viernes, 24 de mayo de 2013

Excitación retardada

Excitación retardada

Delayed arousal.
Anastasian ZH, Ornstein E, Heyer EJ.
Division of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, Department of Anesthesiology, Columbia University, New York, NY 10032, USA.
Anesthesiol Clin. 2009 Sep;27(3):429-50. doi: 10.1016/j.anclin.2009.07.007.
Elderly patients have medical and psychological problems affecting all major organ systems. These problems may alter the pharmacokinetics and/or pharmacodynamics of medications, or expose previous neurologic deficits simply as a result of sedation. Delayed arousal, therefore, may arise from structural problems that are pre-existent or new, or metabolic or functional disorders such as convulsive or nonconvulsive seizures. Determining the cause of delayed arousal may require clinical, chemical, and structural tests. Structural problems that impair consciousness arise from a small number of focal lesions to specific areas of the central nervous system, or from pathology affecting the cerebrum. In general, focal or multifocal lesions can be identified by computerized tomography, or diffusion-weighted imaging. An algorithm is presented that outlines a workup for an elderly patient with delayed arousal.

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor


Levobupivacaína para el tratamiento de dolor postoperatorio en la circuncisión: bloqueo caudal o dorsal del pene

Levobupivacaine for postoperative pain management in circumcision: caudal blocks or dorsal penile nerve block.
Kazak Bengisun Z, Ekmekci P, Haliloğlu AH.
Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Ufuk University, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey.
Agri. 2012 Oct;24(4):180-6. doi: 10.5505/agri.2012.21931.
OBJECTIVES: In this study, we evaluated the analgesic efficacy and adverse effect profile of levobupivacaine in caudal and DPNB in postcircumcision pediatric patients. METHODS: Sixty boys between 2-10 years of age undergoing circumcision were enrolled. The patients were divided into two groups: Group C (n=30) and Group P (n=30) were applied caudal block or dorsal penile nerve block (DPNB), respectively. Blocks were performed before surgery as a supplement to general anesthesia with 1 mL kg(-1) 0.25% levobupivacaine. Postoperative pain and sedation scores were assessed on the 10th and 30th minutes, and hours 1-6. The number of pain free patients in the first 6 hours, the duration of analgesia, time to first analgesic administration, walking, micturition, and total paracetamol demands, and length of stay were recorded. RESULTS: Demographic data were similar between groups. The number of children who spent the first 6 hours pain-free was larger in Group C than Group P (p=0.0001). The time to first analgesic (p=0.000033) and walking (p=0.004) were longer in Group C. There were 14 patients with motor block in Group C (p=0.00007). In view of AUC, FPRS, OPS and MPOPS were significantly better in Group C on the first postoperative 6 hours. CONCLUSION: Caudal block done using levobupivacaine for postoperative pain management in circumcision is more successful than penile block, however there is a significant delay in time to first walking and as might be expected there is an increased risk of motor block.

Características clínicas de levobupivacaína espinal: hiperbárica comparada con solución isobárica

Clinical characteristics of spinal levobupivacaine: hyperbaric compared with isobaric solution.
Sanansilp V, Trivate T, Chompubai P, Visalyaputra S, Suksopee P, Permpolprasert L, von Bormann B.
Department of Anesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok 10700, Thailand.
ScientificWorldJournal. 2012;2012:169076. doi: 10.1100/2012/169076. Epub 2012 Apr 24.

We performed a prospective, double-blinded study in 20 patients undergoing gynecologic surgery with lower abdominal incision, to investigate characteristics of intrathecal hyperbaric levobupivacaine compared with isobaric levobupivacaine. We randomly assigned them to receive 3 ml of either isobaric or hyperbaric 0.42% levobupivacaine intrathecally We found that hyperbaric levobupivacaine, compared with isobaric levobupivacaine, spread faster to T10 level (2.8 ± 1.1 versus 6.6 ± 4.7 minutes, P = 0.039), reached higher sensory block levels at 5 and 15 minutes after injection (T8 versus L1, P = 0.011, and T4 versus T7, P = 0.027, resp.), and had a higher peak level (T4 versus T8, P = 0.040). Isobaric levobupivacaine caused a wider range of peak levels (L1 to C8) compared with hyperbaric form (T7 to T2). The level of T4 or higher reached 90% in the hyperbaric group compared with 20% in the isobaric group (P = 0.005). Our results suggest that hyperbaric levobupivacaine was more predictable for sensory block level and more effective for surgical procedures with lower abdominal approach. Hyperbaric levobupivacaine seems to be suitable, but the optimal dosage needs further investigation.

