sábado, 28 de mayo de 2011



Posted: 26 May 2011 06:38 PM PDT
Pepinos españoles causaron las infecciones en Alemania Una peligrosa cepa ha causado la muerte de tres personas y decenas de infecciones intestinales en el norte del país La bacteria que ha causado tres muertes en Alemania salió de pepinos españoles, según las investigaciones de Instituto de Higiene de Hamburgo. La senadora (ministra) de Sanidad de Hamburgo, la socialdemócrata Cornelia
Posted: 26 May 2011 06:38 PM PDT
¿Por qué aparecen manchas blancas en las uñas? La deficiencia de cinc, y no de calcio, puede explicar la formación de manchas blancas dispersas en las uñasLa formación de manchas blancas en las uñas con forma indefinida o de nube es frecuente en la población infantil y entre las personas adultas. Pese a que el acervo popular considera las manchas blancas como señal de falta de
Posted: 26 May 2011 06:38 PM PDT
¿Qué es la Esclerosis Múltiple? El día mundial de la enfermedad, bien vale para conocer que, por más discapacitante que sea, es posible llevar una vida normal si se la detecta a tiempo y trata correctamente. En la Argentina, entre 7 mil y 8 mil personas la padecen El 25 de mayo se conmemora el Día Mundial de la Esclerosis Múltiple, una iniciativa de la Federación Internacional de
Posted: 26 May 2011 06:38 PM PDT
Los resultados de este estudio realizado en diferentes países europeos demuestran que un mayor consumo de frutas y verduras se asocia con un menor riesgo de cardiopatía isquémica fatal. Una mayor ingesta de frutas y hortalizas se ha asociado con un menor riesgo de cardiopatía isquémica (CI), pero existen dudas acerca de la interpretación de esta relación. En el 2003, la Organización
Posted: 26 May 2011 06:38 PM PDT
Los resultados de un estudio demuestran que las mujeres tenían el riesgo más bajo de sufrir fracturas cuando consumían alrededor de 750 mg de calcio diarios. Sin embargo, el riesgo de fracturas en mujeres que comenzaron a aumentar su ingesta de calcio no descendió. Investigadores de la Universidad Uppsala, en Suecia, han constatado que, aunque cantidades moderadas de calcio --que estarían

Cosas interesantes sobre innovación social y sociedad de la información


Algo para leer: resumen dominical en sábado

Cosas interesantes sobre innovación social y sociedad de la información

  1. Según el Resumen Informe Horizon 2011: 6 tecnologías tendrán especial relevancia en enseñanza. vía  @juandoming (Yo me alegro que mobile learning estén a la vuelta de la esquina).
  2. Práctica: si acostumbramos a los estudiantes a colaborar en la wikipedia fortalecerán sus competencias digitales via @carmebove
  3. ¿Qué pasos seguir ante comentarios online desagradables? Reputación online viaAlfredo Vela
  4. Envidio (con cariño) a los profesionales que manejan storytelling, así que aún más a los que son “digital storytelling“. Aquí os dejo los 10 pasos del digital storytelling via@web20classroom
  5. Hoy más que nunca, las ciudades deben innovar en la relación con la ciudadanía y en su propia gobernanzaInnovación Social de las Administraciones. Es interesante conocer este Manifiesto del Club de la Innovación Urbana via @anag
  6. Evolución de skype: desde la concepción hasta la adquisición via @mariainfante
  7. Top ten social media competencies for teachers via @euskaljakintza
  8. Video: grupo de pederastas actuando impunemente en facebook El detenido Paolo Ghelardini aparece en este video via @mmadrigal
  9. Hogar digital: Microsoft convierte las paredes de tu casa en paneles de control via@MartinPerez
  10. Una discusión boomerang: va y viene… Las empresas en UK cortan el acceso a las redes sociales. ¿Mejora eso la productividad? via @internetng

