martes, 21 de mayo de 2013

Presentación Fisioterapia a tu alcance, tu canal de fisioterapia online

Anatomy Of The Piriformis Muscle - Everything You Need To Know


Conceptos actuales en el manejo de la vía aérea difícil

Conceptos actuales en el manejo de la vía aérea difícil

Current concepts in the management of the difficult airway
Carin A. Hagberg MD
Anesthesiology News May 2013

Dr. Juan Carlos Flores-Carrillo
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor


lunes, 20 de mayo de 2013

Sesión Mensual reglamentaria del CMO 5/VI/ 2013, México

El Consejo Directivo del Colegio Mexicano de Ortopedia y Traumatología A.C., atentamente le invita y convoca a su primera Sesión Reglamentaria, que tendrá verificativo el miércoles 5 de junio de 2013 a las 20:30 horas, en el auditorio de nuestra sede, ubicado en el WTC México, Montecito No. 38, piso 25, Oficinas 23 a 27, Col. Nápoles, 03810 México, D.F., bajo la siguiente:

1. Palabras de bienvenida.
2. Lectura del acta de la sesión anterior, celebrada el 3 de abril de 2013.
3. Comunicaciones de la Presidencia.
4. Asuntos generales
5. Panel Foro:
Coordinador: Dra. Patricia Parra Téllez
Titular del Capítulo de Especialización en Tobillo y Pie
Dra. Patricia Parra Téllez 
Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación.
.................. 5 ’
b)Osteotomía de Chevron.
Dr. Jesús Vázquez Escamilla.
Jefe de la División de DNM y Cirugía de Pie y Tobillo.
Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación.
................ 10 ’
c)Cirugía de Keller Brandes.
Dr. Eduardo G. López Gavito.
Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación.
................ 10 ’
d)Osteotomías proximales.
Dr. Luis Felipe Hermida Galindo.
Jefe de Servicio de Cirugía de Pie y Tobillo, Hospital Dr. Germán Díaz Lombardo
................ 10 ’
e)Artrodesis cuneometatarsal.
Dr. Antonio Cisneros Fuentes
Hospital de Ortopedia y Traumatología de Lomas Verdes, IMSS
................ 12 ’
f)Preguntas y comentarios.................. 5 ’

7. Convivio ofrecido por Merck

Dr. Salvador O. Rivero Boschert 
Dr. Arturo Gutiérrez Meneses
I Secretario Propietario

Aspirina: sus riesgos, beneficios y uso óptimo en la prevención de eventos cardiovasculares

Aspirina: sus riesgos, beneficios y uso óptimo en la prevención de eventos cardiovasculares.

Aspirin: Its risks, benefits, and optimal use in preventing cardiovascular events

Aspirin has a well-established role in preventing adverse events in patients with known cardiovascular disease. However, its benefit in patients without a history of cardiovascular disease is not as clear, particularly in people with diabetes, in women, and in the elderly. Recent studies have provided insight into the risks of aspirin use, particularly bleeding, compared with its benefits in these subgroups.

