viernes, 12 de agosto de 2011

Dolor neonatal

Escala COVERS de dolor neonatal: Desarrollo y validación.
 COVERS Neonatal Pain Scale: Development and Validation.
Hand IL, Noble L, Geiss D, Wozniak L, Hall C.
Division of Neonatology, Department of Pediatrics, Queens Hospital Center, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, 82-68 164th Street, Jamaica, NY 11432, USA.
Int J Pediatr. 2010;2010:496719. Epub 2010 Oct 5.
Newborns and infants are often exposed to painful procedures during hospitalization. Several different scales have been validated to assess pain in specific populations of pediatric patients, but no single scale can easily and accurately assess pain in all newborns and infants regardless of gestational age and disease state. A new pain scale was developed, the COVERS scale, which incorporates 6 physiological and behavioral measures for scoring. Newborns admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit or Well Baby Nursery were evaluated for pain/discomfort during two procedures, a heel prick and a diaper change. Pain was assessed using indicators from three previously established scales (CRIES, the Premature Infant Pain Profile, and the Neonatal Infant Pain Scale), as well as the COVERS Scale, depending upon gestational age. Premature infant testing resulted in similar pain assessments using the COVERS and PIPP scales with an r = 0.84. For the full-term infants, the COVERS scale and NIPS scale resulted in similar pain assessments with an r = 0.95. The COVERS scale is a valid pain scale that can be used in the clinical setting to assess pain in newborns and infants and is universally applicable to all neonates, regardless of their age or physiological state.
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

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Quién y cómo usa la tecnología

Foto del perfil de Silvina Carraud
Silvina Carraud  -  07:51  -  Público-Mute
"Observando más en profundidad quién y cómo usa la tecnología, estamos viendo que la franja poblacional que hace un mayor uso de herramientas (al margen de las de simplemente de contacto social, que suplen en muchos casos la necesaria sociabilización externa a esa tecnología de uso social) son personas adultas, cuyas capacidades a priori, quizás no sean tan altas, pero con unas competencias digitales adquiridas mucho mayores que las de esos genios por derecho de nacimiento".
Foto del perfil de Jordi MartíJordi Martí ha compartido esta publicación por primera vez:
Conforme más leo en referencia a las definiciones sobre nativos, inmigrantes,... y cualquier otro adjetivo que acompaña a la palabra digital, me entran cada

Cigarettes More Dangerous for Women than Men

August 11, 2011 9:55 PM EDT
New dangers relating to cigarettes emerge all the time. Now a recent meta-analysis published in the Lancet is saying women have a significant increased risk of 25% for coronary heart disease caused by cigarettes.
Analysts Dr. Rachel Huxley and Dr. Mark Woodward looked at data from 2.4 million participants in a study that adjusted for cardiovascular risk factors, and found that the female-to-male relative risk ratio (RRR) of smoking when compared to non-smoking was 1.25, with an additional 2% increase in the RRR annually for women.
"It will be some years before the full effect of smoking on coronary heart disease risk is known in women," they wrote. In addition, women smokers tend to consume fewer cigarettes than men and may be more likely to under report their smoking habit.
The Lancet published an article stating that the increased risk of developing coronary heart disease conferred by smoking is 25% higher for women compared with men. The authors suggested that this may be due to physiological differences between the sexes and that women may see increased effect of potency from the cigarette toxins.
"Cigarette smoking is one of the main causes of coronary heart disease worldwide and will remain so as populations that have so far been relatively unscathed by the smoking epidemic begin to smoke to a degree previously noted only in high-income countries. This expectation is especially true for young women in whom the popularity of smoking, particularly in some low-income and middle-income countries, might be on the rise," stated the article.
In conclusion, physicians and health professionals should be encouraged to increase their efforts at promotion the cessation of smoking in all individuals. Present trends in female smoking, and this report, suggest that inclusion of a female perspective in tobacco-control policies is crucial.
"What makes the realization that women are at increased risk worrisome is that the tobacco industry views women as its growth market," commented Matthew Steliga and Carolyn Dresler, both doctors.
The article was authored by Dr. Rachel R Huxley, Division of Epidemiology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA, and Dr. Mark Woodward, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA.

Consejos para padres contra el fracaso escolar - GNOSS

Consejos para padres contra el fracaso escolar - GNOSS: "Carlos Fernández, licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación y jefe del Departamento de Orientación del IES Salvador Allende de Fuenlabrada (Madrid), ofreció en el marco de la Escuela de Verano de CEAPA los siguientes consejos contra el fracaso escolar:

'. Santander, 30 de junio, 1, 2 y 3 de julio.
problemas de aprendizaje que puedan surgir, los padres deberíamos:
• Aprender más sobre los problemas del aprendizaje.
• Elogiar a los niños cuando les vaya bien.
• Averiguar qué cosas concretas les gustan a nuestros hijos y darles bastantes oportunidades para perseguir sus fortalezas y talentos.
• Descubrir cómo aprenden mejor, y potenciar los aprendizajes a través de sus fortalezas.
• Dejarles que ayuden con las domésticas. Estas pueden aumentar su confianza y destrezas concretas.
• Poner atención a la salud mental de los niños (y a la nuestra propia)
• Hablar con otros padres cuyos niños tienen problemas del aprendizaje. Los padres pueden compartir consejos prácticos y apoyo emocional."

