domingo, 24 de mayo de 2015

Fibromialgia / Fibromyalgia

Fibromialgia y condiciones relacionadas
Fibromyalgia and Related Conditions.
Clauw DJ.
Mayo Clin Proc. 2015 May;90(5):680-692. doi: 10.1016/j.mayocp.2015.03.014.
Fibromyalgia is the currently preferred term for widespread musculoskeletal pain, typically accompanied by other symptoms such as fatigue, memory problems, and sleep and mood disturbances, for which no alternative cause can be identified. Earlier there was some doubt about whether there was an "organic basis" for these related conditions, but today there is irrefutable evidence from brain imaging and other techniques that this condition has strong biological underpinnings, even though psychological, social, and behavioral factors clearly play prominent roles in some patients. The pathophysiological hallmark is a sensitized or hyperactive central nervous system that leads to an increased volume control or gain on pain and sensory processing. This condition can occur in isolation, but more often it co-occurs with other conditions now being shown to have a similar underlying pathophysiology (eg, irritable bowel syndrome, interstitial cystitis, and tension headache) or as a comorbidity in individuals with diseases characterized by ongoing peripheral damage or inflammation (eg, autoimmune disorders and osteoarthritis). In the latter instance, the term centralized pain connotes the fact that in addition to the pain that might be caused by peripheral factors, there is superimposed pain augmentation occurring in the central nervous system. It is important to recognize this phenomenon (regardless of what term is used to describe it) because individuals with centralized pain do not respond nearly as well to treatments that work well for peripheral pain (surgery and opioids) and preferentially respond to centrally acting analgesics and nonpharmacological therapies.

Comparación en el mundo real de servicios de salud de la utilización entre duloxetina y pregabalina en iniciadores con fibromialgia.
Real-world comparison of health care utilization between duloxetine and pregabalin initiators with fibromyalgia.
Peng X, Sun P, Novick D, Andrews J1, Sun S.
J Pain Res. 2014 Jan 9;7:37-46. doi: 10.2147/JPR.S51636. eCollection 2014.
OBJECTIVES: To compare health care utilization of duloxetine initiators and pregabalin initiators among fibromyalgia patients in a real-world setting. METHODS:
A retrospective cohort study was conducted based on a US national commercial health claims database (2006-2009). Fibromyalgiapatients who initiated duloxetine or pregabalin in 2008, aged 18-64 years, and who maintained continuous health insurance coverage 1 year before and 1 year after initiation were assigned to duloxetine or pregabalin cohorts on the basis of their initiated agent. Patients who had pill coverage of the agents over the course of 90 days preceding the initiation were excluded. The two comparative cohorts were constructed using propensity score greedy match methods. Descriptive analysis and paired t-test were performed to compare health care utilization rates in the postinitiation year and the changes of these rates from the preinitiation year to the postinitiation year. RESULTS: Both matched cohorts (n=1,265 pairs) had a similar mean initiation age (49-50 years), percentage of women (87%-88%), and prevalence of baseline comorbid conditions (neuropathic pain other than diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain, low back pain, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, headache or migraine, and osteoarthritis). In the preinitiation year, both cohorts had similar inpatient, outpatient, and medication utilization rates (inpatient, 15.7%-16.1%; outpatient, 100.0%; medication, 97.9%-98.7%). The utilization rates diverged in the postinitiation year, with the pregabalin cohort using more fibromyalgia-related inpatient care (3.2% versus 2.2%; P<0.05), any inpatient care (19.3% versus 16.8%; P<0.05), and fibromyalgia-related outpatient care (62.1% versus 51.8%; P<0.05). From the preinitiation period to the postinitiation period, the duloxetine cohort experienced decreases in certain utilization rates, whereas the pregabalin cohort had increases (percentage of patients with a fibromyalgia-relatedadmission, -1.2% versus 0.4% [P<0.01]; number of fibromyalgia-related outpatient claims, -1.7 versus 4.7 [P<0.01]). CONCLUSION: Fibromyalgia patients initiating pregabalin tended to consume more fibromyalgia-related inpatient and outpatient care in the first postinitiation year, whereas fibromyalgia patients initiating duloxetine tended to have lower utilization rates of fibromyalgia-related inpatient care in the postinitiation year than in the preinitiation year.
KEYWORDS: duloxetine; fibromyalgia; health care utilization; pregabalin; propensity score methods

