lunes, 15 de abril de 2013

Historia de la anestesia/Anesthesia history

Este mes en la historia de la anestesia: Abril

This Month in Anesthesia History: April
1578 April 1: William Harvey, the English physician who first described blood circulation, was born.......

Francis Sibson (1814-1876) el héroe no reconocido de la cirugía y la anestesia moderna

Francis Sibson (1814-1876): the unsung hero of modern surgery and anesthesia.
Osiro S, Downs E, Grater J, Loukas M.
Department of Anatomical Sciences, School of Medicine, St. George's University, Grenada, West Indies.
World J Surg. 2012 Aug;36(8):1993-7. doi: 10.1007/s00268-012-1573-5.

Francis Sibson (1814-1876) was a British physician and anatomist widely regarded as a true pioneer of the medical profession. He overcame a tragic and difficult childhood to become an avid educator at several medical schools and dedicated his life to research. For modern scientists, he is most remembered for describing Sibson's fascia, his experimental use of curare in the treatment of hydrophobia and tetanus, and his detailed description of the positions and movements of internal organs. He died on September 7, 1876 at the age of 62 from complications of an aortic aneurysm.

La civilización del curare: historia de su desarrollo e introducción en anestesiología

The civilizing of curare: a history of its development and introduction into anesthesiology.
Betcher AM.
Anesth Analg. 1977 Mar-Apr;56(2):305-19.

Archie Brain: celebrando 30 años del desarrollo de la mascarilla laríngea

Archie Brain: celebrating 30 years of development in laryngeal
mask airways
T. C. R. V. van Zundert,1 J. R. Brimacombe,2 D. Z. Ferson,3 D. R. Bacon4 and D. J. Wilkinson5
Anaesthesia 2012, 67, 1375-1385 doi:10.1111/anae.12003.x

The practice of anaesthesia was revolutionised by the ideas of Archie Brain. The routine use of a facemask to manage the airway was not a hands-free technique, despite the development of various harnesses, and made adequate record-keeping difficult. The tracheal tube was associated with some morbidity, which some felt was unsuitable for day surgery. Brain developed an airway management device that was less stressful to the patient than tracheal intubation, and was, however, as safe as using a facemask and airway. Brain also hoped his device would function for cases where mask ventilation was particularly difficult and thus give anaesthetists a safer alternative to a complex intubation, especially in emergency scenarios.

Dr. Juan C. Flores-Carrillo
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

domingo, 14 de abril de 2013

4°Curso monográfico de osteosíntesis de mano 2013 IMSS Lomas verdes

4°Curso monográfico de osteosíntesis de mano 2013
IMSS Lomas verdes

Ligas de la conferencia Decisiones quirurgicas en neumonías complicadas

Ligas de la conferencia Decisiones quirurgicas en neumonías complicadas

Estimado Pediatra estas son las ligas de la conferencia del Dr Juan Domingo Porras con el tema de Decisiones Quirurgicas en Neumonías complicadas.


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Serie: Un diagnostico?

Un diagnostico?
Cortesía del dr Ernesto Delgado
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Journal club de lactancia materna

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Dr. Enrique Mendoza López
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Bibliotecas. Alerta

Las Bibliotecas Populares de la ciudad aún no han recibido los ...
Diario El Argentino
Las cuatro bibliotecas populares de Gualeguaychú, Olegario Víctor Andrade, Sarmiento, Rodolfo García y Francisco Hernández López Jordán, siguen aguardando que el gobierno de la provincia les pague los meses adeudados del subsidio acordado por la ...
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Diario El Argentino

Bibliotecas escolares, caminos de transformación
El Nuevo Siglo (Colombia)
Las preguntas a las que el encuentro les dará una respuesta son: ¿cuál es el rol de la educación y de las bibliotecas escolares? ¿Cómo puede adaptarse la escuela a este nuevo escenario mundial para garantizar la formación de ciudadanos creativos, ...
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Faltan libros para bibliotecas
Periódico AM
Pese a contar con el mayor número de bibliotecas en el estado (21 municipales, dos civiles y una estatal), el acervo total de volúmenes de León está lejos de la recomendación mínima de 1.5 libros por habitante de la UNESCO. Foto: Gustavo Becerra...
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Periódico AM

