Desarrollan un método que abre nuevas vías en la lucha contra la malaria |
Un equipo de investigación de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) ha desarrollado un procedimiento que permite el cultivo del parásito de la malaria en grandes cantidades y de manera sincronizada. El procedimiento, que se ha publicado en el último número de la revista Nature Protocols, aumenta en gran medida las posibilidades de investigar nuevas vacunas y fármacos contra esta enfermedad. |
FUENTE | Universidad Complutense de Madrid - madri+d | 7/12/2009 |
Sedación conciente para craniectomía en paciente despierto en un quirófano con resonancia nuclear magnética |
Conscious sedation for awake craniotomy in intraoperative magnetic resona nce imaging operating theater Mohamad Said Maani Takrouri, Firas A Shubbak, Aisha Al Hajjaj, Ronaldo Del Maaestro, Lahbib Soualmi, Mashael H Alkhodair, Abrar M Alduraiby, Najeeb Ghanem Anesthesia Essays Res 2010:4;33-37. doi:10.4103/0259-1162.69306 This case report describes the first case in intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging operating theater (iMRI OT) (BrainSuite;) of awake craniotomy for frontal lobe glioma excision in a 24-year-old man undergoing eloquent cortex language mapping intraoperatively. As he was very motivated to take pictures of him while being operated upon, the authors adapted conscious sedation technique with variable depth according to Ramsey's scale, in order to revert to awake state to perform the intended neurosurgical procedure. The patient tolerated the situation satisfactorily and was cooperative till the finish, without any event. We elicit in this report the special environment of iMRI OT for lengthy operation in pinned fixed patient having craniotomy. |
Craniotomía con paciente despierto, deprimido y agitado |
Awake craniotomy in a depressed and agitated patient Al Shuabi KM Anesthesia Essays Res 2010:4;41-43 Depressed patients with brain tumors are often not referred to awake craniotomy because of concern of uncooperation which may increase the risk of perioperative complications. This report describes an interesting case of awake craniotomy for frontal lobe glioma in a 41-year-old woman undergoing language and motor mapping intraoperatively. As she was fearful and apprehensive and was on antidepressant therapy to control depression, the author adopted general anesthesia with laryngeal mask airway during initial stage of skull pinning and craniotomy procedures. Then, the patient reverted to awake state to continue the intended neurosurgical procedure. The patient tolerated the situation satisfactorily and was cooperative till the finish, without any event. |
Reconociendo y manejando una crisis de hipertermia maligna: Guías del Grupo Europeo de Hipertermia Maligna |
Recognizing and managing a malignant hyperthermia crisis: guidelines from the European Malignant Hyperthermia Group K. P. E. Glahn1,F. R. Ellis, P. J. Halsall, C. R. Müller, M. M. J. Snoeck, A. Urwyler and F. Wappler Danish Malignant Hyperthermia Centre, Department of Anaesthesia, University Hospital Herlev, Copenhagen, Denmark. University of Leeds, Leeds, UK. MH Investigation Unit, St James University Hospital, Leeds, UK . Department of Human Genetics, University of Würzburg, Germany. MH Investigation Unit, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Department of Anaesthesia and Research, University of Basel, Switzerland. Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Hospital Cologne-Merheim, University Witten-Herdecke, Cologne, Germany British Journal of Anaesthesia 105 (4): 417-20 (2010) Abstract Survival from a malignant hyperthermia (MH) crisis is highly dependent on early recognition and prompt action. MH crises are very rare and an increasing use of total i.v. anaesthesia is likely to make it even rarer, leading to the potential risk of reduced awareness of MH. In addition, dantrolene, the cornerstone of successful MH treatment, is unavailable in large areas around the world thereby increasing the risk of MH fatalities in these areas. The European Malignant Hyperthermia Group collected and reviewed all guidelines available from the various MH centres in order to provide a consensus document. The guidelines consist of two textboxes: Box 1 on recognizing MH and Box 2 on the treatment of an MH crisis. Lea este artículo completo en PDF en el siguiente link: |
Tendencias y resultados de la hipertermia maligna en Estados Unidos, 2000 a 2005. |
Trends and outcomes of malignant hyperthermia in the United States, 2000 to 2005. Rosero EB, Adesanya AO, Timaran CH, Joshi GP. Department of Surgery, Division of Vascular Surgery, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Dallas, Texas 75390-9157, USA.eric.rosero@utsouthwestern.edu Anesthesiology. 2009 Jan;110(1):89-94 Abstract BACKGROUND: Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is a potentially fatal pharmacogenetic disorder with an estimated mortality of less than 5%. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the current incidence of MH and the predictors associated with in-hospital mortality in the United States. METHODS: The Nationwide Inpatient Sample, which is the largest all-payer inpatient database in the United States, was used to identify patients discharged with a diagnosis of MH during the years 2000-2005. The weighted exact Cochrane-Armitage test and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to assess trends in the incidence and risk-adjusted mortality from MH, taking into account the complex survey design. RESULTS: From 2000 to 2005, the number of cases of MH increased from 372 to 521 per year. The occurrence of MH increased from 10.2 to 13.3 patients per million hospital discharges (P = 0.001). Mortality rates from MH ranged from 6.5% in 2005 to 16.9% in 2001 (P < 0.0001). The median age of patients with MH was 39 (interquartile range, 23-54 yr). Only 17.8% of the patients were children, who had lower mortality than adults (0.7% vs. 14.1%, P < 0.0001). Logistic regression analyses revealed that risk-adjusted in-hospital mortality was associated with increasing age, female sex, comorbidity burden, source of admission to hospital, and geographic region of the United States. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of MH in the United States has increased in recent years. The in-hospital mortality from MH remains elevated and higher than previously reported. The results of this study should enable the identification of areas requiring increased focus in MH-related education. |
Consideraciones perioperatorias para la seguridad de los pacientes durante cirugía cosmética- Previniendo complicaciones |
Perioperative considerations for patient safety during cosmetic surgery - preventing complications. Ellsworth WA, Basu CB, Iverson RE. Division of Plastic Surgery, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas; Can J Plast Surg. 2009 Spring;17(1):9-16. Abstract Maintaining patient safety in the operating room is a major concern of surgeons, hospitals and surgical facilities. Circumventing preventable complications is essential, and pressure to avoid these complications in cosmetic surgery is increasing. Traditionally, nursing and anesthesia staff have managed patient positioning and safety issues in the operating room. As the number of office-based procedures in the plastic surgeon's practice increases, understanding and implementing patient safety guidelines by the plastic surgeon is of increasing importance.A review of the Joint Commission's Universal Protocol highlights requirements set forth to prevent perioperative complications. In the present paper, the importance of implementing these guidelines into the cosmetic surgery practice is reviewed. Key aspects of patient safety in the operating room are outlined, including patient positioning, ocular protection and other issues essential for minimization of postoperative morbidity. Additionally, as the demand for body contouring surgery in the cosmetic practice continues to increase, special attention to safety considerations specific to the obese and massive weight loss patients is mandatory.After review of the present paper, the reader should be able to introduce the Joint Commission's Universal Protocol into their daily practice. The reader will understand key aspects of patient positioning, airway management and ocular protection in cosmetic surgery. Finally, the reader will have a better understanding of the perioperative care of unique populations including the morbidly obese, massive weight loss patients and the elderly. Attention to detail in these aspects of patient safety can help avoid unnecessary complication and significantly improve the patient's experience and surgical outcome |
Mezcla de clonidina y fentanyl a la ropivacaína en anestesia epidural para cirugía de abdomen inferior |
Admixture of clonidine and fentanyl to ropivacaine in epidural anesthesia for lower abdominal surgery Sukhminder Jit Singh Bajwa, Sukhwinder Kaur Bajwa, Jasbir Kaur, Amarjit Singh, Geetika Bakshi, Kanwalpreet Singh, Aparajita Panda Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Gian Sagar Medical College and Hospital, Ram Nagar, Banur, Punjab, India Anesth Essays Res 2010:4:9-14. doi:10.4103/0259-1162.69299 Context and Background: Dose sparing action of one adjuvant for another in regional anesthesia. Aims and Objectives: To evaluate and compare the clonidine-ropivacaine combination with fentanyl-ropivacaine in epidural anesthesia and also to find out whether addition of clonidine can reduce the dose of fentanyl in epidural anesthesia. Materials and Methods: 60 patients of ASA grade I and II between the ages of 21 and 55 years, who underwent lower abdominal surgeries, were included randomly into three clinically controlled study groups comprising 20 patients in each. They were administered epidural anesthesia with ropivacaine-clonidine (RC), ropivacaine-fentanyl (RF) or ropivacaine-fentanyl-clonidine (RCF). Per-op and post-op block characteristics as well as hemodynamic parameters were observed and recorded. Statistical data were compiled and analyzed using non-parametric tests and P<0.05 was considered as significant value. Results: The demographic profile of the patients in all the three groups was similar as were the various block characteristics. The reduction of clonidine and fentanyl in the RCF group did not make any significant difference (P>0.05) in the analgesic properties of drug combination and hemodynamic parameters as compared to RC and RF groups. However, there was significant reduction of incidence of side effects in the RCF group (P<0.05) and it resulted in increased patient comfort. Conclusions: The analgesic properties of the clonidine and fentanyl when used as adjuvant to ropivacaine in epidural anesthesia are almost comparable and both can be used in combination at lower dosages without impairing the pharmacodynamic profile of the drugs as well as with a significant reduction in side effects |
