lunes, 11 de julio de 2016

Vacuna para herpes zoster / Herpes zoster vaccine

Julio 9, 2016. No. 2381

Seguridad y efectividad de la vacuna para herpes zoster para prevenir neuralgia postherpética
Safety and effectiveness of the herpes zoster vaccine to prevent postherpetic neuralgia: 2014 Update and consensus statement from the Canadian Pain Society.
Pain Res Manag. 2015 Jan-Feb;20(1):46-7.
The Canadian Pain Society (CPS) hosted its first Study Day in Toronto in July 2014, attended by experts in various fields of pain management and research (listed below). The aim was to review the National Advisory Committee on Immunization guidelines and to prepare a CPS position statement concerning the use of the zoster vaccine in Canada.
 Costo-efectividad de la vacunación contra herpes zoster
Cost-effectiveness of vaccination against herpes zoster.
Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2014;10(7):2048-61. doi: 10.4161/hv.28670.
Herpes zoster (HZ) is a common disease among elderly, which may develop into a severe pain syndrome labeled postherpetic neuralgia (PHN). A live-attenuated varicella zoster virus vaccine has been shown to be effective in reducing the incidence and burden of illness of HZ and PHN, providing the opportunity to prevent significant health-related and financial consequences of HZ. In this review, we summarize the available literature on cost-effectiveness of HZ vaccination and discuss critical parameters for cost-effectiveness results. A search in PubMed and EMBASE was performed to identify full cost-effectiveness studies published before April 2013. Fourteen cost-effectiveness studies were included, all performed in western countries. All studies evaluated cost-effectiveness among elderly above 50 years and used costs per quality-adjusted life year (QALY) gained as primary outcome. The vast majority of studies showed vaccination of 60- to 75-year-old individuals to be cost-effective, when duration of vaccine efficacy was longer than 10 years. Duration of vaccine efficacy, vaccine price, HZ incidence, HZ incidence and discount rates were influential to the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER). HZ vaccination may be a worthwhile intervention from a cost-effectiveness point of view. More extensive reporting on methodology and more detailed results of sensitivity analyses would be desirable to address uncertainty and to guarantee optimal comparability between studies, for example regarding model structure, discounting, vaccine characteristics and loss of quality of life due to HZ and PHN.
KEYWORDS: cost-effectiveness; herpes zoster; postherpetic neuralgia; shingles; vaccination; vaccine; zostavax

Evaluación de la efectividad y eficacia de la vacuna de herpes zoster vivo atenuado
Evaluation of efficacy and effectiveness of live attenuated zoster vaccine.
J Prev Med Hyg. 2014 Dec;55(4):130-6.
Herpes zoster (HZ) is a viral disease characterized by a dermatologic and neurologic involvement caused by the reactivation of the latent varicellazoster virus (VZV) acquired during primary infection (varicella). HZ incidence increases with age and is related to waning specific cell-mediated immunity (CMI). The most frequent complication of HZ is post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN) characterized by chronic pain lasting at least 30 days, with impact on patients' quality of life. Available treatments are quite unsatisfactory in reducing pain and length of the disease. The evaluation of the epidemiology, the debilitating complications (PHN), the suboptimal available treatments and the costs related to the diagnosis and clinical/therapeutic management of HZ patients have been the rationale for the search of an adequate preventive measure against this disease. The target of this intervention is to reduce the frequency and severity of HZ and related complications by stimulating CMI. Prevention has recently become possible with the live attenuated vaccine Oka/Merck, with an antigen content at least 10-fold higher than the antigen content of pediatric varicella vaccines. Clinical studies show a good level of efficacy and effectiveness, particularly against the burden of illness and PHN in all age classes. Accordingly to the summary of the characteristics of the product the zoster vaccine is indicated for the prevention of HZ and PHN in individuals 50 years of age or older and is effective and safe in subjects with a positive history of HZ.

Comité Europeo de Enseñanza en Anestesiología
Curso de Actualización en Anestesiología
Anestesia por Especialidades y Simposio Anestesia y Cirugía Plástica Seguras
Agosto 5-7, 2016. Tijuana BC, México
Información Dr. Sergio Granados Tinajero 

16th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists

28 August - 2 September 2016 
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists
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Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

52 664 6848905

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Factor de crecimiento antineural / Anti-nerve growth factor

Julio 10, 2016. No. 2382
Factor de crecimiento antineural en el manejo del dolor. Evidencia actual.
Anti-nerve growth factor in pain management: current evidence.
J Pain Res. 2016 Jun 8;9:373-83. doi: 10.2147/JPR.S89061. eCollection 2016
There continues to be an unmet need for safe and effective pain medications. Opioids and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) dominate the clinical landscape despite limited effectiveness and considerable side-effect profiles. Although significant advancements have identified myriad potential pain targets over the past several decades, the majority of new pain pharmacotherapies have failed to come to market. The discovery of nerve growth factor (NGF) and its interaction with tropomyosin receptor kinase A (trkA) have been well characterized as important mediators of pain initiation and maintenance, and pharmacotherapies targeting this pathway have the potential to be considered promising methods in the treatment of a variety of nociceptive and neuropathic pain conditions. Several methodologic approaches, including sequestration of free NGF, prevention of NGF binding and trkA activation, and inhibition of trkA function, have been investigated in the development of new pharmacotherapies. Among these, NGF-sequestering antibodies have exhibited the most promise in clinical trials. However, in 2010, reports of rapid joint destruction leading to joint replacement prompted the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to place a hold on all clinical trials involving anti-NGF antibodies. Although the FDA has since lifted this hold and a number of new trials are under way, the long-term efficacy and safety profile of anti-NGF antibodies are yet to be established.
drug discovery; fasinumab; fulranumab; neuropathic pain; nociceptive pain; tanezumab

