domingo, 18 de septiembre de 2011

Todos los artículos sobre "Fundamentos de Medicina Basada en la Evidencia" a un solo clic de ratón

En este día...


On This Day: September 18

On Sept. 18, 1947, the National Security Act, which unified the Army, Navy and newly formed Air Force, went into effect.
On Sept. 18, 1905, Greta Garbo, the Swedish-born American film icon, was born. Following her death on April 15, 1990, her obituary appeared in The Times.

On This Date

1759The French surrendered Quebec to the British.
1793President George Washington laid the cornerstone of the U.S. Capitol.
1810Chile declared its independence from Spain.
1850Congress passed the Fugitive Slave Act, which allowed slaveowners to reclaim slaves who had escaped to other states.
1851The first edition of The New York Times was published.
1905Actress Greta Garbo was born in Stockholm, Sweden.
1927The Columbia Phonograph Broadcasting System (later CBS) debuted with a network of 16 radio stations.
1947The National Security Act, which unified the Army, Navy and newly formed Air Force into a national military establishment, went into effect.
1970Rock musician Jimi Hendrix died of a drug overdose at age 27.
1975Newspaper heiress Patricia Hearst was captured by the FBI in San Francisco, 19 months after being kidnapped by the Symbionese Liberation Army.
1997Coopers & Lybrand and Price Waterhouse agreed to merge to create the world's biggest accounting firm.
1999Sammy Sosa of the Chicago Cubs became the first player in major league baseball history to hit 60 home runs in a season twice.
2001Letters postmarked Trenton, N.J., that later tested positive for anthrax were sent to the New York Post and NBC anchorman Tom Brokaw.
2003Hurricane Isabel plowed into North Carolina's Outer Banks with 100-mph winds and pushed its way up the Eastern Seaboard; the storm claimed 40 lives.
2009Tens of thousands of protesters rallied in defiance of Iran's Islamic leadership, clashing with police and confronting state-run anti-Israel rallies.
2009The final episode of the soap opera "Guiding Light" aired on CBS, ending a 72-year run on radio and TV.

Current Birthdays

James Gandolfini, Actor (“The Sopranos”)
Actor James Gandolfini ("The Sopranos") turns 50 years old today.
AP Photo/Peter Kramer
Jason Sudeikis, Comedian, actor (“Saturday Night Live”)
Comedian-actor Jason Sudeikis ("Saturday Night Live") turns 36 years old today.
AP Photo/Dan Steinberg
1933Robert Bennett, Former U.S. senator R-Utah, turns 78
1933Robert Blake, Actor ("Baretta"), turns 78
1933Jimmie Rodgers, Singer, turns 78
1939Fred Willard, Actor, turns 72
1940Frankie Avalon, Singer, turns 71
1950Anna Deavere Smith, Actress, turns 61
1952Rick Pitino, College basketball coach, turns 59
1959Ryne Sandberg, Baseball Hall of Famer, turns 52
1964Holly Robinson Peete, Actress, turns 47
1970Aisha Tyler, Actress ("Ghost Whisperer"), turns 41
1971Jada Pinkett Smith, Actress, turns 40
1973James Marsden, Actor, turns 38
1979Alison Lohman, Actress, turns 32

Historic Birthdays

75Samuel Johnson 9/18/1709 - 12/13/1784
English critic, biographer, essayist and poet
65Joseph Story 9/18/1779 - 9/10/1845
American associate justice of the U. S. Supreme Court (1811-45)
48Jean-Bernard Foucault 9/18/1819 - 2/11/1868
French physicist and inventor of the "Foucault pendulum"
87Sir John Kerr 9/18/1869 - 4/21/1957
English embryologist and pioneer in naval camouflage
83John Diefenbaker 9/18/1895 - 8/16/1979
Canadian attorney, statesman and prime minister
88Agnes de Mille 9/18/1905 - 10/7/1993
American dancer and choreographer
83Edwin McMillan 9/18/1907 - 9/7/1991
American Nobel Prize-winning nuclear physicist (1951)
83Raymond Geiger 9/18/1910 - 4/1/1994
American editor of the Farmers' Almanac
78Rossano Brazzi 9/18/1916 - 12/24/1994
Italian attorney, actor and director

Vacuna varicela
Con tantas vacunas inútiles, no viene mal pensar en una que realmente disminuya la mortalidad. Los documentales que puse, son un poco largos, y  desafortunadamente son de medicina, pero muy interesantes no sólo para nuestros pacientes, sino para muchos de nosotros, que ejercemos una medicina biologicista, conociendo poco de biologia. Saludos. RR

PD: el otro dia alguien me observó que habia articulos en ingles en el blog, para suerte de muchos la traducción de google cada vez es mejor, aunque no ha entrado en su etapa semántica. La pueden encontrar donde están las banderitas (barra lateral izquierda). RR
PD2: si alguien tiene el original, y me lo envia prometo no quejarme. 