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Bibliotecas. Alerta

La Biblioteca Nacional lleva a cabo su octava recolección de la web ...
La Biblioteca Nacional de España ha cumplido trescientos años, pero día a día sigue mirando al futuro o a lo que ya es presente digital. En este sentido, desde finales de este mes y a lo largo del mes de junio, la institución va a llevar a cabo la ...
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El biógrafo de los Beatles dona canciones de Lennon a la Biblioteca ...
Londres, 23 may (EFE).- El aclamado biógrafo de los Beatles Hunter Davies ha donado cartas y canciones manuscritas por John Lennon a la Biblioteca Británica, que las expondrá en la galería de los Tesoros junto a obras de Beethoven y Shakespeare.
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La biblioteca de Lalín, la gran olvidada
Faro de Vigo
Hace poco más de dos años, una interesante iniciativa surgía en una conocida red social con el principal objetivo de solicitar cambios en la estructura y organización de la biblioteca municipal de Lalín y contar así de una vez por todas con una ...
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Las termitas cierran la biblioteca en exámenes
Faro de Vigo
La Biblioteca Pública Central permanece cerrada esta semana "por motivos de seguridad". El tratamiento contra las terminas que se está aplicando al edificio de Joaquín Yáñez ha dejado sin sala de estudio a docenas de estudiantes que por estas fechas ...
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La Biblioteca de las Palomas se queda sin luz... y sin explicaciones
Granada Hoy
Cuando el pasado mes de diciembre los vecinos cantaron victoria porque pensaban que el cambio de titularidad del inmueble de la Biblioteca de las Palomas del Ayuntamiento de Granada a la Junta de Andalucía había supuesto la recuperación del ...
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El complejo El Águila celebra su X aniversario con la exposición ...
Madrid, 22 may (EFE).- El Complejo El Aguila, sede del Archivo y de la Biblioteca regional Joaquín Leguina, acoge hasta el próximo 28 de julio la exposición "Descubre Madrid", una selección de 132 manuscritos, publicaciones, dibujos originales, mapas o ...
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La UCAB inauguró edificio para crear e investigar
En la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello hay razones para celebrar. Ayer en la mañana fue inaugurado el centro cultural Padre Carlos Guillermo Plaza: una edificación de 14.000 metros cuadrados y 4 niveles que alberga la sede de una nueva biblioteca, ...
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Las Bibliotecas generan actividades para cumplir con su fin y ...
Diario El Argentino
Las actividades culturales y sociales que generan las propias Bibliotecas populares dejan ingresos que ayudan a solventar el día a día, pero esto no es suficiente. Como se anunció, en el marco del Café de las Artes de la Biblioteca Sarmiento, se ...
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La primera biblioteca sin libros del mundo
BBC Mundo
Una biblioteca sin libros suena a chiste, excepto para los que pronto inaugurarán en Texas, Estados Unidos, la que se considera es la primera biblioteca pública sin libros de papel del mundo. La llamada BiblioTech es un ambicioso proyecto que se ...
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Gian Marco en impecable presentación en tributo a Carole King
Radio Programas del Perú
Créditos: Armando Gallardo. Biblioteca del Congreso de Estados Unidos le entregó la distinción 2013 Library of Congress Gershwin Priza for Popular Song en una ceremonia con más de mil invitados.
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Biblioteca Rne | Facebook
Biblioteca Rne is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Biblioteca Rne and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes ...

