martes, 14 de enero de 2014

Which Country is Leading Online Education?

Which Country is Leading Online Education?
by Jodi Harrison on June 28, 2012

Online education, and the debate about, it is one of the hottest topics in education; whether you are an academic institution or a corporation looking to train your employees with a learning management system (LMS).

I think it’s interesting to look around the globe and see how different countries are embracing a new delivery method for education. Our friends at recently wrote a blog about the 8 leading nations for online learning.

Some of the results were surprising.

“The ease and convenience it offers learners appeal to people just about everywhere, especially those who are trying to balance work, family, and other obligations. Yet certain nations have embraced online education more than others, leading the way both in terms of the number and variety of programs and new innovations to online learning itself. Here, highlighted some of the nations that are really stepping up the game when it comes to online education, though with the proliferation of high-speed internet connections and a growing need for highly educated people in technical positions around the world, other nations likely aren’t far behind.”
United States:

The US is the undisputed leader in online education in the world today, with hundreds of online colleges and thousands of online courses available to students. A 2011 study by the Sloan Consortium found that 6 million students in the US are taking at least one online course, nearly one third of all those enrolled in higher education. In fact, enrollments in online courses are outpacing those of higher education as a whole; with a 10% increase in online students between 2010 and 2011 compared to a just 2% rise overall. Of course, the US isn’t just the leader in terms of sheer numbers. It’s also been the model to follow in developing online delivery systems. Most prestigious universities in the US offer at least some courses online, and some have fully developed online degree programs, even at the master’s and doctoral levels. Even more influential are US open educational programs like those offered at MIT, which have been the international model to emulate.

India is playing a major role in the growth of online learning opportunities that are popping up throughout Asia. Over the past few decades, India has developed numerous world-class universities and colleges which are fast becoming destinations for some of Asia’s best and brightest, and their online programs are experiencing a similar boom. Part of the explosion of interest has stemmed from economic concerns, as many simply can’t afford to take two or more years off of work to attend a traditional college. Online schools help to solve that problem, and with programs expecting to bring in a whopping $1 billion in revenue by the end of the decade, it’s clear that distance learning has staying power in India. While home-based schools are doing well, including the popular IITs and private schools like Sikkm-Manipal University, American universities are also bringing online ed to India, offering courses at MIT, Carnegie Mellon, and Cornell to Indian students.

Currently, China is home to almost 70 different online colleges, a number that will likely grow in the coming years in order to meet the high demand for online learning opportunities. China has a long history of distance education, beginning in the 1960s with courses that were delivered via radio and television, but the nation is fast becoming a leader in online education as well. While problems with internet access in rural areas and a proliferation of diploma mills have slowed progress being made in China, several major online education companies are seeing rapid growth, due largely to the increased demand for highly trained members of the global workforce coming from China. The online learning industry is expected to grow by leaps and bounds over the next few years, and with steady growth since 2006, it’s looking to meet all expectations.
South Korea:

When it comes to advancements in e-learning in Asian nations, South Korea is leading the pack, spurred on by the nation’s strong and growing high-tech industry and widespread high-speed internet access. In recent years, a number of universities in South Korea have begun offering online courses, and the country currently has 17 online colleges, all of which boast state-of-the-art facilities and software. Yet there have been some roadblocks to the success of online education in South Korea, largely stemming from the stigma online education still holds in South Korean society, where face-to-face education is highly valued. That may not stand in the way of development in this nation’s online education programs, however, as it plans to use its resources to not only teach Korean students, but those in other countries around the world, offering more courses in English and promoting their ability to deliver what they’re calling “smart learning.” They’re also working to encourage more Korean students to enroll, pairing online courses with non-virtual activities on campus or in social settings. Time will tell whether or not the investment pays off for this tech-focused nation.

