domingo, 20 de mayo de 2012

Lo virus tiene color?...

Rajini Rao compartió inicialmente esta publicación:
Does a virus have color? Actually, no. Because viruses are smaller than the wavelength of light (400-700 nanometer), they hide within its waves and can only be seen with an electron microscope. Viruses range in size from 20-300 nm. Yet, most images of viruses arepseudocolored, either to visualize detail or for aesthetic appeal.

• Glass artist Luke Jerram, who is color blind himself, works closely with virologists to create transparent jewel-like replicas of microbes 1,000,000 times their actual size. Virus shapes can be helical, icosahedral (12-sided), prolate (capped cylinder), enveloped or rounded.

Check out his gallery online:

#scienceeveryday #sciencesunday






Telemedicina. Alerta

El acuerdo de legislatura entre PSOE y UPyD potenciará la ...
Radio Televisión del Principado de Asturias
En el área sanitaria de Jarrio hay puesta en marcha una experiencia de este tipo en el ámbito de la oftalmología.El objetivo es prevenir la retinosis, que es la primera causa de ceguera entre los diabéticos. Gracias a un aparato ambulante, ...
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Kinect será usado en el País Vasco para telemedicina
¿Creías que el sensor de control por movimiento de Microsoft sólo servía para hacer juegos casuales de baile, fitness o fiesta? Pues parece que van a surgir ...

Final de la vida en la UCI neonatal

Final de la vida en la UCI neonatal
End of life in the neonatal intensive care unit.
Moura H, Costa V, Rodrigues M, Almeida F, Maia T, Guimarães H.
Serviço de Neonatologia do Centro Hospitalar Porto, Portugal.
Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2011;66(9):1569-72.
PURPOSE: Death at the beginning of life is tragic but not uncommon in neonatal intensive care units. In Portugal, few studies have examined the circumstances surrounding the final moments of neonates. We evaluated the care given to neonates and their families in terminal situations and the changes that had occurred one decade later. DESIGN AND METHODS: We analyzed 256 charts in a retrospective chart review of neonatal deaths between two periods (1992-1995 and 2002-2005) in a level III neonatal intensive care unit. RESULTS: Our results show differences in the care of dying infants between the two periods. The analysis of the 2002-2005 cohort four years revealed more withholding and withdrawing of therapeutic activities and more effective pain and distress relief; however, on the final day of life, 95.7% of the infants received invasive ventilatory support, 76.3% received antibiotics, 58.1% received inotropics, and 25.8% received no opioid or sedative administration. The 2002-2005 cohort had more spiritual advisor solicitation, a higher number of relatives with permission to freely visit and more clinical meetings with neonatologists. Interventions by parents, healthcare providers and ethics committees during decision-making were not documented in any of the charts. Only eight written orders regarding therapeutic limitations and the adoption of palliative care were documented; seven (87.5%) were from the 2002-2005 cohort. Parental presence during death was more frequent in the latter four years (2002-2005 cohort), but only 21.5% of the parents wanted to be present at that moment. CONCLUSION: Despite an increase in the withholding and withdrawing of therapeutic activities and improvements in pain management and family support, many neonates still receive curative and aggressive practices at the end of life.  
Final de la vida despues del nacimiento: la muerte y el morir en una unidad neonatal de cuidados intensivos 
End-of-life after birth: death and dying in a neonatal intensive care unit.
Singh J, Lantos J, Meadow W.
Department of Pediatrics, University of Chicago, and the MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics, Chicago, Illinois 60637, USA.
Pediatrics. 2004 Dec;114(6):1620-6.
OBJECTIVE: In canonical modern bioethics, withholding and withdrawing medical interventions for dying patients are considered morally equivalent. However, electing not to administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) struck us as easily distinguishable from withdrawing mechanical ventilation. Moreover, withdrawing mechanical ventilation from a moribund infant "feels" different from withdrawing mechanical ventilation from a hemodynamically stable child with a severe neurologic insult. Most previous descriptions of withdrawing and withholding intervention in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) have blurred many of these distinctions. We hypothesized that clarifying them would more accurately portray the process of end-of-life decision-making in the NICU. METHODS: We reviewed the charts of all newborn infants who had birth weight >400 g and died in our hospital in 1988, 1993, and 1998 and extracted potential ethical issues (resuscitation, withdrawal, withholding, CPR, do-not-resuscitate orders, neurologic prognosis, ethics consult) surrounding each infant's death. RESULTS: Using traditional definitions, roughly half of all deaths in our NICU in 1993 and 1998 were associated with "withholding or withdrawing." In addition, by 1998, >40% of our NICU deaths could be labeled "active withdrawal," reflecting the extubation of infants regardless of their physiologic instability. This practice is growing over time. However, 2 important conclusions arise from our more richly elaborated descriptions of death in the NICU. First, when CPR was withheld, it most commonly occurred in the context of moribund infants who were already receiving ventilation and dopamine. Physiologically stable infants who were removed from mechanical ventilation for quality-of-life reasons accounted for only 3% of NICU deaths in 1988, 16% of NICU deaths in 1993, and 13% of NICU deaths in 1998. Moreover, virtually none of these active withdrawals took place in premature infants. Second, by 1998 infants, who died without CPR almost always had mechanical ventilation withdrawn. Finally, the median and average day of death for 100 nonsurvivors who received full intervention did not differ significantly from the 78 nonsurvivors for whom intervention was withheld. CONCLUSIONS: In our unit, a greater and greater percentage of doomed infants die without ever receiving chest compressions or epinephrine boluses. Rather, we have adopted a nuanced approach to withdrawing/withholding NICU intervention, providing what we hope is a humane approach to end-of-life decisions for doomed NICU infants. We suggest that ethical descriptions that reflect these nuances, distinguishing between withholding and withdrawing interventions from physiologically moribund infants or physiologically stable infants with morbid neurologic prognoses, provide a more accurate reflection of the circumstances of dying in the NICU. 
Dr. Enrique Hernández-Cortez
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Internet seguro!!!!

sábado, 19 de mayo de 2012


Alain Bernard, plusmarquista mundial de los 100 metros libres (2008), contratado por la gendarmería francesa.
Miembro de la policía, inicialmente de Francia, que tiene la función de mantener el orden interno. Se registra por primera vez en francés en el siglo XIII, bajo la forma actual 'gendarme'.
Voz tomada del plural francés gens d'armes 'personas de armas', 'gente de armas'.

El libro electrónico: presente y futuro en la Biblioteca universitaria

El libro electrónico: presente y futuro en la Biblioteca universitaria.
Jornadas de encuentro para usuarios, profesionales y bibliotecarios. 24 y 25 de mayo de 2012

La biblioteca de la Universidad de Zaragoza, ha organizado para los día 24 y 25 de mayo un encuentro entre diversos proveedores de libros electrónicos y los usuarios, bibliotecarios y profesionales del sector.
La irrupción del libro electrónico en el mercado editorial ha convertido un sistema de lectura, hasta hace poco tiempo novedoso, en algo cotidiano. En el mundo universitario, el libro electrónico resulta todavía novedoso, sobre todo si lo comparamos con la enorme implantación de las revistas en formato electrónico, que predominan sobre el papel en algunas disciplinas científicas.
La biblioteca de la Universidad de Zaragoza, ha querido reunir en este encuentro a diversos proveedores de libros electrónicos, especializados en el mercado universitario, que presentarán el estado de la cuestión en cuanto a la oferta existente de este tipo de materiales, para enriquecer la oferta y mejorar el servicio de una manera innovadora.
El objetivo del encuentro, que se espera no será el último de este tipo, es ayudar tanto al usuario a conocer la realidad del libro electrónico en la Universidad como al bibliotecario a decidir la mejor integración de estos recursos en los procesos y servicios de la biblioteca.
Consulta el programa de las jornadas: jornadas libro electronico (pdf 1.2 MB )

Medicina de rehabilitación. Alerta

Expertos apuestan por la estimulación eléctrica en el tratamiento ...
Europa Press
Especialistas en rehabilitación y medicina física han apostado este viernes, en el 50 Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de esta especialidad que se ha celebrado en Córdoba, por la estimulación eléctrica en el tratamiento de la incontinencia ...
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Aplican estimulación eléctrica para mejorar la incontinencia de ...
Ideal Digital
Los organizadores del 50 Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Rehabilitación yMedicina Física (Sermef) que finaliza hoy en Córdoba han informado en un comunicado de que la nueva técnica, denominada estimulación percutánea del nervio tibial ...
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Estimulación eléctrica en el tratamiento de la incontinencia
El quincuagésimo congreso nacional de la Sociedad Española de Rehabilitación y MedicinaFísica (SERMEF), que se celebra en Córdoba del 15 al 18 de mayo, va a formar a parte de sus asistentes en el uso de una técnica innovadora para el tratamiento de la ...
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viernes, 18 de mayo de 2012

Voz- ¿Cómo nos comunicamos los humanos?

