sábado, 19 de octubre de 2013

The FDA's Graphic Tobacco Warnings and the First Amendment: N Engl J Med 2013


Vicente Lozada-Balderrama

The FDA's Graphic Tobacco Warnings and the First Amendment: N Engl J Med 2013

The FDA's Graphic Tobacco Warnings and the First Amendment

David Orentlicher, M.D., J.D.

N Engl J Med 2013; 369:204-206July 18, 2013DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1304513

In the past, constitutional principle gave the government broad authority to regulate tobacco or pharmaceutical advertising. The state's power to safeguard the public health was strong, and companies' freedom to plug their products was weak.

But the Supreme Court has changed course. Whereas it once did not view “commercial” speech as the kind of speech the First Amendment protects, it now gives businesses nearly the same rights to market their goods as it does individuals to speak their minds. And as the Court has broadened corporate freedom to advertise, it has narrowed governmental power to preserve the public's health. Whereas the Court once gave the government more leeway when invoking its interests in public health than when asserting other state interests, it now tends to hold health-related rules to the same constitutional standards as other types of rules.1

As a result, government today is much more susceptible to challenge when it tries to regulate the promotional activities of the tobacco or pharmaceutical industry. In 2011, the Supreme Court rejected Vermont's effort to restrict the use of prescription data by drug companies' sales representatives.2 And last year, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit vetoed the new graphic warnings for cigarette packages that had been issued by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).3 The Supreme Court's increasing sympathy for corporate speech and decreasing deference to public health authorities makes it more difficult for government to protect the public's health. The fate of the graphic cigarette warnings is illustrative.

Congress authorized the graphic warnings when it passed the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act in 2009. The Act requires the use of nine new textual warnings for cigarette packages and directs the Department of Health and Human Services to select color graphics to accompany the warnings. The images have to depict the “negative health consequences” of smoking, with text and graphic taking up the top halves of each pack's front and back panels.

In June 2011, the FDA unveiled the nine images, including some that were quite explicit. One image showed a man smoking through a tracheostomy (see image). Another showed the corpse of a man with staples in his chest on an autopsy table. Several tobacco companies promptly sued, alleging that the graphic-warning requirements violated their First Amendment rights. The companies prevailed in both the district court and the D.C. Circuit.

In one sense, the result was not surprising, given the Supreme Court's increased sympathy toward corporations and their First Amendment rights. Regulations of commercial speech often succumb to judicial scrutiny.

However, there was good reason to think that the D.C. Circuit would uphold the graphic warnings. Even as the Supreme Court has narrowed the power of government to regulate corporate speech, it has preserved an important authority to regulate. The graphic warnings seemed to fall within that authority.

The preserved authority reflects the distinction the Supreme Court makes between the regulation of corporate speech that informs and the regulation of corporate speech that misinforms. On the one hand, the Court usually objects when the government tries to block truthful speech by businesses. In the prescription-data case, the Vermont law would have restricted the free flow of information about physicians' prescribing practices. On the other hand, the Court typically approves when the government tries to prevent false or deceptive speech by businesses. For example, the government may forbid companies from saying things that are not true. It also may require companies to make disclosures that will allow consumers to make informed choices and not be misled by advertising hype. Common disclosure requirements include the corporate prospectus for stock offerings, the total interest payments for a home mortgage, nutritional information for foods, and the textual warnings for cigarettes.

The graphic cigarette warnings appeared to serve purposes similar to those of other required disclosures. The warnings would promote understanding of the risks of smoking and prevent people from being misled by cigarette marketing.

Indeed, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit had upheld Congress's authority to mandate graphic warnings.4 As that court observed, people often do not read textual warnings on cigarette packages. And even when read, the warnings may not be effective in informing consumers about the risks to their health. Adding color images can ensure that textual warnings are noticed, read, and understood. Sometimes a picture really is worth a thousand words.

Even though the Supreme Court let the Sixth Circuit's decision stand, its effect is limited. The Sixth Circuit considered only whether Congress may require some graphic warnings. The D.C. Circuit considered the constitutionality of the FDA's actual warnings.

