jueves, 7 de julio de 2011

The E-learning Daily

The E-learning Daily

un periódico por Ian Huckabee – 30 contribuidores hoy en Twitter


  • thehrgoddess

    The 7 C’s – A Mid-Year Checkup « Get Your Leadership BIG On!

    Posted on July 6, 2011 by Get Your Leadership BIG On!Wow, it’s amazing that half a year has whizzed by!  Now is a great time for leaders to look back with a mini-assessment for lessons learned and ...
  • UpsideLearning

    At Play – Storytelling And Story-making

    In my recent play sessions with my six-year old (soon to be seven) I realize that one critical element of children’s play, and indirectly learning, is the ability to tell stories and just plain mak...
  • josiefraser


      Starting date: December 2010Duration: 24 months Client: European Commission, Directorate General for Education and Culture, Unit Jean Monet, partnerships and relations with agencies (EAC A3)   Ob...
  • marciamarcia

    Social Media for Training

    Sometimes people read The New Social Learning in the hope it will be written expressly for trainers in corporate training departments. They learn quickly that it was written for leaders in every so...
  • schoolsEDU

    Teachers and Facebook : How College Professors are Using Social Media

    by Loreal Lynch | April 25, 2011 While academia has long been criticized for its failure to embrace modern technology, professors today are proving to be quite tech-savvy. In fact, a recent study b...
  • hopkinsdavid

    ‘Generation Y’ is dead, long live ‘Generation T’ – eLearning Blog Dont Waste Your Time

    I wasn’t aware of all the different labels that have been assigned in the past, but here is a brief overview (for those who are equally in the dark): The Lost Generation: Those who fought in World ...
  • WeejeeLearning

    Free Webinar: eLearning Strategy - A Framework for Success

    Many organizations are looking to provide efficient and cost-effective training and professional development to their employees, members, partners and customers. eLearning seems to be a good soluti...
  • InspirationSW


    July 1st, 2011 No Comments The first day of summer came and went last month; and now it’s July – summer is here! This month we have Inspiration®, InspireData® and Kidspiration® lesson plans for the...
    Cultura y Espectáculos
  • Social_LMS

    The Social Evolution - Interactyx

    Have you joined the "social" evolution? Social media has undoubtedly changed the way that we interact. There is no better place to be than on the Internet. It's like being in a million different pl...
  • edReformer

    The Disruption of Blended Learning -- THE Journal

    Ed Tech Trends | Q&A The Disruption of Blended Learning Blended learning isn't like other technology-driven movements in education. It isn't about supporting current instructional models. In fact, ...
  • thehrgoddess

    BETTER is not BiGGER any more - Paradigm Shift & the Paradox of Power

    1. Replace BIGGER. Make a shift. I like fulfilling. Is your life fulfilling? Are you fulfilling your purpose for being here? Are you full yet? Yes? Good, time to stop eating. You may choose a diffe...
  • edReformer

    Review & Outlook: The Year of School Choice

    School may be out for the summer, but school choice is in, as states across the nation have moved to expand education opportunities for disadvantaged kids. This year is shaping up as the best for r...
  • edReformer

    Disrupting College

    How Disruptive Innovation Can Deliver Quality and Affordability to Postsecondary EducationThis emerging disruptive innovation—online education—also presents an opportunity to rethink many of the ag...
  • marciamarcia

    Funding education with personal currencies

    From Miiu.org Personal currencies may enable Resilient Places to spread skills without recourse to taxation. The approach involves mixing established ingredients – including alternative currencies ...
  • UpsideLearning

    Design Thinking for Educators | Upside Learning Blog

    IDEO is one of the companies I admire for solid and contemporary product design and especially follow their Play and Digital Experience areas on their website. I recently heard on twitter that they...
  • rjacquez

    Motorola Mobility Cuts Tablet Price

    Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc.(MMI - Analyst Report) recently reduced its XOOM tablet prices from $599 to $499, thus taking the competition to other tablet makers.Samsung’s Galaxy Tab, Research In...
  • marciamarcia