Revision of UKA: Is There a Difference Compared to Primary TKA and Revision TKA?

jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013

El condroitín sulfato ha demostrado actuar sobre las tres estructuras de la articulación..…

El condroitín sulfato ha demostrado actuar sobre las tres estructuras de la articulación afectadas

Contaminación y anestesia/Contamination and anesthesia

Seguridad microbiológica y costo-efectividad del cambio semanal del circuito ventilatorio en combinación con cambio de filtros de calor húmedo. Estudio clínico prospectivo longitudinal

Microbiological safety and cost-effectiveness of weekly breathing circuit changes in combination with heat moisture exchange filters: a prospective longitudinal clinical survey.
Hübner NO, Daeschlein G, Lehmann C, Musatkin S, Kohlheim U, Gibb A, Assadian O, Kobayashi H.
Institute of Hygiene and Environmental Medicine, University Medicine Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany.
GMS Krankenhhyg Interdiszip. 2011;6(1):Doc15. doi: 10.3205/dgkh000172. Epub 2011 Dec 15.
Aim: To assess the safety and cost effectiveness of a usage for seven days of breathing circuit systems (BCSs) in combination with heat moisture exchanger filters (HMEF) in operation room anesthesia. Method: In a prospective longitudinal clinical study, the contamination on high-risk surfaces (HMEF together with inner and outer surface of BCS) was monitored over 1, 2, 5, and 7 days. Results of endogenous respiratory patient flora and contamination flora of BCS, HMEF and bag were compared. Costs of prolonged use of BCS together with HMEF up to 7 days were calculated. Results: Neither physiological respiratory flora nor colonizing pathogens of the oropharynx of the ventilated patients were transmitted through the filters at any time. None of the included patients developed a postoperative pneumonia. Using the BCS for 24 hours provides a cost savings of up to 40% versus single use. Extending the change interval from 24 hours to 48 hours saved over 50% compared to change after each patient, and an additional 19% compared to change after 24 hours. In combination with a HMEF BCS can be used up to 7 days without clinical risk on multiple patients in operation room settings.Conclusion: Expanding the usage of berating in combination with usage of moist exchange filters is feasible, microbiologically safe and cost effective, as 41% of material costs per ventilation may be saved. Further research is needed to confirm these results.

Contaminación bacteriana de los circuitos ventilatorios internos de la máquina de anestesia

Bacterial contamination of anesthesia machines' internal breathing-circuit-systems.
Spertini V, Borsoi L, Berger J, Blacky A, Dieb-Elschahawi M, Assadian O.
Clinical Institute for Hospital Hygiene, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
GMS Krankenhhyg Interdiszip. 2011;6(1):Doc14. doi: 10.3205/dgkh000171. Epub 2011 Dec 15.
Background: Bacterial contamination of anesthesia breathing machines and their potential hazard for pulmonary infection and cross-infection among anesthetized patients has been an infection control issue since the 1950s. Disposable equipment and bacterial filters have been introduced to minimize this risk. However, the machines' internal breathing-circuit-system has been considered to be free of micro-organisms without providing adequate data supporting this view. The aim of the study was to investigate if any micro-organisms can be yielded from used internal machines' breathing-circuit-system. Based on such results objective reprocessing intervals could be defined.Methods: The internal parts of 40 anesthesia machines' breathing-circuit-system were investigated. Chi-square test and logistic regression analysis were performed. An on-site process observation of the re-processing sequence was conducted. Results: Bacterial growth was found in 17 of 40 machines (43%). No significant difference was ascertained between the contamination and the processing intervals. The most common contaminants retrieved were coagulase negative Staphylococci, aerobe spore forming bacteria and Micrococcus species. In one breathing-circuit-system, Escherichia coli, and in one further Staphylococcus aureus were yielded.Conclusion: Considering the availability of bacterial filters installed on the outlet of the breathing-circuit-systems, the type of bacteria retrieved and the on-site process observation, we conclude that the contamination found is best explained by a lack of adherence to hygienic measures during and after re-processing of the internal breathing-circuit-system. These results support an extension of the re-processing interval of the anesthesia apparatus longer than the manufacturer's recommendation of one week. However, the importance of adherence to standard hygienic measures during re-processing needs to be emphasized.