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

domingo, 19 de mayo de 2013

Bibliotecas. Alerta

De Amoxcallis a Bibliotecas
Diario de Morelos
Amoxcalli significa en Náhuatl “Casa de los libros”, equivalente a una biblioteca actual, era donde nuestros antepasados guardaban los libros, o Amoxtlis. Recintos sagrados que preservaban el conocimiento de nuestra raza. El Tlacuilo se encargaba de ...
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La Biblioteca Nacional de Túnez acoge la presentación de libros ...
Canarias 7
La Biblioteca Nacional de Túnez acogió este sábado, por primera vez, la presentación de tres libros españoles de reciente publicación, una iniciativa de la Asociación Tunecina de Hispanistas (ATH) ante el "creciente" interés por conocer de manera ...
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La biblioteca de la UNED amplía su horario de cara a los exámenes
nueva alcarria
Tras la ampliación Tras la reciente ampliación, la biblioteca ha pasado a tener más del doble de espacio destinado a sala de estudios, a los 52 puestos de lectura existentes se le sumaron 72 más, que hacen que en la actualidad se cuenten con un total ...
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Biblioteca Municipal de San Fernando cierra sus puertas por dos ...
El Rancahuaso
La Biblioteca Municipal de San Fernando permanecerá cerrada durante dos semanas a partir de este martes 21 de mayo, debido a que se cambiará a un nuevo y confortable local ubicado en el número 552 de la céntrica Avenida Manuel Rodríguez y que ...
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Incunables y biblias únicas conforman la biblioteca del Seminario ...
El Norte de Castilla
Está fechada en 1657. Políglota, de Brian Walton. Cada uno de los pasajes aparece en un idioma: hebreo, griego, árabe... así toda la Biblia. Y justo a su lado la traducción al latín. Y es aquí, en estos párrafos, donde se encuentra la curiosa ...
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La Biblioteca de Aguilar recibirá 54.000 euros para su ampliación
Diario Palentino
Así se concedió una ayuda del 60% del presupuesto, 54.000 euros, para la ampliación de la BibliotecaPública de Aguilar de Campoo. El Ayuntamiento de la localidad pretende ampliar la capacidad de la instalación mediante la construcción de un edificio ...
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Conmemoran aniversario luctuoso de Monsiváis con múltiples ...
El Diario de Yucatán
Para conmemorar el tercer aniversario luctuoso del cronista y escritor mexicano Carlos Monsiváis (1938-2010), el Museo del Estanquillo y la Biblioteca de México 'José Vasconcelos' realizarán diversas actividades -entre mesas de reflexión, lecturas ...
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La Biblioteca de Pechina incrementa sus fondos con una donación...
El Almería
El ayuntamiento de Pechina recibe un fondo bibliográfico donado por el Instituto de Estudios Almerienses que viene a engrosar el catálogo de libros que la Biblioteca municipal ofrece a los vecinos y vecinas de la localidad. El pasado 8 de mayo, la ...
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Biblioteca Nacional será sede del II Festival Iberoamericano de cine ...
... sede del II Festival Iberoamericano de cine digital. Lima, may. 18 (ANDINA). Desde el próximo martes 28 de mayo, el Auditorio Mario Vargas Llosa de la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú (BNP), será sede del II Festival Iberoamericano de Cine Digital ...
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Sunday's Book Review NYT

Books Update

On the Cover of Sunday's Book Review

'The Golem and the Jinni'
Reviewed by SUSANN COKAL

In Helene Wecker's novel, two folkloric creatures emerge onto the streets of 1899 New York.

Hilary Mantel: By the Book

The author of "Wolf Hall" and "Bring Up the Bodies" prefers books with action: "I don't like overrefinement, or to dwell in the heads of vaporous ladies with fine sensibilities."
By the Book: Archive


An unhappy woman discovers a distressing secret in Patrick McGrath's novel.

'Top of the Morning'

Brian Stelter recounts the intrigue, infighting and personal crises in the morning TV shows' ratings wars.

'The Humanity Project'

At the center of the plot lines in Jean Thompson's novel is a philanthropist who wants to bribe people into virtue.


The troubles of Tom Drury's characters seem to stretch back into the inscrutable past, and out into an equally murky future.

'Woke Up Lonely'
Reviewed by JOSH EMMONS

Fiona Maazel's antic new novel examines the contradictory but concurrent urges for solitude and intimacy.

'Let's Explore Diabetes With Owls'
Written and read by DAVID SEDARIS
Reviewed by DAVID CARR

Stuck in traffic with David Sedaris.

When Words Sing

Recording an audiobook requires talent, discipline and a lot of coffee.

'The Ernest Hemingway Audiobook Library'

A comprehensive collection of Ernest Hemingway's novels, nonfiction and short stories.

'All the Great Prizes: The Life of John Hay, From Lincoln to Roosevelt'

From the birth of the Republican Party to the Spanish-American War, John Hay was a seminal 19th-century figure.

'To Save Everything, Click Here'
Reviewed by ELLEN ULLMAN

The digital-age transparency we've grown accustomed to may threaten the spirit of democracy, Evgeny Morozov warns.

Humane Society

A novel and essay collection by Elinor Lipman showcase her urbanity and optimism.

'The Letters of William Gaddis'

William Gaddis's letters reveal the struggle and self-doubt behind the novels.

Fiction Chronicle

New books by Rebecca Miller, Louisa Hall, Thea Goodman, MacKenzie Bezos and Naomi Alderman.


Combined Print & E-Book Fiction

Combined Print & E-Book Nonfiction

Hardcover Fiction

Hardcover Nonfiction

Paperback Trade Fiction

Paperback Mass-Market Fiction

Paperback Nonfiction

All the Lists

New in the Review

Changes to the best-seller lists and this column, Open Book, are new to the Book Review.

Back Page

Beautiful Creatures

Charles Kingsley's 150-year-old morality fable reflects the contradictory impulses of the Victorian era.

