jueves, 8 de febrero de 2018

Libro sobre anemia / E-book on anemia

ebrero 8, 2018. No. 2988
Temas actuales en Anemia
Current Topics in Anemia
Edited by Jesmine Khan, ISBN 978-953-51-3775-7, Print ISBN 978-953-51-3774-0, 282 pages, Publisher: InTech, Chapters published February 07, 2018 under CC BY 3.0 license
DOI: 10.5772/66061
Edited Volume
This book deals with a very common condition, anemia, which might interest not only the physicians but also other healthcare professionals and researchers dealing with anemic patients. The objective of this book was to collect and compile up-to-date information from reputable researchers of different countries of the world to disseminate the latest information about the common types of anemia in some specific physiological and pathological conditions including pathophysiology and the use of algorithms as a tool to minimize the laboratory tests and accurate diagnosis of the underlying cause. In total, there are 13 chapters in this book where the authors shared their research findings and real-life experiences in managing their patients with anemia.
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Delivering safe anaesthesia to the world's poorest people
World Congress on Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine
April 19-21, 2018, New York City, USA
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Medicina de rehabilitación. Dr. Álvaro Lomelí.


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El Dr. Álvaro Lomelí platica sobre la medicina de rehabilitación aplicada a deportistas.
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Características de la Leche Humana especialmente del Calostro y su utilidad al inicio de su administración en el Recién Nacido Prematuro

Conferencia por el Dr. José Honold. Uso de leche HUmana en UCIN, de San Diego California

Conferencia: El uso de leche humana en UCIN por el Dr. José Honold, Neonatologo del Rady Hospital en San Diego, describe características de la Leche Humana especialmente del Calostro y su utilidad al inicio de su administración en el Recién Nacido Prematuro. Describe la técnica para adm¡nistración de LM desde temprana edad en niños muy pequeños. Describe ademas el método Canguro que favorece integramente al niño y mejora su desarrollo neurológico y acorta su estancia hospitalaria.Ciberped: http://bit.ly/2g6Teaj
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Fractura de Húmero


Fractura de Húmero

Valorar el resultado del tratamiento quirúrgico de una fractura de húmero en hombro en la sala de cirugía es básico en la obtención de buenos resultados

lunes, 5 de febrero de 2018

Curso avanzado de artroscopia, tenoscopia y cirugía deportiva de pie y tobillo

6 y 7 de abril vamos a Guadalajara !!!

