sábado, 6 de agosto de 2011

En este día


On This Day: August 6

On Aug. 6, 1945, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, that instantly killed an estimated 66,000 people in the first use of a nuclear weapon in warfare.
On Aug. 6, 1911, Lucille Ball, the American radio, television and film comedic actress, was born. Following her death on April 26, 1989, her obituary appeared in The Times.

On This Date

1825Bolivia declared its independence from Peru.
1890The electric chair was used for the first time, to execute a convicted murderer at Auburn State Prison in New York.
1890Hall of fame pitcher Cy Young made his major league debut with the Cleveland Spiders of the National League.
1914Austria-Hungary declared war against Russia, and Serbia declared war against Germany at the outbreak of World War I.
1926Gertrude Ederle of New York became the first American woman to swim the English Channel.
1962Jamaica became an independent dominion within the British Commonwealth.
1965President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act.
1965The album "Help!" by the Beatles was released.
1978Pope Paul VI died at age 80.
1998Former White House intern Monica Lewinsky testified before a grand jury about her relationship with President Bill Clinton.
2001President George W. Bush received a memo entitled "Bin Laden Determined To Strike in U.S." as part of his daily intelligence briefing.
2007The Crandall Canyon Mine in central Utah collapsed, trapping six coal miners. (All six miners died, along with three rescuers.)
2008The government declared that Army scientist Bruce Ivins was solely responsible for the anthrax attacks that killed five in 2001. (Ivins had committed suicide on July 29.)
2008A U.S. military jury convicted Osama bin Laden's former driver, Salim Hamdan, of supporting terrorism in the first war crimes trial at Guantanamo Bay.
2009Sonia Sotomayor was confirmed as the first Hispanic Supreme Court justice by a Senate vote of 68-31.

Current Birthdays

Vera Farmiga, Actress
Actress Vera Farmiga turns 38 years old today.
AP Photo/Peter Kramer
M. Night Shyamalan, Writer, director (“The Sixth Sense”)
Writer-director M. Night Shyamalan ("The Sixth Sense") turns 41 years old today.
AP Photo/Peter Kramer
1951Catherine Hicks, Actress ("7th Heaven"), turns 60
1956Stepfanie Kramer, Actress, turns 55
1957Faith Prince, Actress, turns 54
1965David Robinson, Basketball Hall of Famer, turns 46
1972Geri Halliwell, Singer (Spice Girls), turns 39
1974Ever Carradine, Actress, turns 37
1976Soleil Moon Frye, Actress, turns 35

Historic Birthdays

53Niccolo Salvi 8/6/1697 - 2/8/1751
Italian sculptor
83Alfred Tennyson 8/6/1809 - 10/6/1892
English poet; raised to the peerage in 1884
89Andrew Taylor Still 8/6/1828 - 12/12/1917
American founder of osteopathy
54Frank Cobb 8/6/1869 - 12/21/1923
American journalist and editor of the New York World
73Sir Alexander Fleming 8/6/1881 - 3/11/1955
Scottish bacteriologist; discovered penicillin in 1928
91Louella Parsons 8/6/1881 - 12/9/1972
American journalist and movie columnist
33Dutch Schultz 8/6/1902 - 10/24/1935
American bootlegger
67Ronald Duncan 8/6/1914 - 6/3/1982
English playwright, poet and writer
54Richard Hofstadter 8/6/1916 - 10/24/1970
American historian
79Robert Mitchum 8/6/1917 - 7/1/1997
American motion-picture star
61Jackie Presser 8/6/1926 - 7/9/1988
American Teamsters Union leader (1983-88)
58Andy Warhol 8/6/1928 - 2/22/1987
American artist best known for initiating the Pop art movement

anafilaxia y anestesia

Seguimiento después de anafilaxia por anestesia
Follow-up after anaesthetic anaphylaxis.
Fisher MM, Jones K, Rose M.
Intensive Care Unit, Royal North Shore Hospital, St Leonards, New South Wales, Australia. mfisher@med.usyd.edu.au
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2011 Jan;55(1):99-103.
doi: 10.1111/j.1399-6576.2010.02326.x. Epub 2010 Oct 13.
background: the anaesthetic allergy clinic has been established at our institution for 30 years. Our practice has been to give patients a letter detailing the results of their investigations to pass on to subsequent anaesthetists. Our aims were to assess the adequacy of this letter in ensuring this vital communication, and to quantify the effectiveness of our recommendations on the safety of future anaesthesia. METHODS: a project was undertaken to contact 606 previous clinic patients living in New South Wales by using last known addresses on our database, public telephone listing and local doctors. The review also involved collecting information, where available, about subsequent anaesthesia and the adequacy of information transfer about medications given safely or otherwise at this time. RESULTS: of 606 patients, 246 were contactable. Of these, 183 had been anaesthetised subsequently, all safely. It was found that in only 11 cases had the patient's clinic letter been updated with the information from subsequent anaesthesia. We updated the letters of 82 patients with new information to improve the safety of drug selection for future anaesthesia. CONCLUSIONS: although clinic testing allowed a high degree of safety in subsequent anaesthesia, it is evident that there is a need for systems to be implemented to improve the flow of patient anaesthetic allergy information after subsequent anaesthesia.

Anafilaxia causada por guantes quirúrgicos de látex inmediatamente después de iniciar cirugía. Informe de un caso
Anaphylaxis caused by latex surgical gloves immediately after starting surgery -A case report-
Min Jeong Lee, Sang-Hwan Do, Hyo-Seok Na, Mi-Hyun Kim, Young-Tae Jeon, and Jung-Won Hwang.
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea. Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam, Korea
Korean J Anesthesiol. 2010 Dec;59(Suppl):S99-S102.
Published online 2010 December 31.  doi: 10.4097/kjae.2010.59.S.S99
Anaphylaxis is an acute and fatal systemic allergic reaction to an allergen, and it can be an unpredictable and life-threatening cause during anesthesia. Latex is the second most common cause of anaphylaxis following the use of neuromuscular blocking agents during general anesthesia or surgery. We report on a 67-year-old male who had undergone surgery under general anesthesia without any problem but who presented with severe intraoperative anaphylaxis to latex surgical gloves. This case emphasizes the need for anesthesiologists to quickly diagnose and properly manage an allergic reaction in patients under general anesthesia.
Keywords: Anaphylaxis, General anesthesia, Latex

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Sentido común, clases de periodismo

Para todos....

5 reglas de sentido común en Twitter

Foto: Mashable
En este divertido post del Blog Huzbe. com Scott Ayres ofrece 5 reglas de sentido común en Twitter que si las leemos pausadamente descubriremos que encajan bien para cualquier red social, y -sobre todo- pueden ser útiles a no pocos periodistas.
  1. No hagas RT frenéticamente.
  2. No seas insistente.
  3. No repitas tus posts. “Todos sabemos que tienes un gran producto y que quieres venderlo y eso está bien. Pero si repites los mismos tweets una y otra vez la gente te hará unfollow”, dice
  4. La gente tiene poca memoria . Trate de incluir algún tipo de indicación para que su mensaje no se pierda en un mar de tweets. A veces se sugiere hacer RT del mensaje inicial en la respuesta, aunque sea obvio.
  5. No copie el mensaje de alguien y señala que es suyo . Opte por el RT y añada un comentario.



 Con mención en Cuidados Paliativos y Acompañamiento Terapéutico al final de la Vida y Abordaje Integral del Duelo.


Temas de Diabetes: ¿La Insulina causa Dependencia?

La insulina es una hormona producida por el páncreas, que se encarga entre otras funciones del metabolismo de la glucosa en nuestro cuerpo. En otras palabras la insulina es la encargada de introducir la glucosa en las células de nuestro cuerpo para que sea utilizada como combustible.

The Adoption Lifecycle of Social Networks

Vincenzo Cosenza, an Italian digital strategist, has just finished his latest research on Social Networks Adoption Lifecycle. Cosenza has applied the Innovation Adoption Model, a model that shows the stages in the adoption process for a new product by a consumer,  to social networks diffusion to plot their actual state and, hopefully, understand their future trajectories. He made a very cool infographic and gave us the first look.
In the innovators area you’ll Friendfeed, which unfortunately stopped innovating after its acquisition by Facebook; Foursquare, the most famous location based social network with 10 million users; and Google+ with its explosive adoption rate (20 million users in 3 weeks).
In the early adoption stage we find professional social networks like Viadeo and LinkedIn, or generalist ones like Orkut (owned by Google), VKontakte (leader in Russian territories), Bebo. Badoo is the only service specifically designed for dating purposes. MySpace, after reaching the early majority is now struggling for conquering a niche (it fell from 225 million users to 125 million because of several management mistakes and Facebook’s rise).
RenRen, the most important Chinese real-name SNS, and Twitter were able to successfully cross the chasm and reach the early majority. Meanwhile QZone, China’s largest nickname network built on the back of Tencent’s QQ Messenger, is entering the late majority area.
Lastly, Facebook the social network that has conquered the masses seems determined to hit the one billion users mark.
Social Networks Adoption Lifecycle
The large majority of the social networks listed have been running for at least two years. If Google+ has its way, having existed for only a month, it’s likely to be the social network with the fastest trajectory through the adoption lifecycle. One question remains; what happens when a social network reaches laggards stage? We’ve seen it once with MySpace, will we see it happen again with Facebook? As we’ve already discussed… there isn’t a perfect social network.