Voz- ¿Cómo nos comunicamos los humanos?
Voice - How humans communicate?
Tiwari M, Tiwari M.
J Nat Sc Biol Med [serial online] 2012 [cited 2012 May 9];3:3-11.
Voices are important things for humans. They are the medium through which we do a lot of communicating with the outside world: our ideas, of course, and also our emotions and our personality. The voice is the very emblem of the speaker, indelibly woven into the fabric of speech. In this sense, each of our utterances of spoken language carries not only its own message but also, through accent, tone of voice and habitual voice quality it is at the same time an audible declaration of our membership of particular social regional groups, of our individual physical and psychological identity, and of our momentary mood. Voices are also one of the media through which we (successfully, most of the time) recognize other humans who are important to us-members of our family, media personalities, our friends, and enemies. Although evidence from DNA analysis is potentially vastly more eloquent in its power than evidence from voices, DNA cannot talk. It cannot be recorded planning, carrying out or confessing to a crime. It cannot be so apparently directly incriminating. As will quickly become evident, voices are extremely complex things, and some of the inherent limitations of the forensic-phonetic method are in part a consequence of the interaction between their complexity and the real world in which they are used. It is one of the aims of this article to explain how this comes about. This subject have unsolved questions, but there is no direct way to present the information that is necessary to understand how voices can be related, or not, to their owners.
Keywords: Forensic phonetic, phonetic, sound, voice 
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

May 18, 2012 Books Update

The New York Times

May 18, 2012

Books Update

On the Cover of Sunday's Book Review
Illustration of Toni Morrison by Tina Berning
In Toni Morrison's novel, a traumatized soldier returns from the Korean War to his segregated hometown in Georgia.

Also in the Book Review

Let's Go Reading in the Car

Audiobooks and road trips offer a chance to reacquaint children, and their parents, with the joy of listening to stories.

The Voice

A great audiobook experience depends on the reader as much as the text.

'This Will Be Difficult to Explain'

Whether in Paris or the Great Plains, failures to communicate fray the relationships in these tales.

'The Lower River'

In Paul Theroux's novel, an American seeks a fresh start in Africa after a 40-year absence.

'The Cause'

Reviewed by JEFF SHESOL
Eric Alterman's history of liberalism from the New Deal to the present concentrates on the men and women who have defined it.

'The Tyranny of Clichés'

Reviewed by JOE KLEIN
Jonah Goldberg accuses liberals of lazy thinking and worse.
Survivor: Fossil remains of the horseshoe crab, which isn't a crab at all, date from 450 million years ago.

'Horseshoe Crabs and Velvet Worms'

The paleontologist Richard Fortey searches out species that have endured hundreds of millions of years of planetary turmoil.


Fleeing the pressures of academia, Thad Ziolkowski's Midwestern hero is sucked into his family's schemes and strife.
Jonathan Franzen

'Farther Away'

Jonathan Franzen's essays express his love of birds and of writers, especially his friend David Foster Wallace.

'Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk'

Reviewed by GEOFF DYER
A firefight with Iraqi insurgents is caught on tape and turns a band of soldiers into media heroes in Ben Fountain's satire.

'Chasing Venus'

Reviewed by JoANN C. GUTIN
With a Venusian transit imminent, 18th-century astronomers risked their lives for a chance to measure the solar system.
The author and his father, whose intelligence

'Oblivion: A Memoir'

Héctor Abad creates a sociopolitical portrait of Colombia through the telling of his family's story.
Lucia Perillo

Silver Linings

Lucia Perillo's two collections, poems and stories, draw upon her experiences in a world that often hurts her.
Hugh Dancy

Hugh Dancy: By the Book

Hugh Dancy, currently on Broadway in "Venus in Fur" and in the film "Hysteria," wishes David Mitchell would match Philip Roth's output.

Back Page

Books With 140 Characters

At 64,000 members and counting, the Twitter-based reading group 1book140 is a global concern.
Toni Morrison

Inside the List

Toni Morrison, whose novel "Home" enters the hardcover fiction list at No. 9 this week, remembers being confronted by a stark image of race relations as a freshman at Howard University.

Editors' Choice

Recently reviewed books of particular interest.

Paperback Row

Paperback books of particular interest.

Book Review Podcast

This week, Joe Klein talks about Jonah Goldberg's "The Tyranny of Clichés"; Jeff Shesol discusses Eric Alterman's history of liberalism from the New Deal to the present; Julie Bosman has notes from the field; and Gregory Cowles has best-seller news. Sam Tanenhaus is the host.

Editor's Note

Thanks for taking the time to read this e-mail. Feel free to send feedback; I enjoy hearing your opinions and will do my best to respond.
John Williams
Books Producer
The New York Times on the