lunes, 20 de febrero de 2017

Complicaciones con fracturas de fémur pediátricas

Complications with Pediatric Femur Fractures
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Courtesy: Martin Herman, MD, Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery and Pediatrics, Program Director, Orthopaedic Surgery, Drexel University College of Medicine, St. Christophers Hospital for ChildrenSaqib Rehman MD
Director of Orthopaedic Trauma
Temple University
www.orthoclips.comPublicado el 19 jun. 2016
Martin Herman, MD, Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery and Pediatrics, Program Director, Orthopaedic Surgery, Drexel University College of Medicine, St. Christophers Hospital for Children.
From the 8th Annual Philadelphia Orthopaedic Trauma Symposium, June 10, 2016 at Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University
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Síndrome de Vaughan-Jackson como presentación inusual de la enfermedad de Kienböck: un reporte de un caso

Vaughan-Jackson-like syndrome as an unusual presentation of Kienböck’s disease: a case report
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2011 Jul 25;5:325. doi: 10.1186/1752-1947-5-325.
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©2011 Mazhar and Rambani; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License ( ), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
Kienböck’s disease is a condition of osteonecrosis of the lunate bone in the hand, and most patients present with a painful and sometimes swollen wrist with a limited range of motion in the affected wrist. Vaughan-Jackson syndrome is characterized by the disruption of the digital extensor tendons, beginning on the ulnar side with the extensor digiti minimi and extensor digitorum communis tendon of the small finger. It is most commonly associated with rheumatoid arthritis. We describe a case of a patient with an unusual presentation of Kienböck’s disease with symptoms similar to those of Vaughan-Jackson syndrome.
A 40-year-old man of Indian ethnic origin with no known history of trauma presented to our clinic with a ten-day history of an inability to extend his right little and ring fingers with associated pain in his right wrist. He was being treated with long-term steroids but had no other significant medical history. His examination revealed an inability to extend the metacarpal and phalangeal joints of the right ring and little fingers with localized tenderness over the lunate bone. Spontaneous disruption of the extensor tendons was diagnosed clinically and, after radiological investigation, was confirmed to be secondary to dorsal extrusion of the fragmented lunate bone. The patient underwent surgical repair of the tendons and had a full recovery afterward.
Kienböck’s disease, though rare, is an important cause of spontaneous extensor tendon rupture. The original description of Vaughan-Jackson syndrome was of rupture of the extensor tendons of the little and ring fingers caused by attrition at an arthritic inferior radioulnar joint. We describe a case of a patient with Kienböck’s disease that first appeared to be a Vaughan-Jackson-like syndrome.
La enfermedad de Kienböck es una condición de osteonecrosis del hueso lunático en la mano, y la mayoría de los pacientes presentan una muñeca dolorosa ya veces hinchada con un rango de movimiento limitado en la muñeca afectada. El síndrome de Vaughan-Jackson se caracteriza por la disrupción de los tendones extensores digitales, comenzando en el lado cubital con el extensor digiti minimi y el extensor digitorum communis tendón del dedo pequeño. Se asocia más comúnmente con la artritis reumatoide. Se describe un caso de un paciente con una presentación inusual de la enfermedad de Kienböck con síntomas similares a los del síndrome de Vaughan-Jackson.

Un hombre de 40 años de edad, de origen étnico indio, sin antecedentes de trauma, se presentó en nuestra clínica con una historia de diez días de incapacidad para extender sus dedos pequeños y anulares con dolor asociado en su muñeca derecha. Estaba siendo tratado con esteroides a largo plazo pero no tenía otra historia médica significativa. Su examen reveló una incapacidad para extender las articulaciones metacarpianas y falangianas del anillo derecho y los dedos pequeños con ternura localizada sobre el hueso lunado. La disrupción espontánea de los tendones extensores se diagnosticó clínicamente y, tras la investigación radiológica, se confirmó que era secundaria a la extrusión dorsal del hueso lunado fragmentado. El paciente se sometió a reparación quirúrgica de los tendones y tuvo una recuperación completa después.

