sábado, 23 de julio de 2011

Education review

TRAINING DAYS A video camera captures Tayo Adeeko teaching her third graders, for later critique.
Michael Nagle for The New York Times
TRAINING DAYS A video camera captures Tayo Adeeko teaching her third graders, for later critique.
New models for teacher preparation are thinking outside the box. Are they too far out?
Doctoral students at the American Museum of Natural History include Edward Stanley (with lizards), Dawn Roje (with flatfish) and Phil Barden (with ants, collected by sucking on tube).

The Critter People

Dinosaur eggs, iguanas and ooh, look, a grad student. Inside the new school at the Natural History Museum

The Master’s as the New Bachelor’s

Call it credentials inflation. A four-year degree may not cut it anymore.

For-Profit College Company Settles Whistle-Blower Suit

Kaplan Inc., which agreed Friday to settle a whistle-blower lawsuit for $1.6 million, has come under federal scrutiny over recruiting practices and students’ loan default rates.

Judge Rules Against Union on City Plan to Close Schools

New York City may proceed with plans to close 22 schools for poor performance and place 15 charter schools in the buildings of traditional schools.

Bronx Charter School Disciplined Over Admissions Methods

Academic Leadership Charter School is the first New York City charter disciplined for violating admissions rules, which require purely random selection.

Training of Teachers Is Flawed, Study Says

The National Council on Teacher Quality is drawing criticism over its plans to publish its rankings of schools of education.
LIVE AND LEARN A bad fall may mean a child is less likely to have a fear of heights later in life.

Can a Playground Be Too Safe?

Efforts to regulate playground equipment to prevent injuries may stunt emotional development, a new study suggests.

School Discipline Study Raises Fresh Questions

A Texas study tracked nearly a million students from seventh grade into high school.

New Approach Proposed for Science Curriculums

A new approach for improving American science education includes focusing on core ideas and problem-solving.
Aaron Swartz, who downloaded 4.8 millions files from JSTOR, has fought against keeping scholarly material behind pay walls.

Open-Access Advocate Is Arrested for Huge Download

Harvard researcher and Internet folk hero Aaron Swartz has been arrested for allegedly hacking into networks at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to download articles.

Geography Report Card Finds Students Lagging

Even as schools aim to better prepare students for a global work force, fewer than one in three American students are proficient in geography.

Bloomberg Pledges Money and Land for Engineering School

Signaling how serious he is about developing a high-tech university campus in New York City, the mayor said the city would provide up to $100 million and a site for a new school of engineering and applied sciences.
AWARDS From left, Shree Bose, Naomi Shah and Lauren Hodge took first prize in their age groups out of 15 finalists at the Google Science Fair.

First-Place Sweep by American Girls at First Google Science Fair

A 17-year-old from Fort Worth won the $50,000 grand prize at Google’s science fair last week.

Schools Dropping 413 From Staff

The District of Columbia public schools has sent termination notices to 413 teachers and other school employees under an evaluation system that has become a national model.
Founders of a proposed Mandarin-immersion charter school meeting in a South Orange, N.J., home. From left, Jutta Gassner-Snyder, Nancy Chu, Tom Piskula and Tiffany Boyd Hodgson.

Charter School Battle Shifts to Affluent Suburbs

Charters, normally thought of as a way to help poor areas, are being proposed in places that have good schools.

Law School Economics: Ka-Ching!

Despite fewer high-paying jobs, students continue to pour into law school. And the schools keep charging higher tuition and admitting more students.
Deutsche Bank put up 12 million euros to finance a research institute that applied advanced mathematical techniques to the world of finance, but the agreement was to be secret.

Cash Tempts the Ivory Tower’s Guardians

Two German universities secretly gave Deutsche Bank a big say at a research institute, raising eyebrows.

School Officials and Union Agree on Pilot Program for Teacher Evaluations

Teachers in 33 schools will be rated as either ineffective, developing, effective or highly effective, rather than simply satisfactory or unsatisfactory.

California to Require Gay History in Schools

California will become the first state to require public schools to include the works of gays and lesbians in social science instruction and in textbooks.
Tom Vander Ark, the former executive director of education for the Gates Foundation, says a weak economy hurt efforts by City Prep Academies to start schools in New York and New Jersey.

Tom Vander Ark’s New York-Area Charter Schools Falter

A former top official with the Gates Foundation found that opening innovative schools in the New York area was harder than he had anticipated.
Beyond the B.A.
With more Americans than ever in grad school, a special issue devoted to all things postgraduate.
From Opinion

The Case Against Law School

Should the standard three-year law school model, followed by passage of the bar exam, be the only path to a legal career?
Sunday Magazine

No, Seriously: No Excuses

What the education-reform movement needs to do next.
New York School Test Scores
A complete summary of demographics and student performance over the past decade for every school in New York.
Timeline: Dennis M. Walcott
The life and career of the new chancellor for New York City schools.

Michael Winerip

“On Education” looks beyond the discourse to the teachers, principals and students at the heart of learning.

The Motherlode

Lisa Belkin writes about homework, friends, grades, bullying, baby sitters, the work-family balance and much more.

En este día..


On This Day: July 23

On July 23, 1914, Austria-Hungary issued an ultimatum to Serbia following the killing of Archduke Francis Ferdinand by a Serb assassin; the dispute led to World War I.
On July 23, 1892, Haile Selassie I, the emperor of Ethiopia from 1930 to 1974, was born. Following his death on August 26, 1975, his obituary appeared in The Times.

On This Date

1829William Austin Burt of Mount Vernon, Mich., received a patent for his typographer, a forerunner of the typewriter.
1885Ulysses S. Grant, the 18th president of the United States, died in Mount McGregor, N.Y., at age 63.
1945French Marshal Henri Petain, who had headed the Vichy government during World War II, went on trial, charged with treason.
1952Egyptian military officers led by Gamal Abdel Nasser overthrew King Farouk I.
1967Rioting that claimed some 43 lives erupted in Detroit.
1984Vanessa Williams became the first Miss America to resign her title, because of nude photographs published in Penthouse magazine.
1986Britain's Prince Andrew married Sarah Ferguson at Westminster Abbey in London. (The couple divorced in 1996.)
2000Tiger Woods became the youngest golfer to complete a career Grand Slam when he won the British Open at age 24.
2001Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Eudora Welty died in Jackson, Miss., at age 92.
2003Massachusetts' attorney general issued a report saying clergy members and others in the Boston Archdiocese probably sexually abused more than 1,000 people over six decades.
2009Mark Buehrle of the Chicago White Sox pitched the 18th perfect game in major league history, a 5-0 win over Tampa Bay.

Current Birthdays

Daniel Radcliffe, Actor (“Harry Potter” movies)
Actor Daniel Radcliffe ("Harry Potter" movies) turns 22 years old today.
AP Photo/Jonathan Short
Alison Krauss, Country singer, musician
Country singer-musician Alison Krauss turns 40 years old today.
AP Photo/Dave Martin
1925Gloria DeHaven, Actress, turns 86
1936Anthony Kennedy, Supreme Court justice, turns 75
1940Don Imus, Radio personality, turns 71
1948John Hall, Singer (Orleans), former U.S. congressman, turns 63
1961Woody Harrelson, Actor, turns 50
1962Eriq La Salle, Actor ("ER"), turns 49
1965Slash, Rock musician (Guns 'n' Roses), turns 46
1967Philip Seymour Hoffman, Actor ("Capote"), turns 44
1968Stephanie Seymour, Model, turns 43
1970Charisma Carpenter, Actress ("Angel," "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"), turns 41
1970Sam Watters, R&B singer, turns 41
1972Marlon Wayans, Actor, comedian, turns 39
1973Nomar Garciaparra, Baseball player, turns 38
1974Stephanie March, Actress, turns 37
1980Michelle Williams, R&B singer (Destiny's Child), turns 31

Historic Birthdays

64Francesco Sforza 7/23/1401 - 3/8/1466
Italian condottiere and duke of Milan
86Sir Thomas Brisbane 7/23/1773 - 1/27/1860
English soldier and astronomical observer
84Sir Jonathan Hutchinson 7/23/1828 - 6/26/1913
English medical researcher
92S. H. Kress 7/23/1863 - 9/22/1955
American retail businessman and art collector
91Sunny Jim Fitzsimmons 7/23/1874 - 3/11/1966
American racehorse trainer
65Emil Jannings 7/23/1884 - 1/2/1950
Swiss-born German stage and screen actor
62Sir Arthur Whitten Brown 7/23/1886 - 10/4/1948
English aviator; co-captained the first non-stop crossing of the Atlantic
70Raymond Chandler 7/23/1888 - 3/26/1959
American author of detective stories
66Harry Cohn 7/23/1891 - 2/27/1958
American co-founder of Columbia Pictures
57Elio Vittorini 7/23/1908 - 2/13/1966
Italian novelist, translator and literary critic
79Pimen 7/23/1910 - 5/3/1990
Russian Orthodox patriarch of Moscow and Russia

All articles published in Cambridge Journals in 2009 and 2010 are free to access for 6 weeks, from 15th July until 30th August 2011

All articles published in Cambridge Journals in 2009 and 2010 are free to access for 6 weeks, from 15th July until 30th August 2011.

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You have to download individual articles and merge pdfs of one issue into one file. 

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ReposiBlog: repositorio de post con calidad científica


ReposiBlog: repositorio de post con calidad científica

He tenido un sueño:

Un día un enfermero bloguero, tras horas de trabajo, publicó un post en su blog. Este post le había llevado tiempo y estaba basado en sus conocimientos, en citas bibliograficas, en un marco conceptual determinado... Estaba bien escrito y era interesante, así que nada mas publicarlo, le dió al botón "enviar a Reposiblog".
Hacía unos años que se había fundado Reposiblog. No era una revista, no era una base de datos al uso... era una plataforma digital a la que se adherían voluntariamente los blogs (en sus diversas categorias). No todos los blogs eran aceptados porque su objetivo no encajaba con el de Reposiblog, pero eran evaluados siguiendo unas premisas de calidad científica. Cualquier blog podía intentar adherirse, en cualquier momento. Incluso si un bloguero publicada tan sólo un post con las premisas de rigor de Reposiblog, podía enviarlo para su evaluación.
El caso es que el bloguero de mi sueño envió ese post a Reposiblog. Fué evaluado por el comité científico y como era bueno, fue añadido a Reposiblog.
Reposiblog, tiene una Interface parecida a la de Pubmed: puedes buscar por temas, por autores, y tiene su tesauro específico (creado y estandarizado internacionalmente para homogeneizar las etiquetas de los blogs y facilitar la búsqueda en Reposiblog).

Cuando publicas en Reposiblog, la repercusión para el autor es la misma que si hubiera publicado en una revista de papel o digital. La repercusión de su publicación dependerá de su calidad y el indice de impacto se mide a través de las visitas obtenidas a traves de Reposiblog y de las referenciadas en otras publicaciones.

Ahora viene cuando te despiertas, y te das cuenta de que nada de esto existe.

Como mucho, se ha conseguido lo que explica Salva en "De efímero a persistente". Conseguir que se cite uno de tus post en un artículo al uso, y según las normas de Vancouver ya es un motivo de orgullo, pero no es suficiente.

Imagen extraida de Medline

En la revista Metas, el amigo Andoni Carrión acaba de publicar una editorial en la que expone esta problematica, pero desde otro punto de vista. Si leeis "Presencia Enfermera en la Comunidad Virtual Sanitaria" vereis que Andoni aboga por un espacio para los blogs dentro de las publicaciones convencionales. Es otra opción.

Por cierto, os vais a dar cuenta de que parece que siempre hablamos los mismos de nosotros mismos (y es cierto), pero si la validez científica de los blogs se regula de alguna manera, tal vez haya más profesionales que se decidan a utilizar la web sociel como medio de difusión científica.