In rejecting the warnings by a two-to-one vote, the D.C. Circuit identified two problems. First, the majority did not think the images were needed to prevent cigarette companies from misleading consumers. Other statutory provisions already prohibited many kinds of deceptive labeling or advertising. The court was not willing to defer to the FDA's judgment that the new images were necessary. Second, the warnings were not designed simply to ensure that consumers fully understand the risks to their health from cigarettes. Instead, wrote the majority, the warnings would primarily serve to convey the government's antismoking message. Indeed, each of the new images would include the phone number for the National Cancer Institute's tobacco cessation hotline, 1-800-QUIT-NOW. Whereas government may use its own resources to publicize its perspectives, it generally may not force individuals or corporations to spend their dollars to disseminate its viewpoint.

Rather than seek Supreme Court review of the D.C. Circuit's decision, the FDA opted to return to the drawing board and develop new graphic warnings. In the meantime, we are left with some important questions.

First, when do graphic warnings cross the line between trying to inform and trying to persuade? Does it depend on how “shocking” or how prominent they are? Two of the three D.C. Circuit judges thought that the images were designed to evoke an emotional response rather than to convey factual information. The dissenting judge cited the FDA's point that warnings more effectively communicate information when they elicit a strong emotional reaction. In addition, the images would provide information about risk when viewed in conjunction with their accompanying text. For example, the image of the man smoking through a tracheostomy accompanied the warning “Cigarettes are addictive” and would have illustrated the tenacity of nicotine addiction. In the dissenter's view, the images would have been acceptable without the cessation hotline number.

Second, must the warnings correct misleading impressions from the company's cigarette packaging or current advertisements, or may they also correct misimpressions from past promotional materials?

Third, if courts will not defer to the judgment of public health authorities about the need for disclosure mandates, what kind of empirical evidence must the FDA present in order to justify the use of graphic warnings?

Whatever the answers to these questions, companies today are better able to promote their products, and government is less able to promote health than was the case in the past. Ironically, early protection of commercial speech rested in large part on the need to serve consumers' welfare. In 1976, for example, the Supreme Court struck down a Virginia law that prevented pharmacists from advertising their prices for prescription drugs.5 The law especially hurt persons of limited means, who were not able to shop around and therefore might not be able to afford their medicines. Today, by contrast, courts are using the First Amendment to the detriment of consumers' welfare, by invalidating laws that would protect the public health.

Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the full text of this article at NEJM.org.

This article was published on June 26, 2013, at NEJM.org.


From the Hall Center for Law and Health, Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law, and the Indiana University School of Medicine — both in Indianapolis

jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013

Obesidad y anestesia regional

Obesidad y anestesia regional

Obesity and Regional Anesthesia
Parra, Michelle C. MD; Loftus, Randy W. MD
International Anesthesiology Clinics Summer 2013 - Volume 51 - Issue 3 - p 90-112
doi: 10.1097/AIA.0b013e31829b8f4b

Fisiología pulmonar en el obeso mórbido y los efectos de anestesia

Pulmonary Physiology of the Morbidly Obese and the Effects of Anesthesia
Schumann, Roman MD
International Anesthesiology Clinics Summer 2013 - Volume 51 - Issue 3 - p 41-51
doi: 10.1097/AIA.0b013e3182981252


Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Las dietas ricas en polifenoles alargan la vida de los ancianos


La investigación la han llevado a cabo científicos del departamento Nutrición y Bromatología de la Universidad de Barcelona y del Instituto Catalán de Oncología (ICO-IDIBELL) y expertos del Centro Nacional Italiano de Investigación sobre Envejecimiento, de la Azienda Sanitaria di Firenze (Itlia) y del Instituto Nacional sobre Envejecimiento de EE.UU.

Los polifenoles son unos compuestos de origen vegetal que se ha comprobado que pueden tener efectos beneficiosos para la salud como agentes antioxidantes, antiinflamatorios y anticancerígenos. El trabajo publicado ahora en Journal of Nutrition se basa en el seguimiento durante doce años de 807 hombres y mujeres de más de 65 años de las ciudades de Greve y Bagno, en la Toscana italiana, en el marco del proyecto InChianti.