Comité Europeo de Enseñanza en Anestesiología
Curso de Actualización en Anestesiología
Anestesia por Especialidades y Simposio Anestesia y Cirugía Plástica Seguras
Agosto 5-7, 2016. Tijuana BC, México
Información Dr. Sergio Granados Tinajero 

16th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists

28 August - 2 September 2016 
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists
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Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

52 664 6848905

Copyright © 2015

Qué es el hallux valgus : Vidéo :

Qué es el hallux valgus : Vidéo :

Primary posterior blade plate fusion for C2-C3 comminuted #Pilon fracture

Primary posterior blade plate fusion for C2-C3 comminuted #Pilon fracture

Marihuana en dolor crónico / Marihuana in chronic pain

Julio 11, 2016. No. 2383

Eficacia y efectos adversos de la marihuana médica en dolor crónico
Efficacy and adverse effects of medical marijuana for chronic noncancer pain: Systematic review of randomized controlled trials.
Can Fam Physician. 2015 Aug;61(8):e372-81.
OBJECTIVE: To determine if medical marijuana provides pain relief for patients with chronic noncancer pain (CNCP) and to determine the therapeutic dose, adverse effects, and specific indications. DATA SOURCES: In April 2014, MEDLINE and EMBASE searches were conducted using the terms chronic noncancer pain, smoked marijuana or cannabinoids, placebo and pain relief, or side effects or adverse events. STUDY SELECTION: An article was selected for inclusion if it evaluated the effect of smoked or vaporized cannabinoids (nonsynthetic) for CNCP; it was designed as a controlled study involving a comparison group, either concurrently or historically; and it was published in English in a peer-review journal. Outcome data on pain, function, dose, and adverse effects were collected, if available. All articles that were only available in abstract form were excluded. Synthesis A total of 6 randomized controlled trials (N = 226 patients) were included in this review; 5 of them assessed the use of medical marijuana in neuropathic pain as an adjunct to other concomitant analgesics including opioids and anticonvulsants. The 5 trials were considered to be of high quality; however, all of them had challenges with masking. Data could not be pooled owing to heterogeneity in delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol potency by dried weight, differing frequency and duration of treatment, and variability in assessing outcomes. All experimental sessions in the studies were of short duration (maximum of 5 days) and reported statistically significant pain relief with nonserious side effects. CONCLUSION: There is evidence for the use of low-dose medical marijuana in refractory neuropathic pain in conjunction with traditional analgesics. However, trials were limited by short duration, variability in dosing and strength of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, and lack of functional outcomes. Although well tolerated in the short term, the long-term effects of psychoactive and neurocognitive effects of medical marijuana remain unknown. Generalizing the use of medical marijuana to all CNCP conditions does not appear to be supported by existing evidence. Clinicians should exercise caution when prescribing medical marijuana for patients, especially in those with nonneuropathic CNCP.

Comité Europeo de Enseñanza en Anestesiología
Curso de Actualización en Anestesiología
Anestesia por Especialidades y Simposio Anestesia y Cirugía Plástica Seguras
Agosto 5-7, 2016. Tijuana BC, México
Información Dr. Sergio Granados Tinajero 

16th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists

28 August - 2 September 2016 
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists
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Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

52 664 6848905

Copyright © 2015

Ejercicios de Codman para Rehabilitación del hombro

Ejercicios de Codman para Rehabilitación del hombro

Bibliotecas. Noticias

Notificaciones diarias ⋅ 9 de julio de 2016

Correo del Orinoco

Instituto de bibliotecas de Nueva Esparta rendirá homenaje cada 15 días a los poetas insulares
Correo del Orinoco
Este viernes se dio inicio a un programa itinerante conformado por las 32 bibliotecas de la red del Instituto Autónomo de Servicios de Bibliotecas y ...

El Ciudadano Cañuelense

La Biblioteca Sarmiento, complicada en su economía por falta de subsidios
El Ciudadano Cañuelense
El panorama de las bibliotecas populares sigue siendo crítico. Y el caso de la Biblioteca Sarmiento de Cañuelas no escapa a una realidad que afecta ...

Acta Sanitaria

La biblioteca del Hospital de Valdecilla destaca en ginecología, ortopedia y traumatología
Acta Sanitaria
La biblioteca Marquesa de Pelayo, perteneciente al Hospital de Valdecilla en Cantabria, ha recibido donaciones de fondos bibliográfico que le sitúan ...

