viernes, 26 de agosto de 2011

Book Review

On the Cover of Sunday's Book Review

'The Leftovers'

Reviewed by STEPHEN KING
Tom Perrotta's new novel examines how ordinary people react to extraordinary situations in the wake of a rapturelike event that has whisked millions of people off the face of the earth.

Also in the Book Review

Joseph Heller

The Enigma of Joseph Heller

Reviewed by BLAKE BAILEY
A biography and a memoir examine the life and career of the author of "Catch-22."
Enrique Krauze

'Redeemers: Ideas and Power in Latin America'

Reviewed by PAUL BERMAN
A look at literary and political figures in Latin America.
Congressional committee members examine passports of Japanese picture brides at the immigration station of Angel Island, Calif., July 25, 1920.

'The Buddha in the Attic'

Reviewed by ALIDA BECKER
In Julie Otsuka's novel, Japanese women sail to America in the early 1900s to become the wives of men they have not met.
From left, Cynthia Nixon, Anne Lange, Joanne Camp and Joan Allen, in a scene from

'Wendy And the Lost Boys'

A biography of the Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright reveals a full and complicated life.

'The Magician King'

Reviewed by DAN KOIS
A sequel to "The Magicians" revolves around an unexpected quest.
Tracy K. Smith

'Life On Mars'

Reviewed by JOEL BROUWER
Tracy Smith imagines a soundtrack for the universe and mourns her father, who worked on the Hubble Telescope.

'The Secret Life of Pronouns'

Reviewed by BEN ZIMMER
A psychologist argues that pronouns, articles, prepositions, auxiliary verbs and conjunctions reflect our interior lives.
Jesse Ball

'The Curfew'

This dystopian novel reveals a world where music is banned and punishment is swift.

'Starting From Happy'

A woman content to be alone meets her mate.

Back Page


A Veteran Baseball Novel Comes Off the Bench

Robert Coover's classic revels in the sun-bright vitality of the game while plumbing its dark truths.

What We Do to Books

The creases, the annotations and the blood stains all imprint a book with the fact of my having read it.

Deaths in the Family

Mystery novels by Mark Billingham, James Sallis, Maureen Jennings and Kjell Eriksson.

Nonfiction Chronicle

Books about the history of smallpox, Shakespeare's impact, Anna Politkovskaya's journalistic work in Russia and growing up in the Southern Baptist church.

Book Review Podcast

Featuring Tom Perrotta on the fictional Rapture in his new book, "The Leftovers"; Erica Heller reminisces about her father, Catch-22 author, Joseph Heller.