Malaysia may not be the first place that comes to mind when you think of online education, but the small Asian nation is forging ahead at full speed when it comes to opening up new opportunities for learning online. One of the nation’s biggest e-learning schools is Asia e University, based out of Kuala Lumpur. It has been a boon for people in underserved areas, many of which have abundant access to the internet but not universities or higher level degree programs. Asia e University doesn’t just reach Malaysians, however, offering education to 31 different Asian nations and partnering with an impressive number of schools to deliver blended and fully online programs, even developing an MBA program through the International Business School of Scandinavia in Denmark. While online education in Malaysia and Asia as a whole still has a long way to go, it’s clear that the country is going to be making waves in distance education for some time to come.
United Kingdom:

Online education in the U.K. has been around for quite some time, but it was only in 2011 that it started to see a real boost in interest. The government’s Online Learning Task Force recommended an investment of nearly $159 million dollars in online education in order to help the nation build its brand, develop better online educational resources, and become a major international player in the distance learning market. The funding recommendation is partly in response to increasing tuition costs in the U.K., much of which used to be covered by the government but now is turning many students away from higher education. The government hopes that more convenient and cheaper educational options will stem that trend. Currently, a few private, for-profit providers and the Open University are leading the charge in online education, but new funding could make public programs more successful and accessible to students.

Distance education has become an increasingly popular option for Australians who want to head back to school without putting careers on hold, growth that was driven up even more by the economic downturn in 2008 and 2009. Over the past five years, the online education market in Australia has grown by almost 20% and is expected to be worth an estimated $4.68 billion this year. Currently, the major players in the Australian market are Kaplan, Seek Learning, and Open Universities Australia, though many smaller schools are also bringing in a fair amount of students as well. Even more growth is projected in online programs based in Australia that teach students from Asia, with the international market expected to grow to millions of students during the next 10 years, which if it comes to fruition will make Australia one of the world’s leading providers of online education.
South Africa:

South Africa is one nation that has begun to capitalize on all the benefits that digital education can offer. They’ve developed nationwide online resources like EduNet and Thutong and offer online courses at both the high school and college levels through institutions all over the country. In the past few years, the online higher education sector in South Africa has seen steady growth, but the demand for highly qualified teachers, which the country sorely needs, may drive online programs in teacher training much faster than other sectors. Currently, online education is still in its infancy in South Africa, but the government has demonstrated a dedication to improving and expanding distance learning opportunities and programs like GetSmarter and UNISA Online are showing that these goals are viable in the current marketplace.

How are organizations around the world moving to online learning technologies? They are employing easy-to-use, software as a service (SaaS) solutions that are focused on keeping users engaged. The days of siloed online content have passed with the realization of the value of informal learning and social learning tools (see Social Learning Value Explained).

The award winning TOPYX Social LMS is right in the “thick of things” and as corporations and educational institutions continue to move into online education, TOPYX is there to assist with their initiatives by bringing a robust LMS wrapped in award-winning collaborative tools, which also supports many languages, quickly and cost effectively.

To learn more about TOPYX please review our website ( for lots of helpful information and when you’re ready request an LMS demo to learn more.

Jodi Harrison
Vice President, Business Development

Interactyx Limited
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Bibliotecas. Alerta

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Bibliotecas de Iurreta, Mota del Cuervo y San Javier, Premios a la ...
Madrid, 10 ene (EFE).- Las bibliotecas públicas de los municipios de Iurreta (Vizcaya), Mota del Cuervo (Cuenca) y San Javier (Murcia) han recibido ...
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Bibliotecas de Madrid amplían horario para alumnos que preparan ...
Los estudiantes universitarios de la Comunidad de Madrid que deban preparar sus exámenes de febrero dispondrán de doce bibliotecaspúblicas ...
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El Faro del Guadarrama

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Las bibliotecas de Colmenar Viejo comienzan el año animándonos ... SER Madrid Norte
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Crea y aprende con Laura

Cómo la lectura nos modela el cerebro

Cómo la lectura nos modela el cerebro

Jacqueline Howard, The Huffington Post

Para nadie es un secreto que la lectura es buena para el cerebro, pero hasta ahora no sabíamos exactamente qué es lo que ocurre en él cuando leemos una novela. «Las narraciones le dan forma a nuestra mente y, en algunos casos, definen a una persona», afirmó el Dr. Gregory S. Berns, director del Centro de Neuropolíticas de la Universidad de Emory, en Atlanta, Georgia. «Queremos saber cómo entran las narraciones al cerebro y que efecto ejercen luego sobre él», agregó.