La analgesia por melatonina se asocia con una mejoría del sistema descendente de modulación endógena del dolor en la fibromialgia.
Melatonin analgesia is associated with improvement of the descending endogenous pain-modulating system in fibromyalgia: a phase II, randomized, double-dummy, controlled trial.
de Zanette SA, Vercelino R, Laste G, Rozisky JR, Schwertner A, Machado CB, Xavier F, de Souza IC, Deitos A, Torres IL, Caumo W1.
BMC Pharmacol Toxicol. 2014 Jul 23;15:40. doi: 10.1186/2050-6511-15-40.
Anestesia y Medicina del Dolor

Anestesia obstétrica/Obstetric anesthesia

¿Que hay de nuevo en anestesia obstétrica? Conferencia 2013 Gerard W. Ostheirmer
What's new in Obstetric Anesthesia? The 2013 Gerard W. Ostheimer lecture.
Palanisamy A
Anesth Analg. 2014 Feb;118(2):360-6. doi: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000000101.
The "What's New in Obstetric Anesthesia?" keynote lecture was established by the Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology in memory of the eminent obstetric anesthesiologist, Dr. Gerard W. Ostheimer. From a wide selection of journals encompassing the fields of obstetric anesthesia, obstetrics, and perinatology, the designated lecturer identifies articles of significant impact and interest published in the preceding year. The Ostheimer lecture, delivered this year at the annual meeting of the Society in April 2013 in San Juan, Puerto Rico, included highly relevant papers that have the potential to change obstetric anesthesia practice or impact public health. This review summarizes 5 categories of pertinent articles that were published in 2012 and discussed in the 2013 Ostheimer lecture: maternal diseases, labor and delivery, advances in obstetric anesthesia, obstetric complications, and anesthesia-related complications.
Esencial en paro cardíaco durante la cesárea
Essentials in cardiac arrest during cesarean section.
van Liempt SW, Stoecklein K, Tjiong MY, Schwarte LA, de Groot CJ, Teunissen PW.
Clin Pract. 2015 Feb 17;5(1):668. doi: 10.4081/cp.2015.668. eCollection 2015.
Cardiac arrest during cesarean section is very rare. Obstetrical teams have low exposure to these critical situations necessitating frequent rehearsal and knowledge of its differential diagnosis and treatment. A 40-year-old woman pregnant with triplets underwent cesarean sections because of vaginal bleeding due to a placenta previa at 35.2 weeks of gestation. Spinal anesthesia was performed. Asystole occurred during uterotomy. Immediate resuscitation and delivery of the neonates eventually resulted in good maternal and neonatal outcomes. The differential diagnosis is essential and should include obstetric and non-obstetric causes. We describe the consideration of Bezold Jarisch reflex and amniotic fluid embolism as most appropriate in this case.
KEYWORDS: Bezold Jarisch reflex; cardiac arrest; cesarean section
Un cambio en el manejo de la hemorragia obstétrica intratable en más de 15 años en un centro de atención terciaria.
A change in the management of intractable obstetrical hemorrhage over 15 years in a tertiary care center.
Juneja SK, Tandon P, Mohan B, Kaushal S.
Int J Appl Basic Med Res. 2014 Sep;4(Suppl 1):S17-9. doi: 10.4103/2229-516X.140710.
CONTEXT: Peripartum hysterectomy was the gold standard to save a woman with persistent obstetrical bleeding, but compromised the menstrual and reproductive functions. Bilateral internal iliac artery ligation (BIAL) is a potentially effective, fertility preserving means of controlling pelvic hemorrhage, but with surgical and anesthetic risks and low success. Angiographic embolization has the potential to arrest severe pelvic hemorrhage without removing the uterus and without hazarding general anesthesia in a hemodynamically unstable patient. AIMS:
The aim of this study is to discuss change in the management of intractable obstetrical hemorrhage from removing to conserving the uterus over 15 years. SETTINGS AND DESIGN: A retrospective analysis of 122 cases of intractable obstetrical hemorrhage over a period of 15 years (January 1997 to December 2011) was done. We started uterine artery embolization (UAE) in 2007 for obstetrical hemorrhage. The patients were analyzed for maternal characteristics, indications, treatment modality, maternal morbidity, and mortality. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USED: Descriptive. RESULTS: We analyzed 12,055 deliveries, (6029 cesarean sections; 6026 vaginal deliveries). One hundred and twenty-two cases of intractableobstetrical hemorrhage were managed with obstetrical hysterectomies in 63, UAE in 53 cases and BIAL in six cases. During the period between 1997 and 2006 intractable obstetrical hemorrhage was managed by hysterectomy/internal iliac artery ligation. The last 5 years of the study period had 80 patients with intractable obstetrical hemorrhage, 53 patients underwent arterial embolization and 35 had a hysterectomy and two had internal artery ligation. There was no mortality and significantly less morbidity in embolization group in our study. CONCLUSIONS: Embolization should be tried in patients with intractable obstetrical hemorrhage before proceeding for surgical intervention.
KEYWORDS: Bilateral internal iliac artery ligation; obstetrical hemorrhage; uterine artery embolization
Anestesia y Medicina del Dolor