La Comunidad incluirá las esculturas de las Escuelas Pías de San ...
La Comunidad de Madrid incluirá en el Inventario de Bienes Culturales nueve esculturas de los siglos XVII y XVIII procedentes de las Escuelas Pías de San Fernando, actualmente sede de la biblioteca de la UNED en Madrid, restauradas recientemente por ...
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Gáldar conmemora del 22 al 26 de abril el Día Internacional del Libro
La concejalía de Educación, Archivos y Bibliotecas del ayuntamiento de Gáldar que dirige Ana Teresa Mendoza Jiménez, celebrará del 22 al 26 de abril, los actos para conmemorar el Día Internacional del Libro con un interesante y amplio programa de ...
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París rinde homenaje a Charles Trenet con una exposición por su ...
"Trenet, el cantante loco de Narbona" es el título de la muestra que se presenta hasta el próximo 30 de junio con unos 400 documentos, 150 canciones que se pueden escuchar y varios vídeos de época en la Galería de las Bibliotecas de París, en el barrio ...
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Morelia será sede de las XLIV Jornadas Mexicanas de ...
Reporte Digital
El evento es organizado por la Asociación Mexicana de Bibliotecarios, Asociación Civil, (AMBAC), y tiene por objeto el mejoramiento profesional de sus socios, promoción y fomento de las bibliotecas, el servicio bibliotecario y la biblioteconomía ...
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Blogs 1 resultado nuevo de Bibliotecas

El profesional de la información » Blog Archive » Las bibliotecas ...
según admin
Las bibliotecas escolares son cada vez mejor valoradas por la comunidad educativa, pero aún quedan muchos aspectos que mejorar. Así se desprende de un estudio cuyos principales resultados presentan Mònica Baró y Teresa Mañà en el ...
El profesional de la información

Cinco bibliotecas que mejoran la vida de los agricultores « Beyond ...
Ayudando a mejorar las vidas e ingresos de los agricultores, las bibliotecas públicas son aliados rurales efectivos del desarrollo, de acuerdo con los resultas de ...
Revisiones_bibliográficas: Bibliotecas, Alertas
El equipo de gobierno de la Diputación de Palencia consolidará este año su novedoso programa de actividades culturales en las 21 bibliotecas públicas ...
las bibliotecas y el desarrollo de los lectores - mis lecturas
A las bibliotecas españolas les falta muchísimo para poder dar a sus usuarios el nivel de servicios que debería. Se que llevamos años de atraso con respecto a ...
Las bibliotecas más espectaculares del mundo - El turista accidental
Lee 'Las bibliotecas más espectaculares del mundo' de nuestro blog El turista accidental en Yahoo! Tendencias España. No solo sirven para estudiar y ...ás-espectaculares-...
Biblioteca Poblenou - Manuel Arranz | Webs de ... - Barcelona
Canal de información del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona, Site i Canal: Biblioteca Poblenou - Manuel Arranz.

Azitromicina y riesgo cardiovascular, revisión del NEJM 2012

Azitromicina y riesgo cardiovascular, revisión del NEJM 2012 (PDF) Revisión en español de: Azitromicina y riesgo cardiovascular. (100.66 kB)
Los macrólidos han sido catalogados como pro-arrítmicos y han sido asociados con aumento del riesgo de muerte súbita, de todos ellos se cree que la azitromicina es la que menos riesgo tiene. Sin embargo hay diversos estudios que reportan lo contrario.
La claritromicina y la eritromicina pueden incrementar el riesgo de arritmias ventriculares y están asociados a aumento del riesgo de muerte súbita de origen cardiovascular.
Hay al menos 7 estudios, de pacientes con intervalo QT normal y quienes tomaron azitromicina y se encontró que había efectos adversos cardiovasculares como son: alargamiento del QT, torsada de pointes y taquicardia ventricular polimorfica en ausencia de prolongación del QT.
Debido a esto se condujo un estudio retrospectivo con las siguientes características: Se incluyeron pacientes que tomaron azitromicina entre 1992 y 2006......