Protocolo diagnóstico del hipotiroidismo

Protocolo diagnóstico del hipotiroidismo

Publicado en Medicine. 2000;08:974-6. - vol.08 núm 18


Introducción El diagnóstico del hipotiroidismo precisa inicialmente la sospecha clínica. En los ancianos el diagnóstico clínico es más difícil ya que son frecuentes las formas oligosintomáticas, con presencia sólo de clínica cardiovascular, del sistema nervioso central o digestiva. Además, las manifestaciones de la enfermedad pueden ser fácilmente atribuidas al propio proceso de envejecimiento, a otras patologías concomitantes o a los efectos secundarios de los fármacos que toma el paciente. Para comenzar el proceso diagnóstico es necesario medir los niveles séricos de tirotropina (TSH) y T4 libre (fig. 1). Fig. 1. Algoritmo diagnóstico del hipotiroidismo. TSH: tirotropina.   TSH normal y T4 libre normal La situación de TSH y T4 libre normales define el eutiroidismo. Se recomienda determinar la T4 libre en lugar de la T4 total, ya que la primera no se influye por las variaciones de las proteínas transportadoras de hormonas tiroideas. La determinación de T3 es menos fiable porque también desciende en individuos ancianos sanos y en pacientes con enfermedades no tiroideas y puede ser normal hasta en el 20%-30% de los hipotiroideos (por aumento relativo de la síntesis tiroidea de T3 inducida por TSH y mayor conversión periférica T4 en T3)1. TSH alta y T4 libre baja El hipotiroidismo primario se debe a una enfermedad intrínseca del tiroides y se caracteriza por presentar niveles bajos de T4 libre con concentraciones elevadas de TSH. Constituye el 98% de los casos de hipofunción tiroidea. La disminución de la síntesis y secreción hormonal del...

I Hate PowerPoint

viernes, 27 de mayo de 2011

Sedación y daño renal en pacientes graves: análisis post hoc de un ensayo aleatorio

Sedación y daño renal en pacientes graves: análisis post hoc de un ensayo aleatorio.
Sedation and renal impairment in critically ill patients: a post hoc analysis of a randomized trial.
Strom T, Johansen RR, Prahl JO, Toft P.
Crit Care. 2011 May 4;15(3):R119. [Epub ahead of print]
INTRODUCTION: Not sedating critically ill patients reduces the time patients receive mechanical ventilation, decreases the time in the intensive care department and reduces the total hospital length of stay. We hypothesized that no sedation improves hemodynamic stability, decreases the need for vasoactive drugs, diminishes the need for extra fluids and lowers the risk of acute kidney injury. METHODS: We performed an evaluation on the database from our previous trial of 140 patients randomized to either no sedation vs. sedation with a daily interruption of sedatives (ClinicalTrials.gov number NCT00466492). 113 patients were included in the previous statistical analysis. 10 patients had pre-existing renal impairments and were excluded. Data was collected from observational cards and blood samples. RESULTS:
A total of 103 patients were included in this retrospective review. We registered an increased urine output in the group receiving no sedation compared to the sedated control group (1.15 ml/kg/hour (0.59 - 1.53) vs. 0.88 ml/kg/hour (0.052 - 1.26), P = 0.03). In addition we saw a decrease in the number of patients with renal impairment according to the RIFLE classification in the group receiving no sedation compared to the sedated control group (25 (51%) vs. 41 (76%), P = 0.012). The difference in the two groups with respect to mean arterial blood pressure, fluid balance and use of vasoactive drugs was not significant. CONCLUSIONS: A no sedation strategy to patients undergoing mechanical ventilation increases the urine output and decreases the number of patients with renal impairments. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov registration number NCT00466492

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

'Supertwiggy lucha contra collesterator', de Grey para Nueces de California

Razones para escandalos extramatrimoniales tienen raíces profundas

Reasons for extramarital affairs are deep-rooted

By Raymond Zhou (China Daily)
Updated: 2011-05-27 08:01
Reasons for extramarital affairs are deep-rooted 
Mid-life extramarital affairs are often aided and abetted by power and wealth, but their universal cause goes much deeper. And women from different cultures tend to cope differently.
The revelations of Dominique Strauss-Kahn's arrest and Arnold Schwarzenegger's love child were big news in the West, yet they were totally eclipsed in China by Wang Gongquan wanting to dump his wife for a younger woman.
"Wang who?" you might ask. Well, we asked the same question as Wang Gongquan was not exactly a household name. It turns out he is a wealthy venture capitalist with billions of yuan in assets, which he said he is willing to give up for a chance to live with the woman he loves, a billionaire in her own right.
Now, nobody is denying the super-rich their right to romance. There is just this little inconvenience of an existing wife, whom Wang somehow managed to avoid mentioning in his Twitter-like announcement to the world.
She is certainly no Maria Shriver as she has not shown up on any television talk shows. As a matter of fact, nobody has sought her out and asked for her side of the story. Yet, she undoubtedly belongs to the "first wives club", to which Maria Shriver is inching closer and Anne Sinclair, a.k.a. Mrs. Strauss-Kahn, seems to resist with all her might.
Reasons for extramarital affairs are deep-rooted
The three stories, though not identical, share similarities that point to the mid-life crisis of men with power and money. A dramatist could not have come up with three better story lines that run parallel with one another without any unnecessary overlapping and seem to draw a composite of middle-aged men in high standing.
If we broaden the timeframe, there are indeed Chinese equivalents to what happened to the former IMF boss and the erstwhile Terminator. In May 2009, 44-year-old Deng Guida, a local official in Hubei province, forced himself onto a young hotel worker in an attempt to sexually assault her. In self-defense, she slashed his throat and chest with a fruit knife, which turned out to be deadly. If the accusations against the skirt-chasing Strauss-Kahn are true, the one-time presidential hopeful of France should consider himself lucky that the maid from West Africa did not protest in a more brutal manner.
Compared with the bad behavior that crosses the legal line, Arnold's amorous pursuits seem more mundane, or as Jackie Chan would call it, "the mistake every man is prone to make". The Hong Kong action star freely admitted and profusely apologized when he was discovered to have fathered a child out of wedlock. Instead of losing his fan base, he actually won more hearts by his candor.
The one-liner from Jackie Chan was as much a challenge as a self-justification. He seemed to be asking every man of his age group: "Can you resist the temptation as you get old?"
When media commentators in Western countries saw the twin scandals of Strauss-Kahn and Schwarzenegger, they overwhelmingly interpreted the incidents as manifestations of power. Power did play a role here, but was it the determining factor? It is not unheard of that male guests in cheap motels harass female workers with unreasonable requests. And you really think men with little means do not cheat on their wives?
It is not that powerful men tend to be philanderers. It's just that powerful men caught in sexcapades tend to make the headlines. Men of anonymity committing the same acts would attract only their neighbors' interest when their wives find, wail and threaten to kill themselves, their husbands or both. That is the formula for Chinese melodrama, and is what I witnessed in villages when I was young. Imagine my surprise when I first saw the reaction of Western women - in movies, of course - who did not say anything vaguely suggesting hanging themselves but demanded divorce and a large alimony - usually in a cuttingly cold voice.
For me, that was a significant East-West divide, perhaps with implications beyond the family. When a Chinese wife learns of her husband's infidelity, she often reacts in a way that would baffle a Western wife. If she causes commotion that spills into the street, with curses to the man that would be taken as death threats in the Unite States, it does not mean she wants to kick him out of the house. On the contrary, it could be a histrionic yet indirect plea for him to leave the girlfriend for good and come back to her. If she keeps mum and carries on as if nothing has happened, it does not mean she does not believe in the rumor of his hanky-panky. It often implies scheming, or a battle of wits - how she will get her man back without tearing apart the facade of harmony.
Take Joan Chen's character in Lust, Caution, Ang Lee's massively misunderstood film. I read several reviews in the American press where film critics laughed at her "foolishness". They thought she did not know her husband was cheating on her. They would be surprised that not only was she aware of his affair with the young woman who wandered into their lives, but all the female mahjong players at the table had been involved with him in one way or another. By not bringing the secret in the open yet keeping her rivals close as friends, she was able to keep them in check and maintain her status as the queen of the household.
That rationale is rooted in the Chinese social structure in which men were in control of all resources and women were subordinate. Should she dare confront him, she would risk losing more than his wandering eye. In Pearl S. Buck's Pavilion of Women, the wife goes so far as to take the initiative to search for a young woman for her husband, thus preempting random adventures on his part that could have worse consequences.
Those stories happened before women were seen as "holding up half the sky", to borrow Chairman Mao's phrase.
However, the fundamental quandary has not changed with women achieving economic independence.
Men still want concubines, so to speak. And women are coping with more mature responses.
In Feng Xiaogang's 2000 family drama A Sigh, a middle-aged writer falls for his female assistant. When his wife finally meets up with her youthful nemesis, she does not launch into a moral diatribe. Instead, she quietly recounts how they fell in love. By the end of her narration, the younger woman leaves - and also leaves the man.
The wife's message was subtle yet powerful: "His passion for you is a repetition of what he felt for me while he was younger, and by extension, what is happening to me could happen to you down the road." Or more plainly, "He could leave you for an even younger woman."
The refrain in the media chorus is: Men are pigs. Yet, few have bothered to look beyond the obvious factor of power as aphrodisiac.
People of a certain age are prone to personal transgressions not just because they are more risk-taking, but they have the urge to relive their youthful dreams. It may be much more complicated than what appears on the surface.
Is Wang Gongquan, the mogul who is giving up a business empire for love, a romantic hero or a romantic villain? It depends on which woman you side with and whether passion or family responsibility takes the priority.
When men forfeit reason for love or lust, it will come off as either chivalrous or ludicrous.
(China Daily 05/27/2011 page18)

