miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2016

Complicaciones de los suplaglóticos / Supraglottic airway devices complications

Marzo 2, 2016. No. 2253


Complicaciones asociadas al uso de dispositivos supraglóticos en medicina perioperatoria
Complications Associated with the Use of Supraglottic Airway Devices in Perioperative Medicine.
Biomed Res Int. 2015;2015:746560. doi: 10.1155/2015/746560. Epub 2015 Dec 13.
Supraglottic airway devices are routinely used for airway maintenance in elective surgical procedures where aspiration is not a significant risk and also as rescue devices in difficult airway management. Some devices now have features mitigating risk of aspiration, such as drain tubes or compartments to manage regurgitated content. Despite this, the use of these device may be associated with various complications including aspiration. This review highlights the types and incidence of these complications. They include regurgitation and aspiration of gastric contents, compression of vascular structures, trauma, and nerve injury. The incidence of such complications is quite low, but as some carry with them a significant degree of morbidity the need to follow manufacturers' advice is underlined. The incidence of gastric content aspiration associated with the devices is estimated to be as low as 0.02% with perioperative regurgitation being significantly higher but underreported. Other serious, but extremely rare, complications include pharyngeal rupture, pneumomediastinum, mediastinitis, or arytenoid dislocation. Mild short-lasting adverse effects of the devices have significantly higher incidence than serious complications and involve postoperative sore throat, dysphagia, pain on swallowing, or hoarseness. Devices may have deleterious effect on cervical mucosa or vasculature depending on their cuff volume and pressure.

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

52 664 6848905

Copyright © 2015

lunes, 29 de febrero de 2016

Imagen del mes / Imagen of the month

Febrero 29, 2016. No. 2251


Hombre de 25 años que ingresó a urgencias de nuestro hospital en estado de shock hipovolémico-neurogénico provocado por tres heridas de arma de fuego con entrada en cuello y tórax con afección de tráquea, cuerpos vertebrales T3-4, hemoneumotórax, paravertebral derecha y crestas iliacas. La tomografía computada mostró aire en la cavidad epidural. 
25-year-old man admitted to our hospital emergency department in hypovolemic-neurogenic shock induced by three gun shots into the neck and chest with involvement of the trachea, T3-4 vertebral bodies, hemopneumothorax, right paravertebral and iliac crests. Computed tomography showed air in the epidural cavity.
Homem de 25 anos admitiu ao nosso departamento de emergência do hospital em estado de choque hipovolêmico-neurogênica induzida por três tiros no pescoço e no peito com o envolvimento de traqueia, corpos vertebrais T3-T4, hemopneumotórax, paravertebral direita e cristas ilíacas. A tomografia computadorizada mostrou ar  e cavidade epidural.
Significacia del neumorraquis en pacientes con trauma dectectado con TAC de cuerpo completo
Significance of pneumorrhachis detected by single-pass whole-body computed tomography in patients with trauma.
J Emerg Trauma Shock. 2015 Apr-Jun;8(2):120-1. doi: 10.4103/0974-2700.155524.
Patogénesis, diagnóstico y manejo del neumorraquis
Pathogenesis, diagnosis and management of pneumorrhachis.
Eur Spine J. 2006 Oct;15 Suppl 5:636-43. Epub 2006 Jul 12.
The management of PR has to be individualized and frequently requires a multidisciplinary regime.
Caso de pneumorraquis inducido por la combinación de pneumomediastino y lesión por avulsión de raíces nerviosas
A case of cervical pneumorrhachis induced by the combination of pneumomediastinum and root avulsioninjuries.
 Eur Spine J. 2007 Apr;16(4):573-4; author reply 575. Epub 2006 Oct 20.
 Enfisema epidural post trauma cerrado. Informe de caso y revisión de la literatura
Epidural emphysema following blunt trauma: a case report and review of literature.
Iowa Orthop J. 2012;32:224-6.
Aire traumático en el canal espinal (pneumorraquis)
Traumatic air in spinal canal (pneumorrhachis).
Anaesthesiol Intensive Ther. 2012 Jan-Mar;44(1):25-7.
 Neurorraquis epidural
REV NEUROL 2007; 44 (4
 Neumorraquis epidural traumático
Traumatic epidural pneumorrhachis.
BMJ Case Rep. 2010 Aug 19;2010. pii: bcr0120102692. doi: 10.1136/bcr.01.2010.2692.
Neumorraquis epidural sintomático: una entidad rara
Symptomatic epidural pneumorrhachis : a rare entity.
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2013 Jul;54(1):65-7. doi: 10.3340/jkns.2013.54.1.65. Epub 2013 Jul 31.
 Neumorraquis postraumático
Donato Salas Segura
Rev Cl EMed UCR, abril 2015
Neumorraquis traumático. Una entidad rara del trauma
Traumatic pneumorrhachis: a rare entity of trauma.
Int J Emerg Med. 2008 Apr;1(1):53. doi: 10.1007/s12245-008-0002-x. Epub 2008 Mar 15.
Neumorraquis de todo el canal espinal
Pneumorrhachis of the entire spinal canal.
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2005 Jul;76(7):1036.
Neumorraquis traumático atípico acompañado por paraparesis
Atypical traumatic pneumorrhachis accompanied by paraparesis.
Ann Rehabil Med. 2014 Jun;38(3):410-4. doi: 10.5535/arm.2014.38.3.410. Epub 2014 Jun 26.
Neumorraquis torácico después de un balazo
Pneumorrhachis of thoracic spine after gunshot wound.
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2012 Aug;22(8):529-30. doi: 08.2012/JCPSP.529530.

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

52 664 6848905

Copyright © 2015