Intervenciones psicológicas basadas en la evidencia para el manejo del dolor crónico pediátrico: nuevas direcciones en la investigación y la práctica clínica.
Evidence-Based Psychological Interventions for the Management of Pediatric Chronic Pain: New Directions in Research and Clinical Practice.
Over the past 20 years our knowledge about evidence-based psychological interventions for pediatric chronic pain has dramatically increased. Overall, the evidence in support of psychological interventions for pediatric chronic pain is strong, demonstrating positive psychological and behavioral effects for a variety of children with a range of pain conditions. However, wide scale access to effective psychologically-based pain management treatments remains a challenge for many children who suffer with pain. Increasing access to care and reducing persistent biomedical biases that inhibit attainment of psychological services are a central focus of current pain treatment interventions. Additionally, as the number of evidence-based treatments increase, tailoring treatments to a child or family's particular needs is increasingly possible. This article will (1) discuss the theoretical frameworks as well as the specific psychological skills and strategies that currently hold promise as effective agents of change; (2) review and summarize trends in the development of well-researched outpatient interventions over the past ten years; and (3) discuss future directions for intervention research on pediatric chronic pain.
KEYWORDS: child; chronic pain; empirically supported; evidence-based; parent; pediatric; psychological intervention
Validación de la escala de Satisfacción de Adolescentes con Manejo Postoperatorio del Dolor - Escoliosis idiopática (SAP-S).
Validation of the scale on Satisfaction of Adolescents with Postoperative pain management - idiopathic Scoliosis (SAP-S).
J Pain Res. 2017 Jan 11;10:137-143. doi: 10.2147/JPR.S124365. eCollection 2017.
BACKGROUND: Spinal fusion is a common orthopedic surgery in children and adolescents and is associated with high pain levels postoperatively. If the pain is not well managed, negative outcomes may ensue. To our knowledge, there is no measure in English that assesses patient's satisfaction with postoperative pain management following idiopathic scoliosis surgery. The aim of the present study was to assess the psychometric properties of the satisfaction subscale of the English version of the Satisfaction of Adolescents with Postoperative pain management - idiopathic Scoliosis (SAP-S) scale. METHODS: Eighty-two participants aged 10-18 years, who had undergone spinal fusion surgery, fully completed the SAP-S scale at 10-14 days postdischarge. Construct validity was assessed through a principal component analysis using varimax rotation. RESULTS: Principal component analysis indicated a three-factor structure of the 13-item satisfaction subscale of the SAP-S scale. Factors referred to satisfaction regarding current medication received (Factor 1), actions taken by nurses and doctors to manage pain (Factor 2) and information received after surgery (Factor 3). Cronbach's alpha was 0.91, showing very good internal consistency. Data on satisfaction and clinical outcomes were also reported. CONCLUSION: The SAP-S is a valid and reliable measure of satisfaction with postoperative pain management that can be used in both research and clinical settings to improve pain management practices. Although it was developed and validated with adolescents who had undergone spinal fusion surgery, it can be used, with further validation, to assess adolescents' satisfaction with pain management in other postoperative contexts.
KEYWORDS: adolescents; orthopedics; pain management; postoperative pain; satisfaction; scoliosis
Práctica actual y avances recientes en el manejo del dolor pediátrico
Current practice and recent advances in pediatric pain management
European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2013; 17(Suppl 1): 112-126
BACKGROUND: Differently from the adult patients, in pediatric age it is more difficult to assess and treat efficaciously the pain and often this symptom is undertreated or not treated. In children, selection of appropriate pain assessment tools should consider age, cognitive level and the presence of eventual disability, type of pain and the situation in which it is occurring. Improved understanding of developmental neurobiology and paediatric analgesic drugs pharmacokinetics should facilitate a better management of childhood pain. AIM: The objective of this review is to discuss current practice and recent advances in pediatric pain management. METHODS: Using PubMed we conducted an extensive literature review on pediatric pain assessment and commonly used analgesic agents from January 2000 to January 2012. CONCLUSIONS: A multimodal analgesic regimen provides better pain control and functional outcome in children. Cooperation and communication between the anaesthesiologist, surgeon, and paediatrician are essential for successful anaesthesia and pain management. Key Words: Pain, Pain assessment, Analg
Curso sobre Anestesia en Trasplantes, Cirugía abdominal, Plástica, Oftalmología y Otorrinolaringología.
Committee for European Education in Anaesthesiology (CEEA)
y el Colegio de Anestesiólogos de León A.C.
Abril 7-9, 2017, León Guanajuato, México
Regional Anesthesiology and Acute Pain Medicine Meeting
April 6-8, 2017, San Francisco, California, USA
ASRA American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
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