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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Politica. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011

Me han dado la ciudadania...

Te ha parecido...

viernes, 13 de mayo de 2011

Europa pide que se impulse más el uso de las nuevas tecnologías en Sanidad.

La Comisión Europea ha instado este martes a los Estados miembros a acelerar la penetración de los servicios eHealth para garantizar una asistencia sanitaria más eficiente y segura. De esta forma también se contribuye a reducir los costes y, a largo plazo, a la sostenibilidad de los sistemas sanitarios en Europa.

"Al margen de los recortes presupuestarios, en los próximos 20 años el número de europeos mayores de 65 años aumentará un 45%. Según las previsiones, desde los 85 millones en 2008 hasta los 123 millones en 2030 y esto tendrá un enorme impacto social, económico y sanitario", expone la comisaria de Agenda Digital, Neelie Kroes durante la apertura de la Conferencia sobre eSalud, que se celebra entre el 10 y 12 de mayo en Budapest.

La comisaria de Agenda Digital ha considerado "inaceptable" que los Gobiernos no se comprometan a facilitar este tipo de servicios a los pacientes, "incluso aunque implique invertir en cambios estructurales" en los sistemas sanitarios".

La comisaria ha instado a los Estados miembros a potenciar las nuevas tecnologías de la información (TIC) y la comunicación para impulsar los servicios de diagnóstico, prevención y tratamiento y soluciones tecnológicas innovadoras basadas en la telemedicina y los sistemas de monitoreo a distancia. De esta manera, se alcanzaría la reducción de los ingresos hospitalarios con la generalización de la telemedicina.

Noticia publicada en si quieres ver la noticia completa pulsa aquí

miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011

El Víctor Ravens Diario Miercoles 11/mayo/2011

Hace unos días el proceso judicial contra Taringa! por infracciones a la ley de propiedad intelectual sigió adelante cuando en primera instancia, el Juzgado Criminal Nº 4 de Capital Federal conside...

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) passed a historic measure Tuesday evening allowing openly gay men and women in same-sex relationships to be ordained as clergy.The move reflects a monumental shift ...

SAN FRANCISCO -- A Yemen native who disrupted a San Francisco-bound flight was portrayed by prosecutors Tuesday as a dangerous and erratic passenger who tried to barge into the cockpit twice, did n...

Turns out, the plague isn't just ancient history. New Mexico health officials recently confirmed the first human case of bubonic plague — previously known as the "Black Death" — to surface in the U...

Roman Caple probably never thought a Facebook post would prevent him from walking at his graduation from St. Augustine's College in Raleigh, N.C.But instead of marching with his classmates at the s...

The Interior Department, facing an avalanche of petitions and lawsuits over proposed endangered species designations, said Tuesday that it had negotiated a settlement under which it will make decis...
Medio ambiente

If work is interfering with your plans for a workout today, perhaps you should drum your fingers against your desktop in frustration. Doing so may help, in some small way, to maintain or augment yo...

>Posted on behalf of Hannah HoagThe government of Quebec (Canada) has launched its multibillion-dollar Plan Nord, which will open the vast northern reaches of the province to mining and energy deve...
Medio ambiente

Google, a pioneer of driverless cars, is quietly lobbying for legislation that would make Nevada the first state where they could be legally operated on public roads. And yes, the propo...
Medio ambiente

The University of Pennsylvania has received a $225 million gift, the largest in its history, from Raymond G. Perelman and his wife, Ruth, for its medical school, which will be renamed the Raymond a...

When Preisdent Bush was anesthetized for a colonoscopy in 2007, he briefly turned the reins of power over to Vice President Dick Cheney. (Mike Theiler) By Thomas H. Maugh II, Los Angeles Times / Fo...

By: a guest | May 10th, 2011 | Syntax: None | Size: 4.08 KB | Views: 288 | Expires: Never Muchos sabrán a esta altura la situación que atraviesa hoy Taringa! Es por esto que queremos explicar los h...

Economists sceptical over study's estimate of massive financial return. A high-profile claim that the Human Genome Project and associated research generated almost US$800 billion in economic benefi...

If you believe Stephen Colbert — and really, who doesn’t? — bears are deadly. “Bears are soulless, godless, rampaging killing machines,” the comedian has written. “They are Satan’s mini...

This easy skillet dish is all about sweet spring vegetables. It easiest to find spinach in the markets, but look too for big bunches of snow pea tips, also called pea tendrils or pea shoots, which ...

May 9, 2011 In 1989, when international signatories to the Montreal Protocol agreed to replace CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) in refrigeration units worldwide with hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), it was con...

Salon has a tidy summary of the end-of-the-world claims of Harold Camping.On May 21, "starting in the Pacific Rim at around the 6 p.m. local time hour, in each time zone, there will be a great eart...

Published online 10 May 2011 | Nature | doi:10.1038/news.2011.279 News As funding environments toughen, submitting more proposals is the best way to win grants. Zoë Corbyn The best way to get grant...

Horace Freeland Judson, a science writer whose 1979 book “The Eighth Day of Creation” is regarded as the definitive account of the breakthroughs that transformed molecular biology in the mid-20th c...
Cultura y Espectáculos

Panasonic Europa, la Federación Francesa de Tenis (FFT) y la empresa de medios Eurosport han anunciado que, por segundo año consecutivo, el Abierto de Tenis de Francia 2011, el legendario Torneo Ro...