Ahora podemos tener una idea un poco más clara al respecto, gracias a las investigaciones de Berns y su equipo, quienes trabajaron con imágenes de Resonancia Magnética Funcional (RMf) tomadas de los cerebros de 21 estudiantes de grado mientras estos descansaban. Luego se les pidió que leyeran capítulos de la novela de suspenso Pompeya, de Robert Harris, durante nueve noches. Los cerebros de los jóvenes fueron escaneados todas las mañanas posteriores a cada noche de lectura, y luego durante los cinco días posteriores a la finalización de la lectura del libro.

Los escaneos revelaron un inesperado aumento de la conectividad en los cerebros de los estudiantes en las cinco mañanas siguientes a la lectura y los investigadores observaron que los cambios persistieron durante cinco días después de haber terminado la obra. Las áreas de mayor conectividad fueron la corteza del lóbulo temporal izquierdo, un área asociada con la comprensión del lenguaje, y la circunvolución prerrolándica, en la parte posterior del lóbulo frontal, que se asocia a sensaciones y movimiento.

«La parte anterior del surco de Rolando contiene neuronas que controlan el movimiento de partes del cuerpo», le explicó Berns a The Huffington Post. «La parte posterior del surco contiene neuronas que reciben información sensorial de diversas partes del cuerpo. El incremento de la conectividad fue una sorpresa que implica que, tal vez, el acto de leer pone al lector mentalmente en el cuerpo del protagonista».

¿Cuánto tiempo duran estos cambios?. Berns respondió que eso no está tan claro, pero aventuró una primera conclusión: «Como mínimo, podemos decir que la lectura de narraciones —especialmente aquellas de historias más fuertes— reconfiguran las redes cerebrales al menos durante algunos días, lo que muestra la forma en que las narraciones permanecen con nosotros. Esto puede tener profundas implicaciones en el efecto de la lectura en los niños y la forma como les modela el cerebro», concluyó.

El artículo Berns et alii, en inglés, está en:

Envejecimiento y enfermedades crónicas por Petra Juffer, PhD

sábado, 11 de enero de 2014

Humanismo científico

La revista Anesthesia Analgesia January 2013 - Volume 116 - Issue 1

La revista Anesthesia Analgesia January 2013 - Volume 116 - Issue 1

se encuentra con acceso libre completo

Free articles on Anesthesia Analgesia January 2013 - Volume 116 - Issue 1

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Sleep duration and all-cause mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies

Sleep. 2010 May;33(5):585-92.

Sleep duration and all-cause mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies.

Cappuccio FP, D'Elia L, Strazzullo P, Miller MA.
Author information
Increasing evidence suggests an association between both short and long duration of habitual sleep with adverse health outcomes.
To assess whether the population longitudinal evidence supports the presence of a relationship between duration of sleep and all-cause mortality, to investigate both short and long sleep duration and to obtain an estimate of the risk.
We performed a systematic search of publications using MEDLINE (1966-2009), EMBASE (from 1980), the Cochrane Library, and manual searches without language restrictions. We included studies if they were prospective, had follow-up >3 years, had duration of sleep at baseline, and all-cause mortality prospectively. We extracted relative risks (RR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) and pooled them using a random effect model. We carried out sensitivity analyses and assessed heterogeneity and publication bias.
Overall, the 16 studies analyzed provided 27 independent cohort samples. They included 1,382,999 male and female participants (followup range 4 to 25 years), and 112,566 deaths. Sleep duration was assessed by questionnaire and outcome through death certification. In the pooled analysis, short duration of sleep was associated with a greater risk of death (RR: 1.12; 95% CI 1.06 to 1.18; P < 0.01) with no evidence of publication bias (P = 0.74) but heterogeneity between studies (P = 0.02). Long duration of sleep was also associated with a greater risk of death (1.30; [1.22 to 1.38]; P < 0.0001) with no evidence of publication bias (P = 0.18) but significant heterogeneity between studies (P < 0.0001).
Both short and long duration of sleep are significant predictors of death in prospective population studies.
PMID: 20469800 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] PMCID: PMC2864873 Free PMC Article

viernes, 10 de enero de 2014

Cirugía bariátrica/Bariatric surgery

Resultados a corto y mediano tiempo entre bypass gástrico en Y de Roux y manga gástrica laparoscópica para el tratamiento de obesidad mórbida

