lunes, 12 de marzo de 2018

LIbro sobre trombocitopenia / Book on thrombocytopenia

Marzo 12, 2018. No. 3020
Edited by Pankaj Abrol, ISBN 978-953-51-3876-1, Print ISBN 978-953-51-3875-4, 104 pages, Publisher: InTech, Chapters published March 07, 2018 under CC BY 3.0 license
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.69080
Edited Volume
The book "Thrombocytopenia" certainly raises some important issues in its pathogenesis and management. The authors have done a lot of hard work to write state-of-the-art chapters. Each and every chapter is peer-reviewed, evidence-based, and remarkably excellent. Some of the causes of thrombocytopenia are well explained in textbooks, but the topics included in this book are not usually so well described. The chapters are written in such a manner so as to stimulate and keep the reader well-informed. Such an approach is certainly beneficial when aiming to motivate discussion, interaction, innovation, and research. Chapters like "Interferon-Induced Thrombotic Microangiopathy" have been included with the aim to help in understanding the immune pathogenesis of thrombocytopenia. Others have also been selected to keep an eye on the future.
La fisiopatología de las plaquetas sanguíneas y la sepsis: ¿una nueva perspectiva terapéutica en pacientes críticos?
Blood platelets and sepsis pathophysiology: A new therapeutic prospect in critical ill patients?
Erratum in
Ann Intensive Care. 2017 Dec 1;7(1):115. doi: 10.1186/s13613-017-0337-7.
Beyond haemostasis, platelets have emerged as versatile effectors of the immune response. The contribution of platelets in inflammation, tissue integrity and defence against infections has considerably widened the spectrum of their role in health and disease. Here, we propose a narrative review that first describes these new platelet attributes. We then examine their relevance to microcirculatory alterations in multi-organ dysfunction, a major sepsis complication. Rapid progresses that are made on the knowledge of novel platelet functions should improve the understanding of thrombocytopenia, a common condition and a predictor of adverse outcome in sepsis, and may provide potential avenues for management and therapy.
KEYWORDS: Inflammation; Intensive care; Platelets; Sepsis
Curso Regional de Anestesiología en Obstetricia y Pediatría
Colegio de Anestesiólogos de León AC y FMCA, AC
Mayo 17-19, 2018. León Guanajuato, México
Informes con el Dr. Enrique Hernández Cortez
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Delivering safe anaesthesia to the world's poorest people
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viernes, 9 de marzo de 2018

¿Por qué una persona debe obtener una prótesis reversa en lugar de un reemplazo estándar del hombro?

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 © The Johns Hopkins University, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, and Johns Hopkins Health System. All rights reserved.

jueves, 8 de marzo de 2018


Dr. Michell Ruiz – Traumatólogo Alta especialidad en Hombro, Codo y Rodilla


Aprender cómo cuidar el hombro para evitar ejercer tensión adicional es indispensable si se tienen molestias en la zona causadas por alguna lesión o mala posición …. e incluso para evitarlas.
Algunas sugerencias para cuidar bien del hombro incluyen:
✔️ Al dormir, acostarse boca arriba o cambiar alternativamente de lado de hombro cada noche.
✔️ Al sentarse, hay que adoptar una buena postura. Mantener la cabeza por encima del hombro y colocar una toalla o almohada por detrás de la región lumbar si se tiene molestias. Mantener los pies ya sea horizontales en el suelo o subidos en un banco para pies.
✔️ Procurar tener una buena postura para mantener los tendones y músculos del manguito de los rotadores en su posición adecuada.
❌ NO cargar un morral o bolso sólo sobre un hombro.
❌ NO trabajar con los brazos por encima del nivel del hombro por mucho tiempo. De ser necesario, utilizar un banco para pies o una escalera.
✔️ Levantar y cargar los objetos cerca del cuerpo. Tratar de no alzar cargas pesadas lejos del cuerpo o por encima de la cabeza.
✔️ Tomar descansos regulares para cualquier actividad que se esté haciendo de manera repetitiva.
✔️ Al alcanzar algo con el brazo, el dedo pulgar debe estar apuntando hacia arriba.
✔️ Guardar los artículos cotidianos que se usen, en lugares que se puedan alcanzar fácilmente.

✔️ Mantener consigo o cerca las cosas que se usen mucho, como el teléfono, para evitar estirar las manos y lesionar el hombro.

Recuerda que puedo atender tus dudas básicas en
✅ Traumatología
✅ Ortopedia
✅ Artroscopia
✅ Artroplastia (Prótesis)
🔴 Hombro 🔴 Rodilla 🔴 Codo
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🏨 Mi Consultorio es el #730 del Hospital Angeles Metropolitano en Tlacotalpan #59 en la #CDMX
#MiPrioridadTuMovilidad #Traumatologo #TraumatologíaDeportiva #Hombro #Codo #Rodilla #CDMX

Drogadicción en anestesia / Substance abuse in anaesthetists

Marzo 7, 2018. No. 3015
Abuso de drogas entre los anestesiólogos
Substance abuse in anaesthetists
Abuso de Fármacos Anestésicos por parte de los Anestesiólogos
Flavia Serebrenic Jungerman, Hamer Nastasy Palhares Alves, Maria José Carvalho Carmona, Nancy Brisola Conti, André Malbergier
Adicción y anestesiología
Dra. Dania Elena Escamilla-Ríos
Curso Regional de Anestesiología en Obstetricia y Pediatría
Colegio de Anestesiólogos de León AC y FMCA, AC
Mayo 17-19, 2018. León Guanajuato, México
Informes con el Dr. Enrique Hernández Cortez  
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Delivering safe anaesthesia to the world's poorest people
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Día Internacional de la Mujer / International Women's Day