viernes, 12 de abril de 2013


Tratamiento de la pre-eclampsia: temas para anestesistas

Management of pre-eclampsia: issues for anaesthetists.
Dennis AT.
Department of Anaesthesia, The Royal Women's Hospital Parkville, and Department of Pharmacology, The University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Anaesthesia. 2012 Sep;67(9):1009-20. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2044.2012.07195.x. Epub 2012 Jun 26.
Pre-eclampsia is a leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality. Substandard care is often present and many deaths are preventable. The aim of this review is to summarise the key management issues for anaesthetists in the light of the current literature. A systematic literature search of electronic databases was undertaken including MEDLINE, EMBASE and the Cochrane Library using the key words obstetrics, pregnancy, pregnancy complications, maternal, pre-eclampsia, preeclampsia, cardiac function, haemodynamics, haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets (HELLP), eclampsia, anaesthesia, anesthesia, neuraxial. Relevant Colleges and Societies websites were examined for pertinent guidelines. The disease is defined within the context of hypertensive diseases, and early recognition of pre-eclampsia and its complications, as well as multidisciplinary expert team management is highlighted. Accurate monitoring and recording of observations including the use of transthoracic echocardiography is discussed. The importance of the treatment of systolic blood pressure>180 mmHg and the use of intravenous antihypertensive medication as well as the use of parenteral magnesium sulphate for the treatment and prevention of eclampsia is emphasised . Restricted intravenous fluid therapy and avoidance of ergometrine is discussed. Neuraxial analgesia and anaesthesia, and general anaesthesia for birth is summarised as well as postpartum management including analgesia, thromboprophylaxis, management of acute pulmonary oedema and the use of pharmacological agents in the setting of breastfeeding.

Diseño y validación interna de una escala temprana de alerta obstétrica: análisis secundario de la auditoria nacional de cuidados Intensivos y centro de investigación de casos de la base de datos del Programa Mix.

Design and internal validation of an obstetric early warning score: secondary analysis of the Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre Case Mix Programme database.
Carle C, Alexander P, Columb M, Johal J.
Critical Care Medicine, Peterborough City Hospital, Peterborough, UK.
Anaesthesia. 2013 Apr;68(4):354-67. doi: 10.1111/anae.12180.
We designed and internally validated an aggregate weighted early warning scoring system specific to the obstetric population that has the potential for use in the ward environment. Direct obstetric admissions from the Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre's Case Mix Programme Database were randomly allocated to model development (n = 2240) or validation (n = 2200) sets. Physiological variables collected during the first 24 h of critical care admission were analysed. Logistic regression analysis for mortality in the model development set was initially used to create a statistically based early warning score. The statistical score was then modified to create a clinically acceptable early warning score. Important features of this clinical obstetric early warning score are that the variables are weighted according to their statistical importance, a surrogate for the FI O2 /Pa O2 relationship is included, conscious level is assessed using a simplified alert/not alert variable, and the score, trigger thresholds and response are consistent with the new non-obstetric National Early Warning Score system. The statistical and clinical early warning scores were internally validated using the validation set. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.995 (95% CI 0.992-0.998) for the statistical score and 0.957 (95% CI 0.923-0.991) for the clinical score. Pre-existing empirically designed early warning scores were also validated in the same way for comparison. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.955 (95% CI 0.922-0.988) for Swanton et al.'s Modified Early Obstetric Warning System, 0.937 (95% CI 0.884-0.991) for the obstetric early warning score suggested in the 2003-2005 Report on Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths in the UK, and 0.973 (95% CI 0.957-0.989) for the non-obstetric National Early Warning Score. This highlights that the new clinical obstetric early warning score has an excellent ability to discriminate survivors from non-survivors in this critical care data set. Further work is needed to validate our new clinical early warning score externally in the obstetric ward environment.

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Dolor, opioides y AOS/Pain, opioids y OSA

Dolor experimental y analgesia opioide en voluntarios con alto riesgo de apnea obstructiva del sueño

Experimental pain and opioid analgesia in volunteers at high risk for obstructive sleep apnea.
Doufas AG, Tian L, Padrez KA, Suwanprathes P, Cardell JA, Maecker HT, Panousis P.
Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California, United States of America ; Outcomes Research Consortium, the Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, United States of America.
PLoS One. 2013;8(1):e54807. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0054807. Epub 2013 Jan 29.

BACKGROUND: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is characterized by recurrent nocturnal hypoxia and sleep disruption. Sleep fragmentation caused hyperalgesia in volunteers, while nocturnal hypoxemia enhanced morphine analgesic potency in children with OSA. This evidence directly relates to surgical OSA patients who are at risk for airway compromise due to postoperative use of opioids. Using accepted experimental pain models, we characterized pain processing and opioid analgesia in male volunteers recruited based on their risk for OSA. ......CONCLUSIONS: Nocturnal hypoxemia in subjects at high risk for OSA was associated with an increased potency of opioid analgesia. A serum hypoxia marker (IGFBP-1) was associated with hypoalgesia and increased potency to opioid analgesia; other pro-inflammatory mediators also predicted an enhanced opioid potency.


Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Bibliotecas, Alertas

El programa de las bibliotecas rurales se consolida con 95 actos en ...
El Norte de Castilla
El equipo de gobierno de la Diputación de Palencia consolidará este año su novedoso programa de actividades culturales en las 21 bibliotecas públicas municipales de la provincia. Este programa arrancó el año pasado con un presupuesto de 60.000 euros ...
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Entregan apoyo económico a las Bibliotecas Populares de Tigre
Comercio On Line
Las beneficiarias serán 14 Bibliotecas Populares del distrito. También se realizó la presentación del Programa “Letras como flechas”, un ciclo que invita a escritores a conversar sobre las múltiples direcciones de la nueva literatura argentina.
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Comercio On Line

La biblioteca de Mota del Cuervo, ganadora de la campaña María ...
La Verdad (Albacete)
Las bibliotecas Mota del Cuervo (Cuenca), Iurreta (Vizcaya) y San Javier (Murcia) han sido las ganadoras de la XV Campaña de Animación a la Lectura María Moliner, convocada por el Ministerio de Educación, la FEMP y la Fundación Coca-Cola Juan ...
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Otorgarán libros a bibliotecas de Carácuaro
Carácuaro, Mich., 10 de abril de 2013.- Tres bibliotecas serán beneficiadas con la dotación de libros que realizarán a los 113 ayuntamientos municipales por parte del gobierno del estado, evento a realizarse éste próximo 18 de este mes en curso.
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“Los adultos mayores son bibliotecas vivientes”
La Mañana Neuquén
Neuquén > “Es una actitud muy positiva incorporar y dar participación a quienes son verdaderas bibliotecas vivientes”, afirmó ayer Hugo Cañón, presidente de la Comisión Provincial por la Memoria de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, al presentar en esta ...
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La Mañana Neuquén

La Diputación programa 95 sesiones de varias actividades en las ...
Diario Palentino
El presidente de la Diputación, José María Hernández; la diputada de Cultura, Carmen Fernández Caballero; el jefe del Servicio de Cultura, Rafael Martínez y la técnico Teresa Pescador presentaron ayer la programación de la Red Provincial de Bibliotecas ...
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Entrega ISC biblioteca remodelada y cineclub en SIRM
Kiosco Mayor
Poly Coronel Gándara, directora general del Instituto Sonorense de Cultura, realizó la entrega de labiblioteca pública “Otilia Quintana Merancio” de San Ignacio Río Muerto que fue remodelada, y también se brindará un cine club para que lo disfrute ...
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Las Bibliotecas municipales lanzan el Concurso "Huesca desde tu ...
Aragón Liberal
Con motivo del Día de Internet, día 17 de mayo, las Bibliotecas Municipales de Huesca y el Aula Infocentro animan a los jóvenes a participar en la 2ª edición del Concurso 'Huesca desde tu móvil'. Es requisito fundamental tener una edad comprendida ...
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Jorge Orlando Melo
El sueño sigue siendo una biblioteca digital que junte los depósitos de materiales culturales colombianos o sobre Colombia en un solo portal. Comparte este artículo. Twitter. 0. Read Later. Instapaper. Se presenta la próxima semana en Boston un ...
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La 9 bibliotecas más sorprendentes del planeta | LaReserva
Con la llegada de las tabletas a nuestro mundo, los métodos tradicionales de lectura y las bibliotecaspúblicas comenzaron su declive. Sin embargo, esta ...

Un diagnostico? Cortesía del dr Ernesto Delgado

Un diagnostico?
Cortesía del dr Ernesto Delgado
Respuesta en :

OOM Dr Ernesto Delgado, serie: Un diagnostico?

Un diagnostico?
Cortesía del dr Ernesto Delgado
Respuesta en :

miércoles, 10 de abril de 2013

Analgesia obstetricia/Obstetric analgesia

Comparación randomizada y controlada de analgesia epidural y espinal-epidural combinada en la práctica privada: intensidad del dolor durante el primer y segundo periodo del parto y al nacimiento

A Randomized Controlled Comparison of Epidural Analgesia and Combined Spinal-Epidural Analgesia in a Private Practice Setting: Pain Scores During First and Second Stages of Labor and at Delivery
David Gambling, MB, BS, Jonathan Berkowitz, PhD, Thomas R. Farrell, MD, Alex Pue, MD,
and Dennis Shay, MD
Anesth Analg 2013;116:636-43