Short- and midterm results between laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy for the treatment of morbid obesity.
Albeladi B, Bourbao-Tournois C, Huten N.
J Obes. 2013;2013:934653. doi: 10.1155/2013/934653. Epub 2013 Sep 2.
BACKGROUND:Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (LRYGB) is one of the most widely used bariatric procedures today, and laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) as a single-stage procedure for the treatment of morbid obesity is becoming increasingly popular in Europe. The aim of this study was to compare short- and midterm results between LRYGB and LSG. METHODS: An observational retrospective study from a database of patients undergoing LRYGB and LSG between January 2008 and June 2011. Seventy patients (mean age 39 years) were included. Patients were followed at 6, 12, and 18 months. Operative time, length of stay, weight loss, comorbidity improvement or resolution, postoperative complications, reinterventions and mortality were evaluated. ... CONCLUSIONS: Both LRYGB and LSG are safe procedures that provide good results in weight loss and resolution of comorbidities at 18 months

Cirugía bariátrica versus manejo no quirúrgico para la obesidad: revisión sistemática y meta-análisis de estudios controlados randomizados

Bariatric surgery versus non-surgical treatment for obesity: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.
Gloy VL, Briel M, Bhatt DL, Kashyap SR, Schauer PR, Mingrone G, Bucher HC, Nordmann AJ.
BMJ. 2013 Oct 22;347:f5934. doi: 10.1136/bmj.f5934.
OBJECTIVE:To quantify the overall effects of bariatric surgery compared with non-surgical treatment for obesity. DESIGN:Systematic review and meta-analysis based on a random effects model. DATA SOURCES:Searches of Medline, Embase, and the Cochrane Library from their inception to December 2012 regardless of language or publication status.ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Eligible studies were randomised controlled trials with ≥ 6 months of follow-up that included individuals with a body mass index ≥ 30, compared current bariatric surgery techniques with non-surgical treatment, and reported on body weight, cardiovascular risk factors, quality of life, or adverse events. RESULTS:The meta-analysis included 11 studies with 796 individuals (range of mean body mass index at baseline 30-52). Individuals allocated tobariatric surgery lost more body weight (mean difference -26 kg (95% confidence interval -31 to -21)) compared with non-surgical treatment, had a higher remission rate of type 2 diabetes (relative risk 22.1 (3.2 to 154.3) in a complete case analysis; 5.3 (1.8 to 15.8) in a conservative analysis assuming diabetes remission in all non-surgically treated individuals with missing data) and metabolic syndrome (relative risk 2.4 (1.6 to 3.6) in complete case analysis; 1.5 (0.9 to 2.3) in conservative analysis), greater improvements in quality of life and reductions in medicine use (no pooled data). Plasma triglyceride concentrations decreased more (mean difference -0.7 mmol/L (-1.0 to -0.4) and high density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations increased more (mean difference 0.21 mmol/L (0.1 to 0.3)). Changes in blood pressure and total or low density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations were not significantly different. There were no cardiovascular events or deaths reported after bariatric surgery. The most common adverse events after bariatric surgery were iron deficiency anaemia (15% of individuals undergoing malabsorptive bariatric surgery) and reoperations (8%). CONCLUSIONS:Compared with non-surgical treatment of obesity, bariatric surgery leads to greater body weight loss and higher remission rates of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. However, results are limited to two years of follow-up and based on a small number of studies and individuals.

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Sobre la necesidad de fomentar la lectura crítica de la información médica - See more at:

jueves, 9 de enero de 2014

Sepsis y corazón/Sepsis and cardiac dysfunction

Inflamación y disfunción cardiaca durante la sepsis, distrofia muscular y miocarditis

Inflammation and cardiac dysfunction during sepsis, muscular dystrophy, and myocarditis.

Li Y, Ge S, Peng Y, Chen X.
Burn Trauma [serial online] 2013 [cited 2013 Dec 27];1:109-21.
Inflammation plays an important role in cardiac dysfunction under different situations. Acute systemic inflammation occurring in patients with severe burns, trauma, and inflammatory diseases causes cardiac dysfunction, which is one of the leading causes of mortality in these patients. Acute sepsis decreases cardiac contractility and impairs myocardial compliance. Chronic inflammation such as that occurring in Duchenne muscular dystropshy and myocarditis may cause adverse cardiac remodeling including myocyte hypertrophy and death, fibrosis, and altered myocyte function. However, the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms for inflammatory cardiomyopathy are still controversial probably due to multiple factors involved. Potential mechanisms include the change in circulating blood volume; a direct inhibition of myocyte contractility by cytokines (tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-a, interleukin (IL)-1b); abnormal nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species (ROS) signaling; mitochondrial dysfunction; abnormal excitation-contraction coupling; and reduced calcium sensitivity at the myofibrillar level and blunted b-adrenergic signaling. This review will summarize recent advances in diagnostic technology, mechanisms, and potential therapeutic strategies for inflammation-induced cardiac dysfunction.
Keywords: Burn, inflammation, sepsis, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, cardiac dysfunction, contractility

Monitoreo e identificación de la sepsis a través de una medida compuesta de la variabilidad del ritmo cardíaco

Monitoring and identification of sepsis development through a composite measure of heart rate variability.
Bravi A, Green G, Longtin A, Seely AJ.
PLoS One. 2012;7(9):e45666. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0045666. Epub 2012 Sep 19.
Tracking the physiological conditions of a patient developing infection is of utmost importance to provide optimal care at an early stage. This work presents a procedure to integrate multiple measures of heart rate variability into a unique measure for the tracking of sepsis development. An early warning system is used to illustrate its potential clinical value. The study involved 17 adults (age median 51 (interquartile range 46-62)) who experienced a period of neutropenia following chemoradiotherapy and bone marrow transplant; 14 developed sepsis, and 3 did not. A comprehensive panel (N = 92) of variability measures was calculated for 5 min-windows throughout the period of monitoring (12 ± 4 days). Variability measures underwent filtering and two steps of data reduction with the objective of enhancing the information related to the greatest degree of change. The proposed composite measure was capable of tracking the development of sepsis in 12 out of 14 patients. Simulating a real-time monitoring setting, the sum of the energy over the very low frequency range of the composite measure was used to classify the probability of developing sepsis. The composite revealed information about the onset of sepsis about 60 hours (median value) before of sepsis diagnosis. In a real monitoring setting this quicker detection time would be associated to increased efficacy in the treatment of sepsis, therefore highlighting the potential clinical utility of a composite measure of variability.

Cardiomiopatía inducida por sepsis
Sepsis-induced cardiomyopathy.
Romero-Bermejo FJ, Ruiz-Bailen M, Gil-Cebrian J, Huertos-Ranchal MJ.
Curr Cardiol Rev. 2011 Aug;7(3):163-83.
Myocardial dysfunction is one of the main predictors of poor outcome in septic patients, with mortality rates next to 70%. During the sepsis-induced myocardial dysfunction, both ventricles can dilate and diminish its ejection fraction, having less response to fluid resuscitation and catecholamines, but typically is assumed to be reversible within 7-10 days. In the last 30 years, It's being subject of substantial research; however no explanation of its etiopathogenesis or effective treatment have been proved yet. The aim of this manuscript is to review on the most relevant aspects of the sepsis-induced myocardial dysfunction, discuss its clinical presentation, pathophysiology, etiopathogenesis, diagnostic tools and therapeutic strategies proposed in recent years.

Sepsis y riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular
Dr. Pedro Villarroel González-Eliper. Pedro Villarroel González-Elipe
Médico especialista en Medicina Interna. Coordinador del Servicio de Urgencias del Hospital Clínico San Carlos, Madrid.
Profesor asociado de Medicina de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Introducción a la sepsis y el riesgo cardiovascular
Diferentes microbios pueden invadir el torrente circulatorio y afectar a distintos órganos, entre otros el corazón, a través de una serie de eventos tóxicos, debidos a la liberación de productos del microorganismo y del propio huésped, que interaccionan y pueden dañar la funcionalidad
del músculo cardíaco, lo que sucede en el caso de algunas situaciones tratadas en este capítulo, y que son conocidas como sepsis.

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Bibliotecas. Alerta

La biblioteca de la Diputación reúne cerca de 15.000 volúmenes El Adelantado de Segovia
La biblioteca, que el periodista Benigno Santiño calificó de “íntima como cámara de humanista”, tiene sus orígenes en 1888, cuando los herederos ...
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Noticias Castilla y León

CHILE: Biblioteca futurista de Texas, sin un solo libro EntornoInteligente
la tercera / Texas ofreció lo que a su juicio será la biblioteca pública del futuro , algo que se parece mucho a una tienda de productos Apple: filas de ...
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Abren biblioteca futurista, sin un solo libro Uniradio Noticias
Texas ofreció lo que a su juicio será la biblioteca pública del futuro, algo que se parece mucho a una tienda de productos Apple: filas de iMacs ...
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Radicales queman biblioteca de sacerdote griego ortodoxo en el ... Radio Programas del Perú
Desconocidos prendieron fuego a la biblioteca de un sacerdote griego ortodoxo en la ciudad de Trípoli, en el norte del Líbano, después de que ...
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La biblioteca municipal crea tres nuevos clubes de lectura El Periódico Extremadura
Sala infantil de la biblioteca municipal de Villanueva de la Serena. </b> Sala infantil de la biblioteca municipal de Villanueva de la Serena. Foto:R.
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Beirut, 4 de enero (Télam).- Desconocidos incendiaron la biblioteca de un sacerdote griego ortodoxo en la ciudad de Trípoli, 85 kilómetros al norte de ...
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El Concello larachés abrirá una biblioteca en Paiosaco La Voz de Galicia
El Concello de A Laracha abrirá el viernes una biblioteca municipal de Paiosaco. La instalación tiene una superficie de 100 metros cuadrados y ...
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Inauguran en Texas biblioteca que no tiene un solo libro Diario Metro de Puerto Rico
SAN ANTONIO, Texas, EE.UU. — Texas ofreció lo que a su juicio será la biblioteca pública del futuro, algo que se parece mucho a una tienda de ...
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Diario Metro de Puerto Rico

Las bibliotecas de Vilagarcía ofrecen consulta y préstamo de libros ... La Voz de Galicia
Las bibliotecas han dejado de ser reductos cerrados gracias a las nuevas tecnologías y en Vilagarcía siguen dando pasos en este sentido.
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PSOE critica que el alcalde "mantiene sin catalogar" los fondos ...
El PSOE ha señalado que la atención a la biblioteca municipal "ha decrecido en los dos años que lleva el gobierno actual, un declive progresivo que ...
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Crespo: Taller de Escritura Creativa en Biblioteca Popular Stefania
El Observador del Litoral, desde Crespo, periodico de la provincia de Entre Rios.
El Observador del Litoral

Biblioteca Libre, desde el 11 de enero | Diario El Litoral | Corrientes
Con el objetivo de incentivar y compartir lectura, la Comuna capitalina acompañará la propuesta denominada “Biblioteca Libre”, que se implementará ...
Diario El Litoral

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Sé que pueden quemar libros, arrasar bibliotecas, prohibir lenguas, desterrar creencias, borrar pasados, dibujar presentes, ordenar futuros, torturar y ...
Bitácora de un bibliotecario

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Obesidad en el anciano/Obesity in the elderly

Malnutrición en el anciano. Parte II: obesidad, la nueva pandemia

Tania García Zenón, José Antonio Villalobos Silva
Med Int Mex 2012;28(2):154-161
En las últimas décadas se ha incrementado el número de casos de obesidad en todas las edades, incluidos los ancianos. Además de su conocida asociación con: enfermedad cardiovascular, diabetes, hipertensión, dislipidemia, y diversos cánceres, la obesidad también se relaciona con incremento del riesgo de discapacidad física y cognitiva. La edad, por sí misma, no debe contraindicar el tratamiento de la obesidad, siempre y cuando se asegure que cualquier programa de reducción de peso debe minimizar la posibilidad de efectos adversos en la masa muscular, densidad ósea y otros aspecto

Obesidad en el anciano: Más complicado de lo que Usted cree

Obesity in the elderly:More complicated than you think
The number of obese older adults is on the rise, although we lack a proper definition of obesity in this age group. The ambiguity is primarily related to sarcopenia, the progressive loss of muscle and gain in fat that come with aging. Whether to treat and how to treat obesity in the elderly is controversial because of a paucity of established guidelines, but also because of the obesity paradox-ie, the apparently protective effect of obesity in this age group.

