domingo, 31 de julio de 2011


"La irrupción de las Nuevas Tecnologías en el campo de la educación es hoy ya una realidad imparable, donde los profesores tienen a su disposición una ingente cantidad de recursos para desarrollar nuevos tipos de actividades didácticas encaminadas a concretar una nueva forma de enseñanza, la que algunos autores han dado en denominar Educación 2.0. Partiendo del curso Actividades y recursos para el desarrollo de la competencia digital en primaria y ESO, que tuvo lugar en la sede de la UNIA en Baeza, nuestro TOMA NOTA de hoy abordará algunas de estas nuevas posibilidades didácticas que ofrece la red de redes". Interesante video en el cual los Dres. Jordi Adell (WebQuest), Francisco Castillo (Mapas) y Anibal de la Torre (Wikis) nos introduce en el mundo de la Educación 2.0. Recomiendo su revisión ampliamente (ver más)

Uso de las tic y redes sociales en salud

Boletin Conapeme Agosto 2011

Estimados pediatras de Ciberpeds-Conapeme les mostramos el nuevo Boletin de Conapeme
numero 1 de Agosto 2011
Boletin Agosto Conapeme_e_mail.png
Pueden ver la version completa del Boletin en la pagina de Conapeme
 Dr. Enrique Mendoza López
Webmaster: CONAPEME
Coordinador Nacional: Seminario Ciberpeds-Conapeme
Av La Clinica 2520-310 col Sertoma
Monterrey N.L. CP 64718
Tel (81) 83482940, (81)81146053
 Cel 0448183094806

Conferencia todo lo que el Pediatra debe saber de Lactancia Materna

  Estimado Pediatra  te invito al Seminario de Pediatría, Cirugía Pediátrica y Lactancia Materna. Iniciamos el Programa 2011, el día 3 de Julio  las 21hrs (Centro, México DF, Guadalajara y Lima Perú) a la Conferencia: “Vacuna de Neumococo PCV13v”, por la  Maestra Leticia de la Rosa”  Enfermera de la Cd de México DF  La sesión inicia puntualmente las 21 hrs. 
Para entrar a la Sala de Conferencia:
1.- hacer click en la siguiente liga, o cópiala y escríbela en tu buscador

2.- “Entra como Invitado” Escribes tu nombre y apellido en el espacio en blanco 
3.- Hacer click en el espacio que dice “Entrar en la Sala”
5.- A disfrutar la conferencia                                                                                                                          
 6.- Recomendamos que dejes tu Nombre Completo, Correo electrónico y que participes.

Dr. Enrique Mendoza López
Webmaster: CONAPEME
Coordinador Nacional: Seminario Ciberpeds-Conapeme
Av La clinica 2520-310 
Colonia Sertoma ,Mty N.L. México
CP 64710
Tel-Fax 52 81 83482940 y 52 81 81146053
Celular 8183094806

Pancreatitis y embarazo

Pancreatitis biliar aguda relacionada al embarazo: experiencia de 5 años de un centro
Acute biliary pancreatitis related with pregnancy: a 5-year single center experience.
Turhan AN, Gönenç M, Kapan S, Islim F, Oner OZ, Tulubas E, Aygun E.
Department of General Surgery, Bakirköy Training And Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey.
Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2010 Mar;16(2):160-4.
BACKGROUND: Pregnancy-associated acute biliary pancreatitis is a rare but challenging clinical entity in terms of diagnosis and management. We report our institutional medical data of pregnancy-associated acute biliary pancreatitis. METHODS: Medical records of 27 patients admitted to our clinics for pregnancy-associated acute biliary pancreatitis between January 2005 and January 2010 were reviewed. RESULTS: Of the 27 patients, 25 (93%) were in the post-partum period, and 2 (7%) were pregnant. Seventeen patients (63%) were managed with conservative treatment, and were scheduled for interval cholecystectomy, while 10 patients (37%) had early cholecystectomy prior to discharge. The mortality rate was 3% (n=1).
CONCLUSION: Pregnancy-associated acute biliary pancreatitis usually has a mild-to-moderate clinical course with a favorable outcome, and can be managed successfully with conservative treatment. Early cholecystectomy done prior to discharge in the initial admission should be considered in mild-to-moderate pregnancy-associated acute biliary pancreatitis, except in patients within the first trimester 
Pancreatitis aguda en el embarazo: un problema no resuelto
Acute pancreatitis in pregnancy: an unresolved issue.
Jain P.
World J Gastroenterol. 2010 Apr 28;16(16):2065-6.
Management of acute pancreatitis in pregnancy is based on expert opinion only, due to geographic and ethic variations. Nonbiliary causes should be sought as they are associated with worse outcomes. Alcohol as a cause of acute pancreatitis is not rare. Hemoconcentration as a marker of fluid deficit and severity should be predicted with caution and fluid resuscitation should be done carefully by closely monitoring the central venous pressure, cardiac and respiratory system. Hypercalcemia of hyperparathyroidism may be falsely lowered due to hypoalbuminemia or suppressed by magnesium tocolysis 
Manejo endoscópico de las alteraciones biliares durante el embarazo
Endoscopic management of biliary disorders during pregnancy.
Chong VH, Jalihal A.
Gastroenterology Unit, Department of Medicine, Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha (RIPAS) Hospital, Bandar Seri Begawan BA 1710, Brunei Darussalam.
Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int. 2010 Apr;9(2):180-5.
BACKGROUND: Biliary interventions during pregnancy are associated with risks to both the pregnancy and developing fetus. In this report we summarize our experience with endoscopic interventions including endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) in the management of biliary disorders during pregnancy. METHODS: Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatographies (ERCPs) performed between May 2003 through January 2010 (n=607) were identified from our database, and cases of interventions during pregnancy were reviewed. All procedures were done using conscious sedation and lead shielding. RESULTS: Nine ERCPs (1.5%) were performed in 8 pregnant patients. Their median gestational period was 22 weeks (range, <2-36 weeks). Two, 5 and 2 patients were in their first, second and third trimester, respectively. Indications for ERCP included obstructive jaundice (6 patients) cholangitis (2), and acute pancreatitis/obstructive jaundice (1). Two patients underwent EUS before ERCP. Fluoroscopy was used in 5 ERCPs (median 12 seconds; range 2-20 seconds), and the overall time for a ERCP ranged from 5 to 25 minutes. During ERCP endoscopic sphincterotomy was performed in 5 patients, stenting in 6, and balloon clearance in 3. One procedure caused complication in induction of labor. During pregnancy, there were 4 non-procedure related complications including acute cholecystitis (1), HELLP syndrome resulting in spontaneous abortion (1) and stent migrations (2). Five pregnancies had uncomplicated term deliveries, whereas 2 required urgent caesarian sections (one for fetal distress and 1 for cholangitis secondary to stent migration). One patient was well in her second trimester during follow-up. Seven babies were well at birth with median APGAR scores of 9, and 10 at 5 and 10 minutes, respectively. One baby died of sudden death syndrome at age of 40 days. CONCLUSIONS: ERCP is a safe procedure for pregnant women. It can be conducted for biliary stenting and subsequent clearance after deliveries. EUS has a complementary role. Different strategies can be applied according to the conditions or expertise of endoscopists. 
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor
Ahora para los guerreros del twitter : les recuerdo del curso taller de patología quirúrgica del pie, a llevarse a cabo del 6al 9 de septiembre del 2011 en el INR, los que soliciten pre registro a traves de mí, tendran beca para el cuso.