El equipo de la UB ha estudiado el efecto del consumo de dietas ricas en compuestos fenólicos mediante el uso de un biomarcador nutricional -los polifenoles totales excretados en la orina (Total Urinary Polyphenol, TUP)- como indicador de la ingesta total de polifenoles (Total Dietary Polyphenol, TDP). La profesora Cristina Andrés Lacueva, jefa del Grupo de Investigación de Biomarcadores y Metabolómica Nutricional y de los Alimentos de la UB y coordinadora del estudio, ha explicado que "el desarrollo y el uso de biomarcadores nutricionales nos permite hacer una estimación de la ingesta más precisa, y sobre todo, más objetiva". Ello se debe a que ya que no se basa en la memoria de los participantes del estudio cuando responden los cuestionarios dietéticos, sino que considera la biodisponibilidad y las diferencias entre individuos. Según la experta, "esta metodología permite evaluar con mayor fiabilidad y menos errores las asociaciones entre la ingesta de alimentos o nutrientes y la mortalidad o riesgo de sufrir enfermedades".

El estudio muestra que la mortalidad total se redujo un 30 % en el grupo de participantes que ingirieron más de 650 miligramos por día, en comparación con el grupo con ingestas más bajas de 500 miligramos diarios. El investigador del ICO-IDIBELL, Raúl Zamora, ha resaltado que "estos resultados corroboran la evidencia científica actual que asocia dietas ricas en alimentos de origen vegetal con una mortalidad total menor y una incidencia también más baja de varias enfermedades crónicas".

