miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2011

Cigarette makers sue FDA over new labeling rules

Cigarette makers sue FDA over new labeling rules

New graphic cigarette packaging, released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration June 21, 2011, shows a varied collection of dead bodies, diseased lungs and a man on a ventilator were among the graphic images for revamped U.S. tobacco labels, unveiled by health officials who hope the warnings will help smokers quit. REUTERS/U.S. Food and Drug Administration/Handout
NEW YORK | Wed Aug 17, 2011 11:09am EDT
(Reuters) - Four big cigarette makers sued the Food and Drug Administration, seeking to void as unconstitutional new graphic labels and advertising that warn consumers about the risks of smoking and induce them to quit.
The lawsuit by Reynolds American Inc's R.J. Reynolds unit, Lorillard Inc, Liggett Group LLC and Commonwealth Brands Inc, owned by Britain's Imperial Tobacco Group Plc, said the warnings required no later than September 22, 2012 would force cigarette makers to "engage in anti-smoking advocacy" on the government's behalf.
They said this violates their free speech rights under the First Amendment, according to a complaint filed Tuesday with the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C.
"The notion that the government can require those who manufacture a lawful product to emblazon half of its package with pictures and words admittedly drafted to persuade the public not to purchase that product cannot withstand constitutional scrutiny," said Floyd Abrams, a prominent First Amendment specialist representing the cigarette makers, in a statement.
An FDA spokeswoman declined to comment, citing an agency policy not to discuss pending litigation.
The 2009 Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act requires color warnings covering the top half of the front and back panels of cigarette packages, and the top 20 percent of printed advertising.
Dead bodies, diseased lungs and rotting teeth are among the images expected to appear, in the first change to U.S. cigarette warnings in 25 years.
Reynolds' brands include Camel, Winston and Kool; Lorillard brands include Newport and True; Commonwealth brands include Davidoff, and Liggett brands include Eve.
The cigarette companies are the largest in the United States other than Altria Group Inc, whose brands include Marlboro and which is not part of the case. Altria had previously supported the 2009 law.
"Certain provisions of the final rule raise constitutional concerns," Altria spokesman Bill Phelps said. "We continue to work constructively with the FDA, and reserve our rights and options to protect the company."
A smaller cigarette maker, Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Co, is also a plaintiff in the lawsuit, which also seeks to delay enforcement of other parts of the tobacco law.
Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of the Department of Health & Human Services, in June said the new warnings would ensure that "every person who picks up a pack of cigarettes is going to know exactly what risks they are taking."
She said the goal was to stop children from starting to smoke, and to give adult smokers a new incentive to quit.
But in their complaint, the cigarette companies said the labels illegally force them to make consumers "depressed, discouraged and afraid" to buy cigarettes, and turn each package into a "mini-billboard" for the government.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 46 million U.S. adults, or 20.6 percent, smoke cigarettes, but there has been little change in the percentage since 2004.
More than 221,000 Americans are expected to be diagnosed with lung cancer in 2011, according to the American Cancer Society. Tobacco is expected to kill nearly 6 million people worldwide in 2011, including 600,000 nonsmokers, the World Health Organization said in May.
The case is R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co et al v. FDA, U.S. District Court, District of Columbia, No. 11-01482.
(Reporting by Jonathan Stempel; Additional reporting by Anna Yukhananov in Washington, D.C.; editing by Bernard Orr, Carol Bishopric, Phil Berlowitz)

Trabajo Virtual y Colaboración en Equipos a Distancia

agosto 17, 2011

Trabajo Virtual y Colaboración en Equipos a Distancia

La mayoría de personas trabajan interactuando con otras personas. Es raro que uno trabaje solo. Algunas veces, recurrimos a alguien para que nos proporcione información o recursos que nos ayuden a realizar las labores a cargo nuestro. Otras veces, porque lo que nosotros hacemos será continuado, aprovechado o mejorado por otro trabajador. Y en muchas oportunidades compartimos las tareas a realizar, coordinando y colaborando entre todos.
Antes era  necesario que los miembros de un grupo o equipo de trabajo, los colaboradores, se reunan en un ambiente, oficina o taller para trabajar juntos. Hoy, con las redes de computadoras, internet y los servicios virtuales ya no es necesario estar presente en el mismo momento y lugar; podemos colaborar y trabajar a distancia. El "teleworking" hace referencia a muchas posibilidades. No sólo se puede laborar sin asistir todos los días a un "centro de trabajo" sino que también podemos trabajar con personas que se encuentren en distintos lugares de una misma ciudad o en diferentes ciudades o países.
Para lograr un adecuado y eficiente trabajo virtual y participar en equipos a distancia es necesario contar con herramientas y servicios de tecnología que faciliten nuestras labores de un modo amigable, online, a través de una simple conexión a internet. Pero también es un aspecto clave el aprender a usar dichas herramientas y servicios de manera eficiente, según nuestras propias necesidades. 
Próximamente estaremos iniciando un curso virtual orientado al manejo y gestión de herramientas de tecnología de información y comunicación así como de servicios gratuitos de internet para facilitar el desempeño profesional y la productividad de las organizaciones participando en entornos distantes y compartidos a través de internet de modo colaborativo, trabajo en equipo y comunicación online y offline.  enlinea@inkconsultores.com

martes, 16 de agosto de 2011

Accesos venosos en niños

Cateterización venosa central en neonatos: Comparación de complicaciones con métodos percutáneos y quirúrgicos abiertos
 Central venous catheterization in neonates: Comparison of complications with percutaneous and open surgical methods.
Hosseinpour M, Mashadi MR, Behdad S, Azarbad Z.
 J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg 2011;16:99-101
Aim: To compare the complications of two methods of placement of central venous catheters. Materials and Methods: One hundred neonates had percutaneously inserted central venous catheters and another 100 had the catheters placed after surgical incision and vein location. Results: No statistical difference was noted in the complication rate or efficacy Conclusions : Both the methods are equally safe and effective.
Implicaciones clínicas del dolor y angustia no tratadas de la inserción de agujas en niños
 Clinical implications of unmanaged needle-insertion pain and distress in children.
Kennedy RM, Luhmann J, Zempsky WT.
Department of Pediatrics, Division of Emergency Medicine, Washington University in St Louis School of Medicine, St Louis, Missouri, USA. kennedy@kids.wustl.edu
Pediatrics. 2008 Nov;122 Suppl 3:S130-3.
Increasing evidence has demonstrated that pain from venipuncture and intravenous cannulation is an important source of pediatric pain and has a lasting impact. Ascending sensory neural pain pathways are functioning in preterm and term infants, yet descending inhibitory pathways seem to mature postnatally. Consequently, infants may experience pain from the same stimulus more intensely than older children. In addition, painful perinatal procedures such as heel lancing or circumcision have been found to correlate with stronger negative responses to venipuncture and intramuscular vaccinations weeks to months later. Similarly, older children have reported greater pain during follow-up cancer-related procedures if the pain of the initial procedure was poorly controlled, despite improved analgesia during the subsequent procedures. Fortunately, both pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic techniques have been found to reduce children's acute pain and distress and subsequent negative behaviors during venipuncture and intravenous catheter insertion. This review summarizes the evidence for the importance of managing pediatric procedural pain and methods for reducing venous access pain.
Dr. Enrique Hernández-Cortez
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Accesos venosos en niños

Cateterización venosa central en neonatos: Comparación de complicaciones con métodos percutáneos y quirúrgicos abiertos
 Central venous catheterization in neonates: Comparison of complications with percutaneous and open surgical methods.
Hosseinpour M, Mashadi MR, Behdad S, Azarbad Z.
 J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg 2011;16:99-101
Aim: To compare the complications of two methods of placement of central venous catheters. Materials and Methods: One hundred neonates had percutaneously inserted central venous catheters and another 100 had the catheters placed after surgical incision and vein location. Results: No statistical difference was noted in the complication rate or efficacy Conclusions : Both the methods are equally safe and effective.
Implicaciones clínicas del dolor y angustia no tratadas de la inserción de agujas en niños
 Clinical implications of unmanaged needle-insertion pain and distress in children.
Kennedy RM, Luhmann J, Zempsky WT.
Department of Pediatrics, Division of Emergency Medicine, Washington University in St Louis School of Medicine, St Louis, Missouri, USA. kennedy@kids.wustl.edu
Pediatrics. 2008 Nov;122 Suppl 3:S130-3.
Increasing evidence has demonstrated that pain from venipuncture and intravenous cannulation is an important source of pediatric pain and has a lasting impact. Ascending sensory neural pain pathways are functioning in preterm and term infants, yet descending inhibitory pathways seem to mature postnatally. Consequently, infants may experience pain from the same stimulus more intensely than older children. In addition, painful perinatal procedures such as heel lancing or circumcision have been found to correlate with stronger negative responses to venipuncture and intramuscular vaccinations weeks to months later. Similarly, older children have reported greater pain during follow-up cancer-related procedures if the pain of the initial procedure was poorly controlled, despite improved analgesia during the subsequent procedures. Fortunately, both pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic techniques have been found to reduce children's acute pain and distress and subsequent negative behaviors during venipuncture and intravenous catheter insertion. This review summarizes the evidence for the importance of managing pediatric procedural pain and methods for reducing venous access pain.
Dr. Enrique Hernández-Cortez
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Bloqueos de la pared abdominal anterior guiados con ultrasonido

Bloqueos de la pared abdominal anterior guiados con ultrasonido
Ultrasound Blocks for the Anterior Abdominal.
Adult and Pediatric Surgery
Mokini, Vitale, Costantini, Fumagalli, et al.
ISBN: 978-3-942687-03-4
The Flying Publisher

Se trata de un libro en formato digital publicado con acceso libre en el portal de Amedeo. Es una edición 2011 con 13 capítulos de fácil lectura; Anatomía, Ultrasonido y anestesia regional, Bloqueo abdominal transverso, Iliohipogástrico e inguinal, Genitofemoral, Vaina de los rectos, Reparación de hernia inguinal, Cirugía de hernia inguinal en niños, Cirugía obstétrica y ginecológica, Otros procedimientos abdominales, Consideraciones pediátricas, y otros temas muy interesantes incluyendo un capítulo sobre complicaciones.
Son 113 páginas de lectura fácil, muy actualizada y con excelentes ilustraciones.
Usted puede accesar este libro directamente en el siguiente enlace:
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor



Mi vida sin ti-6. Una nueva vida sin tabaco

En este día...


On This Day: August 16

On Aug. 16, 1977, singer Elvis Presley died at Graceland Mansion in Memphis, Tenn., at age 42.
On Aug. 16, 1913, Menachem Begin, the prime minister of Israel from 1977 to 1983, was born. Following his death on March 9, 1992, his obituary appeared in The Times.

On This Date

1858A telegraphed message from Britain's Queen Victoria to President James Buchanan was transmitted over the recently laid trans-Atlantic cable.
1888T.E. Lawrence, the British soldier who gained fame as "Lawrence of Arabia," was born in Tremadoc, Wales.
1913Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin was born in Brest-Litovsk in present-day Belarus.
1948Baseball Hall of Famer Babe Ruth died at age 53.
1954Sports Illustrated was first published by Time Inc.
1956Adlai E. Stevenson was nominated for president at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.
1960Britain granted independence to Cyprus.
1987Thousands of people worldwide began a two-day celebration of the "harmonic convergence," which believers called the start of a new, purer age of humankind.
1988Vice President George H.W. Bush tapped Indiana Sen. Dan Quayle to be his running mate on the Republican ticket.
2000Delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles nominated Vice President Al Gore for president.
2003Idi Amin, the former dictator of Uganda, died in Saudi Arabia.
2007Jose Padilla, a U.S. citizen held for 3-1/2 years as an enemy combatant, was convicted in Miami of helping Islamic extremists and plotting overseas attacks. (He was sentenced to 17 years, four months in prison.)
2008Michael Phelps won the 100-meter butterfly by a hundredth of a second for his seventh gold medal of the Beijing Olympics, tying Mark Spitz's 1972 record.
2008Talk show host Ellen DeGeneres and actress Portia de Rossi were married at their Beverly Hills, Calif., home.
2010China eclipsed Japan as the world's second biggest economy after three decades of blistering growth.

Current Birthdays

Steve Carell, Actor (“The Office”)
Actor Steve Carell ("The Office") turns 49 years old today.
AP Photo/Charles Sykes
1923Shimon Peres, Israeli politician, turns 88
1928Ann Blyth, Actress, turns 83
1930Frank Gifford, Football Hall of Famer, turns 81
1930Tony Trabert, Tennis Hall of Famer, turns 81
1931Eydie Gorme, Singer, turns 80
1933Julie Newmar, Actress ("Batman"), turns 78
1945Bob Balaban, Actor, turns 66
1946Lesley Ann Warren, Actress, turns 65
1947Carol Moseley-Braun, Former U.S. senator, D-Ill., turns 64
1953Kathie Lee Gifford, TV host ("Today"), turns 58
1954Joshua Bolten, Former White House chief of staff, turns 57
1954James Cameron, Director ("Titanic"), turns 57
1957Laura Innes, Actress ("ER"), turns 54
1958Angela Bassett, Actress, turns 53
1958Madonna, Singer, turns 53
1967Donovan Leitch, Actor, singer, turns 44
1968Andy Milder, Actor ("Weeds"), turns 43
1972Emily Robison, Country singer, musician (The Dixie Chicks), turns 39
1980Vanessa Carlton, Singer, turns 31
1988Rumer Willis, Actress, turns 23

Historic Birthdays

86Sarah Porter 8/16/1813 - 2/17/1900
American educator
72St. John Bosco 8/16/1815 - 1/31/1888
Italian priest; founded the Salesian Order
46T. E. Lawrence 8/16/1888 - 5/19/1935
English archaeologist, military strategist and author
27Jules Laforgue 8/16/1860 - 8/20/1887
French Symbolist poet
102Amos Alonzo Stagg 8/16/1862 - 3/17/1965
American collegiate football coach
85George Meany 8/16/1894 - 1/10/1980
American labor leader; president of the AFL-CIO (1955-79)
32Wallace Henry Thurman 8/16/1902 - 12/22/1934
African-American editor, critic, novelist and playwright
66Wendell Stanley 8/16/1904 - 6/15/1971
American Nobel Prize-winning biochemist (1946)
66Ernst Schumacher 8/16/1911 - 9/4/1977
English economist
61Stuart A. Roosa 8/16/1933 - 12/12/1994
American astronaut
61Fess Parker 8/16/1924 - 3/18/2010
American actor