El precio de salud que pagan los niños por estar conectados

El precio de salud que pagan los niños por estar conectados

Imágenes diagnósticas para dolor lumbar bajo

Imágenes diagnósticas para dolor lumbar bajo: consejos para el cuidado de la salud de alto valor de la American College of Physicians
Diagnostic imaging for low back pain: advice for high-value health care from the American College of Physicians.
Roger Chou, MD; Amir Qaseem, MD, PhD, MHA; Douglas K. Owens, MD, MS; and Paul Shekelle, MD, PhD, for the Clinical Guidelines
Committee of the American College of Physicians
Ann Intern Med. 2011 Feb 1;154(3):181-9.
Diagnostic imaging is indicated for patients with low back pain only if they have severe progressive neurologic deficits or signs or symptoms that suggest a serious or specific underlying condition. In other patients, evidence indicates that routine imaging is not associated with clinically meaningful benefits but can lead to harms. Addressing inefficiencies in diagnostic testing could minimize potential harms to patients and have a large effect on use of resources by reducing both direct and downstream costs. In this area, more testing does not equate to better care. Implementing a selective approach to low back imaging, as suggested by the American College of Physicians and American Pain Society guideline on low back pain, would provide better care to patients, improve outcomes, and reduce costs.

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Guia Practica Clinica de Retinopatia Diabetica para Latinoamerica

Apreciados Amigos
Va un reenvio de una Guia Practica sobre el manejo de la Retinopatia Diabetica de Tipo 2 para America Latina, como todos sabemos la Diabetes es una enfermedad que esta ganando terreno grandemente en nuestro medio y a nivel mundial y requiere de un manejo multidisciplinario pero que a su vez es una de las enfermedades que mas ceguera causa precisamente por falta de educacion de nuestros pacientes,muchos de ellos llegan por "deficiencias visuales",acuden a nuestro consultorio Oftalmologico antes de acudir a su Medico Primario que es como debe de ser y luego de que este todo estabilizado en cuanto a sus niveles de glicemia y tratamiento ,recien nos podremos ocupar del aspecto puramente oftalmologico de lo contrario no estamos actuando correctamente.
En la actualidad se presentan muchos casos de baja de vision o ceguera por  hemovitreo o hemorragia vitrea,asi como por cuadros de Degeneracion Macular en Relacion a la Edad ( AMD) para esto estamos usando inyecciones intravitreas de bevacizumab o ranibizumab,considerados agentes antiangiogenicos con excelentes resultados, solo que el inconveniente de este tratamiento son los costos elevados.
Van 2 links tanto en español como otro documento en ingles sobre el mismo tema, es por demas practica y espero que pueda ser de mucha utilidad para todos.
Estos documento vienen de la Organizacion 2020 "el derecho para ver".


jueves, 11 de agosto de 2011

2 nuevos artículos en "Evidencias en Pediatría" (avance nº de septiembre)

Hola a tod@s

Ayer sepublicaron en la web de la revista "Evidencias en Pediatría" 2 nuevos artículos correspondientes al número del próximo mes de septiembre.

Son un artículo valorado críticamente y una traducción autorizada.

Artículo valorado críticamente:

Un test de Apgar bajo a los cinco minutos se relaciona con mayor riesgo de trastorno de déficit de atención con hiperactividad. Evid Pediatr. 2011;7:68.

Traducción autorizada:

Comparación entre dopamina y noradrenalina en el tratamiento del shock. Evid Pediatr. 2011;7:73.

Esperamos que resulten del interés de todos.

Un saludo.

Cristóbal Buñuel, en nombre del equipo editorial de "Evidencias en Pediatría"

En Twitter:!/evidpediatria
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Ketorolaco intratecal

