Los huracanes Katia, Irma y José han sido devastadores en los países del Caribe, y su fuerza destructiva ha llegado al continente americano afectando a México y Estados Unidos de Norteamérica. María es otro de los 27 huracanes que se esperan en México para este 2017.
Nuestro país está ubicado en una zona de riesgo sísmico al estar sobre cuatro placas tectónicas: Caribe, Norteamérica, Nazca y Cocos por lo cual cada día se registran más de 15 temblores de magnitud superior a 2. La combinación de los desastres por los ciclones y los sismos frecuentes nos ha puesto a prueba, prueba que vamos superando gracias a nuestra forma de ser, al cariño entre mexicanos que nos brindamos apoyo total aun sin conocernos y desde luego, al gran apoyo internacional que México ha recibido.
Con este envío agradecemos las muestras de empatía y los apoyos que los mexicanos hemos recibido durante esta crisis nacional. ¡Dios les bendiga!
Hurricanes Katia, Irma and Jose have been devastating in the Caribbean countries, and their destructive force has reached the American continent affecting Mexico and the United States of America. María is another of the 27 hurricanes expected in Mexico for this 2017. Our country is in an area of seismic risk because it is on four tectonic plates: Caribbean, North America, Nazca and Cocos, whereby every day more than 15 tremors of magnitude higher than 2 are registered. The combination of cyclone disasters and frequent earthquakes has tested us, proves that we are surpassing thanks to our way of being, to the affection among Mexicans that we give ourselves full support even without knowing ourselves and of course, the great international support that Mexico has received.
With this e-mail we are grateful for the signs of empathy and support that Mexicans have received during this national crisis. God bless you!
Os furacões Katia, Irma e José foram devastadores nos países do Caribe e sua força destrutiva atingiu o continente americano afetando o México e os Estados Unidos da América. María é outro dos 27 furacões esperados no México para este ano de 2017. Nosso país está localizado em uma zona de risco sísmico porque está em quatro placas tectônicas: Caribe, América do Norte, Nazca e Cocos, onde todos os dias são registados mais de 15 tremores de magnitude superiores a 2.
A combinação de catástrofes e terremotos freqüentes nos testou, prova que estamos superando graças ao nosso modo de ser, ao afeto entre os mexicanos que nos damos todo o suporte, mesmo sem nos conhecer e, claro, o grande apoio internacional que O México recebeu.
Com este envio, agradecemos os sinais de empatia e apoio que os mexicanos receberam durante esta crise nacional. Deus os abençoe!
Els huracans Katia, Irma i José han estat devastadors en els països del Carib, i la seva força destructiva ha arribat al continent americà afectant Mèxic i Estats Units d'Amèrica del Nord. Maria és un altre dels 27 huracans que s'esperen a Mèxic per a aquest 2017. El nostre país està ubicat en una zona de risc sísmic a l'estar sobre quatre plaques tectòniques: Carib, Amèrica del Nord, Nazca i Cocos per la qual cosa cada dia es registren més de 15 tremolors de magnitud superior a 2.
La combinació dels desastres pels ciclons i els sismes freqüents ens ha posat a prova, prova que anem superant gràcies a la nostra manera de ser, a l'afecte entre mexicans que ens brindem suport total i tot sense conèixer-nos i per descomptat, al gran suport internacional que Mèxic ha rebut.
Amb aquesta tramesa agraïm les mostres d'empatia i els suports que els mexicans hem rebut durant aquesta crisi nacional. Déu els beneeixi!
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Investigación y Análisis de Sismos - Estudios Estadísticos, Observaciones y Planificación
Earthquake Research and Analysis - Statistical Studies, Observations and Planning
Edited by Sebastiano D'Amico, ISBN 978-953-51-0134-5, 470 pages, Publisher: InTech, Chapters published March 02, 2012 under CC BY 3.0 license DOI: 10.5772/2461 Edited Volume The study of earthquakes plays a key role in order to minimize human and material losses when they inevitably occur. Chapters in this book will be devoted to various aspects of earthquake research and analysis. The different sections present in the book span from statistical seismology studies, the latest techniques and advances on earthquake precursors and forecasting, as well as, new methods for early detection, data acquisition and interpretation. The topics are tackled from theoretical advances to practical applications.