   Gloria Maria Anicama Orcon.
"Cada uno de nosotros es, sucesivamente, no uno,
sino muchos. Y estas personalidades sucesivas, que
emergen las unas de las otras, suelen ofrecer entre sí
los más raros y asombrosos contrastes"
José Enrique Rodó
Motivos de Proteo

Nueva publicación: Convergencia, medios y educación

Nueva publicación: Convergencia, medios y educación

Una de las nuevas publicaciones de RELPE en este 2011 está dedicada al proceso de convergencia entre educación, comunicación y tecnología que se está produciendo a escala global.
A partir de esta premisa se pretende pasar revista a las grandes mutaciones que atraviesan las instituciones educativas y los medios, partiendo de la base de que ambos espacios forman parte de una misma ecología tecno-cultural; y al mismo tiempo presentar las grandes líneas de trabajo que se están desarrollando a partir del cruce entre comunicación, tecnología  y educación, teniendo en cuenta la creciente importancia social de las redes digitales y la difusión capilar de una cultura participativa.
Así, se irán exhibiendo las distintas iniciativas y recursos que los portales de RELPE poseen y ponen a disposición de sus usuarios en el sector de la comunicación transmedia, producción narrativa y distribución colaborativa; con la intención de utilizar el espacio para proponer posibles líneas de avance para acercar las instituciones educativas a una nueva generación de alumnos crecidos en las redes sociales y habituados a la producción y distribución colaborativa de contenidos.
La publicación “RELPE: Convergencia, medios y educación” fue realizada a partir del informe de la consultoría realizada por Carlos Scolari  en el contexto del seminario internacional, organizado por la red, “Convergencia de medios. Nuevos desafíos para la educación en Latinoamérica”, que tuvo lugar en la ciudad de Asunción, Paraguay los días 10, 11 y 12 de noviembre de 2010. El documento puede ser descargado en formato PDF a continuación.