sábado, 9 de julio de 2011

AnneMarie Cunningham hers post

AnneMarie Cunningham - Today, 8:36 PM
Medical education around the world - Google Maps | social media and networks in medical education | Scoop.it
This is a map that you can edit so that we can find people interested in medical education all around the world!
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AnneMarie Cunningham - Today, 7:56 PM
Last week I asked surgical checklist study author, Atul Gawande, to join a twitter discussion on his paper, And despite being on holiday- he did!
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AnneMarie Cunningham - Today, 11:12 AM
This blog post talks about some of the risks of being a health professional in online spaces using your real identity. What do you think?
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AnneMarie Cunningham - Today, 4:27 PM
@wholepatients introduces herself | social media and networks in medical education | Scoop.it
Margaret Chisolm, psychiatrist and educator, writes about why she is coming to #asme11 and thinks that social media and networks will be important in the future of medical education,
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AnneMarie Cunningham - Today, 1:07 PM
This post tells us a lot about how doctors and others might perceive doctors posting online about clinical topics....
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AnneMarie Cunningham - Today, 12:34 PM
Location and Learning | social media and networks in medical education | Scoop.it
Some thoughts I've had on how we might make technology work better for us when students are on placement.
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AnneMarie Cunningham - Today, 11:44 AM
We set up the Med Ed Connect blog as a place to connect medical educators, and we've been using it to support our twitter #meded chats. I knew that the discussion on portfolios and competency would be controversial so I decided to try and get others to share their thoughts in advance. It worked. 25 people commented on this post- medical students and doctors in the UK and beyond. If you're curious about how the people using them understand portfolios, then read this!
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AnneMarie Cunningham - Today, 11:34 AM
Medical Education Home - Medical Education | social media and networks in medical education | Scoop.it
This wiki is a repository for ideas about medical education. Deidre Bonnycastle has been doing sterling work with this for many years/ Thank you!
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AnneMarie Cunningham - Today, 11:27 AM
My thoughts on Health Professionals and Social Media | social media and networks in medical education | Scoop.it
Much more interesting that my thoughts are the comments on this post. I also like this post because it shows how you can use Slideshare in a blog post to share words and images.
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AnneMarie Cunningham - Today, 12:51 PM
Story thumbnail
What do medical students and junior doctors get so annoyed about?- this is an example of a tool called storify which can be used to curate tweets. Storify embeds well on blogs.
Source: storify.com