lunes, 9 de octubre de 2017

Dislocaciones después del uso de copas de movilidad dual en artroplastia total de cadera primaria sin cemento: series multicéntricas prospectivas

Dislocations after use of dual-mobility cups in cementless primary total hiparthroplasty: prospective multicentre series

Este artículo es originalmente publicado en:
2017 Oct 7. doi: 10.1007/s00264-017-3660-6. [Epub ahead of print]
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the incidence of dislocation and specific complications of the dual-mobility cup.
The incidence of dislocation in total hip arthroplasty (THA) using a dual-mobility cup was acceptable, and cup diameter of the dislocation group was substantially larger than that of no-dislocation group. Based on clinical outcomes of our study, we conclude that the dual-mobility cup is a reliable option in THA, and further studies are necessary.
Dislocation; Dual mobility cup; Hip; Total hip arthroplasty
El propósito de este estudio fue investigar la incidencia de dislocaciones y complicaciones específicas de la copa de movilidad dual.
La incidencia de dislocación en la artroplastia total de cadera (THA) utilizando una copa de movilidad dual fue aceptable, y el diámetro de la copa del grupo de dislocación fue sustancialmente mayor que el del grupo sin dislocación. Basándonos en los resultados clínicos de nuestro estudio, concluimos que la copa de movilidad dual es una opción confiable en THA, y se necesitan más estudios.
Dislocación; Copa de movilidad dual; Cadera; Artroplastia total de cadera
PMID:  28986663   DOI:  

Historia y examen de lesiones dolorosas de la rodilla

History & Examination Of Painful Injuried Knee
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Courtesy: Prof Nabil Ebraheim, University of Toledo, Ohio, USA

Publicado el 5 oct. 2017
Dr. Ebraheim’s animated educational video describes the history and examination of painful and injured knee. ACL, PCL, MCL, and LCL.
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Cuidados palitivos pediátricos /Pediatric paliative care