Si al parto en el agua

Biblioteca médica


Posted: 30 Jul 2011 09:45 AM PDT
Hola buenas tardes gente taringuera hoy les traigo unos consejos para que cuiden sus corazones... 1. Conoce tu presion arterial Toda persona debe conocer su presion arterial. Se considera que una persona tiene hipertension arterial cuando luego de reiterados controles su presion es de 140 y/o 90 mmhg (14 y/o 9) o mayor. El diagnostico se basa en el control de la presion arterial, ya que
Posted: 30 Jul 2011 09:33 AM PDT
POST CREADO POR mickactis Para comenzar a hablar de nuestra mente y sus enfermedades primero voy a resumir desde el punto de vista psicoanalitico freudiano la estructura de la psique con el fin de hacer entendible para todos la informacion. Breve reseña de su vida y obra. Nació en Viena en 1856 y se recibió de médico a los 25 años. Desde muy joven ejerció su profesión y además fue
Posted: 30 Jul 2011 09:30 AM PDT
Funciones del agua en el organismo El agua es un recurso vital para el organismo, cumple funciones específicas por lo que recomiendan consumir al menos 2 litros diariamente. Se dice que el agua es el “solvente universal” en ella son transformados la mayoría de los nutrientes y sustancias necesarias para el buen funcionamiento celular. Es desintoxicante, los residuos generados durante

En este día


On This Day: July 31

On July 31, 1964, the American space probe Ranger 7 transmitted pictures of the moon's surface.
On July 31, 1919, Primo Levi, the Italian writer and chemist whose work was influenced by his captivity at Auschwitz, was born. Following his death on April 11, 1987, his obituary appeared in The Times.

On This Date

1777The Marquis de Lafayette, a 19-year-old French nobleman, was made a major-general in the American Continental Army.
1875Andrew Johnson, the 17th president of the United States, died in Carter Station, Tenn., at age 66.
1914The New York Stock Exchange closed due to the outbreak of World War I. (Trading didn't resume until December.)
1919Germany's Weimar Constitution was adopted.
1972Democratic vice-presidential candidate Thomas Eagleton withdrew from the ticket with George McGovern following disclosures that Eagleton had once undergone psychiatric treatment.
1977The "Son of Sam" killer claimed his last victims when he shot and killed Stacy Moskowitz, 20, and seriously wounded her date as they sat in a parked car in Brooklyn, N.Y. (David Berkowitz was arrested less than two weeks later. He is serving six sentences of 25 years to life.)
1981A seven-week strike by major league baseball players ended.
1990Nolan Ryan became the 20th major league pitcher to win 300 games as his Texas Rangers beat the Milwaukee Brewers 11-3.
1995Walt Disney Co. agreed to acquire Capital Cities-ABC Inc. in a $19 billion deal.
2007The U.N. Security Council unanimously approved a 26,000-strong peacekeeping force for Sudan's Darfur region.
2008Scientists reported the Phoenix spacecraft had confirmed the presence of frozen water in Martian soil.
2009Three American tourists were arrested by Iran on suspicion of espionage during what their families have said was a simple hiking trip along the Iraq-Iran border. (One was released on bail, the others remain in Iranian custody.)

Current Birthdays

J.K. Rowling, Author (“Harry Potter” books)
Author J.K. Rowling ("Harry Potter" books) turns 46 years old today.
AP Photo/Joel Ryan
DeMarcus Ware, Football player
Dallas Cowboys linebacker DeMarcus Ware turns 29 years old today.
AP Photo/Sharon Ellman
1919Robert Morgenthau, Former Manhattan district attorney, turns 92
1944Geraldine Chaplin, Actress, turns 67
1945William Weld, Former Massachusetts governor, turns 66
1951Evonne Goolagong Cawley, Tennis Hall of Famer, turns 60
1956Deval Patrick, Governor of Massachusetts, turns 55
1958Bill Berry, Rock musician (R.E.M.), turns 53
1962Wesley Snipes, Actor, turns 49
1963Fatboy Slim, Rock musician, turns 48
1975Annie Parisse, Actress ("Law and Order"), turns 36
1978Zac Brown, Country singer, musician, turns 33
1979B.J. Novak, Actor, writer ("The Office"), turns 32

