miércoles, 12 de enero de 2011

La industria editorial tiene la oportunidad de no repetir los errores de las discográficas haciendo atractiva la compra electrónica y abaratando precios


A un paso del duelo final

La industria editorial tiene la oportunidad de no repetir los errores de las discográficas haciendo atractiva la compra electrónica y abaratando precios

TEREIXA CONSTENLA - Madrid - 13/01/2011

¿Se desmoronará el castillo de naipes editorial como le pasó al musical? ¿Cómo atraer lectores al mercado legal de los nuevos formatos? ¿Qué ganan los autores y qué ganan las empresas de tecnología? El cuarto capítulo de la serie sobre la industria de la cultura en la Red busca responder a algunas de estas preguntas | Debate sobre la 'ley Sinde' en Eskup
¿Se desmoronará la industria editorial como antes la musical? Solo el tiempo lo dirá. De momento contemos algunas experiencias.
"Quieren ganar en Internet el mismo dinero que en el papel", dice Herrera
"Los beneficios los reciben empresas de tecnologías", se quejan escritores
- El olfato Bubok. Hace dos años, Ángel María Herrera fundó en Internet Bubok, un espacio donde usted o Umberto Eco, si quiere, pueden publicar gratis sus libros y venderlos luego al precio que usted, o Umberto Eco, deseen. El 80% será para usted, el resto para Bubok. En estos dos años han publicado la friolera de 35.000 títulos, entre ellos los de algunos autores como José Ángel Mañas, Alberto Vázquez-Figueroa o Rosa Regàs. Herrera, sagaz emprendedor, ha dado con una tecla que suena bien en el mundo digital y que recuerda poco al modelo tradicional de negocio de una editorial. "La industria del libro está teniendo los mismos miedos que la musical y no están reaccionando bien con los precios o el DRM (el sistema anticopias)", opina. "Quieren mantener en versión digital el mismo beneficio que en el papel y no puede ser, es un mundo nuevo". ¿Y el DRM? "Es poner puertas al campo. Dificulta la experiencia al que quiere pagar, el que quierapiratear va a dedicar el tiempo que necesite acrackear [romper la protección]".
- El pesimismo de Salamandra. La editorial acaba de celebrar una década de aciertos, que incluyeron el descubrimiento de Harry Potter o de Sándor Márai. No saben si cumplirán otros cinco. De momento piensan en 2011, confiesa el editor Pedro del Carril, profundamente cauto e inevitablemente pesimista: "Si un día hay un mercado que ha reemplazado el papel, nosotros tenemos poco qué decir ahí". Pero Del Carril cree que todavía no hay un mercado y, sobre todo, piensa que la novela "no casa bien" con el libro electrónico. Muchos autores se oponen a las versiones electrónicas, como J. K. Rowling. Algo que no impidió que alguna entrega de Harry Potter se tradujera al español en la Red antes de que el libro llegase a las tiendas. "Lograron el documento no sé cómo, se repartieron las páginas y comenzaron a traducir... No sé puede hacer nada contra eso", se resigna el editor.
- Libros enriquecidos. Agustín Fernández Mallo publicará su próximo libro, El hacedor(de Borges). Remake, en doble formato. Pero no serán iguales. En el electrónico hay añadidos como links y vídeos caseros realizados por el propio escritor que se insertarán en la pantalla. "Con los extras das otras lecturas a los cuentos y a los poemas, se podría decir que son dos libros distintos", explica. Un camino que arranca con El hacedor... y que continuará en el futuro: "Poder meter música o mis vídeos me parece súper creativo y estimulante, es como una sinfonía". ¿Le preocupa que le pirateen? "No puedo luchar contra eso. El problema es de los creadores, no de la gente. El mundo ha ido por un lado y nosotros tenemos que cambiar el modelo. Podemos patalear, pero es lo que hay".
- Quién gana y quién pierde. Copirrait es una plataforma de artistas y creadores que defienden el copyright, a la que pertenecen, entre otros, Lorenzo Silva, Almudena Grandes, Antonio Muñoz Molina, Elvira Lindo, Juan Bonilla, Ángeles Caso, Ángeles de Irisarri, Luisa Castro, José María Guelbenzu, Luisgé Martín, Gustavo Martín Garzo, Ignacio Martínez de Pisón, Rosa Montero, Juan José Millás, Fernando Savater o Enrique Vila-Matas. Dicen: "Los partidarios de la cultura gratis no suelen decir nunca que para acceder a esas obras y poder disfrutarlas hay que poseer un arsenal tecnológico y pagar previamente unos servicios que no son ni gratis ni baratos (...) La gran democratización de la cultura excluye a quienes no tengan un ordenador ni una conexión ADSL (...) Los beneficios los reciben las empresas de telecomunicaciones, que usan los productos culturales y sus descargas como palancas para vender más".
- Año cero, libros a 2,49. Matilde Sanz es la directora de desarrollo digital de Santillana (Grupo PRISA, editor de EL PAÍS). Asegura que 2010 fue el "año cero". Se creó Libranda, la plataforma digital de venta de libros a la que pertenecen 22 librerías y los principales sellos. En Santillana comenzaron a digitalizar el catálogo (lo han hecho con el 50% de títulos vivos) y el proceso para convencer a autores y agentes de que el mundo digital está ahí para quedarse. Procuran lanzar las novedades en los dos formatos, aunque deben contar con el visto bueno del autor. La novedad más cara se puede comprar a 12,99 euros (en papel oscila entre 30 y 35). Sanz asegura que el 70% de los títulos se venden a 5,99 y algunos, a 2,49. "Cada editorial tiene su política de precios, pero tampoco podemos salir a perder dinero". ¿Qué hay de los sistemas anticopia (DRM) que dificultan o entorpecen la descarga al lector que ha pagado? "Es el ACS4 de Adobe, el estándar internacional. Estamos interesados en que la experiencia del usuario sea lo más cómoda posible, pero depende de los proveedores de tecnología. Cualquier contenido que se compra en Apple o Amazon tiene DRM".