Octubre 9, 2017. No. 2836

Eutanasia involuntaria de recién nacidos gravemente enfermos: ¿es realmente peligroso el Protocolo de Groninga?
Involuntary euthanasia of severely ill newborns: is the Groningen Protocol really dangerous?
Hippokratia. 2014 Jul-Sep;18(3):193-203.
Advances in medicine can reduce active euthanasia of newborns with severe anomalies or unusual prematurity, but they cannot eliminate it. In the Netherlands, voluntary active euthanasia among adults and adolescents has been allowed since 2002, when the so-called Groningen Protocol (GP) was formulated as an extension of the law on extremely premature and severely ill newborns. It is maintained that, at bioethical level, it serves the principle of beneficence. Other European countries do not accept the GP, including Belgium. Admissibility of active euthanasia is a necessary, though inadequate, condition for acceptance of the GP. Greece generally prohibits euthanasia, although the legal doctrine considers some of the forms of euthanasia permissible, but not active or involuntary euthanasia. The wide acceptance of passive newborns euthanasia, especially when the gestational age of the newborns is 22-25 weeks ("grey zone"), admissibility of practices within the limits between active and passive euthanasia (e.g., withholding/withdrawing), of "indirect active euthanasia" and abortion of the late fetus, the tendency to accept after-birth-abortion (infanticide) in the bioethical theory, the lower threshold for application of withdrawing in neonatal intensive care units compared with pediatric intensive care units, all the above advocate wider acceptance of the GP. However, the GP paves the way for a wide application of involuntary (or pseudo-voluntary) euthanasia (slippery slope) and contains some ambiguous concepts and requirements (e.g., "unbearable suffering"). It is suggested that the approach to the sensitive and controversial ethical dilemmas concerning the severely ill newborns is done not through the GP, but rather, through a combination of virtue bioethics (especially in the countries of the so-called "Mediterranean bioethical zone") and of the principles of principlism which is enriched, however, with the "principle of mutuality" (enhancement of all values and principles, especially with the principles of "beneficence" and "justice"), in order to achieve the "maximal" bioethical approach, along with the establishment of circumstances and alternatives that minimize or eliminate the relevant bioethical dilemmas and conflicts between the fundamental principles. Thus, the most appropriate/fairest choices are made (by trained parents and physicians), considering all interests involved as much as possible. Hippokratia 2014; 18 (3): 196-203.
KEYWORDS: Active euthanasia; Groningen Protocol; beneficence; bioethics; neonatal; newborn; principlism; virtue ethics; withdrawing; withholding
Los mejores intereses de los bebés en el cuidado al final de la vida de los recién nacidos.
Infants' best interests in end-of-life care for newborns.
Pediatrics. 2014 Oct;134(4):e1163-8. doi: 10.1542/peds.2014-0780. Epub 2014 Sep 22.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Pediatric bioethics presumes that decisions should be taken in the child's best interest. If it's ambiguous whether a decision is in the child's interest, we defer to parents. Should parents be permitted to consider their own interests in making decisions for their child? In the Netherlands, where neonatal euthanasia is legal, such questions sometimes arise in deciding whether to hasten the death of a critically ill, suffering child. We describe the recommendations of a national Dutch committee. Our objectives were to analyze the role of competing child and family interests and to provide guidance on end-of-life decisions for doctors caring for severely ill newborns. METHODS: We undertook literature review, 7 consensus meetings in a multidisciplinary expert commission, and invited comments on draft report by specialists' associations. RESULTS: Initial treatment is mandatory for most ill newborns, to clarify the prognosis. Continuation of treatment is conditional on further diagnostic and prognostic data. Muscle relaxants can sometimes be continued after withdrawal of artificial respiration without aiming to shorten the child's life. When gasping causes suffering, or protracted dying is unbearable for the parents, muscle relaxants may be used to end a newborn's life. Whenever muscle relaxants are used, cases should be reported to the national review committee. CONCLUSIONS: New national recommendations in the Netherlands for end-of-life decisions in newborns suggest that treatment should generally be seen as conditional. If treatment fails, it should be abandoned. In those cases, palliative care should be directed at both infant and parental suffering. Sometimes, this may permit interventions that hasten death.
KEYWORDS: clinical bioethics; end-of-life decisions; neonatal intensive care; palliative care
¿Podría ser aceptable la eutanasia infantil?
J.P. Beca, A. Leiva
Rev Chil Pediatr 2014; 85 (5): 608-612
La reciente promulgación de una ley que permite la eutanasia infantil en Bélgica plantea interrogantes que admiten respuestas diversas. Para contribuir a una mejor comprensión del tema se describen los conceptos de eutanasia y la legislación pertinente. Después de hacer un análisis bioético, se plantea como conclusión que la eutanasia de niños podría ser aceptable sólo de manera muy excepcional ante situaciones en las cuales hubiesen fracasado las medidas de cuidado paliativo. Para nuestro medio la respuesta debería ser que no es aceptable, al menos mientras no existan políticas públicas, protocolos y servicios de cuidados paliativos para niños con enfermedades terminales. (Palabras clave: Eutanasia, cuidados paliativos, suicidio, enfermedad terminal
El derecho a la muerte digna de los niños
Este manifiesto fue elaborado en Santander en el Seminario de la Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP) 'Muerte digna, asistencia ante la muerte' y presentado públicamente el 11 de julio de 2008.
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XIV Congreso Virtual Mexicano de Anestesiología 2017
Octubre 1-Diciembre 31, 2017
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sábado, 7 de octubre de 2017