Inside the List

"Happy, Happy, Happy" by Phil Robertson is No. 1 on the hardcover nonfiction list - the second best seller spawned by the reality show "Duck Dynasty."

Editors' Choice

Recently reviewed books of particular interest.

Paperback Row

Paperback books of particular interest.

Book Review Podcast

This week, Helene Wecker discusses her novel "The Golem and the Jinni"; Julie Bosman has notes from the field; David Carr talks about David Sedaris's "Let's Explore Diabetes With Owls"; and Gregory Cowles has best-seller news. Pamela Paul is the host.

Book Review Podcast: Unusual Immigrants in New York

Anthologies That (Mostly) Stand the Test of Time

Not Heaven; Iowa: Lucas Mann Talks About 'Class A'


'The Third Coast: When Chicago Built the American Dream' by Thomas Dyja

'We Need New Names' by NoViolet Bulawayo

'Let's Explore Diabetes With Owls' by David Sedaris

'She Left Me the Gun' by Emma Brockes

'Inferno' by Dan Brown


Children's Books: Building a Playground


Crime Columns

Children's Books

The New York Times Book Review: Back Issues

Editor's Note

Thanks for taking the time to read this e-mail. Feel free to send feedback; I enjoy hearing your opinions and will do my best to respond.

John Williams
Senior Staff Editor
The New York Times on the Web

Manejo de pacientes con adicción a drogas en urgencias

Estimado Ciberpediatra te invito al Seminario de Pediatría, Cirugía Pediátrica y Lactancia Materna. El día 22 de Mayo 2013 las 21hrs (Centro, México DF, Guadalajara y Lima Perú) a la Conferencia:“Manejo de pacientes con adicción a drogas en urgencias ” por el “Dr. Cesar D´Pool“ Pediatra de Cd. Maracaibo, Venezuela La sesión inicia puntualmente las 21 hrs.
Para entrar a la Sala de Conferencia:
1.- hacer click en la siguiente liga, o cópiala y escríbela en tu buscador

2.- “Entra como Invitado” Escribes tu nombre y apellido en el espacio en blanco
3.- Hacer click en el espacio que dice “Entrar en la Sala”
5.- A disfrutar la conferencia 6.- Recomendamos que dejes tu Nombre Completo, Correo electrónico y que participes.


Dr. Enrique Mendoza López
Webmaster: CONAPEME
Coordinador Nacional: Seminario Ciberpeds-Conapeme
Av La clinica 2520-310
Colonia Sertoma ,Mty N.L. México
CP 64710
Tel-Fax 52 81 83482940 y 52 81 81146053
Celular 8183094806

Cloroformo y muerte/Death and chloroform

Sobre los casos fatales de inhalación de cloroformo 
On the fatal cases of inhalation of chloroform
By John Snow, M.D.
(Read at the Westminster Medical Society, March 31, 1849)
Snow, John.Edinburgh Med. & Surg. Jour., vol. 72, July 1,1849, pp. 75-87.
Soon after the introduction of the inhalation of ether, two or three cases occurred in which it was rumoured that fatal effects had followed the practice; and in one case, that of Mrs Parkinson at Grantham, a coroner's jury returned a verdict to that effect, without much inquiry; the cause of death being taken for granted by the coroner in his charge. However, as the physiological effects of ether became generally known to the profession, it became evident that these deaths, which occurred two or three days after severe operations, could not be attributed to the inhalation. I know only one case where death was occasioned by the inhalation of ether.* (* See Gazette Medicale, Mars 4, 1848.) This occurred in France, and the process was continued for ten minutes, without intermission, although alarming symptoms existed a considerable part of that time, and the result was probably as much due to defective admission of air, as to the influence of the vapour. 