Estado del mercado

- Según los datos del Observatorio de piratería y hábitos de consumo de contenidos digitales, elaborado por la consultora IDC, el fenómeno comienza también a cebarse en los libros. En el primer semestre de 2010 afectó al 35,1% (frente al 19,7% del semestre anterior).
- El valor de las descargas no autorizadas de libros en ese tiempo alcanzó los 421,5 millones de euros. Al auge contribuyó sobre todo la venta de nuevos dispositivos de lectura como el iPad de Apple.
- Las ventas de libros electrónicos fueron del 1,1% sobre el total en 2010, según el informe La sociedad de la información en España, de la Fundación Telefónica. En EE UU, el mercado más desarrollado, las ventas electrónicas representan el 9% de la facturación editorial.
- Las publicaciones digitales, según el estudio de Telefónica, crecieron el año pasado un 31,8% hasta alcanzar los 285 millones de euros de facturación.

Espejo para detectar la fiebre

Espejo para detectar la fiebre

12 de Enero, 2011 | Categoría(s): Mundo Curioso
Este nuevo invento, fue presentado este martes por el grupo electrónico japonés NEC
, su funcion es detectar a las personas con fiebre .
El Termoespejo, que se coloca en una mesa o se fija en la pared, mide la temperatura en la frente de las personas que se miran en el espejo a una distancia de 30 centímetros, sin contacto directo, indicó NEC Avio Infrared Technologies, especialista en los sistemas infrarrojos.

La temperatura se visualiza en el espejo, que también puede lanzar una alerta sonora para señalar la fiebre. El espejo termómetro cuesta alrededor de 1.100 dólares, un precio diez veces inferior al de los termográficos utilizados en los lugares públicos como los aeropuertos, indicó el fabricante, que aspira a vender unas 5.000 unidades por año.

How the Microplane Grater Escaped the Garage


How the Microplane Grater Escaped the Garage

Tony Cenicola/The New York Times
Microplane now makes more than 40 kitchen products, including graters like this one.



This series of articles explores American cuisine and its ongoing evolution.
Tony Cenicola/The New York Times
Microplanes through the years: from left, a Grace hacksaw from 1990; a 1998 zester; a 1998 grater; a 1998 “Fine Grater;’’ a foot file from 2005, and two “Fine Graters’’ from 2010.
“YOU mean it’s only going to be used in the kitchen?”
That’s what Richard Grace, a founder of Grace Manufacturing, based here in the Arkansas River Valley, said in 1995 when he learned that his Microplane brand rasp — designed to be mounted on a hacksaw frame and used by woodworkers — was being bought in great numbers by home cooks to zest citrus and grate hard cheeses.
“I didn’t set out to make cheese graters,” Mr. Grace, an engineer by education, said recently. In 1977, he moved south from Michigan to this town 75 miles northwest of Little Rock in search of a warmer climate and more favorable small-business taxes.
“I thought I was making serious woodworking tools,” he continued. “To see them used in the kitchen, that was frankly a personal disappointment.” Grace Manufacturing, which now employs more than 300 people at a manufacturing plant here and an assembly plant in Querétaro, Mexico, has in the years since helped establish a new segment of the housewares industry.
“It used to be that you only needed to have a chef’s knife and a paring knife in your kitchen,” said Peter Degnan, director of merchandising for the San Francisco-based retailer Williams-Sonoma. “You don’t think you need a food processor, but once you have one, you wonder how you ever lived without it. The same goes for the Microplane tools.”
The direction of Grace Manufacturing was determined by a simple observation, made far from the kitchen. The year was 1985 or thereabouts. Mr. Grace’s son Chris, now the company’s chief executive, was in high school, working afternoons at the family plant, where the company was contract-manufacturing printer parts.
Those parts were sharp, not by specific design, but because etching steel printer bands with ferric chloride, a corrosive salt, resulted in bands with razor-sharp edges. (In 1992 the Patent Office assigned the company patent 5100506 for their proprietary masking and etching process.)
“Back then, if you worked in the plant, it wasn’t a question of whether you were going to cut your finger, but when,” Chris Grace said. “It got to be that, on the way to the Band-Aid station, you’d see a drop of blood every five feet.”
With dot-matrix printers on the horizon, and obsolescence for their products not far behind, the company rethought its offerings. “The blood on the floor gave us the answer,” recalled Chris Grace. “We realized we were good at making sharp things. And so we thought, what can we make that’s sharp?”
The answer, articulated by Richard Grace and his children, was a line of woodworking tools.
Grace Manufacturing, which posts more than $20 million in annual sales, has since added a medical product line that includes a sphere-shaped tool called an acetabular reamer, used by surgeons to prepare human hip sockets for implants, and a device for grinding bone into paste that Chris Grace calls a “Cuisinart for orthopedists.”
No matter the initial family reluctance to apply their patented technology to the cookware realm, Microplane now makes more than 40 products for the kitchen, including pizzacutters, herb mills, salt shavers and graters specifically designed to render chocolate ribbons.
Sales of culinary tools, based on that original woodworking application, account for 65 percent of the company’s income.
Unlike the consumer popularity of, say, Viking Range, the Greenwood, Miss., corporation that sold home cooks on professional-style stoves, and Demarle, the French concern that brought the Silpat brand of fiberglass and silicone baking mats to the United States, the success of Microplane in the culinary marketplace was not premeditated.
“We laughed when people told us they were using our products in their kitchens,” recalled Microplane’s Web site and woodworking-products manager, Maria Grace, one of Richard Grace’s daughters. “But we didn’t turn down their orders.”