La obesidad visceral no es un factor de riesgo independiente de mortalidad en sujetos mayores de 65 años
Visceral obesity is not an independent risk factor of mortality in subjects over 65 years.
Thomas F, Pannier B, Benetos A, Vischer UM.
Author information
Vasc Health Risk Manag. 2013;9:739-45. doi: 10.2147/VHRM.S49922. Epub 2013 Nov 22.
The aim of the study was to determine the role of obesity evaluated by body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), and their combined effect on all-cause mortality according to age and related risk factors. This study included 119,090 subjects (79,325 men and 39,765 women), aged from 17 years to 85 years, who had a general health checkup at the Centre d'Investigations Préventives et Cliniques, Paris, France. The mean follow-up was 5.6±2.4 years. The prevalence of obesity, defined by WC and BMI categories, was determined according to age groups (<55, 55-65, >65 years). All-cause mortality according to obesity and age was determined using Cox regression analysis, adjusted for related risk factors and previous cardiovascular events. For the entire population, WC adjusted for BMI, an index of central obesity, was strongly associated with mortality, even after adjustment for hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes. The prevalence of obesity increased with age, notably when defined by WC. Nonetheless, the association between WC adjusted for BMI and mortality was not observed in subjects>65 years old (hazard ratio [HR]=1.010, P=NS) but was found in subjects<55 (HR=1.030, P<0.0001) and 55-65 years old (HR=1.023, P<0.05). By contrast, hypertension (HR=1.31, P<0.05), previous cardiovascular events (HR=1.98, P<0.05), and smoking (HR=1.33, P<0.05) remained associated with mortality even after age 65. In conclusion, WC adjusted for BMI is strongly and independently associated with all-cause mortality before 65 years of age, after taking into account the associated risk factors. This relationship disappears in subjects>65 years of age, suggesting a differential impact of visceral fat deposition according to age.
KEYWORDS: abdominal, aging, body mass index, hypertension, smoking

Asociación de IMC con la causa específica de muerte en ancianos chinos hipertensos

Association of body mass index with cause specific deaths in Chinese elderly hypertensive patients: Minhang community study.
Wang Y, Wang Y, Qain Y, Zhang J, Tang X, Sun J, Zhu D.
PLoS One. 2013 Aug 13;8(8):e71223. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0071223. eCollection 2013.
BACKGROUND: Most studies have suggested that elevated body mass index (BMI) was associated with the risk of death from all cause and from specific causes. However, there was little evidence illustrating the effect of BMI on the mortality in elderly hypertensive patients in Chinese population. METHODS: The information of 10,957 hypertensive patients at baseline not less than 60 years were from Xinzhuang, a town in Minhang district of Shanghai, was extracted from the Electronic Health Record (EHR) system. All study participants were divided into eight categories of baseline BMI (with cut-points at 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28 and 30 kg/m(2)). Relative hazard ratio of death from all cause, cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular cause by baseline BMI groups were calculated, standardized for sex, age, smoking, drinking, physical activity, systolic blood pressure, history of cardiovascular disorders, serum lipid disturbance, diabetes mellitus and antihypertensive drug treatment. RESULTS: DURING FOLLOW UP (MEDIAN: 3.7 years), 561 deaths occurred. Underweight (BMI<18 kg/m(2)) was associated with significantly increased mortality from all cause mortality (OR: 2.00; 95% CI: 1.43-2.79) and non cardiovascular mortality (OR: 2.76; 95% CI: 1.87-4.07), but not with cardiovascular mortality. For the cause specific analysis, the underweight was associated significantly with neoplasms (OR: 2.15; 95% CI: 1.16-4.00) and respiratory disorders (OR: 3.41; 95% CI: 1.64-7.06). The results for total mortality and specific cause mortality were not influenced by sex, age and smoking status. CONCLUSION: Our study revealed an association between underweight and increased mortality from non-cardiovascular disorders in elderlyhypertensive patients in Chinese community. Overweight and obesity were not associated with all cause or cause specific death.

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Comprendiendo a fondo la celulitis (parte I): Causas

Comprendiendo a fondo la celulitis (parte I): Causas.