Muerte y anestesia 
MUCH INTEREST has been shown in deaths associated with anaesthesia by both the profession and lay public ever since Hannah Greener died on induction with chloroform in 1848.1 This first reported death occurred within eighteen months of the introduction of anaesthesia to clinical medicine. Certain sections of the medical profession have always been ready to attribute these unfortunate occurrences to therapeutic misadventure. Happily, others have been anxious to look
further and seek more rational explanations. 
La vida breve y trágica de Robert M. Glober 
The short, tragic life of Robert M. Glover.
Defalque RJ, Wright AJ.
Department of Anesthesiology, School of Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 619 19th Street South, JT 965, Birmingham, AL 35249-6810, USA.
Anaesthesia. 2004 Apr;59(4):394-400.
Robert Mortimer Glover (1815-1859) was a contemporary of John Snow and James Young Simpson. Although he did not reach the standing of those two giants, his researches, writings and lectures were important contributions to the early development of British anaesthesia. Glover was the first to explore the physiological action of chloroform in the laboratory and to discover its anaesthetic effect in 1842. He helped Sir John Fife in Hannah Greener's autopsy in January 1848 and influenced Fife's conclusions on the cause of the young girl's death. His numerous and extensive articles reviewing the history, chemistry, pharmacology and clinical applications of various anaesthetics were widely read and quoted by his colleagues, including John Snow. While in Edinburgh and Newcastle, Glover was recognised as a remarkably astute physician, original researcher, prolific writer and enthusiastic lecturer with an enormous knowledge of medicine, the physical sciences, mathematics and philosophy. His brilliant career deteriorated after his arrival in London and, especially, after his return from the Crimea, although he continued to publish until the week before his death. The causes of his decline remain obscure. The last year of his life was ruined by his addiction to chloroform, to whose development he had contributed so much, and which killed him at the early age of 43. 

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Trauma craneofacial/Cranio-facial trauma

Inquietudes sobre el cuidado clínico y crítico del trauma cráneo-facial: Estudio retrospectivo en un instituto terciario. 
Clinical and critical care concerns of cranio-facial trauma: A retrospective study in a tertiary care institute.
Bajwa SS, Kaur J, Singh A, Kapoor V, Bindra GS, Ghai GS.
Natl J Maxillofac Surg [serial online] 2012 [cited 2013 May 5];3:133-8. 
Background and Objectives: Maxillofacial trauma is commonly associated with other injuries, predominantly head injuries. The predictors of outcome in such concomitant injuries have been studied the least. The present study aims at the evaluation of types of injury, management and outcome of patients sustaining maxillofacial trauma and concomitant cranial injuries. Materials and Methods: A retrospective study was carried out in the department of anesthesiology and intensive care. A case series of 129 patients was evaluated who were admitted in ICU (Intensive Care Unit) with maxillofacial trauma and head injuries. The data was then compiled systematically and analyzed using SPSS windows and value of P< 0.05 was considered significant and P< 0.001 as highly significant. Results: Among the 129 patients, majority of them had roadside accidents (RSA > 90%) and male gender predominance with male to female ratio of 5 : 1. Fracture maxilla and nasal bones were the most commonly encountered injuries (51.93%) followed by mandibular fractures (39.53%) and fracture of zygomatic bones (28.68%). Eighty five patients (65.90%) required mechanical ventilation, tracheostomy was needed in 29 (22.48%) patients and 81 (62.8%) patients were operated for head injuries as well. Majority of the victims were aged between 15 and 40 years. Conclusions: Maxillofacial trauma and cranial injuries are common among young males and so is the nature of injuries, that is, RSA. Besides facial injuries, head injuries are important determinant of outcome in such patients. Timely resuscitation and surgical interventions at specialized centers are of prime importance as far as a better prognosis is concerned in such injuries.
Keywords: Craniofacial trauma, head injuries, maxillofacial injury, mechanical ventilation, tracheal intubation, tracheostomy.

Dr. Juan C. Flores-Carrillo
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

