El Victor Ravens Diario
un periódico por Victor Ravens – 1776 contribuidores hoy en Twitter
- jlori
Aquà está ocurriendo algo grande
La Puerta del Sol este martes a las 20.40 horas durante la concentración (Juan Luis Sánchez) A las ocho de la tarde en la Puerta del Sol de Madrid, el mismo punto donde se habÃan producido los ...periodismohuma...Cultura y Espectáculos - RWW
How Paulo Coelho Uses Social Media
Paulo Coelho is one of the most successful fiction writers today and he actively uses social media to engage with his readers. For the past 25 years the Brazilian author has written many inspiratio...readwriteweb.comHistorias - phylogenomics
PLoS ONE Publishes its 20,000th Manuscript!
Today we are happy to announce that PLoS ONE has published its 20,000th manuscript! We could not have gotten here today without the help and support of our authors, reviewers, academic editors, an...blogs.plos.org - nytimesscience
Deal on Species Protections Is Delayed
A federal judge on Tuesday delayed a settlement that would require the government to speed its decision-making on granting protection to imperiled species. Judge Emmet G. Sullivan of Federal Distri...nytimes.comMedio ambiente - nytimeshealth
Phys Ed: The Body Weight-Muscle Mismatch
Recently scientists at Penn State sewed tiny weighted vests and slipped them around the middles of healthy laboratory rats, hoping to discover how animals’ muscles respond to changes in body size. ...well.blogs.nyt...Salud - MayoClinic
Social Media Summit Registration Opens Wednesday
Registration for Mayo Clinic’s third annual Social Media Summit will open on Wednesday with a special 72-hour opportunity for the biggest savings on conference attendance. The Summit, which is prod...socialmedia.ma...Educación - NatureNews
Poor nations turn to dolphin meat
Posted on behalf of Nicola JonesMartin Robards and Randy Reeves have spent years gathering all the data they could get their hands on about the hunting of marine mammals, from dolphins to dugongs. ...blogs.nature.comMedio ambiente - nytimesscience
Christo’s Colorado Project May Hinge on Sheep
Nearly 20 years after the artist Christo and his wife, Jeanne-Claude, proposed draping a river canyon in southern Colorado in miles of translucent fabric, a federal thumbs up or down on the project...nytimes.com - nytimeshealth
Think Like a Doctor: A Toothache and Slurred Speech
The Challenge: Can you solve a medical mystery involving a 50-year-old woman with slurred speech and a toothache?Every month, the Diagnosis column of The New York Times Magazine asks Well readers t...well.blogs.nyt... - LATimeshealth
Smallpox: Terrorism fears prompt U.S. to push for delay
International health officials are expected to decide this week whether to hold on to the last remaining stockpiles of smallpox, one of the deadliest diseases in history – or to proceed with their ...latimes.comSalud - USATODAYhealth
Toxic flame retardants found in 80% of baby products
Eighty percent of baby products contain toxic or untested chemical flame retardants, according to a new study of products such as car seats, changing pads and portable cribs.NONE, BabyBjornFour bra...yourlife.usato...Salud - nytimesscience
Maurice Goldhaber, Atomic Physicist, Is Dead at 100
Maurice Goldhaber, a physicist who delved into the intricacies of atoms and headed the Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island for more than a decade, died last Wednesday at his home in East ...nytimes.comHistorias - LATimeshealth
Emergency rooms, poverty and race
Marcus Young, 29, sits in the ER waiting room at Saint Francis Medical Center in Lynwood, CA March 11, 2011. (Francine Orr / Los Angeles Times) By Amina Khan, Los Angeles Times / for the Booster Sh...latimes.comSalud - nytimeshealth
Roasted Leeks and Potatoes Vinaigrette
I prefer using tiny whole potatoes for this elegant potato and leek salad if I can find them. Firm red potatoes or fingerlings are good alternatives. 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 pounds (2 large) lee...nytimes.comTiempo Libre - pzmyers
Chopra challenges eloquence with pretentious gobbledygook : Pharyngula
That long-winded charlatan, Deepak Chopra, has scribbled up a whiny criticism of Hitchens' address in absentia to the American Atheists. Hitchens wrote a wonderful, brave, and inspiring exposition ...scienceblogs.com - NatureChemistry
This Day in Science History - May 18
May 18th is the birthday of the man who brought us two chemicals that had profound effects on our environment, Thomas Midgley, Jr. He was an American mechanical engineer and chemist who invented te...chemistry.abou...Medio ambiente - nytimesscience
In Japan Reactor Failings, Danger Signs for the U.S.
This article is by Hiroko Tabuchi, Keith Bradsher and Matthew L. Wald. TOKYO — Emergency vents that American officials have said would prevent devastating hydrogen explosions at nucl...nytimes.comMedio ambiente - fayerwayer
Bing agrega el botón "me gusta" de Facebook a sus búsquedas
Microsoft comenzará a apoyarse en Facebook para competir con Google, agregando el botón “me gusta” a sus resultados de búsqueda. Google ya intentó algo parecido con su botón +1, pero dada la penetr...fayerwayer.comTecnología - nytimeshealth
Drug Study a Setback for Abbott
A study has suggested that an anticholesterol drug, TriLipix, does not protect against heart attacks or strokes better than a generic medicine, according to a report released on Tuesday. As a resul...nytimes.comSalud - Harvard
Coffee May Reduce Risk of Lethal Prostate Cancer in Men - May 17, 2011 -2011 Releases - Press Releases
Coffee May Reduce Risk of Lethal Prostate Cancer in Men Boston, MA – Men who regularly drink coffee appear to have a lower risk of developing a lethal form of prostate cancer, according to a new st...hsph.harvard.eduSalud
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