Cuidados pediátricos paliativos / Pediatric palliative care

Octubre 6, 2017. No. 2834

CTCT-20170914_102711 a.m.
¿Debería considerarse itrogénica la eutanasia?
Should Euthanasia Be Considered Iatrogenic?
AMA J Ethics. 2017 Aug 1;19(8):802-814. doi: 10.1001/journalofethics.2017.19.8.msoc1-1708.Abstract
As more countries adopt laws and regulations concerning euthanasia, pediatric euthanasia has become an important topic of discussion. Conceptions of what constitutes harm to patients are fluid and highly dependent on a myriad of factors including, but not limited to, health care ethics, family values, and cultural context. Euthanasia could be viewed as iatrogenic insofar as it results in an outcome (death) that some might consider inherently negative. However, this perspective fails to acknowledge that death, the outcome of euthanasia, is not an inadvertent or preventable complication but rather the goal of the medical intervention. Conversely, the refusal to engage in the practice of euthanasia might be conceived as iatrogenic insofar as it might inadvertently prolong patient suffering. This article will explore cultural and social factors informing families', health care professionals', and society's views on pediatric euthanasia in selected countries.
¡Por favor haga lo que sea necesario para acabar con el sufrimiento de nuestra hija!
Please Do Whatever It Takes to End Our Daughter's Suffering!
Pediatrics. 2016 Jan;137(1). doi: 10.1542/peds.2015-3812. Epub 2015 Dec 7.
What is the best way to care for a child with severe neurologic impairment who seems to be dying and is in intractable pain? Can we give sedation as we remove life support? Is it ethically permissible to hasten death? In the United States, 5 states have legalized assisted suicide (although only for competent adults). In Belgium and the Netherlands, euthanasia is legal for children under some circumstances. We present a case in which parents and doctors face difficult decisions about palliative care. Experts from Belgium, the Netherlands, and the United States then discuss how they would respond to such a case.
The Best Interest of the Child in Neonatology: Is It Best for the Child?
Cuad Bioet. 2015 May-Aug;26(87):201-22.
Desde sus inicios, el estándar del mejor interés del niño estuvo unido a las decisiones de suspensión de tratamientos de soporte vital en unidades de neonatología y a la evaluación de los tratamientos aplicados al niño en función de su calidad de vida. Éste origen ha condicionado la interpretación del estándar desde dos extremos: uno vitalista y uno no vitalista que ha triunfado en la bioética occidental y ha llevado a la consagración del estándar del mejor interés del niño en la Convención de Derechos del Niño de Naciones Unidas. Un análisis detallado nos descubre un estándar simplista, utilitarista y proporcionalista, que ha cambiado el fundamento de la paternidad. Por ello creemos que el estándar del mejor interés del niño no es lo mejor para el niño en las unidades de neonatología y especialmente en los procesos de decisión sobre mantener o suspender los tratamientos de soporte vital.
Since its inceptions, the standard of best interest of the child was linked to decisions about suspend life-sustaining treatments in neonatal units and evaluation of treatments applied to children in terms of their quality of life. This origin has conditioned the interpretation of the standard from two extremes: a vitalistic one, and a non vitalistic interpretation that triumphed in Western bioethics and has led to the consecration of the standard of best interest of the child in the Convention on the Rights of the Child of United Nations. A detailed analysis reveals a simplistic, utilitarian and proportionalist standard, which change the basis of parenthood. We therefore believe that the standard of the best interest of the child is not the best for the child in neonatal intensive care units and especially not in the process of withhold or withdrawal life-sustaining treatments.
[The Bioethics Challenges in Neonatology].
Cuad Bioet. 2015 May-Aug;26(87):195-9.
Uno de los fenómenos sociales de mayo repercusión en la humanidad entera ha sido el efecto de la evolución de la medicina en relación a los niños. Se ha de considerar uno de los cambios más grandes en la historia. La disminución drástica de la mortalidad infantil ha tenido consecuencias inmensas a nivel universal. En primer lugar, ha tenido un efecto demográfico que, tras una primera acogida positiva, ha sido posteriormente tomado desde una perspectiva neomalthusiana que ha sido aplicada en el ámbito político y legislativo por medio de las conferencias internacionales sobre población, con un criterio de reducción drástica de los nacimientos. Pero, al mismo tiempo, ha sido motivo de un modo nuevo de tratar a los niños pequeños, que ha alcanzado una dimensión antes desconocida. El cuidado de los hijos, con una atención del todo especial en los primeros meses de vida, está lleno de tareas y dedicaciones unidas a una medicina preventiva muy desarrollada. Los cuidados que se requieren son tan grandes y exigen tal atención que hasta se puede observar un cierto puerocentrismo en nuestra cultura actual.
XIV Congreso Virtual Mexicano de Anestesiología 2017
Octubre 1-Diciembre 31, 2017
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XXVII Congreso Peruano de Anestesiología
Lima, Noviembre 2-4, 2017
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