lunes, 27 de junio de 2011

Información general de las inyecciones para el tratamiento del dolor espinal

Información general de las inyecciones para el tratamiento del dolor espinal
Overview of injections for the treatment of spinal pain
Andrea Trescot
Pain Medicine News June 2011;1-7.
A precision diagnostic injection, done with small volumes of local anesthetic, can help to diagnose the precise cause of pain, resulting in pain relief that occurs immediately after the procedure. However, the local anesthetic by itself is not usually expected to give much in the way of long-term relief. Therefore, medications such as steroids are often injected at the same time or immediately following the local anesthetic. Although this may be very useful for a wide variety of patients, other patients may get temporary relief from the local anesthetic but no sustained pain relief from the steroids. Those patients may be candidates for nerve-killing injections such as alcohol or phenol or neuroablative procedures such as radio-frequency lesioning or cryoneuroablation. 

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

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