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El médico en riesgo. Conducta disruptiva, burnout, adicción y suicidio
The physician at risk: disruptive behaviour, burnout, addiction, and suicide.
Can J Anaesth. 2017 Feb;64(2):119-121. doi: 10.1007/s12630-016-0782-z. Epub 2016 Dec 7.
The Journal has published an annual special theme issue in February of each year since 2011. Topics for these issues are carefully chosen after thoughtful discussions with the Journal editorial board and are informed by discussions with colleagues throughout the country and beyond. This year's compilation revolves around the complex and often interrelated issues of disruptive behaviour, burnout, addiction, and suicide. Although these are arguably somewhat sombre topics, we view them as necessary to begin conversations that will build and maintain the resilience, health, and professionalism of our specialty. This cluster of topics represents a departure from our usual theme issues whose content addresses more quantitative, scientific, and clinical matter. Indeed, our past two theme issues on Enhanced Recovery After Surgery and patientcentred outcome measures have focused firmly on patient experience.
Anestesiólogo: La fuerza silenciosa detrás de la escena
Anesthesiologist: The silent force behind the scene.
The Anesthesiologist provides continuous medical care before, during, and after operation to permit the surgeons to perform surgeries; sometimes quite challenging that could otherwise cause substantial threats to the patient's survival. Anesthesiologists, because of their combination of skills are uniquely qualified to care for dying patients suffering from end diseases like cancer. These skills include knowledge of analgesic and sedative pharmacology for the management of pain, awareness of perceptual alterations along with well-known skills in drug titration and experience with critically ill and highly anxious, often agitated patients under stressful circumstances. Anesthesiologists are physicians who provide medical care to patients in a wide variety of situations. This includes preoperative evaluation, consultation with the surgical team, creation of a plan for the anesthesia (which is different in each patient), airway management, intraoperative life support, pain control, intraoperative stabilization of all the vitals, postoperative pain management. Outside the operating room, Anesthesiologist's spectrum of action includes with general emergencies, trauma, intensive care units, acute and chronic pain management. In spite of providing these highly skilled services, Anesthesiologists are facing a lot of stress these days which predisposes them to burnout, fatigue, substance abuse, and suicide. The practice of anesthesia in Indian scenario is different as compared to the western countries. In India, the Anesthesiologists are dependent on surgeons for their work. The degree of stress faced is due to a number of factors like the type and quality of work, his/her relationship with surgeons and the support he/she receives from colleagues and family.
KEYWORDS: Anesthesiologist; critical care unit; pain clinic; stress
Prevalencia del síndrome de burnout entre los anestesistas del Distrito Federal
Edno Magalhães, Áurea Carolina Machado de Sousa Oliveira, Catia Sousa Goveia, Luis Cláudio Araújo Ladeira, Daniel Moser Queiroz y Camila Viana Vieira
Revista Brazileira de Anmestesiología 2015;65(2):104-110
Justificación: El síndrome de burnout (quemarse hasta la saciedad), consecuencia del estrés crónico, se caracteriza por agotamiento emocional, despersonalización y sentimiento de baja satisfacción profesional. Afecta a trabajadores bajo extrema responsabilidad o que ayudan a individuos que están en situación de riesgo, incluyendo a los anestesistas. Pueden presentar un distanciamiento con relación al trabajo, pacientes y colegas, al sentirse más seguros con el mantenimiento de la indiferencia. Objetivo: Evaluar la prevalencia del síndrome del burnout, la intensidad de sus componentes e identificar las características de sus portadores entre los anestesistas del Distrito Federal. Método: Estudio transversal, con 241 anestesistas registrados en la Sociedad de Anestesiología del Distrito Federal. Usamos un cuestionario autoadministrado que incluyó el Inventario de Burnout de Maslach, datos sociodemográficos, profesionales y de ocio. Resultados D: e los 134 cuestionarios respondidos (55,8%) predominaron los que fueron rellenados por hombres (65,6%), con una franja etaria de 30-50 anos ˜ (67,9%). Fueron encontrados niveles significativos de baja satisfacción profesional (47,7%), despersonalización (28,3%) y agotamiento emocional (23,1%). El síndrome de burnout presentó una prevalencia de un 10,4%, ocurrió principalmente en los hombres (64,2%), en la franja etaria de 30-50 anos ˜ (64,2%), con más de 10 anos ˜ de profesión (64,2%), que trabajaban haciendo guardias nocturnas (71,4%), sedentarios (57,1%) y que no hacen cursos no relacionados con la medicina (78,5%). De los participantes, un 50,7% tuvieron por lo menos uno de los 3 criterios existentes para desarrollar el síndrome y solamente un 8,2% presentó un bajo riesgo para su manifestación.
Conclusión: La prevalencia del síndrome de burnout es relevante entre los anestesistas del Distrito Federal. Se aconseja buscar estrategias de reorganización laboral para disminuir los factores de estrés y la pérdida de la motivación, aumentando así la satisfacción en el trabajo
Curso sobre Anestesia en Trasplantes, Cirugía abdominal, Plástica, Oftalmología y Otorrinolaringología.
Committee for European Education in Anaesthesiology (CEEA)
y el Colegio de Anestesiólogos de León A.C.
Abril 7-9, 2017, León Guanajuato, México
Regional Anesthesiology and Acute Pain Medicine Meeting
April 6-8, 2017, San Francisco, California, USA
ASRA American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
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