sábado, 2 de julio de 2011



The Science of Song, the Song of Science

Bjork performing “Biophilia,” a new multimedia work, at the Manchester International Festival in England.
Carsten Windhorst
Bjork performing “Biophilia,” a new multimedia work, at the Manchester International Festival in England.
For her latest venture, “Biophilia,” Björk has brought together recording-studio collaborators, instrument makers, smartphone app designers, scientists and a musicologist.
R. Kelly performing on Thursday night during his concert at the Prudential Center in Newark.

Ever the Charmer, Brazen and Sly, but at a Faster Clip

R. Kelly performed a (mostly) brisk survey of his catalog at the Prudential Center in Newark on Thursday night.

What’s Scrabble When You Can Play Novelist?

The paperback game — a variation on games with poetry or Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations — lets players create their own opening sentences to genre novels.

New York Theater Brand Goes West

Radar L.A., a Los Angeles festival featuring international theater troupes, was organized by the producer of the Under the Radar festival in New York and partners in Los Angeles.
James B. Stewart

A Collision of Creativity and Cash

While Disney focuses on lucrative franchises, Pixar maintains it is devoted to the story. In “Cars 2,” Disney won.
Nancy Grace, in inset at right, discussing the decision of Casey Anthony, left, not to take the stand in her murder trial.

No Pause in Pursuit of Justice (and Ratings)

On HLN, the coverage of the Casey Anthony child-murder case seems to never stop.
Julie Kent and José Manuel Carreño at the Metropolitan Opera House with other members of American Ballet Theater in “Swan Lake.”

A Crowd Favorite Takes His Leave

José Manuel Carreño performs in “Swan Lake” in his final New York performance with American Ballet Theater.
From left, Lucie Baker, Petra van Noort, Leslie Cuyjet and Elinor Harrison of Jane Comfort and Company.

She’s Plastic, Beautiful and Rules the World

Jane Comfort and Company performed “Beauty,” which takes a look at Barbie, at Jacob’s Pillow.
Arts & Leisure
Jason Bateman, right, with Jason Sudeikis, left, and Charlie Day, in a scene from “Horrible Bosses.”

The Team Player Who Blends Into the Comedy

A former sitcom star and Teen Wolf, Jason Bateman has become a consummate ensemble player.
Elizabeth Rodriguez, as Veronica , a drug addict in “The ________ With the Hat,” a Tony-nominated play by Stephen Adly Guirgis.

Wrestling With Recovery Is No Fairy Tale

Though a film staple for decades, portraits of addiction usually become a sideshow. But on Broadway, Stephen Adly Guirgis has managed to paint an authentic picture of addiction in “The _______ With the Hat.”

Health review


Prevention: Many False Alarms in Scans That Cut Cancer Deaths

In a major study of smokers in which CT scans were found to reduce deaths from lung cancer by 20 percent, nearly 40 percent of patients receiving scans had a false-positive scare.

Prevention: A Better Use for Cotton Swabs Than Ear Cleaning

Patients in a study whose surgical wounds were probed with a cotton swab daily had only one-sixth the number of infections experienced by patients in a comparison group.

What’s Inside The Bun?

Manufacturers of processed meats like frankfurters are pushing for more accurate labeling rules when it comes to cancer-causing nitrite and nitrate.
Times Essentials
Giovanna Poli is living with sickle cell disease.
Giovanna Poli is living with sickle cell disease.
On most days Giovanna Poli acts like a typical 12-year-old, but she is living with sickle cell disease.

Administration Halts Survey of Making Doctor Visits

The government shelved plans for a survey in which “mystery shoppers” would have seen how difficult it was to get appointments.
Ohio Gov. John Kasich  signed a bill on Thursday that will limit local control over restaurants.
David Maxwell/Bloomberg News
Ohio Gov. John Kasich  signed a bill on Thursday that will limit local control over restaurants.

Local Laws Fighting Fat Under Siege

At the behest of restaurateurs, state legislatures are passing laws that override local antiobesity ordinances.

Medicare Will Continue to Cover 2 Expensive Cancer Drugs

Drugs for prostate and breast cancer will still be covered by Medicare, despite their high costs and recent debate about the effectiveness of one.
The 31-year-old Erik Compton, who has had two heart transplants, earned a chance to play in the AT&T National this week on the PGA Tour. “It means the world,” he said.

The Ups and Downs of Life After Transplants

Erik Compton’s first transplanted heart, installed when he was 12, failed in 2008, and he had another transplant; he jokes now that “everybody knows I’m the guy with two hearts.”

Round 1 in Appeals of Health Care Overhaul Goes to Obama

The ruling, the first by a federal appeals court on the health care overhaul, affirmed a Michigan ruling that Congress can require that Americans obtain health insurance.

Edamame Pâté

Andrew Scrivani for The New York Times
Yeast extract helps bring a liverlike flavor to this vegetarian pâté.

A Timely E. Coli Story, Spun as a Legal Thriller

In “Poisoned,” Jeff Benedict focuses on the gruesome and complicated legal tangle that accompanied the deadly 1992 Jack in the Box outbreak.

En este día...


On This Day: July 2

On July 2, 1937, aviator Amelia Earhart and navigator Fred Noonan disappeared over the Pacific Ocean while attempting to make the first round-the-world flight at the equator.
Go to article »
On July 2, 1908, Thurgood Marshall, the leader of the legal battle against segregated schools and the first black member of the U.S. Supreme Court, was born. Following his death on Jan. 24, 1993, his obituary appeared in The Times.