La Vaughan-Jackson , aunque es rara, es una causa importante de ruptura espontánea del tendón extensor. La descripción original del síndrome de Vaughan-Jackson fue la ruptura de los tendones extensores de los dedos pequeños y anulares causados ​​por el desgaste en una articulación radiocúbital inferior artrítica. Describimos un caso de un paciente con enfermedad de Kienböck que apareció por primera vez como un síndrome de Vaughan-Jackson.
PMID: 21787412  PMCID:  

Alteraciones morfo-mecánicas en el músculo gastrocnemio mediano en pacientes con tendón de Aquiles reparado

Morphomechanical alterations in the medial gastrocnemius muscle in patients with a repaired Achilles tendon: Associations with outcome measures

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Peng WC1Chang YP1Chao YH1Fu SN2Rolf C3Shih TT4Su SC5Wang HK6.

Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2017 Feb 8;43:50-57. doi: 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2017.02.002. [Epub ahead of print]

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Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



Functional deficits are found in ankles that have sustained an Achilles rupture. This study sought to evaluate and compare the morphomechanical characteristics of the medial gastrocnemius muscle in the legs of participants within six months of a unilateral Achilles repair to determine any correlations between those characteristics and objective outcomes and self-reported functional levels.


Fifteen participants were assessed via measurements of muscle morphologies (fascicle length, pennation angle, and muscle thickness) in a resting state, the mechanical properties of the proximal aponeurosis of the medial gastrocnemius muscle, the pennation angle during ramping maximal voluntary isometric contractions (MVIC), the heel raise test, and the Taiwan Chinese version of the Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS-TC) questionnaire. Findings Compared with the non-injured legs, the repaired legs showed a lower muscle fascicle length (mean 4.4 vs. 5.0cm) and thickness (1.7 vs. 1.9cm), lower stiffness of the GM tendon and aponeurosis (174.1 vs. 375.6N/mm), and a greater GM pennation angle (31.2 vs. 28.9°) during 90% MVIC (all p≤0.05). Correlations were found between the morphomechanical results and maximal heel raise heights or the LEFS-TC score, and between the symmetry ratios of the fascicle lengths and the LEFS-TC score. Interpretation There are decreases in fascicle length, muscle thickness and mechanical properties in the medial gastrocnemius muscles of the participants within the first six months after an Achilles repair. These morphomechanical alterations demonstrate associations with functional levels in the lower extremities and indicated the need for early mobilization of the calf muscles after the repair.


Los déficits funcionales se encuentran en los tobillos que han sostenido una ruptura de Aquiles. Este estudio buscó evaluar y comparar las características morfomecánicas del músculo gastrocnemio medial en las piernas de los participantes dentro de los seis meses de una reparación unilateral del tendón de Aquiles para determinar cualquier correlación entre esas características y los resultados objetivos y los niveles funcionales autoinformados.
Se evaluó a 15 participantes mediante medidas de morfología muscular (longitud de fascículo, ángulo de penetración y grosor muscular) en estado de reposo, las propiedades mecánicas de la aponeurosis proximal del músculo gastrocnemio mediano, el ángulo de penetración durante las contracciones isométricas voluntarias máximas (MVIC) , La prueba de elevación del talón y la versión en chino de Taiwán del cuestionario de la Escala funcional de las extremidades inferiores (LEFS-TC). Comparado con las piernas no lesionadas, las piernas reparadas mostraron una menor longitud del fascículo muscular (media 4,4 frente a 5,0 cm) y grosor (1,7 frente a 1,9 cm), menor rigidez del tendón GM y aponeurosis (174,1 frente a 375,6 N / Mm), y un mayor ángulo de penetración GM (31,2 frente a 28,9 °) durante el 90% de MVIC (todos p≤0,05). Se encontraron correlaciones entre los resultados morfomecánicos y las alturas máximas de elevación del talón o la puntuación LEFS-TC y entre las proporciones de simetría de las longitudes de los fascículos y la puntuación LEFS-TC. Interpretación Hay disminuciones en la longitud del fascículo, el grosor muscular y las propiedades mecánicas en los músculos gastrocnemios medianos de los participantes dentro de los primeros seis meses después de una reparación de Aquiles. Estas alteraciones morfomecánicas demuestran asociaciones con niveles funcionales en las extremidades inferiores e indicaron la necesidad de movilización temprana de los músculos de la pantorrilla después de la reparación.