Some consumers loved the renegade notion of working in the kitchen with a tool designed for planing a two-by-four. Others bought Microplanes because the tools’ tiny scalpel-like ridges sliced precisely while traditional graters relied on stamped metal thorns to roughly shred foods.
Stephen Thornton for The New York Times
Gabrielle Campbell, left, and Rebecca Nance, with medical tools, and Richard Grace with grater blades.


This series of articles explores American cuisine and its ongoing evolution.
Stephen Thornton for The New York Times
Richard Grace with grater blades.
“I don’t think that even chefs understood at the time what these tools made possible,” said Leonard Lee, founder of Lee Valley Tools in Ottawa, Canada. “When you grind a hard cheese, you get little cubes with little surface area. When you use a Microplane and shave a cheese into ribbons, you get five times the surface area.”
“And when you maximize the surface area, you put more of the cheese in contact with the taste buds,” said Mr. Lee, whose wife, Lorraine Lee, was one of the first to imagine the kitchen crossover possibilities in 1994. “That maximizes taste.”
Early proponents of Microplane products included cooking-school teachers like Shirley Corriher, the Atlanta-based author who, in the late 1990s, demonstrated the proper way to zest by stroking a Microplane across a lemon as if “playing a violin.”
The press fueled the hype. In 1999, The Dallas Morning News promised, "This grater turns Parmigiano-Reggiano into baby-fine clouds."
In the intervening years, Oprah WinfreyMartha Stewartand a number of other television mavens who rely on just one name for identification have offered unsolicited endorsements of Microplane products.
Chefs and bartenders have begun stashing the tools in their knife rolls. At Blackbird in Chicago, Paul Kahan uses a paddle-shaped Microplane to shave fennel into vinaigrettes. At the French Laundry in Yountville, Calif., servers use stick-shaped Microplanes to shave black truffles over pasta. Greg Best, an owner of Holeman and Finch Public House in Atlanta, uses one of the tools to break down star anise for bitters and ginger root for ginger beer. “I like the control I get when I Microplane,” he said, using the product name as a verb, as many industry professionals do.
Chris Grace and his family now research the wants and needs of food-obsessed consumers, and, in an effort to comprehend their market, they watch the Food Network.
“If your child was an actor, you’d watch for him,” he explained. “Same deal with us and our Microplanes.”
But the Grace family has not joined the culinary cognoscenti. At a recent dinner, when a waitress asked Richard Grace what wine he would like with his steak, he replied, with a gusto that signaled he knows his own palate, “Which one is sweetest?”
Graters and rasps are, in the world according to Grace, sharp tools, designed for efficient work. Nothing more. “We’re form-follows-function kind of people,” Mr. Grace’s daughter Maria said.
Grace Manufacturing is still driven by engineering. Chris and Maria Grace are now at the forefront. But Richard Grace still tinkers, for there’s still work to do.
Despite numerous requests from wholesalers and retailers, Microplane has yet to develop a pepper mill or an ice shaver. Among Richard Grace’s long-term projects is the development of a stainless-steel version of sandpaper, a goal that, if realized, could return the company to the woodworking forefront. Last month, the company faced down its toughest challenge when Grace Manufacturing’s United States patent on its process expired.
In anticipation of that day, the Grace family had begun preparations long before, expanding into new markets and seeking unsuspected applications for existing products.
Following the lead of a customer who — when dressing for a summer wedding where she wore sandals — grated calluses from her soles with a Microplane, Grace Manufacturing started selling files in 2004 for shaving desiccated skin from human feet.
“Not everyone zests,” said Chris Grace, sounding the pragmatic tone that characterizes the family ethic. “But everyone has calluses on their feet, or they know someone who does.”