BACKGROUND: There has been no prospective evaluation of combined spinal-epidural (CSE) analgesia in a private practice setting and few studies have focused on pain relief during the second stage of labor and at delivery. In this randomized controlled trial, we compared verbal
pain scores during the first and second stages of labor and at delivery in women receiving CSE or traditional epidural analgesia at a busy private maternity hospital. METHODS: Healthy, term parturients received epidural or CSE analgesia for labor pain upon request. Epidural analgesia was initiated with 0.125% bupivacaine plus 2 μg/mL fentanyl, 15 mL; CSE analgesia was initiated with intrathecal plain bupivacaine 3.125 mg plus 5 μg fentanyl. Thereafter, patient-controlled epidural analgesia with 0.125% bupivacaine plus 2 μg/mL fentanyl was used for maintenance analgesia in both groups. The primary outcome was an assessment of "typical" pain, using a verbal rating pain score from 0 to 10, made at the end of the first stage of labor and shortly after delivery. RESULTS: Data from 398 epidural and 402 CSE subjects were analyzed. The typical verbal rating pain score during the first stage was lower in the CSE group (mean: 1.4 vs 1.9; P < 0.001; 99.5% confidence interval [CI] for difference: −0.92, −0.14). Pain scores during the second stage of labor (1.7 vs 1.9; P = 0.17; 99.5% CI for difference: −0.82, 0.28) and at delivery (2.0 vs 2.0; P = 0.77; 99.5% CI for difference: −0.73, 0.59) were the same between groups. Fewer patients received an epidural top-up dose in the CSE group (16.4% vs 25.6%; P = 0.002; 99.5% CI for difference: −17.0%, −1.0%). Epidural catheters were replaced in 1.2% CSE vs 2% in the epidural group (P = 0.39; 99.5% CI for difference: −3.3%, 1.8%). CONCLUSIONS: Compared with traditional epidural labor analgesia, CSE analgesia provided better first-stage analgesia despite fewer epidural top-up injections by an anesthesiologist.

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Obstetricia y UCI/ICU obstetrics admission

Obstetricia y UCI/ICU obstetrics admission
Pacientes obstétricos requiriendo una dependencia alta de admisión a UCI en un centro terciario de referencia

Obstetric patients requiring high-dependency unit admission in a tertiary referral centre.
Dattaray C, Mandal D, Shankar U, Bhattacharya P, Mandal S.
Int J Crit Illn Inj Sci [serial online] 2013 [cited 2013 Mar 22];3:31-5.

Aim: To analyze the HDU requirement in an obstetric population in terms of utilization rate, indications for admission, interventions required and gestational outcome. Setting and Design: A retrospective observational study was carried out from May 2007 to May 2011 in the Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology and HDU of IPGME and R, Kolkata. Materials and Methods: Data related to obstetric history, pre-existing medical problems, indications for HDU admission, interventions required, length of stay and outcome were collected and results were analyzed. Results: Our obstetric HDU utilization rate was 11.2 per 1000 deliveries. Out of total 57 subjects 48 had no prior antenatal care. Majority (68.42%) admitted in HDU with only obstetric reasons, while 31.57% required HDU for pre-existing medical diseases. The major obstetric indications were septicemia (35.08%), PPH (29.08%) and hypertension was observed in 21.05% of women. Other less common causes included post surgical acute kidney injury, APH, chrioamnionitis and pyelonephritis. Half of the women with pre-existing medical disease had cardiovascular problems. Patients with medical diseases had more pre-term labor (10 vs 5; P ≤ 0.05), respiratory failure (9 vs 2; P ≤ 0.05), cardiac failure (7 vs 1; P ≤ 0.05), duration of stay more than 10 days (15 vs 6; P ≤ 0.05), fetal growth restriction (6vs 3; P ≤ 0.05) and prolonged recovery time. Maternal mortality was 12.28% and fetal mortality was 17.54%. Conclusion: Early screening of high risk mothers, vigilant antenatal care and proper maintenance of asepsis during delivery and postpartum period can reduce HDU utilization rate and can result in healthier outcome.
Keywords: High dependency unit, obstetric indication, pre-existing medical disease, pregnancy

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Óxido nítrico/Nitric oxide

Deficiencia de óxido nitrico en la hipertensión pulmonar: Patobiología e implicaciones terapéuticas

Nitric oxide deficiency in pulmonary hypertension: Pathobiology and implications for therapy.
Tonelli AR, Haserodt S, Aytekin M, Dweik RA.
Pulm Circ [serial online] 2013 [cited 2013 Apr 2];3:20-30.

Nitric oxide (NO) is a diffusible gas with diverse roles in human physiology and disease. Significant progress in the understanding of its biological effects has taken place in recent years. This has led to a better understanding of the pathobiology of pulmonary hypertension (PH) and the development of new therapies. This article provides an overview of the NO physiology and its role in the pathobiology of lung diseases, particularly PH. We also discuss current and emerging specific treatments that target NO signaling pathways in PH.

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor