox. The capillary equilibrium model satisfies all salient requirements for a pleural pressure model, with negative pressures maximal at the apex, equal and opposite forces in the lung and chest wall, and circulatory pump action. CONCLUSIONS: This model predicts that pleural effusions cannot occur in emphysema unless concomitant heart failure increases lung density. This model also explains how the non-confluence of the lung with the chest wall (e.g., lobar margins) makes the pleural pressure more negative, and why pleural pressures would be higher after an upper lobectomy compared to a lower lobectomy. Pathological changes in pleural fluid composition and lung density alter the equilibrium between capillarity and buoyancy hydrostatic pressure to promote pleural effusion formation.
KEYWORDS: Pleural pressures; basic research; biomechanics; capillarity
LASRA 2017
IX Foro Internacional de Medicina del Dolor y Paliativa
Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán
Ciudad de México, 8 al 10 de Junio
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Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

52 664 6848905

Revistas / Journals

Mayo 26, 2017. No. 2700


Sin duda, la información científica en la modalidad de acceso abierto ha venido a facilitar nuestra forma de actualización. Por otra parte, ahora es más difícil elegir qué información debemos de leer por su valor científico.
Anestesia y Medicina del dolor se ha dado a la tarea de seleccionar diversas fuentes de lectura gratuita que puedan ser de utilidad en su actualización continuada.
¡Elija y disfrute su lectura!
Without a doubt, the scientific information in the open access modality has come to facilitate our way of updating. On the other hand, it is now more difficult to choose what information we should read for its scientific value.
Anestesia y Medicina del Dolor has been selecting various sources of free reading that may be useful in your continuous updating.
Choose and enjoy your reading!
Sem dúvida, a informação científica na forma de acesso aberto tem vindo a fazer o nosso caminho para atualizar. Além disso, é mais difícil de escolher quais informações deve ler para o seu valor científico.
Anestesia y Medicina del Dolor tem sido dada a tarefa de selecionar várias fontes de leitura livre que podem ser úteis em atualizar continuamente.
Escolha e boa leitura!
Eur Resp Rev
December 2016; volume 25, issue 142
Research and Opinion in Anesthesia & Intensive Care
April-June 2017;Volume 4 | Issue 2 
J Neuroanaesthesiol Crit Care 
May-August 2017; Volume 4 | Issue 2 
J Pediatr Neurosci
January-March 2017; Volume 12 | Issue 1
Revista / Journal
Neural Regen Res
April 2017;Volume 12 | Issue 4
Revista / Journal
Annals of Transplantation
Vol 22, 2017
World Journal of Transplantation
Volume 7  Issue 2  April 24, 2017
Saudi J Anaesth 
May 2017;Volume 11 | Issue 5 (Supplement) 
Más revistas / More Journals
LASRA 2017
IX Foro Internacional de Medicina del Dolor y Paliativa
Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán
Ciudad de México, 8 al 10 de Junio
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Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

52 664 6848905