Efectos del ketorolaco intratecal en el dolor humano experimental
Effects of intrathecal ketorolac on human experimental pain.
Eisenach JC, Curry R, Tong C, Houle TT, Yaksh TL.
Department of Anesthesiology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27157-1009, USA.
Anesthesiology. 2010 May;112(5):1216-24.
BACKGROUND: Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, the most commonly used analgesics, reduce pain not only by inhibiting cyclooxygenase at peripheral sites of inflammation but also by potentially inhibiting cyclooxygenase in the central nervous system, especially the spinal cord. Animal studies suggest that products of cyclooxygenase in the spinal cord do not alter pain responses to acute noxious stimuli but reduce pain and sensitization after peripheral inflammation. We used a spinal injection of small doses of the cyclooxygenase inhibitor ketorolac to survey the role of spinal cyclooxygenase in human experimental pain and hypersensitivity states. METHODS: After regulatory agency approval and informed consent, we examined the effect of 2.0 mg intrathecal ketorolac in 41 healthy volunteers to acute noxious thermal stimuli in normal skin and to mechanical stimuli in skin sensitized by topical capsaicin or ultraviolet burn. We also examined the effect of intravenous ketorolac. RESULTS: Intrathecal ketorolac reduced hypersensitivity when it was induced by a combination of ultraviolet burn plus intermittent heat and, according to one of the two analytical strategies, when it was induced by ultraviolet burn alone. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest a more limited role for spinal cord cyclooxygenase in human pain states than predicted by studies in animals. 
Papel de la ciclooxigenasa espinal en el dolor humano postoperatorio y crónico
Role of spinal cyclooxygenase in human postoperative and chronic pain.
Eisenach JC, Curry R, Rauck R, Pan P, Yaksh TL.
Department of Anesthesiology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27157-1009, USA.
Anesthesiology. 2010 May;112(5):1225-33.
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs are commonly used to treat postoperative and chronic pain. Animal studies suggest that these drugs act, in part, by blocking prostaglandin production in the spinal cord. The authors tested intrathecal ketorolac in patients with chronic or postoperative pain. METHODS: After approval of the institutional review board and the Food and Drug Administration, three clinical studies were performed. First, 15 patients receiving chronic intrathecal morphine received 0.5-2.0 mg of intrathecal ketorolac. Second, 12 patients receiving chronic intrathecal morphine received, in a double-blinded, randomized, cross-over design, intrathecal saline or 2.0 mg of ketorolac, with pain intensity as the primary outcome measure. Third, 30 patients undergoing total vaginal hysterectomy received, in a double-blinded, randomized, controlled design, intrathecal saline or 2.0 mg of ketorolac, with bupivacaine with time to first morphine dose after surgery as the primary outcome measure. RESULTS: Patients with chronic pain had many symptoms before intrathecal injection, without worsening of these symptoms from ketorolac. Pain intensity was reduced by intrathecal ketorolac, but this did not differ from placebo. In the first study, pain was reduced by intrathecal ketorolac in patients with high cerebrospinal fluid prostaglandin E2 concentrations but not in those with normal concentrations. Intrathecal ketorolac did not alter time to first morphine after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Intrathecal ketorolac did not relieve chronic pain or extend anesthesia or analgesia from intrathecal bupivacaine administered at the beginning of surgery. Under the conditions of these studies, it seems that spinal cylcooxygenase activity does not contribute to chronic or postoperative pain. 

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

En este día....


On This Day: August 11

On Aug. 11, 1965, deadly rioting and looting broke out in the predominantly black Watts section of Los Angeles.
On Aug. 11, 1921, Alex Haley, who chronicled generations of struggles and accomplishments of American blacks, was born. Following his death on Feb. 10, 1992, his obituary appeared in The Times.

On This Date

1954A formal peace took hold in Indochina, ending more than seven years of fighting between the French and the Communist Vietminh.
1965Deadly rioting and looting broke out in the predominantly black Watts section of Los Angeles.
1998British Petroleum purchased Amoco for $49 billion.
2000Pat Buchanan won the Reform Party presidential nomination.
2002US Airways filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
2003NATO took command of the 5,000-strong peacekeeping force in Afghanistan.
2003Charles Taylor resigned as Liberia's president and went into exile in Nigeria.
2006The Transportation Security Administration banned all liquids, gels and aerosols from passenger cabins on airliners one day after a thwarted terrorist attack.
2009Eunice Kennedy Shriver, sister of President John F. Kennedy and founder of the Special Olympics, died at age 88.

Current Birthdays

Viola Davis, Actress
Actress Viola Davis turns 46 years old today.
AP Photo/Evan Agostini
Ashley Jensen, Actress (“Ugly Betty,” “Extras”)
Actress Ashley Jensen ("Ugly Betty," "Extras") turns 43 years old today.
AP Photo/Dan Steinberg
1949Eric Carmen, Singer, turns 62
1953Hulk Hogan, Wrestler, actor, turns 58
1954Joe Jackson, Rock singer, turns 57
1967Joe Rogan, Actor, host ("Fear Factor"), turns 44
1968Charlie Sexton, Rock musician, turns 43
1993Alyson Stoner, Actress, turns 18

Historic Birthdays

74Friedrich Ludwig Jahn 8/11/1778 - 10/15/1852
German known as the "father of gymnastics"
76Eduard Devrient 8/11/1801 - 10/4/1877
German dramatist
92James Bryan Herrick 8/11/1861 - 3/7/1954
American cardiologist; studied sickle-cell anemia
74Joe Weber 8/11/1867 - 5/10/1942
American comedian
64Bertram Mills 8/11/1873 - 4/16/1938
English circus entrepreneur
72Rodolfo Graziani 8/11/1882 - 1/11/1955
Italian field marshal; adherent of Mussolini
86Hugh MacDiarmid 8/11/1892 - 9/9/1978
Scottish poet
72Louise Bogan 8/11/1897 - 2/4/1970
American poet and literary critic
83Lloyd Nolan 8/11/1902 - 9/27/1985
American television, film and stage actor
40Ian Charleson 8/11/1949 - 1/6/1990
English actor of stage, screen and television

El Futuro de la Medicina: Reflexiones 2.0

miércoles, 10 de agosto de 2011

Foto para buena causa