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Dolor y marihuana/Pain and cannabis

Prescribiendo cannabis para reducir daños

Prescribing cannabis for harm reduction.
Collen M.
PainExhibit,com, 9008 El Cajon Way, #4, Sacramento, CA, 95826,
Harm Reduct J. 2012 Jan 1;9(1):1. doi: 10.1186/1477-7517-9-1.
Neuropathic pain affects between 5% and 10% of the US population and can be refractory to treatment. Opioids may be recommended as a second-line pharmacotherapy but have risks including overdose and death. Cannabis has been shown to be effective for treating nerve pain without the risk of fatal poisoning. The author suggests that physicians who treat neuropathic pain with opioids should evaluate their patients for a trial of cannabis and prescribe it when appropriate prior to using opioids. This harm reduction strategy may reduce the morbidity and mortality rates associated with

El consumo de cannabis en pacientes con fibromialgia: efecto sobre los síntomas de alivio de la salud y la calidad de vida
Cannabis use in patients with fibromyalgia: effect on symptoms relief and health-related quality of life.
Fiz J, Durán M, Capellà D, Carbonell J, Farré M.
Human Pharmacology and Neurosciences Unit, Institut de Recerca Hospital del Mar-IMIM, Parc de Salut Mar, Barcelona, Spain.
PLoS One. 2011 Apr 21;6(4):e18440. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0018440.
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to describe the patterns of cannabis use and the associated benefits reported by patients with fibromyalgia (FM) who were consumers of this drug. In addition, the quality of life of FM patients who consumed cannabis was compared with FM subjects who were not cannabis users. METHODS: Information on medicinal cannabis use was recorded on a specific questionnaire as well as perceived benefits of cannabis on a range of symptoms using standard 100-mm visual analogue scales (VAS). Cannabis users and non-users completed the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ), the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and the Short Form 36 Health Survey (SF-36). RESULTS: Twenty-eight FM patients who were cannabis users and 28 non-users were included in the study. Demographics and clinical variables were similar in both groups. Cannabis users referred different duration of drug consumption; the route of administration was smoking (54%), oral (46%) and combined (43%). The amount and frequency of cannabis use were also different among patients. After 2 hours of cannabis use, VAS scores showed a statistically significant (p<0.001) reduction of pain and stiffness, enhancement of relaxation, and an increase in somnolence and feeling of well being. The mental health component summary score of the SF-36 was significantly higher (p<0.05) in cannabis users than in non-users. No significant differences were found in the other SF-36 domains, in the FIQ and the PSQI. CONCLUSIONS: The use of cannabis was associated with beneficial effects on some FM symptoms. Further studies on the usefulness of cannabinoids in FM patients as well as cannabinoid system involvement in the pathophysiology of this condition are warranted

La actividad de la amígdala contribuye al efecto disociativo de cannabis sobre la percepción del dolor

Amygdala activity contributes to the dissociative effect of cannabis on pain perception.
Lee MC, Ploner M, Wiech K, Bingel U, Wanigasekera V, Brooks J, Menon DK, Tracey I.
Centre for Functional MRI ofBrain (FMRIB), Department of Clinical Neurology, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.
Pain. 2013 Jan;154(1):124-34. doi: 10.1016/j.pain.2012.09.017.
Cannabis is reported to be remarkably effective for the relief of otherwise intractable pain. However, the bases for pain relief afforded by this psychotropic agent are debatable. Nonetheless, the frontal-limbic distribution of cannabinoid receptors in the brain suggests that cannabis may target preferentially the affective qualities of pain. This central mechanism of action may be relevant to cannabinoid analgesia in humans, but has yet to be demonstrated. Here, we employed functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate the effects of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a naturally occurring cannabinoid, on brain activity related to cutaneous ongoing pain and hyperalgesia that were temporarily induced by capsaicin in healthy volunteers. On average, THC reduced the reported unpleasantness, but not the intensity of ongoing pain and hyperalgesia: the specific analgesic effect on hyperalgesia was substantiated by diminished activity in the anterior mid cingulate cortex. In individuals, the drug-induced reduction in the unpleasantness of hyperalgesia was positively correlated with right amygdala activity. THC also reduced functional connectivity between the amygdala and primary sensorimotor areas during the ongoing-pain state. Critically, the reduction in sensory-limbic functional connectivity was positively correlated with the difference in drug effects on the unpleasantness and the intensity of ongoing pain. Peripheral mechanisms alone cannot account for the dissociative effects of THC on the pain that was observed. Instead, the data reveal that amygdala activity contributes to interindividual response to cannabinoid analgesia, and suggest that dissociative effects of THC in the brain are relevant to pain relief in humans.

