domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011

El Víctor Ravens Diario Domingo, May. 15, 2011

Objetivo: estimar la inmunidad a largo plazo inducida por la vacuna contra la hepatitis B (HB) y la posible necesidad de una dosis de recuerdo. Fuentes de datos: hasta diciembre de 2008 se revisaro...

Mike Huckabee announced he would not take another shot at the White House on Saturday night, telling viewers tuning into his Fox News talk show that he had made “a spiritual decision” not to run. T...

Sarah Silverman popped into the Fox booth to chat with Joe Buck during the 4th inning of Saturday night's Red Sox vs. Yankees game, and it quickly got weird. Silverman asked whether or not the spor...
Cultura y Espectáculos

THE late Amos Tversky, a Stanford psychologist and a founding father of behavioral economics, used to say, “My colleagues, they study artificial intelligence; me, I study natural stupidity.” ...

THE GIST Being socially rejected doesn’t just feel bad. It hurts. THE SOURCE “Social Rejection Shares Somatosensory Representations With Physical Pain,” by Ethan F. Kross, Marc G. Be...

WASHINGTON — President Obama, facing voter anger over high gasoline prices and complaints from Republicans and business leaders that his policies are restricting the development of domestic energy ...
Medio ambiente

We all know by now — don’t we? — that many of the synthetic chemicals in our food, personal-­care and cleaning products, toys and household goods are harming not just the environment but ourselves....

April 2011 DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2011-149 As the largest organ of the body, the skin performs multiple critical functions, such as serving as the primary barrier to the external environme...

"Raising the Dead" Premieres Saturday, April 16At Obscura Antiques and Oddities, shop regular Laura Flook stumbles upon a disturbing, mysterious tonic -- made with actual testicles. Meanwhile, when...
Cultura y Espectáculos

When you consider Jane Goodall’s happy British childhood, largely spent outdoors and filled with horses, dogs, chickens and pet turtles — earthworms tucked beneath her pillow at night — and her adu...
Cultura y Espectáculos

CLIFTON, N.J. IN 2009, Deborah Gianelli, 58, of Montclair, was told she had celiac disease, a disorder in which the immune system attacks the small intestine in response to gluten, a pr...

You're all going, right? They've just announced the next Global Atheist Convention for 13-15 April, in Melbourne, Australia, with Dawkins, Dennett, Harris, and Hitchens committing to attending. The...

Un grupo de investigadores de la Luleå University of Technology de Suecia desarrolló una silla de ruedas eléctrica pensada específicamente para personas ciegas. La silla es controlada a través de u...

Remember melatonin? In the 1990s, this over-the-counter dietary supplement was all the rage among frequent fliers, promoted as the miracle cure for jet lag. Now it is back in vogue, this time as a ...

The Harvard Alumni Association (HAA) announced that Arne Duncan ’86 has been elected by his classmates to be this year’s chief marshal for Commencement. Selected from the ranks of the 25th reunion ...

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates — Late one night last November, a plane carrying dozens of Colombian men touched down in this glittering seaside capital. Whisked through customs by an Emirati intel...

New findings suggest that HIV-infected patients may delay the onset of AIDS by starting drug therapy earlier while their immune systems are stronger. Researchers including Lauren Cain, a research f...

Desde que en 1854 el profesor de canto Manuel García inventara el laringoscopio tras mirarse en el espejo de unos escaparates y darse cuenta de que podía combinar pequeños espejos para observar sus...

ON a nondescript street in Long Island City, Queens, is a mysterious gold-painted door with a drawing of a colorful tent and a sign that reads “Circus Warehouse.” Inside is a cavernous space with a...
Cultura y Espectáculos

NEW YORK | Sat May 14, 2011 8:42pm EDT NEW YORK (Reuters) - IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn was taken into custody on Saturday at JFK airport in New York and was being questioned in re...