Mas de esteroides y dolor postoperatorio

Dosis única de esteroide con infiltración periarticular para el tratamiento del dolor en artroplastia total de rodilla: estudio prospectivo, doble ciego, controlado randomizado.
Single-dose periarticular steroid infiltration for pain management in total knee arthroplasty: a prospective, double-blind, randomised controlled trial.
Sean VW, Chin PL, Chia SL, Yang KY, Lo NN, Yeo SJ.
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Singapore General Hospital, Outram Road, Singapore 169608.
Singapore Med J. 2011 Jan;52(1):19-23.
INTRODUCTION: Post total knee replacement pain control using parenteral opioids results in significant side effects like nausea and vomiting. Periarticular injections are used to control pain without these side effects. This study aimed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of periarticular steroid injection in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty, as well as assess the patient's functional outcomes over a period of two years. METHODS: A total of 100 patients who underwent total knee arthroplasty were randomised into two groups. The treatment group received periarticular infiltration with triamcinolone acetonide, bupivacaine and epinephrine. The control group received only bupivacaine and epinephrine. The postoperative analgesic regime was standardised for all patients. The immediate postoperative outcomes evaluated included pain score, morphine consumption, time to ambulation, straight leg raise, range of motion and duration of hospital stay. Longer-term outcomes were assessed at 1, 3, 6 and 24 months using the SF-36 questionnaire and Oxford Knee Score. RESULTS: Patients in the treatment group had significantly lower pain scores, reduced morphine consumption and earlier discharge. They also had better range of knee motion and were able to regain muscular strength earlier. There was no increase in major complications such as infection or tendon rupture in the treatment group. There was no difference between the groups with regard to the medium-term outcomes of up to two years. CONCLUSION: This modality of pain control is safe and efficacious for post total knee replacement pain control
¿Ondansetron o dexametasona? Tratamiento de náusea y vómito postoperatorios en cirugía abdominal. 
Dra. SA Oriol-López, Dra. PR Arzate-González, Dra. CE Hernández-Bernal, Dr. JA Castelazo-Arredondo
Rev Mex Anest Volumen 32, No. 3, julio-septiembre 2009
Introducción: La náusea y el vómito postoperatorios, tienen factores inherentes al paciente, anestesia y cirugía; pueden provocar dolor postquirúrgico, alteraciones hidroelectrolíticas y/o dehiscencia de herida quirúrgica. El vómito inicia con un estímulo, que es interpretado por un centro integrador y la respuesta motora que concluye con la expulsión del contenido gastrointestinal. Para la prevención se utilizan esquemas, simples o combinados; la exametasona a nivel intestinal puede prevenir la liberación de serotonina, el ondansetron actúa directamente a nivel de receptores. Metodología: Se incluyeron 124 pacientes, sometidos a cirugía abdominal no oncológica, con dos o más factores de riesgo. Al grupo A se le administró 8 mg de dexametasona, al B 4 mg de ondansetron 20 minutos antes de la inducción anestésica. Se estandarizó el manejo anestésico. Resultados: El riesgo emético se clasificó como leve. Se presentó náusea y vómito en el 12.5% de los pacientes, de A y B, más en mujeres y no fumadores. La ventilación con mascarilla facial fue adecuada, las dosis de opidoide utilizadas fueron estándar, en cirugías de dos horas, no hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre grupos. Conclusión: La dexametasona a dosis de 8 mg es efectiva en cirugía abdominal y con riesgo leve a moderado de presentar esta complicación.
Palabras clave: Náusea, vómito, dexametasona, ondansetron. 
Dosis efectiva analgésica de dexametasona después de histerectomía laparoscópica 
The effective analgesic dose of dexamethasone after laparoscopic hysterectomy.
Jokela RM, Ahonen JV, Tallgren MK, Marjakangas PC, Korttila KT.
Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki,Finland.
Anesth Analg. 2009 Aug;109(2):607-15.
BACKGROUND: Apart from being antiemetic, glucocorticoids have an analgesic property. The optimal dose of dexamethasone in the management of pain after surgery has not been established. In this placebo-controlled, dose-finding study, we evaluated the analgesic effect of three doses of dexamethasone after laparoscopic hysterectomy. METHODS: We randomized 129 women scheduled for laparoscopic hysterectomy to receive placebo, dexamethasone 5 mg (D5), 10 mg (D10), or 15 mg (D15) IV before the induction of anesthesia. The patients were anesthetized with propofol and remifentanil in a standardized manner. Until the first postoperative morning, postoperative pain was managed with IV oxycodone using patient-controlled analgesia. The visual analog scale scores for pain and side effects, and the amounts of the analgesics were recorded for 3 days after surgery. RESULTS: The total dose of oxycodone (0-24 h after surgery) was smaller in the D15 (0.34 mg/kg [0.11-0.87]) group than in the placebo group (0.55 mg/kg [0.19-1.13]) (P = 0.003). The doses of oxycodone during Hours 0-2 after surgery were smaller in the D10 (0.17 mg/kg [0.03-0.36]) and D15 (0.17 mg/kg [0.03-0.35]) groups than in the placebo (0.26 mg/kg [0.10-0.48]) (P = 0.001, D10 versus placebo; P < 0.001, D15 versus placebo) group. During Hours 2-24 after surgery, however, the doses of oxycodone were equal in the placebo, D5, D10, and D15 groups (0.31 mg/kg [0.03-0.78], 0.22 mg/kg [0.03-0.92], 0.24 mg/kg [0.05-0.87], and 0.20 mg/kg [0-0.65], respectively). The visual analog scale scores for pain at rest, in motion, or at cough did not differ in the study groups. The incidence of dizziness was lower in the D15 group than in the placebo group (P = 0.001), the D5 group (P = 0.006), and the D10 group (P = 0.030) during the first 24 h after surgery. During the later course of recovery, the incidence of dizziness did not differ among the four study groups. CONCLUSIONS: IV dexamethasone 15 mg before induction of anesthesia decreases the oxycodone consumption during the first 24 h after laparoscopic hysterectomy. During first 2 h after surgery, dexamethasone 10 mg reduces the oxycodone consumption as effectively as the 15 mg dose
Dr. Juan Carlos Flores-Carrillo
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor


Una revisión critica a los estudios cerebrales enfocados desde la mecanica cuantica
Los mecanismos cerebrales implicados en la génesis de los procesos cognitivos superiores son todavía poco conocidos por la Neurociencia, en especial aquellos aspectos relacionados con la conciencia. Por ello, como todo campo de la ciencia insuficientemente establecido, puede abordarse por medio de hipótesis altamente especulativas. Existen numerosas opiniones y teorías con respecto a este problema.
Sin embargo, un grupo de teorías han experimentado un auge relativamente importante en los últimos años: aquellas que utilizan la mecánica cuántica (MC) para explicar la aparición de la conciencia. Estas teorías no comparten un fondo filosófico común, ya que su aproximación puede ir desde el dualismo religioso de Eccles, hasta el fisicalismo de Penrose. Llama la atención que varios de los autores que defienden estas teorías sean personas ajenas al campo de la Neurociencia (Penrose, Zohar).
En este artículo se pretende pasar revista a algunas de las teorías aparecidas acerca del tema, sin ánimo de ser exhaustivo.