On This Date

1776The Continental Congress passed a resolution that "these United Colonies are, and of right, ought to be, Free and Independent States."
1881President James A. Garfield was fatally shot by Charles J. Guiteau at the Washington railroad station. (Garfield died on Sept. 19.)
1890Congress passed the Sherman Antitrust Act.
1932Democrats nominated New York Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt for president at their convention in Chicago.
1937Aviator Amelia Earhart and navigator Fred Noonan disappeared over the Pacific Ocean while attempting to make the first around-the-world flight at the equator.
1947An object that the Army Air Force later said was a weather balloon crashed near Roswell, N.M. Eyewitness accounts gave rise to speculation it might have been an alien spacecraft.
1961Author Ernest Hemingway, 61, shot himself to death at his home in Ketchum, Idaho.
1964President Lyndon B. Johnson signed into law a sweeping civil rights bill.
1976The Supreme Court ruled the death penalty was not inherently cruel or unusual.
2003President George W. Bush promised to deal harshly with those who attack American troops in Iraq, saying "bring them on."
2007President George W. Bush commuted the sentence of former aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, sparing him from a two-and-half-year prison term in the CIA leak case.

Current Birthdays

Lindsay Lohan, Actress
Actress Lindsay Lohan turns 25 years old today.
AP Photo/Evan Agostini
Johnny Weir, Figure skater
Figure skater Johnny Weir turns 27 years old today.
AP Photo/Evan Agostini
1923Wislawa Szymborska, Nobel Prize-winning poet, turns 88
1931Robert Ito, Actor ("Quincy"), turns 80
1937Polly Holliday, Actress ("Alice"), turns 74
1937Richard Petty, Auto racer, turns 74
1939John Sununu, Former White House chief of staff, turns 72
1947Larry David, Writer-director ("Curb Your Enthusiasm," "Seinfeld"), turns 64
1947Luci Baines Johnson, Daughter of President Lyndon B. Johnson, turns 64
1949Roy Bittan, Rock musician (The E Street Band), turns 62
1956Jerry Hall, Actress, model, turns 55
1961Jimmy McNichol, Actor, singer, turns 50
1983Michelle Branch, Rock singer, turns 28
1985Ashley Tisdale, Actress ("High School Musical" movies), turns 26

Historic Birthdays

66Thomas Cranmer 7/2/1489 - 3/21/1556
English religious leader; first Protestant archbishop of Canterbury
73Christoph Gluck 7/2/1714 - 11/15/1787
German composer
77Richard Henry Stoddard 7/2/1825 - 5/12/1903
American poet, critic and editor
75Frederick Gates 7/2/1853 - 2/6/1929
American philanthropist and businessman
73Clarence Barron 7/2/1855 - 10/2/1928
American financial editor and publisher
85Hermann Hesse 7/2/1877 - 8/9/1962
German novelist and poet; awared Nobel Prize for Literature (1946)
67Hugh Dryden 7/2/1898 - 12/2/1965
American physicist and deputy administrator of NASA (1958-65)
70Sir Tyrone Guthrie 7/2/1900 - 5/15/1971
English theatrical director
92Sir Alec Douglas-Home 7/2/1903 - 10/9/1995
British prime minister (1963-4) and foreign secretary (1960-3, 1970-4)
37Medgar Evers 7/2/1925 - 6/12/1963
American civil-rights activist; assassinated in 1963
35Patrice Lumumba 7/2/1925 - 1/17/1961
Congolese independence leader and prime minister (1960)

viernes, 1 de julio de 2011

SEIMC :: Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica

Protocolos Microbiológicos
Protocolos Clínicos 2001
Guías Clínicas SEIMC 2006
Revisiones del Control de Calidad

Curso de Autoaprendizaje


Gastroenteropatía por antiinflamatorios no esteroideos
Manejo del sobrecrecimiento bacteriano
Diagnóstico de la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal
Tratamiento de la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal
Dispepsia: manejo diagnóstico y terapéutico
Tratamiento de la litiasis biliar
Diagnóstico precoz del cáncer colorrectal
Diagnóstico de las lesiones ocupantes de espacio hepáticas
Diagnóstico y tratamiento de náuseas y vómitos
Aproximación clínica al estreñimiento
Pseudoobstrucción crónica intestinal, íleo paralítico y oclusión intestinal
Diarrea crónica
Evaluación diagnóstica en la pancreatitis crónica
Diagnóstico y tratamiento de la ascitis
Manejo del paciente con disfagia
Hemorragia digestiva alta no varicosa
Cáncer de páncreas
Tratamiento de la hemorragia digestiva por ruptura de varices esofágicas
Proctitis rádica
Pruebas funcionales del aparato digestivo
Diagnóstico y tratamiento de la enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico
Síndrome del instentino irritable
Tratamiento de la hepatitis crónica por el virus de la hepatitis B
Pólipos clónicos y síndromes de poliposis

La clínica vista a través de Archivos: las notas clínicas del 2009

Samolski, DanielMartín Robles, IreneCastillo Villegas, Diego
Publicado en Arch Bronconeumol. 2010;46:652-7. - vol.46 núm 12

Leer en: English


Las notas clínicas publicadas en el año 2009 sirven como elemento de trabajo para reflexionar sobre aspectos clínicos relevantes de diferentes entidades clínicas. Mediante esta revisión se pretende asimismo acercar al lector a la realidad clínica de nuestro entorno.
Palabras clave Caso clínico. Enfermedad respiratoria. Revisión.
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