Dr. Ruben Roa
Especialista en Medicina Familiar
Esta cuenta de mail es exclusiva para listas de correo. 
mail personal:
twitter: @rubenroa
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Buenos Aires - Argentina

Responsabilidad médica y litigios

El daño psicológico ante una demanda y cómo tratarlo
Lic. Psic. Sandra Orta-Nava, Lic. Psic. Elvira Trinidad Velázquez-Pérez, Dra. Diana Eugenia Montero-Velázquez
Egresada de La Salle. Licenciada en Psicología. Especialidad Psicología del Trabajo. Especialidad Psicología Forense. Egresada de la UNAM. Licenciada en Psicología. Especialidad en PAIDEIA. Especialidad en Psicología Forense. Egresada de la UNAM. Médico Cirujano. Especialidad Anestesiología. Médico Forense. Especialidad en Criminalística. Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Penales. Licenciada en Derecho.
Revista Mexicana de Anestesiología  Volumen 34, Suplemento 1, abril-junio 2011 
Al hablar del anestesiólogo, estamos hablando de alguien que se da a la tarea de estudiar básicamente para suprimir el dolor en las grandes operaciones quirúrgicas. Cabe destacar que el médico especialista en anestesio¬logía, en el desarrollo de su actividad profesional cotidiana se enfrenta a largas jornadas laborales en ambientes es¬tresantes, trastornos psicosociales, así como una serie de riesgos a causa de agentes biológicos, físicos, de seguridad y químicos propios de su especialidad como son los gases anestésicos. Además de la gran responsabilidad que con¬lleva el tener la vida de otro individuo en sus manos, que lo obliga a establecer diversas estrategias particulares para cada caso, ya que en muchos casos, de la oportunidad con que las aplique dependerá la evolución del paciente. De tal suerte que todos los factores mencionados producen para el anestesiólogo un alto costo para su salud, su rendimiento y su seguridad personal.
Responsabilidad asociada con anestesia obstétrica: un análisis de las reclamaciones cerradas
Liability associated with obstetric anesthesia: a closed claims analysis.
Davies JM, Posner KL, Lee LA, Cheney FW, Domino KB.
Department of Anesthesiology, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA.
Anesthesiology. 2009 Jan;110(1):131-9.
BACKGROUND: Obstetrics carries high medical liability risk. Maternal death and newborn death/brain damage were the most common complications in obstetric anesthesia malpractice claims before 1990. As the liability profile may have changed over the past two decades, the authors reviewed recent obstetric claims in the American Society of Anesthesiologists Closed Claims database. METHODS: Obstetric anesthesia claims for injuries from 1990 to 2003 (1990 or later claims; n = 426) were compared to obstetric claims for injuries before 1990 (n = 190). Chi-square and z tests compared categorical variables; payment amounts were compared using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. RESULTS: Compared to pre-1990 obstetric claims, the proportion of maternal death (P = 0.002) and newborn death/brain damage (P = 0.048) decreased, whereas maternal nerve injury (P < 0.001) and maternal back pain (P = 0.012) increased in 1990 or later claims. In 1990 or later claims, payment was made on behalf of the anesthesiologist in only 21% of newborn death/brain damage claims compared to 60% of maternal death/brain damage claims (P < 0.001). These payments in both groups were associated with an anesthesia contribution to the injury (P < 0.001) and substandard anesthesia care (P < 0.001). Anesthesia-related newborn death/brain damage claims had an increased proportion of delays in anesthetic care (P = 0.001) and poor communication (P = 0.007) compared to claims unrelated to anesthesia. CONCLUSION: Newborn death/brain damage has decreased, yet it remains a leading cause of obstetric anesthesia malpractice claims over time. Potentially preventable anesthetic causes of newborn injury included delays in anesthesia care and poor communication between the obstetrician and anesthesiologist   
Litigio de responsabilidad médica en Arabia Saudita
Medical liability litigation in Saudi Arabia.
Al-Saeed AH.
Professor in Anaesthesia & Critical Care Medicine College of Medicine, King Saud University, Chairman of Saudi Anaesthetic Association Member of the Legal Health Organization, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Saudi J Anaesth. 2010 Sep;4(3):122-6.
The author analyzed the anesthesia medical malpractice closed claims that were referred to the Legal Health Organization (LHO) in order to evaluate the magnitude and underlying factors of the problem in Saudi Arabia. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Annual reports covering the period from 1420H-1429H (1999-2008) were statistically analyzed to give mean figures and percentages in each annual report, and then demonstrated all together to run the differential analysis together with the trend along the studied period. RESULTS: Data analysis showed an escalating trend for the total number of claims over the study period being started with 440 cases on 1420H and ended with 1356 cases by the year 1429H. The annual percentage of the final verdicts of accusation to the total number of claims presented to all committees ranges between 45.5%-60.2% with a mean value of 49.9%. Distribution of final verdicts among different clinical specialities showed that obstetrics takes the lead with a mean percentage of 25.5% along the studied period (1420H-1429H), followed by the practice of general surgery with a mean percentage of 13.8%. The sector of health care service showed a significant variation in relation to the mean number of final verdicts with accusation along the studied period, being the highest in the Ministry of Health sector with a mean number of 216.8 claims, followed by the private sector with a mean number of 197.3 claims. CONCLUSION: Adherence to the standards of medical practice is by far to the best approach to avoid and reduce the incidence of litigation  
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor