sábado, 18 de junio de 2011

En este día...


On This Day: June 18

On June 18, 1948, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights adopted its International Declaration of Human Rights.
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On June 18, 1884, Edouard Daladier, the French politician who was a signer of the Munich Pact of 1938, was born. Following his death on Oct. 10, 1970, his obituary appeared in The Times.

On This Date

1812The United States declared war against Britain.
1815British and Prussian troops defeated the French under Napoleon Bonaparte at Waterloo in Belgium.
1873Suffragist Susan B. Anthony was fined $100 for attempting to vote in the 1872 presidential election.
1928Aviator Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean as she completed a flight from Newfoundland to Wales in about 21 hours.
1948The United Nations Commission on Human Rights adopted the International Declaration of Human Rights.
1948Columbia Records unveiled its new long-playing, 33 1/3 rpm phonograph record.
1979President Jimmy Carter and Soviet President Leonid I. Brezhnev signed the SALT II strategic arms limitation treaty in Vienna.
1983Astronaut Sally K. Ride became America's first woman in space as she and four colleagues blasted off aboard the space shuttle Challenger.
2002A Palestinian detonated a nail-studded bomb in a Jerusalem bus, killing 19 passengers and himself.
2004European Union leaders agreed on the first constitution for the bloc's 25 members.
2006Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori was elected the first female presiding bishop for the Episcopal Church, the U.S. arm of the global Anglican Communion.

Current Birthdays

Paul McCartney, Rock musician
Rock musician Paul McCartney turns 69 years old today.
AP Photo/Henny Ray Abrams
Mike Johanns, U.S. senator, R-Neb.
Sen. Mike Johanns, R-Neb., turns 61 years old today.
AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin
1926Tom Wicker, Journalist, turns 85
1937Jay Rockefeller, U.S. senator, D-W.Va., turns 74
1939Lou Brock, Baseball Hall of Famer, turns 72
1942Roger Ebert, Movie critic, turns 69
1952Carol Kane, Actress, turns 59
1952Isabella Rossellini, Actress, turns 59
1961Alison Moyet, Rock singer, turns 50
1963Bruce Smith, Football Hall of Famer, turns 48
1976Alana de la Garza, Actress ("Law and Order"), turns 35
1980Antonio Gates, Football player, turns 31

Historic Birthdays

80Bartolommeo Ammannati 6/18/1511 - 4/22/1592
Italian sculptor and architect
55Feofan Prokopovich 6/18/1681 - 9/19/1736
Russian Orthodox archbishop; important ally of Peter the Great
81William Lassell 6/18/1799 - 10/5/1880
English astronomer
71Edward Wyllis Scripps 6/18/1854 - 3/12/1926
American newspaper publisher
72Henry Clay Folger 6/18/1857 - 6/11/1930
American industrialist and philanthropist
69Nicolae Iorga 6/18/1871 - 11/28/1940
Romanian scholar, statesman and historian
82James Montgomery Flagg 6/18/1877 - 5/27/1960
American illustrator and poster artist
53Philip Barry 6/18/1896 - 12/3/1949
American dramatist
17Anastasia 6/18/1901 - 7/17/1918
Russian daughter of Tsar Nicholas II



Posted: 17 Jun 2011 05:02 PM PDT
5 consejos para prevenir y combatir el dolor de cabeza Si bien los analgésicos muchas veces son efectivos para aliviar dolores de cabeza, lo óptimo es cambiar el estilo de vida para así evitar que el malestar reaparezca.[ Sigue estos 5 hábitos saludables y notarás como disminuyen tus cefaleas. (Vía Yahoo.com) 1. Ojo con lo que comes Existen algunos alimentos que desencadenan dolores
Posted: 17 Jun 2011 05:02 PM PDT
El ácido ursólico, una sustancia presente en la piel de las manzanas, reduce el desgaste muscular y promueve el crecimiento de los músculos, según revela un estudio publicado en la revista Cell Metabolism. Al administrar ácido ursólico a ratones de laboratorio, el endocrinólogo Christopher Adams y sus colegas de la Universidad de Iowa (EE UU) comprobaron que aumentó el tamaño y la
Posted: 17 Jun 2011 05:02 PM PDT
La hemofilia clásica es un trastorno hereditario en el que las hemorragias se deben a deficiencia del factor VIII de coagulación (VIII:C). En casi todos los casos, la proteína coagulante factor VIII está disminuida cuantitativamente, pero en un número pequeño de enfermos hay proteínas coagulantes en la inmunovaloración, aunque es defectuosa. ¿Qué lo provoca o como se contrae? Es un
Posted: 17 Jun 2011 05:02 PM PDT
5 comidas Causantes de Cáncer, y algunos hábitos interesante Las 5 Peores Comidas Causantes de Cáncer: Salchichas Porque son altos en nitratos de sodio. La "Cancer Prevention Coalition" advierte que los niños no deben comer más de 12 salchichas al mes. Si no puedes vivir sin las salchichas compra de las que son hechas SIN nitrato de sodio. Carnes procesadas y tocino También contiene
Posted: 17 Jun 2011 05:02 PM PDT
Ministerio de Salud de Neuquén Recomendaciones para la población población cenizas volcán Puyehue Ante el alerta, del pasado sábado 04 de junio, por la erupción del complejo volcánico Puyehue - Cordón Caulle en Chile, la dirección de Epidemiología de la subsecretaría de Salud de la provincia del Neuquén, difunde diversas recomendaciones para tener en cuenta ante la presencia de ceniza
Posted: 17 Jun 2011 09:01 AM PDT
   Una dieta con alto contenido de aceite de oliva puede proteger a las personas mayores de 65 años de los infartos cerebrales, que son la tercera causa de muerte en Estados Unidos después de las enfermedades cardiacas y el cáncer, según un estudio que publica hoy la revista Journal of Neurology. El infarto cerebral ocurre cuando una arteria en el cerebro o que lleva sangre al
Posted: 17 Jun 2011 08:57 AM PDT
La parálisis cerebral es un trastorno permanente y no progresivo que afecta a la psicomotricidad del paciente y limita la actividad de la persona, y se atribuye a problemas en el desarrollo cerebral del feto o del niño. La enfermedad no tiene cura conocida Un equipo de investigadores que trazaron la secuencia genética en dos hermanos mellizos afectados por la parálisis cerebral
Posted: 17 Jun 2011 08:57 AM PDT
El más simple y abundante de los organismos de la tierra, la vida no hubiera existido sin ellas. En un gramo de tierra hay alrededor de 40 millones de bacterias. Las bacterias las asociamos como causa de enfermedades pero hay más bacterias inocuas o beneficiosas para el ser humano que las patógenas. Sus usos en la industria farmacéutica o alimenticia son de gran importancia para el



John Cullum, 81, pictured in Central Park, is appearing in two Shakespeare in the Park productions this summer,

A Lifetime of Roles, Sometimes Two at a Time

The character actor John Cullum, at 81, shows no signs of slowing down: he's playing in two Shakespeare in the Park productions this summer.
Cyndia Sieden this year in New York City Opera's production of

How People's Opera Orchestrated Its Peril

New York City Opera has seen its fortunes wane as financial carelessness sapped many of its resources and forced it to leave Lincoln Center.
Jogger case protesters in Manhattan on Dec. 5, 2002.

'The Central Park Five'

This is the first sustained treatment of the Central Park jogger case since the defendants' convictions were vacated.

Estado actual de manejo del dolor por cáncer

Estado actual de manejo del dolor por cáncer
Cancer pain management-current status
Thapa D, Rastogi V, Ahuja V.
J Anaesth Clin Pharmacol 2011;27:162-8
Cancer pain is still one of the most feared entities in cancer and about 75% of these patients require treatment with opioids for severe pain. The cancer pain relief is difficult to manage in patients with episodic or incidental pain, neuropathic pain, substance abuse and with impaired cognitive or communication skills. This non-systematic review article aims to discuss reasons for under treatment, tools of pain assessment, cancer pain and anxiety and possibly carve new approaches for cancer pain management in future. The current status of World Health Organization analgesic ladder has also been reviewed. A thorough literature search was carried out from 1998 to 2010 for current status in cancer pain management in MEDLINE, WHO guidelines and published literature and relevant articles have been included.
Keywords: Cancer pain, neuro-ablative procedures, opioids.

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor



Posted: 16 Jun 2011 06:39 PM PDT
El ministro de Salud de la Nación Dr. Manzur y su par de Educación, Alberto Sileoni, formalizaron la firma de un acuerdo mediante el cual se incluirá en los contenidos de la currícula escolar la temática de la donación altruista y habitual de sangre. Manzur, expresó su deseo de conseguir que la Argentina cuente con un millón de donantes voluntarios y habituales para disponer de la sangre
Posted: 16 Jun 2011 06:38 PM PDT
El líquido sinovial está presente en nuestras articulaciones como la rodilla, el codo o la cadera. De aspecto semejante a la clara de huevo es una mezcal de plasma y ácido hialurónico. ¿Para qué sirve? *El líquido sinovial lubrica y reduce la fricción entre las articulaciones, los cartílagos y otros tejidos durante el movimiento o en el caso de soportar peso; además aporta un un

Epistemology and the End of the World

June 16, 2011, 9:07 PM

The Stone
The Stone is a forum for contemporary philosophers on issues both timely and timeless.

In the coming weeks, The Stone will feature occasional posts by Gary Gutting, a professor of philosophy at the University of Notre Dame, that apply critical thinking to information and events that have appeared in the news.
Apart from its entertainment value, Harold Camping’s ill-advised prediction of the rapture last month attracted me as a philosopher for its epistemological interest.  Epistemology is the study of knowledge, its nature, scope and limits.  Camping claimed to know, with certainty and precision, that on May 21, 2011, a series of huge earthquakes would devastate the Earth and be followed by the taking up (rapture) of the saved into heaven.  No sensible person could have thought that he knew this. Knowledge requires justification; that is, some rationally persuasive account of why we know what we claim to know.  Camping’s confused efforts at Biblical interpretation provided no justification for his prediction.  Even if, by some astonishing fluke, he had turned out to be right, he still would not have known the rapture was coming.
The recent failed prediction of the rapture has done nothing to shake the certainty of believers.
Of particular epistemological interest was the rush of Christians who believe that the rapture will occur but specify no date for it to dissociate themselves from Camping.  Quoting Jesus’s saying that “of that day and hour no one knows,” they rightly saw their view as unrefuted by Camping’s failed prediction.  What they did not notice is that the reasons for rejecting Camping’s prediction also call into question their claim that the rapture will occur at some unspecified future time.
What was most disturbing about Camping was his claim to be certainthat the rapture would occur on May 21.  Perhaps he had a subjective feeling of certainty about his prediction, but he had no good reasons to think that this feeling was reliable.  Similarly, you may feel certain that you will get the job, but this does not make it (objectively) certain that you will.  For that you need reasons that justify your feeling.
There are many Christians who are as subjectively certain as Camping about the rapture, except that they do not specify a date.  They have a feeling of total confidence that the rapture will someday occur.   But do they, unlike Camping, have good reasons behind their feeling of certainty?  Does the fact that they leave the date of the rapture unspecified somehow give them the good reason for their certainty that Camping lacked?
An entirely unspecified date has the advantage of making their prediction immune to refutation.  The fact that the rapture hasn’t occurred will never prove that it won’t occur in the future. A sense that they will never be refuted may well increase the subjective certainty of those who believe in the rapture, but this does nothing to provide the good reasons needed for objective certainty. Camping, after the fact, himself moved toward making his prediction unrefutable, saying that May 21 had been an “invisible judgment day,” a spiritual rather than a physical rapture. He kept to his prediction of a final, physical end of the world on October 21, 2011, but no doubt this prediction will also be open to reinterpretation.
Believers in the rapture will likely respond that talk of good reasons and objective certainty assumes a context of empirical (scientific) truth, and ignores the fact that their beliefs are based not on science but on faith.  They are certain in their belief that the rapture will occur, even though they don’t know it in the scientific sense.
But Camping too would claim that his certainty that the rapture would occur on May 21, 2011, was a matter of faith.  He had no scientific justification for his prediction, so what could have grounded his certainty if not his faith?  But the certainty of his faith, we all agree, was merely subjective.  Objective certainty about a future event requires good reasons.
Given their faith in the Bible, believers in the rapture do offer what they see as good reasons for their view as opposed to Camping’s.  They argue that the Bible clearly predicts a temporally unspecified rapture, whereas Camping’s specific date requires highly questionable numerological reasoning.  But many Christians—including many of the best Biblical scholars—do not believe that the Bible predicts a historical rapture.  Even those who accept the traditional doctrine of a Second Coming of Christ, preceding the end of the world, often reject the idea of a taking up of the saved into heaven, followed by a period of dreadful tribulations on Earth for those who are left behind.  Among believers themselves, a historical rapture is at best a highly controversial interpretation, not an objectively established certainty.
The case against Camping was this: His subjective certainty about the rapture required objectively good reasons to expect its occurrence; he provided no such reasons, so his claim was not worthy of belief.   Christians who believe in a temporally unspecified rapture agree with this argument.  But the same argument undermines their own belief in the rapture.  It’s not just that “no one knows the day and hour” of the rapture.  No one knows that it is going to happen at all.

IntraMed News

Arteriografía coronaria
Empleo de bicarbonato de sodio para prevenir la nefropatía por sustancias de contraste 
La nefropatía inducida por medios de contraste se asocia con aumento de las tasas de morbimortalidad. La administración de bicarbonato de sodio más cloruro de sodio antes y después de la arteriografía coronaria disminuyó la incidencia de nefropatía.

Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo
Efecto del tratamiento con bloqueantes ß en pacientes con EPOC 
Los bloqueantes ß pueden reducir la mortalidad, las exacerbaciones y las hospitalizaciones de los pacientes con EPOC, además de agregar beneficios atribuibles a la disminución del riesgo cardiovascular.

Resumen práctico (Dr. Leandro Seoane)
¿Qué cambió en las recomendaciones sobre Paro Cardio-Respiratorio? 
Síntesis del documento: "Aspectos destacados de las guías de la American Heart Association de 2010 para reanimación cardiopulmonar (RCP) y atención cardiovascular de emergencia (ACE)".

Eficacia de la memantina en el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Alzheimer y otras demencias 
La memantina es un antagonista con afinidad moderada del receptor de NMDA, que se ha estudiado en el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Alzheimer y otras formas de demencia con resultados muy favorables, sobre todo en combinación con inhibidores de la colinesterasa.

Hiperinsulinismo congénito 
Una enfermedad rara que afecta a recién nacidos provocando severas hipoglucemias que pueden conducir a daños neurológicos irreversibles, entre otras consecuencias.

Una patología aún subdiagnosticada
Actualización sobre anafilaxia 
La anafilaxia es una reacción alérgica grave, que puede ser mortal y debe ser diagnosticada y tratada inmediatamente. La incidencia de anafilaxia de rebote es de hasta el 20%.

Opciones terapéuticas para el restablecimiento del patrón del sueño en mujeres 
El insomnio en las mujeres es mas prevalente que en los hombres, hecho que se relaciona con circunstancias como el embarazo, los hijos y la menopausia.

Detalle de configuraciones
¿Problemas para chequear su correo @intramed a través del POP3? 
Si usted utiliza Microsof Outlook (cualquiera de sus versiones), Outlook Express, Mozilla Thunderbird, Windows Live Mail, Windows Mail, IncrediMail o cualquier otro programa de correo electrónico para chequear su cuenta @intramed.net, deberá realizar un cambio en la configuración de su programa.

Influencia de la presión sistólica en la mortalidad
Ancianos con enfermedad renal crónica 
En los ancianos con enfermedad renal crónica, la presión arterial sistólica ≤130 mm Hg puede predecir una mala evolución en términos de mortalidad y hospitalizaciones de causa cardiovascular.

¿Necesita publicar sus investigaciones?
Convocatoria a enviar trabajos de investigación clínica 
IntraMed tiene el orgullo de presentar su nuevo emprendimiento editorial: "IntraMed Journal". Una publicación científica periódica con revisión por pares. Lo invitamos a enviar su paper para ingresar en el circuito de revisión.