Feliz Día del Anestesiólogo/Happy Anaesthesiologist Day

Desde que William Thomas Green Morton utilizó por primera ocasión anestesia general en un paciente del Hospital General de Massachusetts el 16 de Octubre de 1846, en muchos países celebramos esta fecha como el Día Internacional del Anestesiólogo, ya que este momento selló un avance de gran importancia en la lucha contra el dolor.
Empleamos la mitad de nuestra vida para alcanzar nuestra meta profesional de ser anestesiólogos. La segunda mitad de nuestro existir lo dedicamos a atender pacientes de todas las edades con patologías tan variadas que no alcanzaría una vida extra para poder estudiarlas, entenderlas y ser expertos en cada una de estas patologías. Aun así, como anestesiólogos entrenados dedicamos conocimiento, corazón y alma para dar lo mejor de nosotros a cada paciente, a cada familia que deposita su confianza en nuestro saber y experiencia.
Ser anestesiólogo hoy en día no solo es dar buenas anestesias. Hay riesgos profesionales que afrontamos diariamente; desde los incidentes no esperados, las denuncias no justificadas, los turnos con trabajo en exceso, radiaciones, ruido, contaminación de las salas de operaciones, posibilidad de suicidio, divorcio y mayor incidencia de neoplasias, fatiga profesional entre otros muchos peligros que dejamos pasar por alto en beneficio de cada uno de nuestros pacientes.
Sin duda seguiremos siendo anestesiólogos hasta nuestro último día, pero ahora que estamos activos es tiempo de pensar en nosotros mismos, hacer un análisis profundo de nuestros logros, de nuestra vida profesional y familiar, y orientar nuestras metas para ser mejores anestesiólogos, mejores seres humanos. Con el afán de colaborar en esta tarea es que los integrantes y colaboradores de Anestesiología y Medicina del dolor hemos diseñado nuestros programas educativos gratuitos utilizando las información científica disponible en el Internet. La respuesta ha sido muy satisfactoria y ya estamos en más de 120 países, lo cual nos compromete a mejorar nuestros proyectos educativos y así poder llegar a Usted, y a otros miles de colegas alrededor del mundo.
!Una vez más FELICIDADES por haber elegido a la anestesiología como su meta profesional, como parte importante de su vida y de la vida de sus pacientes!  
Since William Thomas Green Morton used for the first time general anesthesia in a patient at Massachusetts General Hospital on October 16, 1846 , many countries celebrate this day as the International Day of the Anesthesiologist , since this time sealed a major breakthrough in the fight against pain.
We spend half of our life to achieve our professional goal to become anesthesiologists. The second half of our existence is dedicated to serve patients of all ages, with medical and surgical conditions as varied that an extra life would not give us enough time to study , to understand and be expert in each of these pathologies. Still, as dedicated anesthesiologists we use our knowledge , heart and soul to give our best to every patient , every family that places its trust in our hands.
Being anesthesiologist is not as simple as to give a perfect anesthesia; there are occupational hazards that we face daily like unexpected incidents, complaints not justified , working shifts in excess, radiation, noise, pollution of the operating room, possibility of suicide, divorce, and increased incidence of neoplasm , professional fatigue among many hazards that we overlook to benefit each of our patients.
We will certainly continue to be anesthesiologists until our last day, but now that we are active it is time to think about ourselves, making a thorough analysis of our accomplishments, our work and family life, and guide our goals to be better anesthesiologists, better human beings. In an effort to assist in this task is that the members and staff of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine have designed our free educational
programs using scientific information available on the internet. The response has been very successful and we are now in over 120 countries, which commits us to improve our educational projects so we can reach you, and other thousands of colleagues around the world .
!Again, CONGRATULATIONS for choosing Anesthesiology as your career goal and also as an important part of your life and the lives of their patients!  
Desde que William Thomas Green Morton usou pela primeira vez em um paciente sob anestesia geral no Hospital Geral de Massachusetts em 16 de outubro de 1846, muitos países comemoram este dia como o Dia Internacional do anestesiologista , pois desta vez selado um grande avanço na luta contra a dor.
Empregam metade da nossa vida para alcançar nosso objetivo profissional para ser anestesiologistas . A segunda metade de nossa existência é dedicada a servir os pacientes de todas as idades , com condições tão variadas não iria ganhar uma vida extra para ser capaz de estudar , compreender e ser especialista em cada uma dessas patologias. Ainda assim, anestesistas treinados como dedicados conhecimento , coração e alma para dar o nosso melhor para cada paciente , cada família que coloca sua confiança em nosso conhecimento e experiência.
Sendo anestesista hoje não é apenas para dar uma boa anestesia. Há riscos ocupacionais que enfrentamos diariamente , a partir de incidentes inesperados , as queixas não são justificadas , com turnos de trabalho em excesso , radiação, ruído, poluição da sala de cirurgia , possibilidade de suicídio , divórcio e aumento da incidência de neoplasias , fadiga profissional entre muitos perigos que nós negligenciamos o benefício de cada um dos nossos pacientes .
Vamos, certamente, continuar a ser anestesiologistas até o último dia , mas agora estamos ativos é hora de pensar sobre nós mesmos, fazer uma análise profunda de nossas realizações , o nosso trabalho ea vida familiar, e orientar nossas metas a serem melhores anestesiologistas , melhores seres humanos . Em um esforço para ajudar nesta tarefa é que os membros e agentes de Anestesiologia e Medicina da Dor projetamos nossos programas educacionais livres usando informação científica disponível na internet. A resposta tem sido muito bem sucedida e estamos em mais de 120 países , o que nos compromete a melhorar os nossos projetos educacionais , para que possamos alcançá-lo , e
outros milhares de colegas ao redor do mundo.
! Vez parabéns por escolher anestesiologia como seu objetivo de carreira como uma parte importante de sua vida e as vidas de seus pacientes !   
Este mes en la Historia de la Anestesia: Octubre  
This Month in Anesthesia History: October
1846 October 16: On this Friday morning, Boston dentist William Thomas Green Morton appeared in the operating theater of the Massachusetts General Hospital. Morton was running late, but surgeon John Collins Warren had not yet started the removal of a tumor from Gilbert Abbot's jaw. For about three minutes Abbot breathed ether vapor from Morton's simple apparatus-the last minute adjusting of which had been the source of his delay--and "sank into a state of insensibility," Warren noted later. The first public demonstration of ether anesthesia had begun and proved successful. 

Las primeras 24 horas después de cirugía. Como el anestesiólogo, el cirujano y la enfermera les gustaría ser tratados si fueran pacientes 
The first 24 hours after surgery: how an anesthetist, a surgeon and a nurse would like to be treated if they were patients.
Beretta L, Braga M, Casiraghi U.
Anesthesia and Neurointensive Care; Department of Surgery, Scientific Institute OSR, Milan, Italy.
HSR Proc Intensive Care Cardiovasc Anesth. 2012;4(3):149-52.
Over the last 20 years improvements in surgical and anesthesiological techniques have reduced mortality, morbidity and the length of hospital stay. Despite these considerable efforts, a great number of patients still develop perioperative complications. The ERAS (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery) concept aims to apply an evidence-based, standardized perioperative care protocol instead of traditional management based on habits.
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Curso Taller de prevencion y manejo inicial de problemas ortopedicos en el niño

