martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

El Víctor Ravens Diario Martes, May. 10, 2011

Al debate permanente sobre la lactancia materna -sobre la duración de la misma y sus beneficios para el bebé- se suma ahora otro tema de discusión: unos investigadores británicos afirman que este t...

Un ambicioso proyecto para instalar cinco represas en la Patagonia chilena y que inundará casi 6.000 hectáreas, fue aprobado este lunes, en una decisión que generó protestas de ambientalistas en va...

09/05/2011  La piel es parte fundamental en el cuerpo del ser humano. En ocasiones solemos creer que aplicando crema humectante, protector solar y un buen desmaquillante en las noches, basta. Quizá...
Cultura y Espectáculos

Football equipment managers nationwide will receive yet another reason to reassess their helmet inventory on Tuesday, when a Virginia Tech research report reveals that two models popular among teen...

Korean Airlines reportedly denied a woman diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer a seat on a weekend flight because she looked too frail to fly. Don't miss these Travel stories It's A Snap! Check out...
Cultura y Espectáculos

Plaintiffs challenging the US government's funding of human embryonic stem cell research today asked the judge now considering their case for a chance to make additional arguments to him in writing...

Over the last few years, some of world’s brightest minds have become fascinated with a seemingly simple idea: easing the threat of climate change by pulling carbon dioxide out of the air. ...

This dish is inspired by a classic oil and garlic pasta. I’ve added chicory to the mix, a bitter green that is much loved in southern Italy but underused here. It’s sold with lettuces in the superm...

For newborns, having lower levels of vitamin D may be associated with higher risk of lung infection, a new study suggests. (Reuters) By Marissa Cevallos, HealthKey / For the Booster Shots blog May ...

Microsoft is in advanced talks to acquire Skype, which revolutionized telephone calls over the Internet, for $8.5 billion, including the assumption of debt, according to people involved in the tran...

Willard S. Boyle, who won the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physics for helping to develop a device that is at the heart of virtually every camcorder, digital camera and telescope in use, died on Saturday in...

I saw the new Thor movie tonight. I'll give you the gist of the movie, with no spoiler details.First of all, atheists are allowed to watch the movie. The Asgardians are actually super-advanced alie...

Subtítulo: "Certificoides" según el GIPI. O los pediatras y los "tontinformes" como diría Vicente Baos. Los médicos de familia se quejan con frecuencia y con razón de los múltiples trabajos burocrá...

Action Points   Note that this study was published as an abstract and presented at a conference. These data and conclusions should be considered to be preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed...

GETTY Did you know Japan had singing computers? I sure didn't, at least until I stumbled on a report from this morning indicating that they not only did have machines that'd outperform half of Amer...
Cultura y Espectáculos

Anna North —The supposed antidepressant properties of semen have been getting a lot of press lately. We decided to find out if splooge will really boost your mood. Get your mind out of the gutter: ...

La semana pasada les contamos Facebook y Google estarían interesados en adquirir o invertir en Skype, pero al parecer Microsoft podría ser el que se lleve le servicio de VoIP a casa. Según fuentes ...

« “He was really a nice guy. He went to church and everything.” | MainCategory: Personal Posted on: May 9, 2011 11:18 PM, by PZ MyersEven if they did make him wear a funny hat at his graduation thi...

9 May 2011 Last updated at 21:37 ET By Jane Hughes Health correspondent, BBC News Children who are breastfed for four months or more develop fewer behaviour problems, Oxford researchers say. The st...

The Office for the Arts at Harvard (OFA) and Harvard’s Music Department have announced the appointment of Jill Johnson as director of the OFA Dance Program and senior lecturer in the Department of ...
Cultura y Espectáculos