martes, 12 de abril de 2011

Efectos de la lesión pulmonar por explosivos combinados y envenenamiento por radiación

Efectos de la lesión pulmonar por explosivos combinados y envenenamiento por radiación
Pulmonary Effects Of Combined Blast Injury And Radiation Poisoning
A McD Johnston
J R Army Med Corps 2004; 150: 22-26
Pulmonary contusion from blunt trauma has been recognised as a clinical entity since the 18th century. It is typically caused by military or terrorist explosions or in industrial explosive accidents. The characteristic pulmonary haemorrhages caused by blast injury were described in the First World War and Spanish Civil War. However, it was not until the SecondWorld War that the pathophysiology of pulmonary blast injury was elucidated in animal models. There are relatively few publications specifically on pulmonary blast injury and some fail to discriminate clearly between pulmonary blast injury and other pathologies such as fat embolism and non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema from head trauma

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