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Cabbage’s Sweet Side


Cabbage’s Sweet Side

Christos Katsiaouni
Zoe Feigenbaum’s cabbage soup, inspired by her grandmother Bess Feigenbaum.
CHEFS praise cabbage. They embrace its sweetness. They delight in its crunch in raw slaws and its melting smoothness in cold-weather braises.
Evan Sung for The New York Times
Floyd Cardoz’s braised cabbage with ginger and jalapeño.
Evan Sung for The New York Times
Marcus Samuelsson’s cabbage and green beans.
More often than not, their customers do not share this love.
“I personally love cabbage,” said Floyd Cardoz, who was the executive chef of Tabla in Manhattan until it closed last month. He offered lightly caramelized cabbage wedges that had been spiced with cloves, black mustard seeds, shallots, garlic and ginger. Mr. Cardoz brought out the sweetness of the cabbage, and in the plating of it, its beauty. But few people ordered it.
“They have eaten overcooked cabbage so often, they begin to hate the mushiness and the smell,” he said.
Cabbage is often an unloved, homely vegetable. It’s smelly. It’s cheap. It’s the food of the poor. But those who can get past this initial aversion know it as one of winter’s quiet overachievers.
Right now, when green beans are selling for $4 a pound, and baby spinach for $9 a pound, red and green cabbages from local farms can be had for around 75 to 99 cents a pound. The low price is in part a reflection of cabbage’s longevity. It stays fresh in the refrigerator from two to five weeks, and even longer in farmers’ bins.
The winter cabbage is a “storage cabbage,” said Joe O’Brien, the owner of Healthway Farms in Highland, N.Y., who sells red and green cabbages at the Union Square Greenmarket after stripping off their outer leaves and trimming them down. “They’re bred for flavor, and picked in the fall,” he said. “These are harder and more dense than summer cabbages, which are softer.”
The cabbage is also a sturdy ball of healthfulness, since it is high in vitamin C and in dietary fiber. It has also been linked to protection against cancer.
All those virtues do not make it an easier sell. Marcus Samuelsson, the chef and an owner of Red Rooster Harlem, said, “Cabbage always reminds people of poverty, when people are limited by food.” Optimistically, he suggested that this may be changing. “We’ve come so far with food, we’ve gone full circle; that the fried chicken, the meatballs, are comfort food,” he said. “And cabbage is also comfort food.”
Mr. Samuelsson, who was born in Ethiopia, makes a dish traditional there that he calls simply warm cabbage and green beans. In Ethiopia, braised cabbage is “poor man’s cooking,” he said. “For fine people, the big pieces of meat and fish came later.” Despite its humble roots, the braise is quite rich, with a subtle and harmonious use of spices.
Clarified butter is simmered with ginger, fenugreek, cumin, cardamom, oregano and basil. More spices are added: garlic; mustard seeds; turmeric; berbere, the Ethiopian spice mix; cardamom; ginger; and nigella sativa. In this profusion, no spice stands out. All meld.
The dish is usually eaten with injera, the slightly sour, spongy Ethiopian flat bread, but it is perfectly good with rice. (It also tastes even better the second day, and the third.)
Zoe Feigenbaum, executive chef at The National on the Lower East Side, says cabbage’s ubiquity hurts its reputation. “Because it’s so plentiful and accessible and cheap, people seek things that are more rare and glamorous, like artichokes, morels and kabocha squash,” she said.
At the restaurant, she pays homage to her late grandmother, Bess Feigenbaum, who served her stuffed cabbage with a sweet-and-sour sauce made of tomatoes, brown sugar, lemon juice, raisins, tomatoes and ketchup. Ms. Feigenbaum transforms her grandmother’s sauce into a cabbage soup with a deeply traditional Jewish flavor.
Because the United States does not have a strong cabbage culture, “people don’t recognize its potential,” Ms. Feigenbaum said. “But as far as my Jewish family is concerned, cabbage soup is a year-round delight.”
This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:
Correction: January 12, 2011
An earlier version of this article misidentified Zoe Feigenbaum's late grandmother as Beth Feigenbaum.