Salud - Sólo quien ha pasado por ello puede saber el dolor que provoca una ruptura con la persona amada. Sin embargo, por primera vez, estas personas podrán decir que su cerebro sufre de verdad; tanto como...
AulaSalud - Uploaded and Shared in Youtube by: UAAnchorage In this 10-minute video, three scientists explain their NIH-funded research aimed at answering whether environmental contaminants might be causing wid...
SympoEndocrino - Clinical Research Center, National Hospital Organization, Kinki-Chuo Chest Medical Center, 1180 Nagasone, Kitaku, Sakai, Osaka 591-8555, Japan.AbstractObjective. Mycobacterium tuberculosis infectio...
globalscientist - Uploaded and shared in Youtube by: UFHealthScience — Misaligned research, medical challenges and harsh economics are thwarting efforts to slow the destructive course of Alzheimer's disease in the U...
SympoNeurology - Last week, the president of ClubsAustralia, Peter Newell, addressed the National Press Club (speech available here). Today, it was Independent MP Andrew Wilkie’s turn, and he has reportedly given t...
croakeyblog - Uploaded and shared in Youtube by: URMCPR — On July 13 and 14, 2010 the FDA convened a special scientific advisory panel to provide recommendations on the controversial diabetes drug Avandia, which...
SymMedicalStude - Cocaïne, héroïne, opium, alcool… Médicaments et autres remèdes de grand-mère en images Un ami canadien m’a envoyé ce rappel des plaisirs médicamenteux de nos grands-parents et arrière grand-parents... Farmacoterapia | - El Sol de Hidalgo 27 de marzo de 2011 Por Dr. Jorge M. Aguilar Torres Pachuca, Hidalgo.- El maltrato y descuido de menores de edad son problemas crecientes. Casi la mitad de los casos de maltrato i...
Norelysr - Información La conferencia tendrá por sede el Hotel Santo Domingo y la participación es gratuita Los objetivos generales de este evento, pionero en su género en RD, es dar a conocer a los profesion...
medicosrd - Chips are disappearing from bags, candy from boxes and vegetables from cans. As an expected increase in the cost of raw materials looms for late summer, consumers are beginning to encou... nytimes | - Pediatrics / Children's Health NewsAcademic JournalMain Category: Pediatrics / Children's Health Also Included In: Men's health; Public Health Article Date: 28 Mar 2011 - 18:00 PDT email to a frie... medical_tweets | - Long-term treatment outcomes with lisdexamfetamine dimesylate for adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder stratified by baseline severity Posted online on March 28, 2011. (doi:10.1185/...
CMRO_Journal - Uploaded and Shared in Youtube by: UofMAHC The Biomedical Discovery District is critical to the University's research in the health sciences, and to our goal of preventing and finding treatments an...
SympoPharmaco - Un puñado de este fruto seco contiene dos veces más antioxidantes polifenoles en comparación con otros también ricos en vitamina E Los frutos secos son beneficiosos para la salud, pero las nueces s...
frankmanzueta - This shows a full Abdominoplasty surgery performed by Dr. Art Foley in Olympia Washington. Abdominoplasty is also commonly referred to as a "Tummy Tuck." Tummy tuck is a surgical procedure also kno...
SympoPlasticSur - ALICIA DE LA ROSA | EL UNIVERSAL lunes 28 de marzo de 2011 11:40 AM Caracas.- La ministra de Salud, Eugenia Sader, confirmó en rueda de prensa, 415 casos de virus AH1N1, concentrados en 19 estado...
Bibliocentro - Uploaded and Shared in Youtube by: USFoodandDrugAdmin You can easily find them on the internet - products sold as "dietary supplements" to enhance sexual performance or treat erectile dysfunction. ...
SymWomenHealth - Does the reading public really need yet one more rundown of the repeatedly debunked claims linking childhood vaccinations and autism? The positions of those who uphold vaccine safety and those who ... CharlieNeck | - La demencia en el Alzheimer es precedida por un declive cognitivo acelerado con un promedio de cinco a seis años Un rápido deterioro cognitivo hasta seis años antes de las primeras evidencias del A...
medicosrd - Lunes, 28 marzo 2011Un importante grupo médico estadounidense advirtió que, a los daños potenciales vinculados con las redes sociales habría que agregar la "depresión debida a Facebook", ya que, as...
Rick_Villalobos - La demencia en el Alzheimer es precedida por un declive cognitivo acelerado con un promedio de cinco a seis años Un rápido deterioro cognitivo hasta seis años antes de las primeras evidencias del A...
frankmanzueta - Doctors with private financial conflicts of interest dominated some of the panels that wrote guidelines on cardiovascular health in recent years, according to a medical journal study released on Mo... nytimeshealth | - is the technological platform that will allow you (and your colleagues) to share medical information, event calendars, clinical cases, new procedures and much more with medicine profe...
SympoNeurology - Remission of major depressive disorder without adverse events: a comparison of escitalopram versus serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors Posted online on March 28, 2011. (doi:10.1185/0300799...
CMRO_Journal - ¡Síguenos en Twitter y hazte fan en Facebook! ¿Ya sigues al Editor en Twitter? Plantearán asimismo que se complementen alimentos con ácido fólico en beneficio de las mujeres embarazadas, según expl...
mipediatra - Austin, Tex. IT’S been a year since health care reform was signed into law, and since then both Republicans and Democrats have been trying to address one item it left out: medical mal...
EvidenceBsdMed - About is a network for scientists and the community to discover and share scholary and popular content in biology, in the applied life sciences agriculture and forestry, in the ea...
Life_Sciences_ - Uploaded and Shared in Youtube by: NEJMvideo A 46-year-old woman presented with a history of 3 days of pruritus in the anal area and 1 day of excretion of tapelike materials. During the year before...
SympoGastroEnt - is the technological platform that will allow you (and your colleagues) to share medical information, event calendars, clinical cases, new procedures and much more with medicine profe...
SympoSportsMed - We have just has the announcement of the additional Wave 2 Personally Controlled EHR Sites Announced. There is coverage here: Nine new e-health pilots, but doubts linger By Michael Woodhea...
croakeyblog - About is a network for scientists and the community to discover and share scholary and popular content in biology, in the applied life sciences agriculture and forestry, in the ea...
Life_Sciences_ - Since 1991, the National Breast Cancer Coalition — an influential disease lobbying organization — has promoted evidence-based medicine and focused its public policy advocacy on legislative prioriti...
HighlightHEALTH - The stress a mother experiences during birth can lead to interventions such as caesareans.. Salim Fadhley/flickr More than 200,000 Australian women give birth in hospital every year, but very few g... croakeyblog | - About is a network for scientists and the community to discover and share scholary and popular content in biology, in the applied life sciences agriculture and forestry, in the ea...
Life_Sciences_ - About is a network for scientists and the community to discover and share scholary and popular content in biology, in the applied life sciences agriculture and forestry, in the ea...