sábado, 18 de mayo de 2013

Bibliotecas. Alerta

La biblioteca vecinal de Can Batlló se ofrece como sala de estudio ...
La Vanguardia
La biblioteca autogestionada de Can Batlló, en el barrio de La Bordeta, se ofrece a los jóvenes de Barcelona como sala de estudio durante la temporada de exámenes. El altillo, de 100 m2, tiene capacidad para 50 personas y dispone de material de ...
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El PP pide que Zaragoza Vivienda ceda gratis el local en ...
Europa Press
La concejal del grupo municipal del Partido Popular (PP) en el Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza, Paloma Espinosa, ha solicitado que la sociedad municipal Zaragoza Vivienda ceda gratuitamente al Patronato municipal de Educación y Bibliotecas un local del ...
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Trillo en la Biblioteca Nacional
Con esta muestra, la historieta comienza a ser parte del patrimonio de la Biblioteca Nacional, a disposición de investigadores y lectores, mientras Judith Gociol y Juan María Gutiérrez -curadores de esta exhibición- son quienes están a cargo del ...
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Biblioteca: casi 9 mil ejemplares - Oem
El Sol de México
Es importante resaltar, que la Dirección de Bibliotecas y Documentación del CECULTAH, la Presidencia Municipal de Tulancingo y la Dirección General de Bibliotecas del CONACULTA, hoy en día, de manera coordinada, capacitan al personal bibliotecario.
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Biblioteca Pública invita a los talleres de fomento a la lectura
Ciudadania Express
Oaxaca, México.- En el marco del programa de Fomento a la Lectura, la Secretaría de las Culturas y Artes de Oaxaca del 18 al 31 de mayo se realizará en las instalaciones de la Biblioteca Pública Central (BPS) de esta capital tres talleres dirigidos a ...
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La historia de la propaganda, de Carlomagno hasta Twitter
Fotografía facilitada por la Biblioteca Británica de "Intelligence Agency of United States, Iraq War Playing Cards.", 2003, cortesía de David Welch, que forma parte de la exposición "Propaganda. Poder y persuasión" que ofrece desde mañana y hasta ...
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El PP denuncia pagos por duplicado en las obras de la biblioteca ...
La Voz de Galicia
El PP denunció ayer la actuación del gobierno local en la construcción de la biblioteca municipal de A Piringalla, que consideran «unha chapuza continua». Concretamente, advierten que se están realizando pagos por duplicado. Además, sospechan que la ...
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La previsión de tu signo cada día de la semana.
Europa Press
Se trata de dos ejemplares del 'Fuero de Sepúlveda' cuyo manuscrito permanecerá hasta finales de junio expuesto en una vitrina y se visionará en diapositivas en una televisión ubicada en la Biblioteca, según ha informado la ULE en una nota recogida por ...
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Restauración de documentos en la Biblioteca Nacional de ...
Agencia Venezolana de Noticias
Caracas, 16 May. AVN.- El Centro de Preservación y Conservación de Documentos de la BibliotecaNacional de Venezuela (BNV) adquirió un nuevo equipo reintegrador automático de papel, denominado Vinyector, diseñado para restaurar documentos de ...
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Se amplía el horario de la Sala de Estudios de la Biblioteca
Períodico Santa Pola
Comienza la temporada de exámenes universitarios y, un poco más adelante, la tan temida selectividad para cientos de estudiantes. Por ello, la Biblioteca de Santa Pola ha ampliado su servicio de sala de estudios. En concreto, será de nueve de la mañana ...
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Bibliote Premier Bibligue vs Biblioteca Premier - Logos Bible ...
Logos Bible Software Forums - Forums for Logos Bible Software Users including Product Information, Support Topics, and User Tips.

miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2013

Pie Equino Varo Aducto Congénito Dr. Silvestre Fuentes

Colecistectomía laparoscópica con anestesia espinal: Estudio prospectivo randomizado

Colecistectomía laparoscópica con anestesia espinal: Estudio prospectivo randomizado 
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy under spinal anaesthesia: A prospective, randomised study
Tiwari S, Chauhan A, Chaterjee P, Alam MT.
J Min Access Surg [serial online] 2013 [cited 2013 Apr 23];9:65-71.
Context: Spinal anaesthesia has been reported as an alternative to general anaesthesia for performing laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC). Aims: Study aimed to evaluate efficacy, safety and cost benefit of conducting laparoscopic cholecystectomy under spinal anaesthesia (SA) in comparison to general anaesthesia(GA) Settings and Design: A prospective, randomised study conducted over a two year period at an urban, non teaching hospital. Materials and Methods: Patients meeting inclusion criteria e randomised into two groups .Group A and Group B received general and spinal anaesthesia by standardised techniques. Both groups underwent standard four port laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Mean anaesthesia time, pneumoperitoneum time and surgery time defined primary outcome measures. Intraoperative events and post operative pain score were secondary outcome measure. Statistical Analysis Used: The Student t test, Pearson's chi-square test and Fisher exact test. Results: Out of 235 cases enrolled in the study, 114 cases in Group A and 110 in Group B analysed. Mean anaesthesia time appeared to be more in the GA group (49.45 vs. 40.64, P = 0.02) while pneumoperitoneum time and corresponding the total surgery time was slightly longer in the SA group. 27/117 cases who received SA experienced intraoperative events, four significant enough to convert to GA. No postoperative complications noted in either group. Pain relief significantly more in SA group in immediate post operative period (06 and 12 hours) but same as GA group at time of discharge (24 hours). No late postoperative complication or readmission noted in either group. Conclusion: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy done under spinal anaesthesia as a routine anaesthesia of choice is feasible and safe. Spinal anaesthesia can be recommended to be the anaesthesia technique of choice for conducting laparoscopic cholecystectomy in hospital setups in developing countries where cost factor is a major factor.
Keywords: General anaesthesia, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, spinal anaesthesia

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor