martes, 23 de abril de 2013

Casos de interés/Interesting cases


Como médicos, y en especial como especialistas en medicina perioperatoria podemos enfrentar pacientes con patologías poco frecuentes como la miastenia gravis, la hipertermia maligna, el síndrome del corazón roto, feocromocitomas y muchas otras entidades raras. Cada mes le enviaremos una serie de informe de casos con patologías poco frecuentes que esperamos le sean de utilidad.

As physicians, as well as specialists in perioperative medicine, we confront patients with rare diseases such as myasthenia gravis, malignant hyperthermia, broken heart syndrome, pheochromocytomas and many other rare entities. Each month we will send to you a series of case report articles with rare diseases, that we hope will be useful.

Como especialistas em medicina perioperatória pode tratar pacientes com doenças raras, como a miastenia gravis, hipertermia maligna, síndrome do coração partido, feocromocitomas e muitas outras entidades raras. Cada mês vamos enviar uma série de relatos de casos com doenças raras, que esperamos que seja útil. 
Ceguera cortical transitoria despues de cirugía de columna presentándose como signo inicial de trombofilia hereditaria 
Transient cortical blindness after spinal surgery as initial presenting sign of hereditary thrombophilia.
Tugcu B, Araz-Ersan B, Eren G, Selçuk H, Yigit U.
Indian J Ophthalmol [serial online] 2013 [cited 2013 Mar 21];61:139-40. 

Cortical blindness is a rare complication of spine surgery, and is followed by a period of recovery due to resolution of inflammation and edema around the lesion and to the re-activation of partially damaged perilesional tissue. Bilateral occipital abnormalities caused by hypotension, ischemia and infarction are associated with poor prognosis. Herein, we report complete recovery of a case with cortical blindness, despite having an ischemic infarct.
Síndrome de Tapia despues de laminoplastía cervical. Reporte de un caso 
Tapia's syndrome following cervical laminoplasty -A case report-.
Lim KJ, Kim MH, Kang MH, Lee HM, Park EY, Kwon KJ, Lee SK, Choi H, Moon HS.
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, College of Medicine, Hallym University, Anyang, Korea.
Korean J Anesthesiol. 2013 Feb;64(2):172-4. doi: 10.4097/kjae.2013.64.2.172. Epub 2013 Feb 15.
Tapia's syndrome is the palsy of the 10th and 12th cranial nerves, resulting in ipsilateral paralysis of the vocal cord and tongue. It is a rare complication which is related to the anesthetic airway management and positioning of the patient's head during the surgery. We describe a patient with a postoperative unilateral Tapia's syndrome, after general anesthesia, with uncomplicated endotracheal intubation. The patient's symptoms improved gradually for three months.
Megaesófago: Un reto para los anestesiólogos 
Megaesophagus: A challenge for anesthesiologists.
Tewari P, Gupta D.
Ann Card Anaesth [serial online] 2013 [cited 2013 Jan 2];16:61-2
A fifty-nine-year male farmer presented with a history of low grade dysphagia, both for solids and liquids for twenty-five years that progressively increased in severity. He had lost weight significantly in recent years and developed spontaneous regurgitation of liquids and food content, heart burn, chest pain after eating and cough. Chest X-ray (PA-view) showed a large curvilinear, radio-opaque density lesion occupying medial 2/3 rd of right hemi thorax with Ryle's tube within the shadow suggesting a large dilated esophagus. This was not silhouetting the right cardiac border suggesting posterior mediastinal mass; moreover, there was no mediastinal shift. Barium swallow confirmed achalasia-cardia with huge, more than 10 cm in diameter, pouch of esophagus with lower constricted part. The patient did not show any cardiac compromise but lung function tests showed reduced inspiratory and forced vital capacity (60%) and borderline Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (70%). The laboratory investigations were within normal limits. He was planned for transhiatal esophagectomy (THO) with cervical esophago-gastrotomy (OG) and feeding jejunostomy (FJ). He was given one week of rigorous chest physiotherapy under guidance of professional therapists

Síndrome de Sturge-Weber con manifestaciones oculares extremas y asociación rara con agioma de la vía aérea superior con dificultad anticipada para el manejo de la vía aérea             
Sturge-Weber-Syndrome with extreme ocular manifestation and rare association of upper airway angioma with anticipated difficult airway.
Wong HS, Abdul Rahman R, Choo SY, Yahya N.
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre, Department of Opthalmology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Jalan Yaacob Latif, Cheras, Kuala Lumpur 56000, Malaysia.
Med J Malaysia. 2012 Aug;67(4):435-7.
We report a rare case of an 18 year old girl with Sturge-Weber syndrome, she had extensive facial port wine stains, right bupthalmos and advanced glaucoma involving both eyes. She underwent right eye glaucoma drainage device surgery under general anaesthesia, and had a difficult intubation due to extensive angiomatous like soft tissue swelling at her upper airway. This report highlights the importance of being aware of the need for continuous follow-up in Sturge-Weber syndrome patients as this syndrome can lead to blindness due to advance glaucoma and the awareness of possible difficult intubation for this group of patients 

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

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