viernes, 22 de mayo de 2015

Anestésicos volátiles/Volatile anesthetics

Farmacología molecular de los anestésicos volátiles
The Molecular Pharmacology of Volatile Anesthetics
Borghese, Cecilia M. PhD
International Anesthesiology Clinics:
Spring 2015 - Volume 53 - Issue 2 - p 28-39

Volatile anesthetics (VAs) transformed medical practice, although their impact may now be taken for granted. More than 150 years after they were introduced, VAs are now ubiquitous in operating rooms, but should not be considered commonplace in terms of our understanding of how they act. Despite their history of use, there is still much to learn about them, including their precise mechanism of action.
Insensibilidad durante operaciones quirúrgicas producidas por inhalación
Insensibility during Surgical Operations Produced by Inhalation
Dr. Charles A. Lee
Boston Med Surg J 1847; 35:518-519
Anestesia y Medicina del Dolor

domingo, 17 de mayo de 2015

Medwave. Mayo 2015

A continuación le informamos los artículos recientemente publicados en Medwave


Imagen corporal en personas con disforia de género
María Frenzi Rabito Alcón, José Miguel Rodríguez Molina (España)

Medwave 2015 May;15(4):e6138

Conocimientos, prácticas y actitudes hacia el voluntariado ante una influenza pandémica: estudio transversal con estudiantes de medicina en Perú
Julio A. Huapaya, Julio Maquera-Afaray, Patricia J. García, César Cárcamo, Javier A. Cieza (Perú)

Medwave 2015 May;15(4):e6136

Hepatotoxicidad medicamentosa y tuberculosis en un hospital del noreste argentino: estudio transversal
Alfredo Sebastián Golemba, Francisco Gastón Emmanuel Ferreyra, Ricardo Enrique Martearena, Fernando Ramón Achinelli, Gloria Beatriz Rovai (Argentina)

Medwave 2015 May;15(4):e6135


Teratoma sacrococcígeo: presentación de un caso
Ricardo Molina Vital, José Martín De Santiago Valenzuela, Roberto Carlos De Lira Barraza (México)

Medwave 2015 May;15(4):e6137


¿Tienen un rol los digitálicos en la insuficiencia cardíaca crónica?
Carmen Rain, Gabriel Rada (Chile)

Medwave 2015 Abr;15(3):e6129


IV Jornada Uruguaya de Bibliotecología e Información

Notificaciones diarias  15 de mayo de 2015
IV Jornada Uruguaya de Bibliotecología e Información
IV Jornada Uruguaya de Bibliotecología e Información. (JUBI IV). ¿Qué necesitan los niños y los jóvenes hoy? Una mirada desde las Bibliotecas.

Guías para con pacientes con antiagregantes y anticoagulantes/Guidelines for patients on antiplatelet and an

Intervencionismo en la columna y procedimientos intervencionistas para el dolor en pacientes con medicamentos antiagregantes y anticoagulantes.
Interventional Spine and Pain Procedures in Patients on Antiplatelet and Anticoagulant Medications: Guidelines From the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, the European Society of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Therapy, the American Academy of Pain Medicine, the International Neuromodulation Society, the North American Neuromodulation Society, and the World Institute of Pain
Narouze, Samer, Benzon, Honorio T, Provenzano, David A, Buvanendran, Asokumar, De Andres, José, Deer, Timothy R, Rauck, Richard, Huntoon, Marc A.Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine: May/June 2015 - Volume 40 - Issue 3 - p 182-212
Editorial. Sobre el momento de sangrado!
Editorial. About Bloody Time!: Interventional Spine and Pain Procedures in Patients on Antiplatelet and Anticoagulant Medications: Guidelines From the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, European Society of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Therapy, American Academy of Pain Medicine, International Neuromodulation Society, North American Neuromodulation Society, and World Institute of Pain
Rosenquist, Richard W. MD
Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine:
May/June 2015 - Volume 40 - Issue 3 - p 179-181
Anestesia y Medicina del Dolor

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015

Camilo Golgi y Louis Antoine Ranvier

Golgi y Ranvier: de la reacción negra a la teoría del dolor referido
Golgi and Ranvier: from the black reaction to a theory of referred pain.
Cani V, Mazzarello P.
Funct Neurol. 2015 Apr 13:1-5. [Epub ahead of print]
In his brief report on the structure of the gray matter of the central nervous system (1873), in which he described the "black reaction", Golgi noted the ramifications of the axon. This discovery prompted the French histologist Louis Antoine Ranvier, one of the first to try the black reaction outside Italy, to propose an ingenious theory of referred pain in his Traité technique d'histologie. Ranvier suggested that the nerve fibers originating from the irritated area and those coming from the region to which the sensation is referred converge on the same axon and thus the same cell body, causing the spatial dislocation of sensation. This theory of referred pain is a powerful example of the extraordinary clinical-physiological impact of the first of Golgi's neurocytological discoveries.
Como Camilo Golgi se convirtió en el "Aparato de Golgi"
How Camillo Golgi became "the Golgi".
Mazzarello P, Garbarino C, Calligaro A.
FEBS Lett. 2009 Dec 3;583(23):3732-7. doi: 10.1016/j.febslet.2009.10.018. Epub 2009 Oct 13.
On April 1898 Camillo Golgi communicated to the Medical-Surgical Society of Pavia, the discovery of the "internal reticular apparatus", a novel intracellular organelle which he observed in nerve cells with the silver impregnation he had introduced for the staining of the nervous system. Soon after the discovery it became evident that this cellular component, which was also named the "Golgi apparatus", was a ubiquitous structure in eukaryotic cells. However the reality of the organelle was questioned for years and many cytologists considered the internal reticular apparatus as an artefact due to the fixation and/or metallic impregnation procedure. The controversy was finally solved in the mid-1950s by electron microscopy when the Golgi apparatus definitely acquired its dignity of being a genuine cell organelle. The designation of "Golgi complex" entered officially in the literature in 1956. Both the terms Golgi apparatus and Golgi complex are currently interchangeable. However a quick "the Golgi" and the introduction of Golgi in adjectival form are now prevalent in the blooming scientific literature on the organelle. Thus Camillo Golgi underwent his final transformation and, becoming the eponym of the organelle he had discovered, he found a way to immortality.
Anestesia y Medicina del Dolor

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2015

Más de clonidina IT en cesárea / More IT clonidine for C-section

Evaluación de los efectos analgésicos de la clonidina intratecal junto con bupivacaína en cesárea.
Evaluation of analgesic effects of intrathecal clonidine along with bupivacaine in cesarean section.
Kothari N, Bogra J, Chaudhary AK.
Saudi J Anaesth. 2011 Jan;5(1):31-5. doi: 10.4103/1658-354X.76499.
Raquia para cesárea electiva. Tres dosis diferentes de bupivacaína hiperbárica asociada con morfina y clonidina
Spinal anesthesia for elective ceasarean section: use of different doses of hyperbaric bupivacaine associated with morphine and clonidine.
Braga Ade F1, Frias JA, Braga FS, Pereira RI, Titotto SM.
Acta Cir Bras. 2013 Jan;28(1):26-32.
Efecto de adicionar clonidina intratecal a la bupivacaína hiperbárica sobre el dolor postoperatorio y los requerimientos de morfina después de cesárea. Estudio randomizado controlado
The effect of addition of intrathecal clonidine to hyperbaric bupivacaine on postoperative pain and morphine requirements after Caesarean section: a randomized controlled trial.
van Tuijl I1, van Klei WA, van der Werff DB, Kalkman CJ.
Br J Anaesth. 2006 Sep;97(3):365-70. Epub 2006 Jul 21.
Raquia en cesárea. Uso de bupivacaína hiperbárica (10 mg) combinada con diferentes adyuvantes
Spinal anesthesia for cesarean section. Use of hyperbaric bupivacaine (10mg) combined with different adjuvants.
Braga AA, Frias JA, Braga FS, Potério GB, Hirata ES, Torres NA.
Rev Bras Anestesiol. 2012 Nov-Dec;62(6):775-87. doi: 10.1016/S0034-7094(12)70178-2.
Anestesia y Medicina del Dolor