México: IV Jornada sobre Comunidades Virtuales – Salud 2.0

México: IV Jornada sobre Comunidades Virtuales – Salud 2.0

Elena Sainz ( @ ) nos contactó y nos comparte esta información sobre un encuentro a realizarse este Lunes 16 de Mayo. Es un evento bastante interesante, del que esperamos poder participar (y ojala la comunidad en torno a #hcsmla pueda hacerlo también, ya que podría darnos bastante que hablar para el martes)

Tengo el gusto de invitarte a la IV Jornada sobre Comunidades Virtuales que se llevará a cabo este lunes 16 de mayo en la Universidad Panamericana campus Ciudad de México.Pero si te encuentras fuera de México, puedes participar igualmente, ya que algunas de las actividades serán transmitidas por streaming.
Esta edición tendrá varias actividades relacionadas con el poder de las redes sociales en el área de la salud, es una oportunidad de aprendizaje e interacción única, participarán expertos tanto nacionales como internacionales además de un importante panel sobre ciberactivismo con la presencia de @Pajaropolitico @octavioislas@rabanovengador@marchelo350 @RedAcceso y @DVVIMSS
En la tarde se llevarán a cabo 6 talleres simultáneos, el primero de ellos con el tema“Salud 2.0″. La participación es gratuita pero el cupo limitado, para inscribirse en los talleres solo deben enviar un correo al coordinador responsable de cada uno.
También podrán seguir lo más destacado del evento vía twitter:@poder_deunclick con la etiqueta #dalepoder algunas de las actividades se transmitirán en vivo mediante videoconferencia en
Así que ya saben. ¡A participar!

La concentración diana de remifentanil para suprimir la respuesta hemodinámica a la intubación endotraqueal durante la inducción inhalatoria con desflurano.
The target concentration of remifentanil to suppress the hemodynamic response to endotracheal intubation during inhalational induction with desflurane.
Lee J, Jung CW.
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
Korean J Anesthesiol. 2011 Jan;60(1):12-8. Epub 2011 Jan 28.
BACKGROUND: Anesthesia induction with desflurane is troublesome because of the frequent sympathetic hyperactivity during desflurane administration. We thought that a low concentration of desflurane combined with a target-controlled infusion (TCI) of remifentanil would eliminate the desflurane-related complications and provide hemodynamic stability during desflurane induction. An up-and-down study was planned to find the target effect-site concentration of remifentanil to block the hemodynamic response to endotracheal intubation, the highest level of stimulus, during anesthesia induction with administering desflurane at 1 MAC. METHODS: Remifentanil TCI was initiated before desflurane administration. When the preset target was achieved, spontaneous inhalation of desflurane 1 MAC was performed until the patients became unconscious. Laryngoscopic tracheal intubation was facilitated with rocuronium injection. The starting concentration of remifentanil and the test space were 5 and 1 ng/ml, respectively. The criteria for up-and-down was a 20% increase of the mean arterial pressure or heart rate after intubation. The median effective concentration (EC(50)) of remifentanil was calculated from 6 independent pairs. The complications related with remifentanil and desflurane were assessed during the study. RESULTS: We studied 20 patients using 2-5 ng/ml of the effect-site concentrations of remifentanil. The EC(50) of remifentanil was 3.7 ng/ml. Loss of consciousness was achieved at 125 ± 22 s after desflurane inhalation and this was irrespective of the combined remifentanil concentrations. Any remifentanil-related complication was not observed. Transient cough was seen in one patient who received 2 ng/ml of remifentanil. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrated that uncomplicated induction with desflurane was possible by the use of target-controlled remifentanil. The EC(50) of remifentanil to block the hemodynamic response to tracheal intubation was 3.7 ng/ml during inhalational induction with 1 MAC desflurane

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

La salud entra en la era 2.0

LA MASIFICACIÓN DE las redes sociales ha llevado a que internet sea un espacio privilegiado para el debate en el tema de la salud.

Medellín | Publicado el 8 de mayo de 2011
Lentamente pero a paso firme avanza la entrada de los actores de la salud de la ciudad en las redes sociales y los espacios digitales como una forma permanente de interacción.

Así lo confirman las cuentas de Twitter, los grupos de Facebook , las páginas web y otras plataformas de la red que clínicas, ligas de usuarios, fundaciones de veeduría ciudadana e instituciones estatales cercanos al sector salud han habilitado en los últimos meses.

La idea detrás de estos proyectos es aprovechar las herramientas digitales como una forma de acercarse a los usuarios, a la vez que éstos encuentran en las redes una forma efectiva de hacer públicas situaciones de vulneración de derechos.

Es el caso del portal que se estrena esta semana. Con una estrategia basada en una plataforma digital, acompañada de cuentas en redes sociales, la Fundación Rasa pretende consolidar un espacio que ayude a los usuarios en su lucha diaria contra los enredos del sistema de salud.

"Sí a mis Derechos es Capacitación, asesoría, registro de experiencias para la incidencia política y veeduría en tiempo real", resume Gustavo Campillo, director de la Fundación y vocero en Medellín de la Unión de Pacientes Colombia.

Precisamente el factor geográfico estuvo muy presente a la hora de pensar la plataforma. Según Campillo, la ubicuidad permitirá que pacientes de los rincones más alejados del país, en los que la ausencia de asociaciones generan una gran vulnerabilidad, accedan a sus servicios.

Con un grupo de 30 asesores en 13 ciudades, esta apuesta promete ser una fuente importante de recursos para la defensa del derecho a la salud.

La plataforma contará con asesorías legales a ONG, pacientes y organizaciones comunitarias, así como un observatorio que permitirá acceder a los fallos judiciales en los que se podrán basar futuras batallas legales. "Allí se podrá aprender a hacer tutelas en diez minutos", afirma Campillo.

La fuerza de comunicar
Martes por la Salud en Facebook, @supersalud, @pilarpastord (secretaria de Salud de Medellín), @el_pulso, @inscolombia, @redsaludmed y @supersalud en Twitter, son algunos de los espacios que han incursionado en la comunicación para la salud.

Sin embargo, por la frecuencia en que son utilizadas algunas de estas cuentas y por la calidad de la información que circula a través de ellas, parece que el manejo en redes 2.0 aún es incipiente.

"Lo que puede observarse tanto en EPS, como entes administrativos e instituciones privadas, es que todavía no tienen claro para qué estar en redes sociales, es decir que están pero sin estrategia", asegura Perla Toro, community manager de EL COLOMBIANO y autora del blog Red Salud Medellín.

Otro de los peros es la ausencia casi total de los médicos. Luis Casasbuenas, neurólogo y doctor en ciencias de la comunicación, opina que éstos todavía tienen muchas talanqueras frente al tema.

En otros países, ya los profesionales de la salud han utilizado la participación 2.0 en investigaciones y para tender un puente constante hacia sus pacientes. Tal vez un aspecto para considerar en un mundo que cada vez más está representado en la red. Además, como dice Casasbuenas, fundador del portal, "si la ciencia no le llega a la gente no está cumpliendo su función social".

5 Alternative Office Suites For Microsoft Office

5 Alternative Office Suites For Microsoft Office

Microsoft has dominated for a long time, but there are some new alternative office suites available. The world of freeware and open source applications has grown.
There are now lots of alternatives that allow users to create documents, databases, and spreadsheets at lower costs. Many of the applications are free. It’s a growing trend for uses that are no longer interested in Microsoft Office Suites.
5 Alternative Office Suites For Microsoft Office
Photo by adria.richards.

1. Think Free

This program is geared towards smart phone users, and it is a popular mobile application because it is an online program. People that are running platforms other than Windows will appreciate this. Mac and Linux users can run the suite without any issues. It is even compatible with the Microsoft Office suite.
This application can be downloaded free on the iPhone and Android phones. It also gives users up to 1GB of space online for document creation and storage.

2. Lotus Symphony

IBM is in direct competition with Microsoft. Lotus Symphony is marketed as productivity suite software. It is free for download on the IBM website. This suite has applications for documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.
It runs well on Linux systems, and it has received a lot of buzz in the open source community as a decent alternative to Microsoft Office.

3. Neo Office

PC users that are looking for a MAC alternative can utilize the Neo Office suite. The suite has been available since 2003, and it has been one of few alternatives that have been made exclusively for MAC systems.
It has been constantly improved upon, and it is still downloaded by more than 100,000 users annually.

4. Google Docs

The company that reinvented the search engine appears to have a hand in every other aspect of technology. Internet browsers and software applications were inevitable.
Google Docs provides online documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and forms that can be opened on any computer or phone.

5. Open Office

This suite has become one of the most well-known open source applications on the market. It is used in schools and businesses that are looking for ways to cut costs.
It’s a free download that has a program that’s equivalent to everything in the Microsoft Office suite. It’s the most commonly used free productivity suite because it runs on multiple platforms. Windows, Mac, and Linux users can all run this software without any issues.
There is also an alternate version of Open Office called Libre Office. Open Office is backed by Oracle, but the Libre Office Suite is total open source code. It is fully developed by the community of open source code programmers.

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