Generación 2.0 2011 Hábitos de usos de las redes sociales en los adolescentes de España y América Latina

Escuela 2.0, Aprendizaje aumentado, Interacción y robots someliers en Hoy por Hoy verano

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 08:10 AM PDT
No había dejado esta semana el programa del pasado lunes 22 de agosto en Hoy por hoy verano de la Cadena Ser. Entrevistábamos a Ismail Ali Gago,  Jefe de Área de Formación en Red y Contenidos Web del Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas del Ministerio de Educación, con el que hablábamos delproyecto Escuela 2.0.
También hablábamos de los temas que listamos, de los que como siempre os dejo más información:

-Robots someliers capaces de realizar catas de cava, sistema desarrollado por la Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona.

Dejo de paso otro de los podcast que dejaba en el canal de El caparazón (en la barra lateral), la grabación del programa Directe 4.0 (en catalán), con la entrevista que me realizaban:

En este día....


On This Day: August 26

On Aug. 26, 1920, the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, guaranteeing women the right to vote, was declared in effect.
On Aug. 26, 1906, Albert Sabin, the Polish-American doctor who developed the polio vaccine, was born. Following his death on March 3, 1993, his obituary appeared in The Times.

On This Date

1847Liberia was proclaimed an independent republic.
1910Mother Teresa was born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu in Skopje, Macedonia.
1939Major league baseball was televised for the first time when experimental station W2XBS broadcast a doubleheader between the Cincinnati Reds and the Brooklyn Dodgers at Ebbets Field.
1957The Soviet Union announced that it had successfully tested an intercontinental ballistic missile.
1961The Hockey Hall of Fame opened in Toronto.
1964President Lyndon B. Johnson was nominated for a term of office in his own right at the Democratic National Convention in Atlantic City, N.J.
1974Aviation pioneer Charles Lindbergh died at age 72.
1978Cardinal Albino Luciani of Venice was elected the 264th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church and took the name John Paul I.
1986In the so-called "preppie murder case," 18-year-old Jennifer Levin was found strangled in New York's Central Park. (Robert Chambers later pleaded guilty to manslaughter and served 15 years in prison.)
2003Investigators concluded that NASA's overconfident management and inattention to safety doomed the space shuttle Columbia as much as damage to the craft did.

Current Birthdays

Chris Pine, Actor (“Star Trek”)
Actor Chris Pine ("Star Trek") turns 31 years old today.
AP Photo/Evan Agostini
Cassie, R&B singer
R&B singer Cassie turns 25 years old today.
AP Photo/Jason DeCrow
1921Ben Bradlee, Former Washington Post executive editor, turns 90
1933Ben J. Wattenberg, Author, turns 78
1934Tom Heinsohn, Basketball Hall of Famer, turns 77
1945Tom Ridge, Former director of homeland security, turns 66
1946Valerie Simpson, R&B singer (Ashford and Simpson), turns 65
1960Branford Marsalis, Jazz saxophonist, turns 51
1965Chris Burke, Actor ("Life Goes On"), turns 46
1969Adrian Young, Rock musician (No Doubt), turns 42
1970Melissa McCarthy, Actress ("Gilmore Girls"), turns 41
1971Thalia, Singer, actress, turns 40
1979Jamal Lewis, Football player, turns 32
1980Macaulay Culkin, Actor ("Home Alone"), turns 31
1993Keke Palmer, Actress, turns 18

Historic Birthdays

68Robert Walpole 8/26/1676 - 3/18/1745
British prime minister (1721-42)
49Johann Heinrich Lambert 8/26/1728 - 9/25/1777
Swiss mathematician, scientist and philosopher
69Joseph-Michel Montgolfier 8/26/1740 - 6/26/1810
French inventor; helped build first hot-air balloon
50Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier 8/26/1743 - 5/8/1794
French scientist
42Albert 8/26/1819 - 12/14/1861
German-born prince consort of Queen Victoria
87Lee De Forest 8/26/1873 - 6/30/1961
American inventor of the Audion vacuum tube
86Jules Romains 8/26/1885 - 8/14/1972
French novelist, dramatist and poet
98Jerome Hunsaker 8/26/1886 - 9/10/1984
American aeronautical engineer
81Peggy Guggenheim 8/26/1898 - 12/23/1979
American art collector and patron
85Maxwell Taylor 8/26/1901 - 4/19/1987
American army officer in World War II
81Christopher Isherwood 8/26/1904 - 1/4/1986
English-born novelist and playwright