viernes, 2 de febrero de 2018

Apnea obstructiva del sueño / OSA

Febrero 2, 2018. No. 2982
Apnea obstructiva del sueño y el paciente bariátrico
OSA and the bariatric patient.
J Perioper Pract. 2017 Jul;27(7-8):167-168.
Mrs NH is a 49-year-old lady who presented for assessment prior to weight reduction surgery.
KEYWORDS: Bariatric surgery; OSA; Obstructive sleep apnoea; Pre-assessment
Identificación de la apnea obstructiva del sueño significativa en el paciente obeso: desarrollo de la nueva puntuación "DX-AOS".
Identification of significant obstructive sleep apnoea in the obese patient: development of the novel DX-OSA score.
Rom J Anaesth Intensive Care. 2016 Oct;23(2):111-121. doi: 10.21454/rjaic.7518/232.dxo.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: There is a high prevalence of undiagnosed obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) in obese surgical patients. We investigated the extent to which anthropometric measurements can be used to identify the presence of significant OSA (Apnoea/Hypopnoea Index (AHI) ≥ 20) in adult patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We prospectively studied 1357 adult patients scheduled for elective laparoscopic bariatric surgery. Prior to surgery, body mass index (BMI), gender, neck circumference, STOP-Bang score, SpO2, neck and trunk fat (by dual X-ray absorptiometry) were recorded. All patients with a STOP-Bang score ≥ 5 underwent polysomnography. Auto-titrated Positive Airway Pressure (APAP) therapy was instituted when AHI ≥ 20/h. Predictors of OSA were identified and their cut-off values determined. RESULTS: In total, 1357 patients were screened; 345 patients underwent preoperative polysomnography; 190 had AHI ≥ 20/h and received APAP treatment. The novel Dual X-Ray-Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (DX-OSA) score was derived from the data. The score included 6 items: the STOP-Bang score, BMI, neck fat, trunk fat, baseline SpO2, and Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV), and its sensitivity, specificity, positive-predictive values, negative-predictive values, likelihood ratios, and post-test probabilities determined. At a cut-off of 3, the DX-OSA score had the same sensitivity as the STOP-bang score, but better specificity. The lowest likelihood ratio was found for STOP-Bang and the highest for the DX-OSA score (OSA probability > 83%). CONCLUSION: The DX-OSA score may be useful for identifying obese patients with significant OSA who require CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) treatment, and CPAP could be commenced without the need for polysomnography, therefore, without delaying surgery.
KEYWORDS: continuous positive airway pressure; obesity; obstructive sleep apnoea
La mejoría temprana en la apnea obstructiva del sueño y el aumento en los niveles de orexina después de la cirugía bariátrica en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes.
Early improvement in obstructive sleep apnea and increase in orexin levels after bariatric surgery in adolescents and young adults.
Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2017 Jan;13(1):95-100. doi: 10.1016/j.soard.2016.05.023. Epub 2016 May 30.
BACKGROUND: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) associated with obesity is known to improve after bariatric surgery, but little is known about early changes in this condition after surgery. OBJECTIVES: To study the clinical course of OSA after bariatric surgery SETTING: Children's hospital in the United States METHODS: Adolescents and young adults with obstructive sleep apnea undergoing vertical sleeve gastrectomy (n = 6) or gastric bypass (n = 1) were enrolled in this prospective study. Participants underwent formal polysomnography before and at 3 and 5 weeks after bariatric surgery. Anthropometric measurements and assay for orexin and leptin were also performed at study visits. Thirty-one adolescents who underwent 2 polysomnography studies that were 4 weeks apart served as control patients. RESULTS: Baseline mean (range) age of participants was 17.8 (15.4-20.7) years, 71% were male, with body mass index of 55.2 (41.3-61.6) kg/m2 and had a median apnea hypopnea index (AHI) of 15.8 (7.1-23.8) events/hour. Differences in least-square means from longitudinal analysis did not show significant differences in AHI in the control group but showed significant postoperative decline in AHI relative to baseline. AHI declined postoperatively from baseline by 9.2 events/hour (95% confidence interval: 3.8 to 14.5) at 3 weeks (P = .002) and 9.1 events/hour (95% confidence interval: 3.8 to 14.5) at 5 weeks (P = .002); there was no significant change from 3 to 5 weeks in AHI. Leptin decreased and orexin levels increased significantly by 3 weeks postoperatively. CONCLUSIONS: These observations suggest that OSA responds early and out of proportion to weight loss after metabolic and or bariatric surgery, thus weight independent factors may at least in part be responsible for early improvement in OSA postoperatively.
KEYWORDS: Leptin; Orexin; Polysomnography; Sleep apnea; Sleeve gastrectomy
Safe Anaesthesia Worldwide
Delivering safe anaesthesia to the world's poorest people
World Congress on Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine
April 19-21, 2018, New York City, USA
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Diagnóstico diferencial del dolor articular sacroiliaco


Diagnóstico diferencial del dolor articular sacroiliaco 

Differential Diagnosis of SI Joint Pain

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Ohio Orthopedic Surgeon
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jueves, 1 de febrero de 2018

Drogas psicodélicas / "Psychedelic drugs"