Investigación y Análisis de terremotos - Sismología, Sismotectonica y Geología de terremotos
Earthquake Research and Analysis - Seismology, Seismotectonic and Earthquake Geology
Edited by Sebastiano D'Amico, ISBN 978-953-307-991-2, 416 pages, Publisher: InTech, Chapters published February 08, 2012 under CC BY 3.0 license DOI: 10.5772/1117 Edited Volume This book is devoted to different aspects of earthquake research. Depending on their magnitude and the placement of the hypocenter, earthquakes have the potential to be very destructive. Given that they can cause significant losses and deaths, it is really important to understand the process and the physics of this phenomenon. This book does not focus on a unique problem in earthquake processes, but spans studies on historical earthquakes and seismology in different tectonic environments, to more applied studies on earthquake geology.
Avances en la Investigación de Huracanes - Modelado, Meteorología, Preparación e Impactos
Advances in Hurricane Research - Modelling, Meteorology, Preparedness and Impacts
Edited by Kieran Hickey, ISBN 978-953-51-0867-2, 206 pages, Publisher: InTech, Chapters published December 05, 2012 under CC BY 3.0 license DOI: 10.5772/3399 Edited Volume This book provides a wealth of new information, ideas and analysis on some of the key unknowns in hurricane research. Topics covered include the numerical prediction systems for tropical cyclone development, the use of remote sensing methods for tropical cyclone development, a parametric surface wind model for tropical cyclones, a micrometeorological analysis of the wind as a hurricane passes over Houston, USA, the meteorological passage of numerous tropical cyclones as they pass over the South China Sea, simulation modelling of evacuations by motorised vehicles in Alabama, the influence of high stream-flow events on nutrient flows in the post hurricane period, a reviews of the medical needs, both physical and psychological of children in a post hurricane scenario and finally the impact of two hurricanes on Ireland. Hurricanes discussed in the various chapters include Katrina, Ike, Isidore, Humberto, Debbie and Charley and many others in the North Atlantic as well as numerous tropical cyclones in the South China Sea.
Desastres naturales
Natural Disasters
Edited by Sorin Cheval, ISBN 978-953-51-0188-8, 166 pages, Publisher: InTech, Chapters published March 02, 2012 under CC BY 3.0 license DOI: 10.5772/1373 Edited Volume The crossroads between a more and more populated human communities and their changing environment pose different challenges than ever before. Therefore, any attempt to identify and deliver possible solutions is more than welcome. The book Natural Disasters addresses the needs of various users, interested in a better understanding of hazards and their more efficient management. It is a scientific enterprise tackling a variety of natural hazards potentially deriving into disasters, i.e. tropical storms, avalanches, coastal floods. The case studies presented cover different geographical areas, and they comprise mechanisms for being transferred to other spots and circumstances. Hopefully, the book will be beneficial to those who invest their efforts in building communities resilient to natural disasters.
Trastornos de estrés postraumático en un contexto global
Post Traumatic Stress Disorders in a Global Context
Edited by Emilio Ovuga, ISBN 978-953-307-825-0, 298 pages, Publisher: InTech, Chapters published January 20, 2012 under CC BY 3.0 license DOI: 10.5772/1281 Edited Volume If, as a health care or social service provider, one was called upon to help someone who has experienced terror in the hands of a hostage taker, an irate and chronically abusive spouse or parent, or a has survived a motor vehicle accident, landslide, earthquake, hurricane or even a massive flood, what would be one's priority response? What would be considered as the most pressing need of the individual requiring care? Whatever the answer to each of these questions, people who have experienced terror, suffer considerable psychological injury. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in a Global Context offers some answers to meet the needs of health care and socials service providers in all settings, whether in a hospital emergency room, at the war front, or natural disaster site. The take home message is, after providing emergency care, there is always a pressing need to provide mental health care to all victims of traumatic stress.
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