Intubación nasal con fibroscopio con paciente sentado en cirugía electiva de mandíbula bajo anestesia general
Sitting Nasal Intubation With Fiberoptic in an Elective Mandible Surgery Under General Anesthesia.
Anesth Pain Med. 2015 Nov 28;5(6):e29299. doi: 10.5812/aapm.29299. eCollection 2015.
INTRODUCTION: Patients with mandible deformity may die, as a result of airway management failures. The awake nasal fiberoptic intubation is known as the optimum intubation method, in the mentioned patients, although, in several cases, fiberoptic intubation fails. CASE PRESENTATION: The present case discusses a patient with severe deformity of mandible that was admitted for correction with free-flap. The following intubation techniques were used for her airway management, respectively: blind awake nasal intubation, awake oral fiberoptic and awake nasal fiberoptic, which failed all. We therefore decided to perform awake nasal intubation, with fiberoptic, in sitting position. CONCLUSIONS: In this case, after failure of awake fiberoptic intubation, awake direct laryngoscopy and blind nasal intubation, finally awake nasal intubation in sitting position, using fiberoptic led to success.
KEYWORDS: Airway Management; Endotracheal Intubation; Fiber Optic Technology; Free Flaps; Intubation
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