 Curso Taller de prevencion y manejo inicial de problemas ortopedicos en el niño

Embarazo y obesidad/Pregnancy and obesity

Retos anestesiológicos y obstétricos en cesárea de obesas mórbidas. Estudio en el Sureste de Nigeria  
Anaesthetic and obstetric challenges of morbid obesity in caesarean deliveries--a study in South-eastern Nigeria.
Okafor UV, Efetie ER, Nwoke O, Okezie O, Umeh U.
Department of Anaesthesia, University of Nigeria, Enugu campus, Nigeria. uvkafor@yahoo.com
Afr Health Sci. 2012 Mar;12(1):54-7.
BACKGROUND: Morbid obesity of parturient has become very important in perinatal medicine because of a worldwide obesity epidemic. Morbid obesity of parturient is reportedly associated with severely increased anaesthetic and obstetric risk. OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence rate, anaesthetic and obstetric complications in morbidly obese parturient that had caesarean delivery in a Nigerian tertiary care centre. METHODS: The obstetric theatre records and case files were reviewed for caesarean deliveries in the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu, Nigeria from May 2008 to December 2010. A sample size of 250 patients, calculated based on a prevalence rate of 19%, confidence interval of 95% , a power of 80% and a finite population of zero was used to determine the prevalence rate of morbid obesity (Body Mass Index of greater than or equal to 35 kg/m(2)). RESULTS:There were thirty-one patients with morbid obesity (12.4%). The average Body Mass Index (BMI) was 38.3 kg/m(2)(SD ± 2.99). Other findings included macrosomia (7 or 25.8%), gestational diabetes (13%) and pregnancy induced hypertension (7 or 22.5%).There were two neonatal deaths but no maternal deaths.
CONCLUSION: The prevalence rate of morbid obesity is about 10% in Nigerian women of child bearing age. This mirrors a World Health Organisation report published in the World Health Organisation Global Information Base.
KEYWORDS: anaesthetic, morbid obesity, obstetric 
Operación cesárea en parturientas con obesidad mórbida. Implicaciones prácticas y complicaciones
Cesarean section in morbidly obese parturients: practical implications and complications.
Machado LS.
Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, Al-Khod, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.
N Am J Med Sci. 2012 Jan;4(1):13-8. doi: 10.4103/1947-2714.92895.
The prevalence of obesity has reached pandemic proportions across nations. Morbid obesity has a dramatic impact on pregnancy outcome. Cesarean section in these women poses many surgical, anesthetic, and logistical challenges. In view of the increased risk of cesarean delivery in morbidly obese women, the practical implications and complications are reviewed in this article. A Medline search was conducted to review the recent relevant articles in english literature on cesarean section in morbidly obese women. The types of incisions and techniques used during cesarean delivery, intra-operative and postpartum complications, anesthetic and logistical issues, maternal morbidity and mortality were reviewed. Morbidly obese women with a body mass index (BMI >40 kg/m(2) are at increased risk of pregnancy complications and a significantly increased rate of cesarean delivery. Low transverse skin incisions and transverse uterine incisions are definitely superior and must be the first option. Closure of the subcutaneous layer is recommended, but the placement of subcutaneous drains remains controversial. Thromboprophylaxis adjusted to body weight and prophylactic antibiotics help in reducing postpartum morbidity. Morbidly obese women are at increased risk of postpartum infectious morbidity. Weight reduction in the postpartum period and thereafter must be strongly encouraged for optimal future pregnancy outcomes and well-being.
KEYWORDS: Anesthesia, Cesarean section, Morbid obesity, Postoperative complications, Postpartum morbidity, Pregnancy
Cambios en la distribución del tejido adiposo durante el embarazo con sobrepeso y obesidad comparada con la mujer con peso normal     
Changes in adipose tissue distribution during pregnancy in overweight and obese compared with normal weight women.
Straughen JK, Trudeau S, Misra VK.
Department of Family Medicine and Public Health Sciences, Division of Population Health Sciences, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI, USA.
Nutr Diabetes. 2013 Aug 26;3:e84. doi: 10.1038/nutd.2013.25.
OBJECTIVE: Differences in body fat distribution contribute to the metabolic abnormalities associated with overweight and obesity; however, such differences have not been adequately explored during pregnancy. Our aim was to compare longitudinal trends in maternal abdominal adipose tissue deposition during pregnancy in overweight/obese compared with normal weight women. STUDY sound  CONCLUSIONS: Adipose tissue is preferentially deposited in the more metabolically active visceral compartment as pregnancy progresses. However, this process differs in normal weight compared with overweight/obese women and may contribute to metabolic differences between these groups. Our study is a step toward a more refined description of obesity and its consequences during pregnancy.
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Festival Miquixtli por Día de Muertos en Chapultepec