Marihuana médica: Necesidad médica vs agenda política

Medical marijuana: medical necessity versus political agenda.
Clark PA, Capuzzi K, Fick C.
Jesuit Community, St Joseph's University, Philadelphia, PA 19131,
Med Sci Monit. 2011 Dec;17(12):RA249-61.
Marijuana is classified by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) as an illegal Schedule I drug which has no accepted medical use. However, recent studies have shown that medical marijuana is effective in controlling chronic non-cancer pain, alleviating nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy, treating wasting syndrome associated with AIDS, and controlling muscle spasms due to multiple sclerosis. These studies state that the alleviating benefits of marijuana outweigh the negative effects of the drug, and recommend that marijuana be administered to patients who have failed to respond to other therapies. Despite supporting evidence, the DEA refuses to reclassify marijuana as a Schedule II drug, which would allow physicians to prescribe marijuana to suffering patients. The use of medical marijuana has continued to gain support among states, and is currently legal in 16 states and the District of Columbia. This is in stark contrast to the federal government's stance of zero-tolerance, which has led to a heated legal debate in the United States. After reviewing relevant scientific data and grounding the issue in ethical principles like beneficence and nonmaleficence, there is a strong argument for allowing physicians to prescribe marijuana. Patients have a right to all beneficial treatments and to deny them this right violates their basic human rights.

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Transfusión Sanguinea en Pediatría

Estimado Ciberpediatra te invito al Seminario de Pediatría, Cirugía Pediátrica y Lactancia Materna. El día 29 de Mayo 2013 las 21hrs (Centro, México DF, Guadalajara y Lima Perú) a la Conferencia:“Transfusión Sanguinea en Pediatría ” por el “Dres. Euler Chagoy Vivaldo y Oscar González Llanas“ Hematológos Pediatra s de las ciudades de Oaxaca y Monterrey La sesión inicia puntualmente las 21 hrs.
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Dr. Enrique Mendoza López
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Av La clinica 2520-310
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Más sobre cannabioides/More on cannabinoids

Potencial terapéutico de cannabis y cannabinoides 
The therapeutic potential of cannabis and cannabinoids.
Grotenhermen F, Müller-Vahl K.
nova-Institut GmbH, Chemiepark Knapsack, Hürth.
Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2012 Jul;109(29-30):495-501. Epub 2012 Jul 23.

Cannabis-based medications have been a topic of intense study since the endogenous cannabinoid system was discovered two decades ago. In 2011, for the first time, a cannabis extract was approved for clinical use in Germany. METHODS: Selective literature review. RESULTS: Cannabis-based medications exert their effects mainly through the activation of cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2). More than 100 controlled clinical trials of cannabinoids or whole-plant preparations for various indications have been conducted since 1975. The findings of these trials have led to the approval of cannabis-based medicines (dronabinol, nabilone, and a cannabis extract [THC:CBD=1:1]) in several countries. In Germany, a cannabis extract was approved in 2011 for the treatment of moderate to severe refractory spasticity in multiple sclerosis. It is commonly used off label for the treatment of anorexia, nausea, and neuropathic pain. Patients can also apply for government permission to buy medicinal cannabis flowers for self-treatment under medical supervision. The most common side effects of cannabinoids are tiredness and dizziness (in more than 10% of patients), psychological effects, and dry mouth. Tolerance to these side effects nearly always develops within a short time. Withdrawal symptoms are hardly ever a problem in the therapeutic setting. CONCLUSION:
There is now clear evidence that cannabinoids are useful for the treatment of various medical conditions

Marihuana médica; despejando el humo 
Medical marijuana: clearing away the smoke.
Grant I, Atkinson JH, Gouaux B, Wilsey B.
Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research; University of California, San Diego; San Diego, CA, USA.
Open Neurol J. 2012;6:18-25. doi: 10.2174/1874205X01206010018. Epub 2012 May 4.
Recent advances in understanding of the mode of action of tetrahydrocannabinol and related cannabinoid in-gredients of marijuana, plus the accumulating anecdotal reports on potential medical benefits have spurred increasing re-search into possible medicinal uses of cannabis. Recent clinical trials with smoked and vaporized marijuana, as well as other botanical extracts indicate the likelihood that the cannabinoids can be useful in the management of neuropathic pain, spasticity due to multiple sclerosis, and possibly other indications. As with all medications, benefits and risks need to be weighed in recommending cannabis to patients. We present an algorithm that may be useful to physicians in determining whether cannabis might be recommended as a treatment in jurisdictions where such use is permitted. 

Facilitación de la liberación de sustancia P de la médula espinal de las ratas por el receptor cannabionoide CB1, medida como la internalización del receptor neuroquinina 1. 
Cannabinoid CB1 receptor facilitation of substance P release in the rat spinal cord, measured as neurokinin 1 receptor internalization.
Zhang G, Chen W, Lao L, Marvizón JC.
Veteran Affairs Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, Los Angeles, CA 90073, USA.
Eur J Neurosci. 2010 Jan;31(2):225-37. doi: 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2009.07075.x. Epub 2010 Jan 13.
The contribution of CB1 receptors in the spinal cord to cannabinoid analgesia is still unclear. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of CB1 receptors on substance P release from primary afferent terminals in the spinal cord. Substance P release was measured as neurokinin 1 (NK1) receptor internalization in lamina I neurons. It was induced in spinal cord slices by dorsal root stimulation and in live rats by a noxious stimulus. In spinal cord slices, the CB1 receptor antagonists AM251, AM281 and rimonabant partially but potently inhibited NK1 receptor internalization induced by electrical stimulation of the dorsal root. This was due to an inhibition of substance P release and not of NK1 receptor internalization itself, because AM251 and AM281 did not inhibit NK1 receptor internalization induced by exogenous substance P. The CB1 receptor agonist ACEA increased NK1 receptor internalization evoked by dorsal root stimulation. The effects of AM251 and ACEA cancelled each other. In vivo, AM251 injected intrathecally decreased NK1 receptor internalization in spinal segments L5 and L6 induced by noxious hind paw clamp. Intrathecal AM251 also produced analgesia to radiant heat stimulation of the paw. The inhibition by AM251 of NK1 receptor internalization was reversed by antagonists of mu-opioid and GABA(B) receptors. This indicates that CB1 receptors facilitate substance P release by inhibiting the release of GABA and opioids next to primary afferent terminals, producing disinhibition. This results in a pronociceptive effect of CB1 receptors in the spinal cord. 

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Displasia del desarrollo de la cadera

Como todos los miércoles se realizo la platica en el departamento de ortopedia mixta,

saludos cordiales a todos los integrantes del servicio enviadoles una felicitación y un afectuoso abrazo por la labor realizada.

¿En donde? en la mixta pues!!!

Plática impartida por el Dr. Jose Luis Aguilera Soriano, como parte de las Actividades de los Días Académicos del Servicio de Ortopedia Mixta del Hospital de Ortopedia "Dr. Victorio de la Fuente Narvaez (antes Magdalena de las Salinas) del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Ciudad de México Distrito Federal.


ebooks. Alerta

EEUU: la venta de eBooks genera US$ 3 billones
El informe anual de la Asociación Americana de Editores y el Estudio de la Industria del Libro muestra que los ingresos por la venta de eBooks creció 44% en 2012, respecto del año anterior. La industria editorial, si se incluyen los libros de texto del ...
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Cómo negociar derechos de autor para eBooks
El mercado de los eBooks se encuentra en una etapa inicial y tanto las editoriales como los autores no le prestan demasiada atención. Sin embargo, los contratos se firman a plazos muy extensos y una mala decisión hoy puede significar una gran pérdida ...
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Descarga eBooks de manera legal y gratuita
Mucha gente se compra o llega a sus manos vía regalo un lector de eBooks y no sabe muy bien qué hacer con él. Antes si querías un libro, ibas a la librería y lo comprabas, a la biblioteca y lo cogías prestado por un tiempo, e incluso en kioskos o ...
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Increíbles eBooks gratuitos sobre fotografía por tiempo limitado
ebooks-gratuitos Además de interesantes recursos web en español que tenemos para aprender o afianzar nuestros conocimientos en fotografía, contamos con algunas herramientas extras comoebooks que podemos descargar a nuestro equipo de manera ...
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Los e-books recaudan el 20% de los ingresos del sector editorial en ...
Un crecimiento que se debe especialmente al aumento de ventas de e-books infantiles o juveniles en más de un 117% y de libros electrónicos de ficción en un 42%. Por su parte, los de no ficción registraron un aumento de las ventas del 22%, al igual que ...
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Apple y Amazon cautivan a los usuarios de sus 'ebooks' con ...
Dos investigadores alemanes han analizado los formatos de los ebooks que hay en la tienda de Amazon y en la iBookstore de Apple y los han comparado con el estándar abierto EPUB3. En sus resultados (PDF), presentados en la conferencia anual de la ...
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Web 5 resultados nuevos de E-Books

Las bibliotecas municipales de Sevilla ofrecen 1.800 ebooks gratuitos
Las bibliotecas municipales de Sevilla facilitan la descarga gratuita de 1.823 libros electrónicos. En los dos últimos años se han producido 76.000 descargas. Foros de debate: Pasar e-books al ordenador
Mi pregunta es como puedo pasar e-books de Kindle de un iPad a un Mac. Gracias. Denunciar abuso ¿Crees que esta entrada aporta algo al debate? Sí · No ...

E-books gratuitos y legales « Biblioteca UM: Noticias
Les dejamos esta selección, realizada por el blog “La viga en mi ojo” de 37 webs donde se pueden descargar e-book. El autor de este post aclara que gratuito ...

32 webs para descargar e-books de forma gratuita y legal - Menéame
Javi de Rios ha recopilado en un listado sitios web que ofrecen descargas de libros electrónicos de forma legal.

Apple y Amazon cautivan a los usuarios de sus 'ebooks' con ...
Un informe revela que el estándar abierto EPUB3 es mejor tecnológica y funcionalmente que los cerrados, y asegura que que los autores que quieren publicar ...


Victor Ravens

Buenas noches, soy Víctor Valdés , me desempeño como gestor de contenido y difusión medica del colegio Mexicano de ortopedia,le invito a seguirnos en el facebook a través de:, o en el blog del colegio Mexicano de ortopedia:
En fin mi actividad en la red es amplia le dejo mi pagina, la ortopedia nuestra de cada día:
esperando que la información vertida le sea de utilidad

Victor Ravens
Gestor de contenido y difusión medica en Colegio Mexicano de Ortopedia y TraumatologíaEstudió en Instituto Politecnico National Escuela Nacional de Ciencias BiologicasVive en Mexico City, Mexico

