martes, 12 de abril de 2011

Manejo de los siniestros por irradiación

Manejo de los siniestros por irradiación
Management of the irradiated casualty
SA Bland
J R Army Med Corps 2004; 150: 5-9

Introduction Casualties from radiological or nuclear incidents may present in a variety of ways, including contamination, irradiation, trauma and combined injuries. Scenarios that lead to Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS), through high dose radiation exposure, are fairly limited. These scenarios usually involve:
· The nuclear process (fission), including
- Nuclear reactor incident, either as an accident or deliberate act.
- Criticality (brief period of critical mass) incident, such as a laboratory accident.
- Nuclear detonation.
· Prolonged exposure to highly radioactive sources, including
- Industrial radiography sources.
- Radiotherapy sources.
- Nuclear power sources used in remote locations ('nuclear batteries').

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