Festival Miquixtli por Día de Muertos en Chapultepec

Festival Miquixtli por Día de Muertos en Chapultepec

Estamos en la época del año donde muchos espacios públicos son tomados por los citámbulos para disfrutar de las tradiciones entorno al Día de Muertos en nuestro país. Y es que en toda la República hay diferentes costumbres para recordar a los que se han adelantado, muchas de ellas con origen prehispánico y adaptadas a las creencias de la época colonial. En nuestra ciudad se mezclan muchas de esas tradiciones, por lo que los citámbulos tenemos el gusto de disfrutar de todas ellas sin salir de la ciudad.

Una de las actividades que se realizan por estas festividades, es el Festival Miquixtli, cuyo nombre significa muerte, busca fusionar todas estas tradiciones por el Día de Muertos con el Bosque de Chapultepec, incluyendo distintas disciplinas artísticas y culturales.

A partir del 31 de Octubre y hasta el 03 de noviembre, los asistentes pueden disfrutar de un ciclo de cine, recorrido en bicicleta y a pie con las leyendas dramatizadas del bosque, música y por supuesto, las ofrendas.

En el ciclo de cine, se busca resaltar las aportaciones nacionales cinematográficas como parte fundamental de las tradiciones del Día de Muertos. Tres películas son las proyectadas en este festival: Hasta el viento tiene miedo (1968) del director Enrique Taboada; Macario (1960) dirigida por Roberto Gavaldón y; Las momias de Guanajuato(1972) dirigida por Federico Curiel. Se presenta en el Altar a la Patria.

Los recorridos de leyenda como les comentamos, se realiza en bicicleta o a pie por la primera sección del Bosque de Chapultepec. Estos recorridos se realizarán diario y en él, se recrean los mitos y leyendas de los lugares emblemáticos de dicha parte del bosque como el Quijote en las nubes, los baños de Moctezuma, entre otros; y serán representados por la compañía de teatro Máquina de Espacio.

Otro gran atractivo, son las ofrendas que se instalan en la Calzada de los Poetas y en la Fuente del Quijote. Las representaciones son parte de un concurso y al cual se lanzó la convocatoria hace un par de meses, los participantes presentaron sus proyectos basados en calaveras literarias sobre distintos escritores como Manuel José Othón, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Ramón López Velarde, entre otros.

Para finalizar el Festival Miquixtli, se realiza un concierto en la Fuente de Netzahualcóyotl a cargo del ensamble Mal'Akh (de quienes ya te hemos hablado aquí) quienes musicalizan en vivo cortometrajes; además, durante el concierto se anuncian a los ganadores de las ofrendas.

A continuación te dejamos toda la programación del Festival Miquixtli, que por cierto, son gratuitas:

Festival Miquixtli por Día de Muertos en Chapultepec

Uso de AINES en Ortopedia

Uso de AINES en Ortopedia

Rogelio Solano Pérez

Aquí les dejo la liga de la última plática impartida por la Dra. Myrna Rosalba Rincon Gomez, como parte de los días Académicos del Servicio de Ortopedia Mixta del Hospital de Ortopedia de Magdalena de las Salinas; en La Mixta, dónde más!


lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013

Lesión explosiva en cara: Una revisión ejemplificando su manejo

Lesión explosiva en cara: Una revisión ejemplificando su manejo  
Blast injury face: An exemplified review of management.
Kumar V, Singh AK, Kumar P, Shenoy YR, Verma AK, Borole AJ, Prasad V.
Natl J Maxillofac Surg [serial online] 2013 [cited 2013 Sep 7];4:33-9.