Febrero 1, 2018. No. 2981
Psiquiatría y las drogas psicodélicas. Pasado presente Futuro.
Psychiatry & the psychedelic drugs. Past, present & future.
Neuropharmacology. 2017 Dec 25. pii: S0028-3908(17)30638-X. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2017.12.040. [Epub ahead of print]
The classical psychedelic drugs, including psilocybin, lysergic acid diethylamide and mescaline, were used extensively in psychiatry before they were placed in Schedule I of the UN Convention on Drugs in 1967. Experimentation and clinical trials undertaken prior to legal sanction suggest that they are not helpful for those with established psychotic disorders and should be avoided in those liable to develop them. However, those with so-called 'psychoneurotic' disorders sometimes benefited considerably from their tendency to 'loosen' otherwise fixed, maladaptive patterns of cognition and behaviour, particularly when given in a supportive, therapeutic setting. Pre-prohibition studies in this area were sub-optimal, although a recent systematic review in unipolar mood disorder and a meta-analysis in alcoholism have both suggested efficacy. The incidence of serious adverse events appears to be low. Since 2006, there have been several pilot trials and randomised controlled trials using psychedelics (mostly psilocybin) in various non-psychotic psychiatric disorders. These have provided encouraging results that provide initial evidence of safety and efficacy, however the regulatory and legal hurdles to licensing psychedelics as medicines are formidable. This paper summarises clinical trials using psychedelics pre and post prohibition, discusses the methodological challenges of performing good quality trials in this area and considers a strategic approach to the legal and regulatory barriers to licensing psychedelics as a treatment in mainstream psychiatry.
KEYWORDS: Clinical trials; Psychedelics; Psychiatric disorders
Safe Anaesthesia Worldwide
Delivering safe anaesthesia to the world's poorest people
World Congress on Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine
April 19-21, 2018, New York City, USA
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martes, 30 de enero de 2018

Formulaciones de buprenorfina / Buprenorphine Formulations

Enero 30, 2018. No. 2979
Formulaciones de buprenorfina: recomendaciones de estrategias clínicas de mejores prácticas para el manejo perioperatorio de pacientes sometidos a procedimientos de dolor quirúrgico o intervencional.
Buprenorphine Formulations: Clinical Best Practice Strategies Recommendations for Perioperative Management of Patients Undergoing Surgical or Interventional Pain Procedures.
Pain Physician. 2018 Jan;21(1):E1-E12.
BACKGROUND: Starting with approval for clinical use in the treatment of opioid dependence in October 2002 by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), buprenorphine has become an integral treatment option and in recent years, in chronic pain management. Buprenorphine possesses a unique pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic profile that can potentially make perioperative analgesiachallenging. OBJECTIVES: To date no unified guidelines or recommendations are available for buprenorphine product management during the perioperative period. The present investigation aims to review the literature and provide recommendations when encountering a patient on buprenorphine therapy who is scheduled for a surgical or interventional pain procedure. METHODS: Clinical studies and reviews were searched using the PubMed National Center for Biotechnology Information database using MeSH terms buprenorphine, buprenorphine and naloxone, suboxone, perioperative, and postoperative pain. RESULTS: PubMed National Center for Biotechnology Information database search resulted in one randomized control trial, one prospective case matched cohort, one retrospective cohort, 0 case series, 4 case reports, and 6 review articles. Key literature is reviewed and summarized. LIMITATIONS: Only 12 articles were included, which permits only limited recommendations drawn from this review. CONCLUSIONS: The perioperative management of buprenorphine and buprenorphine/naloxone are dependent on several key factors. The nature of the surgery, namely the postoperative opioid requirement, elective versus emergency surgery, patient characteristics, formulation of buprenorphine, and indication for buprenorphine or buprenorphine/naloxone therapy must be considered when devising a plan. Several options exist when formulating a plan for the perioperative management, including continuing buprenorphine therapy or holding buprenorphine therapy for a defined period of time with or without bridging to alternative opioids. Additionally, social support people and patient motivation should be addressed and optimized, as well as nonopioid adjuvant therapy should be maximized as applicable to each patient undergoing a surgical or interventional pain procedure.
KEY WORDS: Buprenorphine, naloxone, surgery, pain management, anesthesia, suboxone, opioid abuse.
Safe Anaesthesia Worldwide
Delivering safe anaesthesia to the world's poorest people
World Congress on Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine
April 19-21, 2018, New York City, USA
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