sábado, 15 de enero de 2011

Telemedicine: Opportunities and developments in Member State

Telemedicine: Opportunities and developments in Member States

Telemedicine: opportunities and developments in Member States: report on the second global survey on eHealth 2009. WHO Global Observatory for eHealth. World Health Organization, 2010
“Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have great potential to address some of the challenges faced by both developed and developing countries in providing accessible, cost effective, high-quality health care services. Telemedicine uses ICTs to overcome geographical barriers, and increase access to health care services. This is particularly beneficial for rural and underserved communities in developing countries – groups that traditionally suffer from lack of access to health care…
… Telemedicine, a term coined in the 1970, which literally means “healing at a distance”, signifies the use of ICT to improve patient outcomes by increasing access to care and medical information. Recognizing that there is no one definitive definition of telemedicine – a 2007 study found 104 peer-reviewed definitions of the word ( – the World Health Organization has adopted the following broad description:
‘The delivery of health care services, where distance is a critical factor, by all health care professionals using information and communication technologies for the exchange of valid information for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease and injuries, research and evaluation, and for the continuing education of health care providers, all in the interests of advancing the health of individuals and their communities’


“Mi Vida sin Ti”. Ayuda en internet para dejar de fumar

“… Mi Vida sin Ti es un proyecto colaborativo informal de un grupo de personas que trabajan en temas relacionados con la salud, y exploran con interés las posibilidades de internet. La iniciativa no está vinculada con ninguna asociación, institución o sociedad científica o profesional. Pretende ser un espacio que ofrezca ayuda clara, global, transparente, no vinculada a intereses comerciales, para informar, apoyar y facilitar la decisión de dejar (o no) de fumar…”
Toda la información en:


El Peso de la Obesidad – Infografía

Curiosa Infografía realizada por “Eclairagepublic.net”  a partir de datos sobre obesidad publicados por la OCDE.


Videojuegos “científicos” interactivos

Os presento EteRNA, un nuevo juego interactivo muy en sintonía con la  nueva corriente de videojuegos científicos que han aparecido  en la red y que nos pueden ayudar a descubrir o entender los principios de la biología. El videojuego EteRNA,  que se presenta con el lema “Placed by Humans, Scored by Nature”tiene por objetivo el diseño virtual de nuevas moléculas de ARN.
Otros videojuegos  interesantes, en esta línea, son sin duda:
  •  Foldit, donde los jugadores compiten para encontrar nuevas estructuras de proteínas.
  • Phylo – A Human Computing Framework for Comparative Genomics, juego lanzado hace poco más de un mes, en el que los jugadores deben realizar alineamientos de secuencias de ADN o de ARN para descubrir  relaciones evolutivas entre las especies.
Os dejo este vídeo del  creador de EteRNA, Adrien Treuille (investigador de laCarnegie Mellon University), en el que nos describe en qué consiste su “juego”.

Setting Leadership Aside For Collective Control


Setting Leadership Aside For Collective Control

A bolt of bracing indeterminacy shot through the trumpeter Tomasz Stanko’s late set at the Jazz Standard on Thursday night. Tempos lurched and buckled, or mysteriously dissolved. Melodic lines snaked quickly through oblique intervals, defying resolution. Mr. Stanko framed his solos in long, searching arcs, each note sharply articulated but unpredictable in its aim. His engagement with the other musicians in the band suggested a kind of collective bargaining rather than the resolute charge of a leader and his men.
Angela Jimenez for The New York Times
Tomasz Stanko Quartet Plus Chris Potter: Thomas Morgan, left, Mr. Stanko and Mr. Potter performed at the Jazz Standard on Thursday night.


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This was all for the best. Mr. Stanko, 68, is among Europe’s most celebrated jazz musicians, and one of the few to make inroads in the United States. But his public profile here is lopsided as a result of the poignant, whispery albums he has released over the last decade on ECM. During his youth in Poland in the 1960s, Mr. Stanko favored a thornier, more unsettled style, drawing on the radical new example of an American jazz avant-garde. The thrust of this set, then, suggested both a departure and a rekindling for him.
What made all the difference was the personnel. Mr. Stanko wasn’t working here with a passel of younger musicians from Poland or Scandinavia, as he usually does. Instead he had enlisted a cast of serious New Yorkers: the saxophonist Chris Potter, the pianist Craig Taborn, the bassist Thomas Morgan and the drummer Jim Black. Each musician onstage was entrusted with some crucial measure of control.
That dynamic was clear from the start of the set, as the band outlined a shadowy theme. It was “Last Song”— from Mr. Stanko’s most recent album, “Dark Eyes,” released on ECM last year — and it opened up to free-form invention by the rhythm section. Mr. Taborn etched fast, glancing scribbles at the piano, punctuated by the occasional chordal chime; Mr. Black scraped and clomped around his drum kit, extracting sighing overtones from a cymbal with a violin bow. Then Mr. Potter entered the picture, blurting strange clusters of notes, and deftly conjugating the clusters through multiple keys.
Mr. Stanko accepted these conditions as a fresh challenge, putting more torque on his phrasing and more bite in his attack. The brisk swing of “Maldoror’s War Song” and “The Dark Eyes of Martha Hirsch”had him leaning ahead of the beat, while “Balladyna,” the title track of one of his mid-1970s albums, brought out a more characteristically subtle tension.
If the rhythm section, with its impulsive heat, was the chief reason for the music’s urgency, it was just as intriguing to note the rapport between Mr. Stanko and Mr. Potter. Both are lyrical improvisers by nature, but they leaned on each other here, pushing for discovery. You hope this isn’t the end of their collaboration; clearly, they’re onto something.
The ensemble continues through Sunday at Jazz Standard, 116 East 27th Street, Manhattan; (212) 576-2232, jazzstandard.net.