martes, 12 de abril de 2011

Tratamiento médico de los síndromes hematopoyéticos en enfermedad por radiación aguda

Tratamiento médico de los síndromes hematopoyéticos en enfermedad por radiación aguda
Medical Management Of The Haemopoietic Syndrome In Acute Radiation Sickness
HA Doughty
J R Army Med Corps 2004; 150: 11-16
Most radiologically injured casualties can be successfully treated by aggressive resuscitation of the bone marrow. Clinical monitoring, laboratory evaluation, and conventional management of the immunocompromised state are important. Early use of marrow-stimulating cytokines will result in a shortened window of relative immune incompetence. Use of broadspectrum antibiotics is recommended only during this timeframe. Patients who have multiple injuries complicated by radiation injury will require more aggressive treatment than their non-irradiated counterparts. Combined injury will markedly increase morbidity due to synergism and requires all surgeries to be
completed within 36 to 48 hours of irradiation.

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