Posted: 30 Oct 2010 03:37 AM PDT Nos asombramos cada vez que alguna aplicación asimila World y Web. Y estamos casi acostumbrados/as ya a las proyecciones digitales en edificios físicos, a diversos tipos de realidad aumentada. En estos casos, de algún modo, se trata de tecnologías que nos permiten ver un mundo enriquecido de bits, reflejando inteligencia o, en el mejor de los casos, inteligencia colectiva para mejorar la realidad. También vemos crecer muestras de lo contrario, de experiencias web enriquecidas, que simulan la realidad,“inmersivas”... y que van más allá, incluso, de los metaversos tradicionales hacia lugares en los que las mismas inteligencias, la nuestra, la social, la de nuestras máquinas, siguen sin salir de su asombro y a la vez se sienten cómodas. Hay varios nuevos conceptos, aplicaciones que creo especialmente relevantes en este sentido, como reflejo del concepto anterior, que podríamos denominar “La web aumentada” que os quiero presentar. Se trata, además, de futuros protagonistas del escenario información – educación – social media. Hablábamos hace poco de The Wilderness downtown, una experiencia de mashup que creo que contiene muchos de los elementos que hoy consideramos tendencias web. Menos rica, menos aparente pero no menos importante para la evolución de una industria editorial que no gana para “sustos” (spotify para libros, Amazon imitando el modelo Barnes Nobles de préstamos de libros eran noticia los últimos días), aparecía el anuncio de la interesante unión de Scribd y Apture, que posibilitará la aparición de enlaces enriquecidos para los ebooks libres que podemos encontrar en Scribd. Web aumentada y ubicua Llegamos a Qwiki, ganadora del TechCrunch Disrupt demo y que está despertando muchísimo interés. Es algo similar a The Wilderness…, una herramienta que mezcla, convierte al vuelo, de forma instantánea (como la aplicación anterior en cuanto a geolocalización e imágenes de Google Earth), múltiples datos, en distintos formatos, en una experiencia de información inmersiva, en un lenguaje de remezcla único y tremendamente actual. Son varias las novedades que supone pero la principal es que el tema ocurre en tiempo real, recogiendo las últimas informaciones en la web acerca del tópico de interés. En estado Alpha, hoy aloja tres millones de presentaciones sobre personas, lugares, cosas. Parece que mejorará mucho (su potencial es infinito) pero hoy agrupa narraciones desde los textos de wikipedia con miles de fuentes en otros formatos. Añade, además, interactividad: la mayoría de los elementos en Qwiki son interactivos, de forma que los video clips pueden ser seleccionados y visionados por completo en su entorno, de forma similar a slideshows, etc… Mapas, timelines, Qwikis similares son otras de sus características. Imagináis ya, seguro, sus usos en periodismo, en educación. Pensaba en eventos, acontecimientos sobre los que buscamos información en directo, sobre cómo la experiencia virtual va a ser mucho más inmersiva, casi “real”. Social Media, empresa Además de estos y como casi garantía de que Qwiki puede ser una de las pocas aplicaciones de este estilo que logre sobrevivir, parece que piensan en estrategias de negocio en los social media. Así, en una entrevista de Mashable con su CEO, Doug Imbruce, este explicaba cómo sus próximos dos productos, que lanzarán en 2011, serán para usuarios de los social media y negocios pequeños. La idea será ofrecer a los usuarios la posibilidad de crear Qwikis basados en su “lifestreaming”, en sus datos y actualizaciones en redes sociales (los curriculum, las identidades digitales “vivas”, actualizadas en tiempo real). A los pequeños negocios se les ofrecerá la posibildad de agregar revisiones de terceros (Yelp y similares) de sus productos o servicios. Vale la pena que observéis con calma los ejemplos de Qwiki en un Restaurante asiático, con recomendaciones de Yelp, así como ejemplos de lifestreaming, curriculum e identidades vivas, como la deKeith Rabois o Gregory Smith según datos de Linkedin y Facebook. Toda una revolución en el ámbito de la reputación digital. Seguro que habéis estado imaginando algunas de las posibilidades que aumentarían al cuadrado el potencial de todo ello si lo pensamos en versión mobile, ubicua…ya están, como veréis en uno de los vídeos, en ello. He solicitado invitaciones para los lectores del blog pero de momento podéis intentar que os inviten a probar la aplicación desde el enlace. Por si no pudiérais entrar a probar la Alpha, he solicitado invitaciones (si los americanos despiertan y nos dejan algunas para El caparazón, actualizaré post y twitter). Os dejo de momento un par de vídeos que os ofrecerán mayor perspectiva: Aplicaciones prometedoras: Qwiki y la web aumentada is a post from: El caparazon |