Facial injuries are extremely common due to increased incidence of vehicular and industrial trauma and warfare injuries. But isolated injury to the face due to low voltage cells exploding is rare. In blast injury, the force can cause massive soft tissue injury, along with injury to facial fractures and damage to adnexa. Facial injury is not life threatening unless associated with other injuries of the skull and airway. The major risks to airway in facial trauma are due to anatomic alteration of patient's airway through bony and soft tissue disruption and increased chances of aspiration. The past several decades have seen a rapid growth in the range of procedures available for reconstructive purposes. However, the essential preliminary management is a must and needs to be structured. The patient, a 10-year-old boy, was joining three pencil batteries in series and twisting the wire with his teeth when one battery exploded causing severe injuries to midface and mandibular region. After stabilization, the patient was taken up for surgery. A cap splint with zygomatic suspension was done for the maxilla, and wiring of residual mandibular segments with lining and skin cover provided by a deltopectoral flap was done. Reconstructive surgeries for reconstruction of the upper lip and maintenance of oral continence were planned for the future. The present case stresses the importance of educating the masses about unsafe handling of low voltage devices, management of airway, massive soft tissue injury, along with facial fractures and damage to adnexa.
Keywords: Airway management, blast injury face, low voltage battery

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

domingo, 13 de octubre de 2013

Obesidad / Obesity

Analgesia epidural en pacientes quirúrgicos de alto riesgo cardiaco
Epidural analgesia in high risk cardiac surgical patients.
Mehta Y, Arora D, Vats M.
Medanta Institute of Critical Care and Anaesthesiology, Medanta The Medicity, Gurgaon, Haryana, India.
HSR Proc Intensive Care Cardiovasc Anesth. 2012;4(1):11-4.
Cardiac surgery is associated with high morbidity and mortality in patients with renal, hepatic or pulmonary dysfunction, advanced age and morbid obesity. Thoracic epidural analgesia is associated with decreased morbidity in these patients. Thoracic epidural analgesia in cardiac surgery is associated with haemodynamic stability, decreased catecholamine response, good pulmonary function, early extubation and discharge from intensive care unit. It is an important component of fast tracking in cardiac surgery as well. Its use has significantly increased over the years and has been used as an adjuvant to general anaesthesia as well as the sole anaesthetic technique in selected groups of patients. Proper selection of patients for thoracic epidural analgesia is mandatory. Timing of epidural catheter insertion and removal should be judiciously selected. The risk of epidural hematoma secondary to anticoagulation or residual effects of antiplatelet drug that can be reduced by taking standard precautions. In conclusion thoracic epidural analgesia in high risk cardiac surgery might decrease pulmonary, cardiovascular or renal complications, provide excellent analgesia and allow early extubation. 

Oxigenación tisular en pacientes obesos y no obesos durante laparoscopía 
Tissue oxygenation in obese and non-obese patients during laparoscopy.
Fleischmann E, Kurz A, Niedermayr M, Schebesta K, Kimberger O, Sessler DI, Kabon B, Prager G.
Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Medical University Vienna, Austria.
Obes Surg. 2005 Jun-Jul;15(6):813-9.
BACKGROUND: Wound infection risk is inversely related to subcutaneous tissue oxygenation, which is reduced in obese patients and may be reduced even more during laparoscopic procedures. METHODS: We evaluated subcutaneous tissue oxygenation (PsqO(2)) in 20 patients with a body mass index (BMI) > or=40 kg/m(2) (obese group) and 15 patients with BMI <30 kg/m(2) (non-obese group) undergoing laparoscopic surgery with standardized anaesthesia technique and fluid administration. Arterial oxygen tension was maintained near 150 mmHg. PsqO(2) was measured from a surrogate wound on the upper arm. RESULTS: A mean FIO(2) of 51% (13%) was required in obese patients to reach an arterial oxygen tension of 150 mmHg; however, a mean FIO(2) of only 40% (7%) was required to reach the same oxygen tension in non-obese patients (P=0.007). PsqO(2) was significantly less in obese patients: 41 (10) vs 57 (15) mmHg (P<0.001). CONCLUSION: Obese patients having laparoscopic surgery require a significantly greater FIO(2) to reach an arterial oxygen tension of about 150 mmHg than non-obese patients; they also have significantly lower subcutaneous oxygen tensions. Both factors probably contribute to an increased infection risk in obese patients.
Predicción de laringoscopía difícil en obesos mediante cuantificación por ultrasonido de tejido blando anterior del cuello.
Prediction of difficult laryngoscopy in obese patients by ultrasound quantification of anterior neck soft tissue.
Ezri T, Gewürtz G, Sessler DI, Medalion B, Szmuk P, Hagberg C, Susmallian S.
Department of Anaesthesia, Wolfson Medical Centre, Holon, Israel. tezri@netvision.net.il
Anaesthesia. 2003 Nov;58(11):1111-4.
In 50 morbidly obese patients, we quantified the soft tissue of the neck from the skin to the anterior aspect of the trachea at the vocal cords using ultrasound. Thyromental distance, mouth opening, limited neck mobility, modified Mallampati score, abnormal upper teeth, neck circumference and sleep apnoea were assessed as predictors of difficult laryngoscopy. Of the nine (18%) cases of difficult laryngoscopy, seven (78%) had a history of obstructive sleep apnoea, compared with two of the 41 patients (5%) in whom laryngoscopy was easy (p < 0.001). Patients in whom laryngoscopy was difficult had more pretracheal soft tissue (mean (SD) 28 (2.7) mm vs. 17.5 (1.8) mm; p < 0.001) and a greater neck circumference (50 (3.8) vs. 43.5 (2.2) cm; p < 0.001). None of the other predictors correlated with difficult laryngoscopy. We conclude that an abundance of pretracheal soft tissue at the level of the vocal cords is a good predictor of difficult laryngoscopy in obese patients.
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Bibliotecas. Alerta

