miércoles, 12 de julio de 2017

Tratamiento óptimo de las fracturas del cuello femoral en el Anciano

Optimal management of femoral neck fractures in the Elderly

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Courtesy: Matthew Lorei, MD, Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Temple University
Saqib RehmanMD, Director of Orthopaedic TraumaFrom the 9th Annual Philadelphia Orthopaedic Trauma Symposium June 9, 2017, Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University, PhiladelphiaPublicado el 28 jun. 2017
By Matthew Lorei, MD, Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Temple University
From the 9th Annual Philadelphia Orthopaedic Trauma Symposium June 9, 2017, Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University, Philadelphia
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Significado clínico de la osteoartritis del compartimiento patelofemoral medial versus lateral : Análisis transversales en una población adulta con dolor de rodilla.

Clinical Significance of Medial Versus Lateral Compartment Patellofemoral Osteoarthritis: Cross-Sectional Analyses in an Adult Population With Knee Pain.

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2017 Jul;69(7):943-951. doi: 10.1002/acr.23110.
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© 2016, The Authors. Arthritis Care & Research published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American College of Rheumatology.

To determine the comparative prevalence, associations with selected patient characteristics, and clinical outcomes of medial and lateral compartment patellofemoral (PF) joint osteoarthritis (OA).
Isolated lateral PF joint OA is more common than isolated medial PF joint OA, and it is more consistently associated with established OA risk factors.
Determinar la prevalencia comparativa, las asociaciones con las características seleccionadas del paciente y los resultados clínicos de la osteoartritis articular patelofemoral (PF) medial y lateral.
La osteoartritis patelofemoral  lateral aislada es más común que la osteoartritis articular paterofemoral medial, y  se asocia más consistentemente con factores de riesgo de OA establecidos.
© 2016, The Authors. Arthritis Care & Research published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American College of Rheumatology.
PMID:   27696767     DOI:  10.1002/acr.23110

Enfermedad de Perthes – Radiología

Enfermedad de Perthes – Radiología

Perthe’s Disease- Radiology

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Courtesy: Dr Dalia Sepúlveda, Dr Lynn Staheli. GlobalHELP


By Dr. Dalia Sepúlveda. For more information and videos, please visit http://global-help.org and http://www.pedorthoacademy.org.
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sábado, 8 de julio de 2017

Clasificación de lesiones de la columna cervical subaxial

Subaxial Cervical spine Injury classification

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Courtesy: Seattle Science Foundation
Seattle Science Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the international collaboration among physicians, scientists, technologists, engineers and educators. The Foundation’s training facilities and extensive internet connectivity have been designed to foster improvements in health care through professional medical education, training, creative dialogue and innovation.
NOTE: All archived recorded lectures are available for informational purposes only and are only eligible for self-claimed Category II credit. They are not intended to serve as, or be the basis of a medical opinion, diagnosis, prognosis, or treatment for any particular patient.
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Anatomía del tobillo con resonancia magnética

MR Anatomy of the Ankle Joint

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Courtesy: Derek Lohan MD
David Geffen School of Medicine
10833 Le Conte Ave STE 428
Los Angeles, CA 90095
This podcast by Dr. Derek Lohan reviews the normal basic MRI anatomy of the ankle. He points out the tendons of all of the compartments and discusses the ankle ligaments as well. See other podcasts at http://pediatricimaging.wikispaces.com
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