Achilles rupture; Aponeurosis; Muscle morphology; Tendinous tissue; Viscoelasticity
PMID: 28208087  DOI:   10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2017.02.002
[PubMed – as supplied by publisher]

El algoritmo de diagnóstico de Berlín para la rodilla dolorosa posterior a una artroplastia total de rodilla

The Berlin diagnostic algorithm for painful knee TKA
Este artículo es originalmente publicado en:
2016 Jan;45(1):38-46. doi: 10.1007/s00132-015-3196-7.
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© 2017 Springer International Publishing AG. Part of
Approximately 20% of patients are unsatisfied with their postoperative results after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Main causes for revision surgery are periprosthetic infection, aseptic loosing, instability and malalignment. In rare cases secondary progression of osteoarthritis of the patella, periprosthetic fractures, extensor mechanism insufficiency, polyethylene wear and arthrofibrosis can cause the necessity for a reintervention. Identifying the reason for a painful knee arthroplasty can be very difficult, but is a prerequisite for a successful therapy.
The aim of this article is to provide an efficient analysis of the painful TKA by using a reproducible algorithm.
Basic building blocks are the medical history with the core issues of pain character and the time curve of pain concerning surgery. This is followed by the basic diagnostics, including clinical, radiological, and infectiological investigations. Unique failures like periprosthetic infection or aseptic loosening can thereby be diagnosed in the majority of cases. If the cause of pain is not clearly attributable using the basic diagnostics tool, further infectiological investigation or diagnostic imaging are necessary. If the findings are inconsistent, uncommon causes of symptoms, such as extra-articular pathologies, causalgia or arthrofibrosis, have to be considered. In cases of ongoing unexplained pain, a revision is not indicated. These patients should be re-evaluated after a period of time.
Aproximadamente el 20% de los pacientes no están satisfechos con sus resultados postoperatorios después de la artroplastia total de rodilla (TKA). Las principales causas de cirugía de revisión son la infección periprotésica, la pérdida aséptica, la inestabilidad y la mala alineación. En raras ocasiones, la progresión secundaria de la osteoartritis de la rótula, las fracturas periprotésicas, la insuficiencia del mecanismo extensor, el desgaste del polietileno y la artrofibrosis pueden provocar la necesidad de reintervención. Identificar la razón de una artroplastia dolorosa de la rodilla puede ser muy difícil, pero es un requisito previo para una terapia exitosa.

El objetivo de este artículo es proporcionar un análisis eficiente de la dolorosa TKA utilizando un algoritmo reproducible.

Los bloques de construcción básicos son la historia médica con los asuntos centrales del carácter del dolor y la curva del tiempo del dolor referente a la cirugía. A esto le siguen los diagnósticos básicos, que incluyen investigaciones clínicas, radiológicas e infecciosas. Fracasos únicos como la infección periprotésica o el aflojamiento aséptico pueden ser diagnosticados en la mayoría de los casos. Si la causa del dolor no es claramente atribuible utilizando la herramienta de diagnóstico básico, más investigación infecciosa o diagnóstico por imágenes son necesarias. Si los hallazgos son inconsistentes, deben considerarse causas poco frecuentes de síntomas, como patologías extraarticulares, causalgia o artrofibrosis. En casos de dolor inexplicable en curso, no se indica una revisión. Estos pacientes deben ser reevaluados después de un período de tiempo.
Algorithms; Infection; Joint instability; Knee arthroplasty; Pain
PMID: 26679494   DOI:  
[PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

Prevención de lesión de isquios en futbolistas

Effect of Injury Prevention Programs that Include the Nordic Hamstring Exercise on Hamstring Injury Rates in Soccer Players: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

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Al Attar WS1,2,3Soomro N4,5Sinclair PJ4Pappas E6Sanders RH4.

Sports Med. 2016 Oct 17. [Epub ahead of print]

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© 2017 Springer International Publishing AG. Part of Springer Nature.

Prevención de lesión de isquios en futbolistas

El ejercicio “nórdico” (NHE) se conoce bastante en la recuperación y la prevención de lesiones isquiosurales ya que permite una carga máxima de esta musculatura en la fase excéntrica. Estudios previos han mostrado que los ejercicios excéntricos pueden prevenir las lesiones de isquios y sus recidivas hasta un 65%. Sin embargo, una pequeña cantidad de estudios han proporcionado evidencia que este ejercicio no previene las lesiones de isquios. El objetivo de este meta-análisis fue investigar la efectividad del NHE en deportistas.
Los resultados agrupados mostraron que un 51% de los participantes incluidos experimentaron una reducción de las lesiones con el NHE.
Un estudio mostró que el 71% de las lesiones isquiosurales podrían prevenirse si el NHE fuese parte del entrenamiento de los jugadores de fútbol. Todos los estudios incluidos realizaron el NHE durante el calentamiento al inicio del entrenamiento. Sin embargo, se ha sugerido que es preferible realizarlo durante la fase de vuelta a la calma debido al ratio de fuerza funcional. Además, haciéndolo en fatiga, puede mejorar y mantener la fuerza. Sin embargo, esto podría ser especulativo ya que la vuelta a la calma por sí sola, podría incrementar la flexibilidad y el rendimiento, reduciendo las lesiones musculares.
Se recomienda realizar ejercicio excéntrico de los isquiosurales para prevenir o reducir las lesiones.
De: Al Attar et al., Sports Med (2016) (Publ. antes de impresión). Todos los derechos reservados: Springer International Publishing. Pincha aquí para acceder al resumen.. Traducido por Francisco Jimeno Serrano.



Hamstring injuries are among the most common non-contact injuries in sports. The Nordic hamstring (NH) exercise has been shown to decrease risk by increasing eccentric hamstring strength.


The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to investigate the effectiveness of the injury prevention programs that included the NH exercise on reducing hamstring injury rates while factoring in athlete workload.


Two researchers independently searched for eligible studies using the following databases: the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials via OvidSP, AMED (Allied and Complementary Medicine) via OvidSP, EMBASE, PubMed, MEDLINE, SPORTDiscus, Web of Science, CINAHL and AusSportMed, from inception to December 2015. The keyword domains used during the search were Nordic, hamstring, injury prevention programs, sports and variations of these keywords. The initial search resulted in 3242 articles which were filtered to five articles that met the inclusion criteria. The main inclusion criteria were randomized controlled trials or interventional studies on use of an injury prevention program that included the NH exercise while the primary outcome was hamstring injury rate. Extracted data were subjected to meta-analysis using a random effects model.


The pooled results based on total injuries per 1000 h of exposure showed that programs that included the NH exercise had a statistically significant reduction in hamstring injury risk ratio [IRR] of 0.490 (95 % confidence interval [CI] 0.291-0.827, p = 0.008). Teams using injury prevention programs that included the NH exercise reduced hamstring injury rates up to 51 % in the long term compared with the teams that did not use any injury prevention measures.


This systematic review and meta-analysis demonstrates that injury prevention programs that include NH exercises decrease the risk of hamstring injuries among soccer players. A protocol was registered in the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews, PROSPERO (CRD42015019912).
PMID:  27752982  DOI:  10.1007/s40279-016-0638-2
[PubMed – as supplied by publisher]

Conceptos de la columna vertebral: Dolor de espalda baja

Spine Concepts: Low Back Pain

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Courtesy: Prof Nabil Ebraheim, University of Toledo, Ohio, USA

Publicado el 17 feb. 2017
Dr. Ebraheim educational animated video illustrates spine concepts associated the lower back - lumbar spine. Spine concepts: • Acute low back pain: or low back pain with sciatica: - where the pain radiates to the leg and foot, both conditions are treated conservatively for at least 6 weeks by physiotherapy, anti-inflammatory and limited activity, even if there is a big disc in the MRI. - 90% of the patients will resolve the symptoms in 1 month. - Smoking, depression, vibration will increase the incidence of low back pain. - Intra-discal pressure will change with position, the lowest pressure is when the patient is supine, the highest pressure is when the patient is sitting leaning forward and holding weight. - If the patient comes with a low back pain and a history of cancer, you need to get an x-ray & MRI, especially if the pain is at rest at night. - In case of renal tumor, you will need to do arteriography and do embolization to the spine lesion. - The spine is a common place for metastatic tumors, the metastasis occur in the vertebral body and goes to the pedicle. - Infection will occur in the disc space, ESR & CRP will be elevated, 50% of the patients will have fever, & less than 50% will have increased WBC count. - Get blood culture, its positive in 24% of the cases. - Get MRI and give antibiotics. - In the case of epidural abscess, we’ll do surgery. - Osteoporotic fracture: start with wrist then spine, then hip. - After 1 year of treatment with medications you decrease the incidence of vertebral fracture by 60%, and after 2 years decrease by 40%. - Get x-rays if there is red flags only: older patient, patient with history of cancer, infection is suspected, trauma, osteoporotic fracture due to steroid use. - Ankylosing spondylitis: it starts at the SI joint, get HLA-B27, you find marginal syndesmophytes with diffuse ossification of the disc space without large osteophyte formation. This is different from the DISH (diffuse idiopathic skeletal ossification) in diabetic patients where you get HbA1c and the syndesmophytes are nonmarginal & they have larger osteophytes. - Disc herniation: disc is an elastic soft cushion between the vertebrae of the spine. • Conditions with confusing names:  - Spondylolysis: this is an anatomical defect or break of the pars interarticularis that occurs usually in the 5th lumbar vertebra in about 5% of the population & hyperextension makes it worse, on oblique x-ray: you see “scotty dog sign”  - Spondylolisthesis: this is a slippage of the vertebral body over the other, occurs usually at L5-S1 in the pediatric population, L4- L5 in female adults, if there is a large slip it will continue to slip, & if you have a dysplastic slip it will continue to progress. - Spondylitis: it is an inflammation of the vertebrae, like ankylosing spondylitis or TB. - Spondylosis: is vertebral arthritis, it narrows the neural foramen, pinch the nerve roots and causes radiculopathy, in the cervical spine, compression of the spinal cord from arthritis can lead to myelopathy which means gait disturbance broad base shuffling gait, upper extremity clumsiness and weakness, upper neuron signs may be present such as Huffman’s sign and Babinski reflex. - Coexisting cervical myelopathy can occur in lumbar stenosis. - Lumbar spinal stenosis: there are 2 types of lumbar spinal stenosis: 1- Central stenosis: will give neurological claudication 2- Lateral recess stenosis: will give the radicular symptoms. It occurs because of a hypertrophy of the facet and the ligamentum flavum and spine arthritis, it will cause compression of the nerve root, this is the one where the back pain is better, because it open the foramen. History is the key for making a diagnosis of lumbar stenosis. If it occur in the intervertebral foramen then it is called the neuroforaminal stenosis. Look for other reasons such as metastatic tumor or vascular conditions, always examine the pulses. - Neurogenic and vascular claudication may coexist, walking is bad for both conditions, sitting relive the symptoms in both conditions, stopping and standing still is good for the vascular claudication, but still cause symptoms for lumbar stenosis, the bicycle relieve the lumbar stenosis but aggravate the vascular. - In the vascular the pain starts within the calf and leg, in neurogenic it starts proximally then spreads distally. Postural changes of the spine will make the neurogenic claudication worse, but doesn’t affect the vascular claudication. Vascular claudication will be affected by muscle movement or function such as walking or riding a bicycle. In neurogenic claudication leaning over while riding the bicycle will relieve the symptoms in the same way as the shopping cart sign. Treatment for the lumbar stenosis: for the central canal stenosis: decompression by laminectomy, lateral recess stenosis: medial facectectomy, add fusion for instability or if more than 50% of the facets are removed. The risk of pseudoarthrosis is 500% with smoking.
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