    BeanCast 122: Viral Is Not A Strategy - The BeanCast

    LISTEN TO THE SHOW NOWORSUBSCRIBE FOR AUTO DOWNLOADING WITH iTUNESThis was a rowdy group. And when I say rowdy, I mean they where willing to take on everything with lots of humor and definitive opi...
    Cultura y Espectáculos
  • marciamarcia

    BeanCast 139: Kenneth Cole Reaction - The BeanCast

    LISTEN TO THE SHOW NOW OR SUBSCRIBE FOR AUTODOWNLOADING   It's always weird to do this particular show.   It's the weekend of the Super Bowl and that means I have to record and comment on the game ...
    Cultura y Espectáculos
  • weknowmore

    Three Steps to Handling the Unexpected - Peter Bregman

    12:47 PM Wednesday July 6, 2011  | Comments (View) When my friend Sam invited his new girlfriend Robyn to join him for a sailing trip, he was relatively new to the sport. He had pretty strong skill...
  • ToddAHoffman

    Top 10 Facebook Apps for Building Custom Pages & Tabs

    By Andrea VahlPublished July 7, 2011 Are you looking for an easy way to create attractive pages on Facebook? Are you wondering how businesses are creating Welcome tabs? In this article I’ll reveal ...
un periódico 

Intramed news

Trastorno de déficit de atención con/sin hiperactividad
Dudosa asociación entre la ingesta de organofosforados con TDAH 
Existe asociación entre la concentración de metabolitos de compuestos organosfosforados en orina provenientes de una exposición de pesticidas a concentraciones habituales y el diagnóstico de TDAH.

Opciones terapéuticas
Los estabilizadores del ánimo y los antipsicóticos en los trastornos límites de la personalidad 
La evidencia basada en estudios clínicos sugiere que el tratamiento con estabilizadores del ánimo y antipsicóticos de segunda generación podría ser efectivo en el abordaje de algunos de los síntomas centrales de los trastornos límites de la personalidad.

Fotoentrevista al infectólogo Dr. Tomás Orduna
"...ese leal amigo de mirada franca y mostacho hilarante…" 
Hijo de inmigrantes vascos, médico por vocación y empecinamiento personal. Un hombre que alcanza el más alto nivel académico sin perder la entrañable veneración por sus orígenes y la entrega a los pacientes como eje de su vida. Lea en esta nota el emocionado recuerdo de su maestro, el profesor Dr. Olindo Martino.

¿Descalificación o desacuerdo?
¿Podrá hablarse de ‘ninguneo’ académico en Medicina? 
¿Cómo se valoran, en las facultades de medicina, las diferentes materias que integran la curricula?

Hepagastro, sitio de la cátedra de Gastro de la UNR
El hígado en el paciente séptico 
Como actor, el hígado es el órgano fundamental para la eliminación bacteriana, inactivación de productos bacterianos, eliminación y producción de mediadores inflamatorios.

Fundación INECO
Segundo Simposio Latinoamericano "Corazón Cerebro" 
La crónica de IntraMed de un encuentro de vanguardia con entrevistas a algunos de sus invitados principales. El más alto nivel científico internacional al servicio de nuevas ideas que disuelven las fronteras entre disciplinas.

Tratamiento de la insuficiencia cardíaca con síntomas leves 
El agregado de eplerenona al tratamiento recomendado de la insuficiencia cardíaca sistólica con síntomas leves se asocia con la reducción significativa tanto de la tasa de mortalidad de origen cardiovascular y de internaciones por insuficiencia cardíaca, como de los índices de mortalidad y hospitalización por todas las causas.

Arteriografía coronaria
Empleo de bicarbonato de sodio para prevenir la nefropatía por sustancias de contraste 
La nefropatía inducida por medios de contraste se asocia con aumento de las tasas de morbimortalidad. La administración de bicarbonato de sodio más cloruro de sodio antes y después de la arteriografía coronaria disminuyó la incidencia de nefropatía.

Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo
Efecto del tratamiento con bloqueantes ß en pacientes con EPOC 
Los bloqueantes ß pueden reducir la mortalidad, las exacerbaciones y las hospitalizaciones de los pacientes con EPOC, además de agregar beneficios atribuibles a la disminución del riesgo cardiovascular.

Eficacia de la memantina en el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Alzheimer y otras demencias 
La memantina es un antagonista con afinidad moderada del receptor de NMDA, que se ha estudiado en el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Alzheimer y otras formas de demencia con resultados muy favorables, sobre todo en combinación con inhibidores de la colinesterasa.

guías clínicas de cáncer gástrico INEN

guías clínicas de cáncer gástrico INEN

Dolor pediatrico

Dolor pediátrico despues de cirugía ambulatoria: ¿Donde está la medicación?
Pediatric pain after ambulatory surgery: where's the medication?
Fortier MA, MacLaren JE, Martin SR, Perret-Karimi D, Kain ZN.
Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Care, University of California, Irvine, California, USA. mfortier@choc.org
Pediatrics. 2009 Oct;124(4):e588-95. Epub 2009 Sep 7.
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this controlled study was to provide a description of children's postoperative pain, including pain intensity and analgesic consumption. METHODS: Participants included 261 children, 2 to 12 years of age, undergoing routine tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy surgery. Baseline and demographic data were collected before surgery, and a standardized approach to anesthesia and surgical procedures was used. Pain and analgesic consumption were recorded for 2 weeks at home. RESULTS: On the first day at home, although parents rated 86% of children as experiencing significant overall pain, 24% of children received 0 or just 1 medication dose throughout the entire day. On day 3 after surgery, although 67% of children were rated by parents as experiencing significant overall pain, 41% received 0 or 1 medication dose throughout the entire day. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that a large proportion of children receive little analgesic medication after surgery and research efforts should be directed to the discrepancy between high ratings of postoperative pain provided by parents and the low dosing of analgesics they use for their children

Guías para el dolor por procedimientos en el recién nacido
Guidelines for procedural pain in the newborn.
Lago P, Garetti E, Merazzi D, Pieragostini L, Ancora G, Pirelli A, Bellieni CV; Pain Study Group of the Italian Society of Neonatology.
Collaborators (6)
Allegro A, Cavazza A, Cocchi G, Giusti F, Guadagni A, Memo L.
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Department of Paediatrics, University of Padova, Via Giustiniani 3, Padua, Italy. lago@pediatria.unipd.it
Acta Paediatr. 2009 Jun;98(6):932-9.
Despite accumulating evidence that procedural pain experienced by newborn infants may have acute and even long-term detrimental effects on their subsequent behaviour and neurological outcome, pain control and prevention remain controversial issues. Our aim was to develop guidelines based on evidence and clinical practice for preventing and controlling neonatal procedural pain in the light of the evidence-based recommendations contained in the SIGN classification. A panel of expert neonatologists used systematic review, data synthesis and open discussion to reach a consensus on the level of evidence supported by the literature or customs in clinical practice and to describe a global analgesic management, considering pharmacological, non-pharmacological, behavioural and environmental measures for each invasive procedure. There is strong evidence to support some analgesic measures, e.g. sucrose or breast milk for minor invasive procedures, and combinations of drugs for tracheal intubation. Many other pain control measures used during chest tube placement and removal, screening and treatment for ROP, or for postoperative pain, are still based not on evidence, but on good practice or expert opinions. CONCLUSION: These guidelines should help improving the health care professional's awareness of the need to adequately manage procedural pain in neonates, based on the strongest evidence currently available.