Historic Birthdays

59Augustus 7/31/1526 - 2/12/1586
Elector of Saxony & leader of Protestant Germany
62George Baxter 7/31/1804 - 1/11/1867
English engraver and printer
79Jane Currie Hoge 7/31/1811 - 8/26/1890
American welfare worker & fundraiser for the Union
80Abram Stevens Hewitt 7/31/1822 - 1/18/1903
American industrialist & philanthropist who became mayor of N. Y. C.
76Henri Brisson 7/31/1835 - 4/11/1912
French statesman who was twice premier of France
77Richard Dixon Oldham 7/31/1858 - 7/15/1936
English geologist who discovered evidence of the Earth's Core
99S. S. Kresge 7/31/1867 - 10/18/1966
American merchant who started a chain of 1,000 variety stores
87Jacques Villon 7/31/1875 - 6/9/1963
French painter and printmaker & brother of Marcel Duchamp
70Elmo Roper 7/31/1900 - 4/30/1971
American who developed political forecasting by polls
49Whitney Young 7/31/1921 - 3/11/1971
American civil rights leader & head of the National Urban League

Books review

Sunday Book Review

‘This Beautiful Life’

Illustration by office of Paul Sahre
In this timely novel, a family’s Manhattan life comes crashing down when their 15-year-old forwards a sexually explicit video made for him, unsolicited, by a girl two years younger.

The Jargon of the Novel, Computed

We like to think modern fiction is free from the artificial stylistic pretensions of the past. But computer analysis reveals that linguistic tics unique to fiction writing endure.

‘Age of Greed’

Jeff Madrick traces the regulatory and cultural changes that led to America’s current financial trouble.

‘Weeds: In Defense of Nature’s Most Unloved Plants’

A British nature writer is impressed by the ubiquitous resiliency of what we call weeds.

‘The Kid’

In this sequel to “Push,” Precious has died, and her son finds himself in a world of brutality.

‘Jamrach’s Menagerie’

In Carol Birch’s historical novel, a young boy is lured on a sea voyage to hunt for a Komodo dragon in the East Indies.
Stephen Colbert at the “Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear” last year.

‘Are You Serious?’

Lee Siegel explains how seriousness has evolved in Western society, from the age of Socrates to that of contemporary TV hosts.
Deborah Kay Davies

‘True Things About Me’

A sexual obsession pulls this novel’s heroine into her darkest self.

‘The Astral’

The hero of this novel, a Brooklyn poet, is thrown out by his wife for adultery he didn’t commit.

‘A Billion Wicked Thoughts’

Two computational neuroscientists analyze Web searches to identify sexual desires and preferences.

‘Perplexities of Consciousness’

A philosopher argues that we have a poor understanding of our conscious experience.
Thomas B. Reed

‘Mr. Speaker!’

A life of Thomas Reed, the Gilded Age Congressional leader.
Nuremberg, summer 1945.

‘Exorcising Hitler: The Occupation and Denazification of Germany’

A history of the occupation of Germany after 1945, where there was little resistance to the Allies even as Hitler’s influence lingered.

Pirate Picture Books Ahoy!

Four new picture books about pirate brutes and the pleasures of not bathing, brushing your teeth or speaking proper English.
Book News and Reviews
Melissa Forman

‘Northwest Corner’

In “Northwest Corner,” John Burnham Schwartz picks up the story of his novel “Reservation Road” 12 years later.

‘Books About Joseph Heller’

Two books about Joseph Heller, by his daughter, Erica Heller (“Yossarian Slept Here”) and Tracy Daugherty (“Just One Catch”).
Bernard L. Madoff,who might be the topic of an untitled book to be released by Little, Brown & Company this fall.

A Publisher Plays Coy With Book Release

Bookstore buyers are in the dark as Little, Brown & Company coyly offers the fall release “Untitled” by Anonymous, marketed as “the inside story of life with one of the most controversial figures of our time.”
A new-releases display at the Elliott Bay Book Company in Seattle contains both paperbacks and hardcovers. Now publishers often don't wait the traditional year before bringing out paperbacks.

Paperback Publishers Quicken Their Pace

E-books are helping to alter the time-honored schedule for life after hardcover, with softcover versions of novels and nonfiction works being released earlier and earlier.
A digital map of the Gettysburg battlefield illustrates what Gen. Robert E. Lee would have seen on the second day of fighting.

Digital Maps Are Giving Scholars the Historical Lay of the Land

Many-layered mapmaking is helping scholars recreate vanished landscapes and envision history.
Christopher Johnson

‘Microstyle: The Art of Writing Little’

The branding consultant Christopher Johnson explains how to think big and write small when we compose all those little bits that are now a part of our online lives.
A scene from “Golf in the Kingdom,” which opens on Friday. The film, based on the novel of the same title, was shot at Bandon Dunes, a resort in Oregon.

A Mystical Tale, From Tee to Green

After years of development, Michael Murphy’s “Golf in the Kingdom” has been turned into a film by the director Susan Streitfeld and the producer Mindy Affrime.
Events celebrating Marshall McLuhan, in 1967, are being held in honor of the 100th anniversary of his birth.

Early Media Prophet Is Now Getting His Due

Events in Europe, Washington and three Canadian cities last week honored the centennial of Marshall McLuhan, who introduced ideas like “the medium is the message” and “the global village” into everyday use.
Katharine Weber

‘The Memory of All That’

The novelist Katharine Weber brings many famous and glamorous names to her memoir, including that of her grandmother’s lover, George Gershwin.

Their Zeal Changed Lives, if Not the System

Dr. David A. Ansell writes about his years working at Cook County Hospital in Chicago, where treating patients was often a medical and political struggle.
Helen Schulman

‘This Beautiful Life’

In “This Beautiful Life” Helen Schulman traces an e-mail caper at a New York private school that goes out of control.
The author Esmeralda Santiago at home in Katonah, N.Y. Her new novel, “Conquistadora,” is an epic of Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico in History, Imagined and Real

Esmeralda Santiago’s latest work is a sweeping historical novel set on a plantation in her native Puerto Rico.
Book Review Back Page
Snacks of the Great Scribblers
Walt Whitman began the day with oysters and meat. The novelist Vendela Vida swears by pistachios. Lord Byron sipped vinegar to keep his weight down.
From the Aug. 7 Book Review

The Great Fleet Street Novel

Evelyn Waugh’s 1938 novel “Scoop” features journalists and the police in cahoots, and a press lord with a cult of personality. Sound familiar?

Book Review Podcast

Featuring Helen Schulman on her new novel, “The Beautiful Life”; and the linguist Ben Zimmer on what computer analysis reveals about the jargon of fiction.
  •  This Week's Book Review Podcast (mp3)
The Times's Critics
Recent reviews by:
German immigrants, 1925.

Giving Voice to Immigrants, Past and Present

A collection of oral histories that recounts the hopes and dreams of immigrants, the best urban sanctuaries in the city and the legacy of Brooklyn’s Gowanus neighborhood.
CUBA'S GLITTERATI Above, Roselyn Mereno Pérez and Alejandro Castro Soto del Valle, Fidel Castro’s son. Center, Che Guevara’s son, Camilo, being interviewed. Top, Cuban night life. The photos are from “Habana Libre.”

What Would Che Say?

Michael Dweck’s new book of photographs includes the creative types who may shape the new Cuba.

‘The Camping Cookbook’

Annie Bell, an English food writer, shows how to cook and serve with no real counter space and limited sources of clean water.
Your Money
Susan G. Bell self-published her novel,

Options for Self-Publishing Proliferate, Easing the Bar to Entry

A wide range of options exists for authors who choose to forgo traditional book publishing.

George Lascelles, Lord Harewood, Dies at 88; Wrote Opera Reference

A first cousin of Queen Elizabeth II, Mr. Lascelles was best known to American readers as the longtime editor of Kobbé’s Complete Opera Book.
Book Review Features

Editors’ Choice

Recently reviewed books of particular interest.

Paperback Row

Paperback books of particular interest.