Biblioteca Nacional llega remozada a sus 125 años La Nación Costa Rica
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La Biblioteca de Cataluña abre hoy porque 25 empleados de 170 ... El Correo
Barcelona, 12 oct (EFE).- La Biblioteca Nacional de Catalunya ha abierto hoy sus puertas, ya que unos 25 trabajadores de los 170 que componen la plantilla ...Ver todos los artículos sobre este tema »
Biblioteca y música El Universal - Colombia
Él de inmediato optó por convertirse en mi cicerone y me condujo por los salones de una biblioteca moderna con las tecnologías más avanzadas, amén de los ...Ver todos los artículos sobre este tema »
Regalan nueva biblioteca a escuela de mayoría de estudiantes ... EFE
La nueva biblioteca de la Escuela Elemental Monroe, en Riverside, al este de Los Ángeles fue inaugurada hoy contando con 2.000 libros nuevos y la adición ...Ver todos los artículos sobre este tema »


La Biblioteca tendrá seis nuevos socios de honor ABC.es
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Biblioteca Nacional de Cuba festeja 112 años de existencia Radio Reloj
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Blogs 1 resultado nuevo para Biblioteca

La bodega (BIBLIOTECA NOAH GORDON) eBook ... - Amazon.es
La bodega (BIBLIOTECA NOAH GORDON) eBook: Noah Gordon, Enrique de Hériz: Amazon.es: Tienda Kindle.Amazon.es: Productos del momento en Tienda Kindle


sábado, 12 de octubre de 2013


  Dispositivos supraglóticos
Dispositivos supraglóticos 

La presión del manguito de la ML ProSEAL ™ cambia con y sin el uso de óxido nitroso durante la cirugía laparoscópica
ProSeal™ laryngeal mask airway cuff pressure changes with and without use of nitrous oxide during laparoscopic surgery
Bimla Sharma, Rajat Gupta, Raminder Sehgal, Archna Koul, Jayashree Sood
J Anaesthesiol Clin Pharmacol. 2013 Jan-Mar; 29(1): 47-51. doi: 10.4103/0970-9185.105795
 Solución de problemas de ML Proseal
rouble shooting ProSeal LMA.
Sharma B, Sood J, Sahai C, Kumra VP.
Indian J Anaesth. 2009 Aug;53(4):414-24.

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Evaluación inicial del paciente pediátrico en la sala de urgencias

Estimado Pediatra te invito al Seminario de Pediatría, Cirugía Pediátrica y Lactancia Materna. El día 16 de Octubre 2013 las 21hrs (Centro, México DF, Guadalajara y Lima Perú) a la Conferencia: “Evaluación inicial del paciente pediátrico en la sala de urgencias” por el “Dr. Douglas Umbría“ Pediatra, de la Cd de Maracaibo Ven. La sesión inicia puntualmente las 21 hrs.
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 6.- Recomendamos que dejes tu Nombre Completo, Correo electrónico y que participes.


Dr. Enrique Mendoza López
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