Evaluación del dolor postoperatorio en neonates: estudio multicéntrico observacional
Assessing postoperative pain in neonates: a multicenter observational study.
Taylor BJ, Robbins JM, Gold JI, Logsdon TR, Bird TM, Anand KJ.
Department of Pediatrics, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Medicine and Arkansas Children's Hospital Research Institute, Little Rock, Arkansas 72202, USA.
Pediatrics. 2006 Oct;118(4):e992-1000.
OBJECTIVE: A multicenter observational study was conducted to evaluate the practices of postoperative pain assessment and management in neonates to identify specific targets for improvement in clinical practice. METHODS: Ten participating NICUs collected data for the 72 hours after a surgical operation on 25 consecutive neonates (N = 250), including demographics, principal diagnoses, operative procedure, other painful procedures, pain assessments, interventions (pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic), and adverse events in neonates who underwent minor and major surgery. Descriptive and logistic-regression analyses were performed by using SPSS and Stata. RESULTS: The neonates studied had a birth weight of 2.4 +/- 1.0 kg (mean +/- SD) and gestational age of 36 +/- 4.3 weeks; 57% were male, and length of hospital stay was 23.5 +/- 30.0 days. Participating hospitals used 7 different numeric pain scales, with nursing pain assessments documented for 88% (n = 220) of the patients and physician pain assessments documented for 9% (n = 23) of the patients. Opioids (84% vs 60%) and benzodiazepines (24% vs 11%) were used more commonly after major surgery than minor surgery, and a small proportion (7% major surgery, 12% minor surgery) received no analgesia. Logistic-regression analyses showed that physician pain assessment was the only significant predictor of postsurgical analgesic use, whereas major surgery and postnatal age in days did not seem to contribute. Physician pain assessment was documented for 23 patients; 22 of these received postoperative analgesia. CONCLUSIONS: Documentation of postoperative pain assessment and management in neonates was extremely variable among the participating hospitals. Pain assessment by physicians must be emphasized, in addition to developing evidence-based guidelines for postoperative care and educating professional staff to improve postoperative pain control in neonates.


Analgésicos Antiinflamatorios No Esteroideos en el Niño
Dr. Enrique Hernández Cortez
Anestesiólogo Pediatra. Jefe del Departamento de Anestesiología. Hospital de Alta Especialidad
Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. León Guanajuato, México.kikinhedz@gmail.com
Anestesia en México 2006;18:28-28
El tratamiento del dolor y el sufrimiento deben de ser prioridades para todos los clínicos. Revisiones científicas previas detectaron un inadecuado tratamiento de dolor en infantes y niños, aunque el dolor ocurre en todas las sociedades y edades, y representa el síntoma más común por el cual el paciente solicita asistencia médica. Los analgésicos no esteroideos se usan con frecuencia en el tratamiento del dolor agudo por tiempos cortos, principalmente para tratar y prevenir el dolor  leve a moderado, que junto con los opioides, proporcionan mejores resultados. El énfasis de esta revisión  es sobre el manejo farmacológico del dolor agudo con analgésicos no esteroideos. Durante la última década el clínico ha tenido un mayor entendimiento de los  mecanismos fisiopatológicos del daño tisular y control del dolor  postoperatorio, lo cual les ha dado a los clínicos un uso racional de analgesia balanceada postoperatoria. El daño tisular periférico y la hipersensibilización de las astas anteriores de la medula espinal, son probablemente de mayor significancia clínica. Los analgésicos no esteroideos juegan un papel importante en una parte del tratamiento del dolor postoperatorio, en el bloqueo de la hipersensibilización de las astas anteriores de la medula espinal, y son muy efectivos en combinación con bloqueo de nervios regionales o locales, particularmente en cirugía ambulatoria. Recientemente varios  inhibidores de la COX-2 han sido evaluados en el paciente pediátrico y los estudios muestran igual eficacia con otros analgésicos, incluyendo analgésicos no esteroideos, o el acetaminofen cuando son usados para tratamiento de dolor postoperatorio, estos incluyen una reducción significativa en la incidencia de ulcera gastrointestinal, acciones inhibidoras sobre las plaquetas y reducido riesgo de sangrado, o pérdida de sangre. Otros beneficios son menos importantes, como el retardo en la cicatriz ósea y no inducir un episodio de broncoespasmo en pacientes sensibles al asma. Su papel en el niño es limitado y menos definido aun, ya tan solo con un pequeño número de estudios han evaluado su importancia en el niño.
Palabras clave: Analgésicos antiinflamatorios no esteroides, pediatría.

Dr. Enrique Hernández-Cortez
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor