lunes, 9 de mayo de 2011

The E-learning Daily Lunes, May. 09, 2011

Mobile Learning seemed to be the flavor of the past month at our blogging stable. I wrote about the key points to be remembered while deciding the target device for mobile learning, while we had a ...

FAQs about the award, published on 26 April 2011.Are you or do you know someone or a team who is outstanding in using technology to support learning? If so why not enter (or encourage them to enter...

By Graham Brown-Martin Free is the new business model and we like free don’t we?Free search, free information, free social media, free apps, free newspapers - the list is almost endless as business...

Date & time Tuesday, May 10, 2011 - 09:00 US/PacificTuesday, May 10, 2011 - 12:00 US/EasternTuesday, May 10, 2011 - 16:00 UTCTuesday, May 10, 2011 - 18:00 Europe/AmsterdamTuesday, May 10, 2011 - 21...
Cultura y Espectáculos

By Graham Brown-Martin What are 21st century skills?The question hangs in the air where responses are invariably peppered with buzzwords such as “collaboration”, “creativity”, “technology”, “agilit...

tweetmeme_url = ''; tweetmeme_source = 'coolcatteacher'; Licensed for use from iStockPhotoQR Codes (Quick Re...

10:29 AM Tuesday November 23, 2010 by John Hagel III and John Seely Brown  | Comments (View) Mindset is everything. If that statement seems too strong, consider that we bring these basic assumption...

I get a lot of questions on how to link to a specific slide in another external course.  Today I’ll show you how that can be accomplished.Scenario: Suppose we have a bunch individually published Ca...

Peter Drucker liked to call himself a “social ecologist,” so perhaps he’d have been intrigued by the research now being conducted into a flock of angry birds. Actually, what IT analyst Daniel Rasmu...

Yesterday I came across a tweet which provided a link to a discussion on “Massively Open Online Courses – the Death of Universities?“. Image from Wikipedia The title of the discussion reminded me t...

In the latest installment of The Fine Brothers’ Kids React To Viral Videos, a group of 6 to 14-year old kids react to the death of Osama bin Laden. ‘Kids React To Osama bin Laden’s Death’ is a depa...
Cultura y Espectáculos

By jxpaton Folks, There has been a lot of news lately resulting from various news organizations posting rules governing their employees’ use of social media.  Some of you have asked what are JRC’s ...

Je bent hier: Home Waar: hotel Arena, Amsterdam (alle zalen, tuin en restaurant)Wanneer: zondag 15 mei van 14.00 tot 24.00 uurWat: Heel veel muziek: Alain Clark, Charlie Dee, The Scene, Lange Frans...
Cultura y Espectáculos

by Tom Vander ArkMay 8, 2011To achieve all that is possible we must attempt the impossible.   Parenting is a constant question of when to push and when to support.   We have all seen parents that s...

By Charlene KingstonPublished May 9, 2011 Does your business rely on local customers? Are you looking for ways to make your business more visible in your neighborhood? You know that the Internet pu...

Most rookie Instructional Designers have a misconception that Instructional Design is quite academic in nature. I was a part of the vast majority up until a few months ago. Over time, I realized th...

The PCC is assessing whether journalists’ and newspaper Twitter feeds just should come under its remit and be considered as part of the newspaper’s editorial content.The move would significantly in...

by Tom Vander ArkMay 7, 2011AdvancePath is a dropout prevention/recovery network.  Students are mostly 17-18 years old and are 1.5-2.5 years behind (often called over-aged, under-credited) and way ...

« More than 1,000 people attending Fashion140 on May 4th |MainMay 09, 2011Ending My Radio SilenceWhile I discovered ham radio growing up, it is has been a long while since I turned on my ham radio ...

6 May 2011 Last updated at 05:26 ET A prototype flexible smartphone made of electronic paper has been created by Canadian researchers. The PaperPhone can do all the things bulkier smartphones can d...

EKG Fibrilacion Auricular

Riesgo y manejo de la crisis en la hemorragia intraoperatoria: factores humanos en los eventos hemorrágicos críticos

Riesgo y manejo de la crisis en la hemorragia intraoperatoria: factores humanos en los eventos hemorrágicos críticos
Risk and crisis management in intraoperative hemorrhage: Human factors in hemorrhagic critical events
Kazuo Irita
Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Kyushu University Hospital, Fukuoka, Japan.
Korean J Anesthesiol. 2011 Mar;60(3):151-160.  doi: 10.4097/kjae.2011.60.3.151.

Hemorrhage is the major cause of cardiac arrest developing in the operating room. Many human factors including surgical procedures, transfusion practices, blood supply, and anesthetic management are involved in the process that leads to hemorrhage developing into a critical situation. It is desirable for hospital transfusion committees to prepare hospital regulations on 'actions to be taken to manage critical hemorrhage', and practice the implementation of these regulations by simulated drills. If intraoperative hemorrhage seems to be critical, a state of emergency should immediately be declared to the operating room staff, the blood transfusion service staff, and blood bank staff in order to organize a systematic approach to the ongoing problem and keep all responsible staff working outside the operating room informed of events developing in the operating room. To rapidly deal with critical hemorrhage, not only cooperation between anesthesiologists and surgeons but also linkage of operating rooms with blood transfusion services and a blood bank are important. When time is short, cross-matching tests are omitted, and ABO-identical red blood cells are used. When supplies of ABO-identical red blood cells are not available, ABO-compatible, non-identical red blood cells are used. Because a systematic, not individual, approach is required to prevent and manage critical hemorrhage, whether a hospital can establish a procedure to deal with it or not depends on the overall capability of critical and crisis management of the hospital.

Keywords: Crisis management, Hemorrhage, Risk management, Transfusion.

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Plastic Surgery web encyclopedia

Michael Bermant, MD

Michael Bermant, MD

@DrBermant Richmond Virginia
Plastic Surgery: Plastic Surgeon specializing in gynecomastia, liposuction, tummy tuck, belly button, otoplasty, rhinoplasty, breast & body surgical sculpture is my Plastic Surgery web encyclopedia resource now >1600 pages.

Algunas recetas para el miedo

Algunas recetas para el miedo:
La oracion de un creyente(musulman) antes de la batalla
Padre misericordioso,
he derrochado mis dias
planeando muchas cosas
esta no era una de ellas.
Pero en este momento
te pido que me permitas
vivir los proximos instantes
con valor.
Por todo lo que debimos pensar
y no pensamos
Por todo lo que debimos decir
y no dijimos
Por todo lo que debimos hacer
y no hicimos
Te imploramos oh Dios
tu benevolencia 
La oracion vikinga tambien antes de la batalla
He aqui que veo a mi padre, he aqui que veo a mi madre, a mis hermanos y mis hermanas.
He aquí que veo el linaje de mi pueblo,hasta sus principios.
Y he aquí que me llaman, me piden que ocupe mi lugar entre ellos, en los atrios de Valhalla, el lugar donde viven los valientes para siempre

O mejor a Kenneth  Branagh´s en Henry V en el discurso antes de la batalla de San Crispin.
Una traduccion no tan buena pero...
¡Ójala tuviéramos aquí ahora
Aunque fuera diez mil de aquellos hombres que en Inglaterra
Están hoy ociosos!
¿Quién pide eso?
¿Mi primo Westmoreland? No, mi buen primo:
Si hemos de morir, ya somos bastantes
Para causar una pérdida a nuestro país; y si hemos de vivir,
Cuantos menos hombres seamos, mayor será nuestra porción de honor.
¡Dios lo quiera! te lo ruego, no desees un solo hombre más.
Por Júpiter, no codicio el oro,
Ni me importa quién se alimente a mi costa;
No me angustia si los hombres visten mis ropas;
Esos asuntos externos no ocupan mis deseos:
Pero si es pecado codiciar el honor,
Soy la más pecadora de las almas vivientes.
No, creeme, primo, no desees un solo hombre de Inglaterra:
¡Paz de Dios! no perdería un honor tan grande
Como el que un solo hombre creo que me arrebataría
por lo que más deseo. ¡Oh, no pidas uno solo más!
Proclama, en cambio, Westmoreland, por mi ejército,
Que el que no tenga estómago para esta pelea,
Que parta; se redactará su pasaporte
Y se pondrán coronas para el viático en su bolsa:
No quisiéramos morir en compañía de un hombre
Que teme morir en nuestra compañía.
Este día es la fiesta de Crispiniano:
El que sobreviva a este día y vuelva sano a casa,
Se pondrá de puntillas cuando se nombre este día,
Y se enorgullecerá ante el nombre de Crispiniano.
El que sobreviva a este día, y llegue a una edad avanzada,
Agasajará a sus vecinos en la víspera de la fiesta,
Y dirá: ´Mañana es San Crispiniano´.
Entonces se alzará la manga y mostrará sus cicatrices
Y dirá, ´Esta heridas recibí el día de Crispín´.
Los viejos olvidan: y todo se olvidará,
Pero élrecordará con ventaja
Qué hazañas realizó en ese día: entonces recordará nuestros nombres.
Familares en sus labios como palabras cotidianas
Harry el rey, Bedford y Exeter,
Warwick y Talbot, Salisbury y Gloucester,
Se recordarán como si fuera ayer entre sus jarras llenas.
El buen hombre contará esta historia a su hijo;
Y nunca pasará Crispín Crispiniano,
Desde este día hasta el fin del mundo,
Sin que nosotros seamos recordados con él;
Nosotros pocos, nosotros felizmente pocos, nosotros, una banda de hermanos;
Porque el que hoy derrame su sangre conmigo
Será mi hermano; por vil que sea,
Este día ennoblecerá su condición:
Y los gentileshombres que están ahora en la cama en Inglaterra
Se considerarán malditos por no haber estado aquí,
Y tendrán su virilidad en poco cuando hable alguno
Que luchara con nosotros el día de San Crispín.

Sudden Cardiac Death

Volume 7, Issue 2
> April 2011
> Sudden Cardiac Death
> Content
> Link