Bibliotecas. Alerta

21 de MAY. Inauguración nueva biblioteca del colegio Nacional de ...
Martes 21 de Mayo de 2013, La Plata: En un acto que encabezó la presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner en La Plata, en donde se inauguró el nuevo edificio de la Biblioteca del Colegio Nacional Buenos Aires y que lleva el nombre de "Madres de Plaza ...
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La Biblioteca Nacional lleva a cabo su octava recolección de la web ...
Europa Press
La Biblioteca Nacional de España realizará desde finales de mayo y durante el mes de junio la octava recolección masiva del dominio '.es' con la colaboración de Internet Archive, institución sin ánimo de lucro y pionera en el campo de los archivos web.
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Biblioteca escolar: lugar de aprendizaje
En la pasada Feria Internacional del Libro de Bogotá, el Plan Nacional de Lectura y Escritura 'Leer es Mi Cuento', del Ministerio de Educación, lideró el Primer Encuentro Internacional de Bibliotecas, espacio que junto con el Congreso Nacional de ...
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Josep Brunet: «La biblioteca Arús es como un museo»
El Periódico de Catalunya
Debido a su pasión y a sus extraordinarios conocimientos sobre la masonería, hace 19 años que el coautor de Franco contra los masones, Josep Brunet Serra (Barcelona, 1950), dejó de trabajar como ingeniero técnico industrial para coordinar la Biblioteca ...
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La biblioteca de la Fundación Botín muestra bibliografía sobre ...
El Diario Montanes
Con motivo de la exposición José Gutiérrez Solana (1886-1945): dibujos, la biblioteca de la Fundación Botín ha seleccionado, en su sede de la calle Pedrueca, una amplia bibliografía sobre el artista, que incluye catálogos de exposiciones, monografías y ...
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Biblioteca José Lorenzo Cossío y Cosío un tesoro filatélico
Ciudadania Express
Oaxaca, México.- Dentro del Museo de Filatelia de Oaxaca (MUFI) se encuentra un espacio que guarda verdaderas joyas bibliográficas que narran la historia y evolución de los timbres postales, unabiblioteca que además de estar dentro de uno de los ...
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La biblioteca invita a los niños a grabar sus comentarios sobre los ...
La Verdad (Murcia)
La biblioteca de Ceutí ha puesto en marcha una iniciativa, bajo el lema 'Ceutí Lee', que une lectura y tecnología y con la que pretende fomentar la pasión por leer entre los niños del municipio. Este nuevo proyecto consiste en que los niños después de ...
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Amazon dona 4.000 libros a la biblioteca municipal como ...
La Vanguardia
Amazon ha donado 4.000 libros a la biblioteca municipal de San Fernando de Henares, Rafael Alberti, como colaboración social con la localidad donde tiene instalada su sede logística para toda España, según ha informado el Ayuntamiento en un ...
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Biblioteca en la Alameda con recursos de la SEP: Chuayffet
El Sol de San Luis
MEXICO, D. F.- En reunión con el titular de la SEP Emilio Chuayffet Chemor, el gobernador Fernando Toranzo Fernández y el rector de la UASLP Manuel Fermín Villar Rubio le solicitaron apoyo para construir una Biblioteca pública frente a la Alameda.
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Biblioteca Sanducito celebró quince años de labor junto a sus ...
El Acontecer Diario
El 15 de mayo la Biblioteca Municipal “Zulma Puigvert de Lujan” del barrio Villa Sanducito, celebró sus quince años de vida, brindando un importante servicio para el barrio, siendo un importante centro de referencia para la poblada zona al este de Ruta 5.
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Biblioteca por internet en San Antonio - Univision 41
La red de bibliotecas públicas de San Antonio permite que grandes y chicos lean a través de internet. ¡Entérate!
¡Ayude a su biblioteca de la comunidad a ganar 10,000! | Queens ...
Su biblioteca del vecindario es un lugar especial donde se siente bienvenido. Está ahí para cada uno de todas las edades. Ofrece acceso gratuito a las ...¡ayude-a-su-biblioteca-de-la-comun...
Decoracion y Casa: En la biblioteca
En la biblioteca. ¿Qué sería de nosotros sin las librerías? Ya sean altas, estrechas o mini, sus estantes repletos de libros desempeñan una tarea cultural …

miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2013

Miércoles de La Mixta; tema: Displasia del Desarrollo de Cadera