Alistan programa “Mis vacaciones en la biblioteca”
El Heraldo del Bajío (Comunicado de prensa)
A partir del próximo 18 de julio y hasta el 12 de agosto, la Dirección de Educación Municipal a través de la Coordinación de Bibliotecas Públicas ...

Biblioteca Nacional alcanza aniversario No 183 con actividades académicas y culturales
Agencia Venezolana de Noticias (Comunicado de prensa)
El presidente de la Biblioteca Nacional de Venezuela, Sady Loaiza, explicó que con este evento se inició una programación especial con motivo de ...

Imagen de Zacatecas, el periódico de los zacatecanos (Comunicado de prensa) (Registro)

Invitan a niños y jóvenes a Mis Vacaciones en la Biblioteca
Imagen de Zacatecas, el periódico de los zacatecanos (Comunicado de prensa) (Registro)
Agustín Veyna Trejo, coordinador estatal de Bibliotecas, informó que, en el marco del programa nacional Mis Vacaciones en la Biblioteca, este año ...

La Prensa

Arme su biblioteca digital con los libros gratuitos de internet
La Prensa
La Biblioteca Digital del Patrimonio Iberoamericano ha reunido en un solo sitio web la información digital de 10 países, incluyendo la de la Biblioteca ...

Quadratín Michoacán

Conocimiento e información, fundamentales para administrar justicia
Quadratín Michoacán
“Las bibliotecas jurídicas, la labor jurisdiccional y el acceso a la justicia”, realizado en el Consejo de la Judicatura, en la que resaltó que en toda ...

La Opinión de Málaga
Con los ojos como platos, escuchaban a aquel padre confesar que llevaba a sus hijos a una biblioteca pública. Con asiduidad. Y que sacaban libros ...

Diario La Región

Biblioteca Cecilio Acosta incorpora 40 cuentos infantiles en su portal digital
Diario La Región
La Biblioteca Pública Central Cecilio Acosta incorporó a su recién inaugurado portal digital 40 cuentos infantiles, los cuales fueron elaborados por ...


Las bibliotecas públicas del Estado en Mérida y Cáceres celebran actividades para el público ...
Junta de Extremadura
Las bibliotecas públicas del Estado en Mérida 'Jesús Delgado Valhondo' y Cáceres 'A. Rodríguez-Moñino/M. Brey', dependientes de la Junta de ...

¿Qué programas realiza la Comunidad de Madrid para potenciar el foment...
Pregunte: las bibliotecas responden
Las Bibliotecas Públicas de la Comunidad Madrid organizan diversas actividades en sus centros destinadas al público infantil y juvenil como son los ...

El Universal - Colombia

Cartagena, una biblioteca invisible
El Universal - Colombia
La oferta de las bibliotecas es variada, sin embargo hace falta incentivar el interés del público para cambiar la percepción de que son lugares ...

Ocho bibliotecas de la comarca recibirán una renovación de fondos en gallego
La Voz de Galicia
Para acceder a dicha línea presupuestaria, la Secretaría Xeral de Cultura ha habilitado una plataforma desde la cual las bibliotecas pueden adquirir ...

La Estrella de Panamá

La biblioteca, un centro de documentación
La Estrella de Panamá
'La Biblioteca Nacional ya es una biblioteca moderna , el catálogo se puede mirar por la web, esto ah simplificado enormemente los servicios porque ...

Unos 240 niños participan en las actividades de las bibliotecas municipales
La Región
Las actividades de las bibliotecas llevarán a los niños de viaje por diferentes playas y darán a conocer los animales que se pueden encontrar en la ...

Bibliotecas Lerner en Bogota
La biografía del fundador de la librería bogotana coincide con la apertura de su nueva sede. Por: MIGUEL ÁNGEL MANRIQUE* |. 2:19 a.m. | 10 de ...

Alberto Manguel: "Esperaba que Horacio González me diera la bienvenida"
Sin acto oficial, el nuevo director de la Biblioteca Nacional acaba de asumir en el cargo. Antes de su presentación en público, el reconocido ...

Diario de Cuyo

Bibliotecarias que brillaron en el Carrascal
Diario de Cuyo
Ellas son bibliotecarias o asistentes de las bibliotecas populares Pablo Ramella, Juan Rómulo Fernández, 23 de Septiembre y Paula Albarracín de ...

La Vanguardia

El 60% de los españoles no entra nunca en librerías y el 75% no acude a lasbibliotecas
La Vanguardia
El 57,5 por ciento de los españoles no acude nunca a las librerías y el 74,7 por ciento no va a lasbibliotecas, según muestran los resultados del ...

NTR Zacatecas .com

Mis Vacaciones en la Biblioteca
NTR Zacatecas .com
BIBLIOTECA 2 Agustín Veyna Trejo, coordinador estatal de Bibliotecas, informó que en el marco del Programa Nacional Mis Vacaciones en la ...


VENEZUELA: Biblioteca Nacional alcanza aniversario No 183 con actividades académicas ...
La democratización del conocimiento fue uno de los temas de una conferencia sobre el acervo documental de las unidades de información que sirvió ...