Publicado por: Mario Muñoz 7 enero, 2014 en Belleza Deja un comentario

La celulitis es una afección particularmente femenina, aunque también puede darse en hombres. Se sitúa a nivel de la capa profunda de la piel, que se produce a raíz de un desequilibrio entre la acumulación (lipogénesis) y eliminación (lipólisis) de grasa.

La causa de la celulitis no puede atribuirse a un único factor, sino que influyen:
Factores genéticos: Antecedentes familiares pueden indicar probabilidad de desarrollarla.
Factores enzimáticos: Alteración en el sistema enzimático de las grasas.
Factores endocrinos: Dada la importancia de las hormonas en la vida de la mujer, así como el mayor cúmulo de grasa para la función reproductiva, la progesterona y los estrógenos provocan cambios hormonales muy significativos. En hombres con tendencia a acumular grasa (endomorfos), aumentan los niveles de aromatasa, una enzima que convierte la testosterona en estrógenos, la hormona sexual femenina más importante. Los estrógenos extra disminuyen la producción de testosterona.Y, mientras menos produzcas, más grasa corporal tendrás, sin mencionar el incremento en la cantidad de estrógenos. Es un círculo vicioso que podría hacer desarrollar celulitis en hombres.

Factores vasculares: Alteraciones en el sistema circulatorio como pueda ser la arteriosclerosis predispone a la celulitis, que está íntimamente relacionada con la microcirculación.
Factores psicosomáticos: El estrés, nerviosismo o tensión excesiva se relacionan con el resto de factores mencionados.
Factores alimentarios: Más que la cantidad de comida, importa la calidad de la misma. Una dieta deficiente de alimentos saludables, naturales y equilibrados, a favor de alimentos procesados, alcohol y con grasas trans, aumenta la formación celulítica.
¿Por qué en mujeres?

La celulitis es afectada por la grasa y la disposición de las fibras de colágeno.Estos dos factores son diferentes en los hombres y las mujeres, e incluso en distintas partes de un mismo cuerpo femenino.

Las mujeres tienden a tener una distribución vertical de las fibras de colágeno, especialmente en la parte inferior del cuerpo. Estas fibras, forman una especie de bolsa en la que los lipocitos crecen. Los hombres, por otro lado, tienen esta disposición en forma cruzada o de red, lo que enmascara más el aspecto visual.

A medida que las células grasas crecen en tamaño, se van apretando contra las fibras de colágeno, creando el arrugamiento característico y la formación de hoyuelos de la celulitis. Es como si tensamos dos cuerdas paralelas muy juntas e intentamos meter canicas entre ellas.

¿Por qué en las caderas y miembro inferior?

Las mujeres tienen 9 veces más receptores α-adrenérgicos que β-adrenérgicos en la parte inferior del cuerpo. Estos receptores se encargan de:
Receptores α: La vasoconstricción general, de la disminución de la motilidad del músculo liso y de la activación de la lipogénesis.
Receptores β: Directamente relacionados con las “hormonas quema-grasa”, las catecolaminas (adrenalina y noradrenalina).

En la parte superior del cuerpo, este ratio (α-adrenérgicos : β-adrenérgicos) es menor, por ello cuando las mujeres pierden peso, suelen perder peso más rápido de la parte superior del cuerpo que de la parte inferior.

En la parte II del post trataremos cómo intentar eliminarla, especialmente a partir del ejercicio, alimentación y unos hábitos de vida saludables.
Blum CL, Menzinger S, Genné D. (2013) Cellulitis: clinical manifestations and management. Rev Med Suisse.. 9(401):1812-5.
Rasmussen SG et al. (2007). Crystal structure of the human β2-adrenergic G-protein-coupled receptor. Nature 450 (7168): pp. 383–7.
Ursula Tropper, Cesar Sanchez, Diego Ferrari Tropper (2007) Todo Sobre Celulitis: Como Prevenirla, Como Curarla. Buenos Aires, Editorial Kier,

México, un país con muchos obesos pero pocos nutriólogos

México, un país con muchos obesos pero pocos nutriólogos

De acuerdo con Inegi, en el país existe un promedio de 2,4 especialistas en nutrición por cada mil habitantes, un número bajo para la dimensión de la epidemia, advierten especialistas

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