La dieta mediterránea con frutos secos detiene la demencia asociada a la edad


Este artículo es originalmente publicado en:

La dieta mediterránea con frutos secos detiene la demencia asociada a la edad

¿Hay algo más saludable que la dieta mediterránea? Pues sí, la misma dieta tradicional pero con frutos secos o aceite de oliva extra virgen. Lo afirma un estudio español en el que se ha visto que este 'cóctel' saludable, rico en antioxidantes, se asocia con una mejor función cognitiva en personas mayores. En el artículo que publica la revista JAMA Internal Medicine se demuestran los beneficios de la dieta mediterránea para prevenir o retrasar el deterioro cognitivo asociado al envejecimiento que eventualmente termina en demencia o alzhéimer. El estudio, derivado del ensayo PREDIMED, Prevención con Dieta Mediterránea, revela que, después de 4 años de seguimiento, las personas que siguen esta dieta complementada con aceite de oliva virgen extra o frutos secos tienen una mejor función cognitiva que las personas asignadas a la dieta control....

Tópicos de pediatría/Pediatric topics

Ultrasound Imaging for Pediatric Anesthesia: A Review .
Santhanam Suresh, Lauren J. Taylor and Amar S. Minhas
Ultrasound Imaging. Masayuki Tanabe (Ed.),2011 ISBN: 978-953-307-239-5, InTech, 
Parámetros de anestesia-sedación en niños con radioterapia
Parameters of anesthesia/sedation in children receiving radiotherapy.
McMullen KP, Hanson T, Bratton J, Johnstone PA.
Radiat Oncol. 2015 Mar 11;10(1):65. doi: 10.1186/s13014-015-0363-2.
Efectos analgésicos, ansiolíticos y anestésicos de la melatonina. Usos potenciales en pediatría
Analgesic, anxiolytic and anaesthetic effects of melatonin: new potential uses in pediatrics.
Marseglia L, D'Angelo G, Manti S, Aversa S, Arrigo T, Reiter RJ, Gitto E.
Int J Mol Sci. 2015 Jan 6;16(1):1209-20. doi: 10.3390/ijms16011209.
Anestesia y el cerebro en desarrolo. Relevancias en cirugía cardiaca pediátrica
Anesthesia and the developing brain: relevance to the pediatric cardiac surgery.
Wise-Faberowski L, Quinonez ZA, Hammer GB.
Brain Sci. 2014 Apr 16;4(2):295-310. doi: 10.3390/brainsci4020295.
Anestesia y Medicina del Dolor

miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2015

Ultrasonido pulmonar/Lung ultrasound

Ultrasonido pulmonar: Presente y futuro
Lung ultrasound: Present and future.
Saraogi A.
Lung India 2015;32:250-7
The scope of lung ultrasound (LUS) in emergency and critical care settings has been studied extensively. LUS is easily available at bedside, free of radiation hazard and real time. All these features make it useful in reducing need of bedside X-rays and CT scan of chest. LUS has been proven to be superior to the bedside chest X-ray and equal to chest CT in diagnosing many pleural and lung pathologies. The first International Consensus Conference on Lung Ultrasound (ICC-LUS) has given recommendations for unified approach and language in major six areas of LUS. The LUS diagnosis is to be given after integration of findings of both lungs. The BLUE protocol is first LUS-based systematic approach in diagnosing pleural and lung pathologies. The protocol suggested in this article includes history and conventional clinical assessment along with LUS features.
Keywords: Interstitial syndrome, lung ultrasound, pneumothorax, pulmonary edema
Precisión diagnóstica del ultrasonido pulmonar en el protocolo de emergencia para el diagnóstico de la insuficiencia respiratoria aguda en pacientes con respiración espontánea.
Diagnostic accuracy of the Bedside Lung Ultrasound in Emergency protocol for the diagnosis of acute respiratory failure in spontaneously breathing patients.
Neto FL, de Andrade JM, Raupp AC, Townsend Rda S, Beltrami FG, Brisson H, Lu Q, Dalcin Pde T.
J Bras Pneumol. 2015 Jan-Feb;41(1):58-64. doi: 10.1590/S1806-37132015000100008.
OBJECTIVE: Bedside lung ultrasound (LUS) is a noninvasive, readily available imaging modality that can complement clinical evaluation. TheBedside Lung Ultrasound in Emergency (BLUE) protocol has demonstrated a high diagnostic accuracy in patients with acute respiratory failure (ARF). Recently, bedside LUS has been added to the medical training program of our ICU. The aim of this study was to investigate the accuracy of LUS based on the BLUE protocol, when performed by physicians who are not ultrasound experts, to guide the diagnosis of ARF.
METHODS: Over a one-year period, all spontaneously breathing adult patients consecutively admitted to the ICU for ARF were prospectively included. After training, 4 non-ultrasound experts performed LUS within 20 minutes of patient admission. They were blinded to patient medical history. LUS diagnosis was compared with the final clinical diagnosis made by the ICU team before patients were discharged from the ICU (gold standard). RESULTS:
Thirty-seven patients were included in the analysis (mean age, 73.2 ± 14.7 years; APACHE II, 19.2 ± 7.3). LUS diagnosis had a good agreement with the final diagnosis in 84% of patients (overall kappa, 0.81). The most common etiologies for ARF were pneumonia (n = 17) and hemodynamic lung edema (n = 15). The sensitivity and specificity of LUS as measured against the final diagnosis were, respectively, 88% and 90% for pneumonia and 86% and 87% for hemodynamic lung edema. CONCLUSIONS: LUS based on the BLUE protocol was reproducible by physicians who are not ultrasound experts and accurate for the diagnosis of pneumonia and hemodynamic lung edema.
KEYWORDS: Intensive care units; Respiratory insufficiency; Ultrasonography, interventional
Anestesia y Medicina del Dolor

Bibliotecas populares. Alerta

bibliotecas populares
Notificaciones semanales ⋅ 13 de mayo de 2015

Nuevo Diario de Santiago del Estero

Una gran oportunidad para las bibliotecas populares
Diario Democracia
Con la Feria Internacional del Libro en Buenos Aires en pleno desarrollo, distintas bibliotecas buscan renovar su stock, a través de promociones, ...

Bautizan con el nombre "Obispo Federico Pagura" a la biblioteca de una cárcel
La biblioteca se puso en marcha a fines del año pasado con unos 500 ... del que participan distintas organizaciones sociales y bibliotecas populares.

Refugios del sentido
Las bibliotecas populares son refugios del sentido, sinónimos de inclusión, respuestas que se dio el pueblo a sí mismo. Hijas de la solidaridad —que ...

Nuevo Diario de Santiago del Estero

Las bibliotecas de Añatuya visitaron la Feria del Libro
Nuevo Diario de Santiago del Estero
Durante el fin de semana pasado, representantes de las bibliotecas populares Almafuerte y Sarmiento de la ciudad de Añatuya participaron de la ...

El Club de Leones presentará su “Biblioteca Parlante”
Diario San Rafael
El Club de Leones presentará su “Biblioteca Parlante” ... eso que convocamos a todas las bibliotecas populares de San Rafael para hacer entregas a ...

Bienio de la lectura y de las bibliotecas públicas (2015-2016)
Estos años de crisis y recortes han afectado mucho a las bibliotecas ... de la creación de la Red de Bibliotecas Populares de la Mancomunidad de ...

Ángela Signes, la promotora de la literatura nac & pop que tiende lazos con el mundo editorial (Argentina)
Ángela Signes, presidenta de la Comisión Nacional de Bibliotecas Populares (Conabip), sin embargo, es la mujer de Oscar Parrilli, el actual jefe de ...

Anunciaron talleres y adquisición de libros desde la Biblioteca Estrada
Los interesados en participar pueden acercarse, de lunes a viernes, en horario de 9:00 a 18:00 horas, a la Biblioteca Popular Municipal “José M.

Diario La Provincia SJ

Los sanjuaninos quisieron estar en los billetes de 100 pesos
Diario La Provincia SJ
Los representantes de bibliotecas populares y algunos periodistas se acercaron al stand del Banco Central para acceder a una divertida iniciativa: ...

“Hace mucho, mucho tiempo...La Pampa se llenó e cuentos”
Los libros fueron a Bibliotecas Populares de Ecuador, Panamá, Uruguay, Entre Ríos, San Juan, Buenos Aires, Catamarca y Santiago del Estero.