Marzo 8, 2018. No. 3016

Las mujeres, además de ser Madres, Esposas, Abuelas o Hijas, han luchado por su preparación cultivando actividades fuera de sus quehaceres caseros: son profesionistas de éxito, científicas renombradas, artistas que siguen conquistando al mundo, políticas que norman destinos de millones de seres humanos y muchas más actividades que por siglos parecían ser solo propias de hombres. Estos logros, sus logros, no han sido fáciles y muchas de ellas aun viven dificultades para lograr sus metas de vida, o simplemente no pueden desarrollarlas por factores ajenos a su voluntad.
Nos complace enviarle una breve colección de escritos publicados que manifiestan lo que ha pasado en la ciencia, en especial en medicina y como las mujeres han ido conquistando sus derechos, la igualdad y la justicia. Falta mucho por hacer, pero por ahora podemos celebrar con ellas sus logros y desearles que cada instante de su vida sea un momento especial para cada mujer.
Women, in addition to being Mothers, Wives, Grandmothers or Daughters, have fought for their preparation by cultivating activities outside of their household chores: they are successful professionals, renowned scientists, artists who continue to conquer the world, politicians that regulate the destinies of millions of human beings and many other activities that for centuries seemed to be exclusive to men. These achievements, their successes, have not been easy and many of them are still struggling to achieve their life goals, or simply cannot develop them due to factors beyond their control.
We are pleased to send you a brief collection of published writings that show what has happened in science, especially in medicine and how women have been conquering their rights, equality and justice. There is still a long way to go, but for now we can celebrate their achievements with them and wish them every moment of their lives a special moment for each woman.
Educación médica de mujeres: la calificación de médicos femeninos.
Medical Education of Women: The Qualification of Female Physicians.
Br Med J. 1894 Sep 1;2(1757):490-1.
Royal College of Physicians: la admisión de mujeres a la licenciatura.
Royal College of Physicians: The Admission of Women to the Licentiateship.
Br Med J. 1895 Nov 2;2(1818):1121-2.
Cal West Med. 1925 May;23(5):599-601.
Mujeres en medicina los primeros años.
Women in medicine: the early years.
Postgrad Med J. 1951 Jul;27(309):355-7.
Mujeres en medicina
Women in medicine.
Postgrad Med J. 1951 Aug;27(310):396-402.
El Hospital Marie Curie 1925-68
The Marie Curie Hospital 1925-68.
Br Med J. 1968 Nov 16;4(5628):444-6.
Nuestra señora Asclepiads.
Our lady asclepiads.
J Natl Med Assoc. 1968 Mar;60(2):136-7
Estudiantes de medicina de Glasgow: algunos hechos y cifras.
Glasgow women medical students: some facts and figures.
Br Med J. 1971 Apr 24;2(5755):216-8.
A questionaire was sent to 343 women medical undergraduates at the University of Glasgow, and 317 replied. Of the respondents, 36% had a member of their family in medicine and 15% had either one or both parents a doctor: 45% had a working mother. Half of all the students had doubts about medicine as a career, and the proportion of these rose with seniority. Doubts were mainly due to the length of the medical course but the girls also recognized the difficulty of combining a medical career with family life. There was a significant correlation between having doubts about a medical career and having a mother who worked. Half the girls said they would prefer to work in hospital after qualification-the favourite specialties being paediatrics and obstetrics; only a quarter said they would like to do general practice. The need for careers advice which links actual career openings and the wish of most women to combine medical work with marriage and child-rearing is emphasized. The majority of the students saw a doctor's primary role as the giving of advice and reassurance.
Las personalidades de dos mujeres médicas pioneras: Elizabeth Blackwell y Elizabeth Garrett Anderson.
The personalities of two pioneer medical women: Elizabeth Blackwell and Elizabeth Garrett Anderson.
Bull N Y Acad Med. 1971 Jan;47(1):67-79.
Problemas de profesionales de las doctoras.
Career problems of women doctors.
Br Med J. 1976 Sep 4;2(6035):574-7.
Information was received from 61 women doctors who were having difficulty continuing with medical careers. Two main problems were disclosed. Firstly, despite the special arrangements made for women doctors, it is difficult to obtain postgraduate training. The provision of supernumerary posts does not seem to offer a satisfactory solution. Secondly, doctors who have completed postgraduate training but cannot yet return to full-time work are unable to obtain posts at an appropriate level. Both of these problems stem primarily from the need for part-time work by the mothers of young children. Most of the doctors wish to return to full-time or nearly full-time work when family responsibilities are fewer. In view of the increasing proportion of women doctors it seems important that large numbers are not unnecessarily lost from professional work. Some possible approaches to solving the problems are suggested.
Mano de obra médica: II - mujeres en medicina.
Medical manpower: II--women in medicine.
Br Med J. 1976 Jan 10;1(6001):78-82.
Doctoras desaprovechadas
Wasted women doctors.
Br Med J. 1978 Jan 14;1(6105):95-6.
Explorando el Atractivo de las Ciencias Básicas para las Doctoras.
Exploring Attractiveness of the Basic Sciences for Female Physicians.
Tohoku J Exp Med. 2018 Jan;244(1):7-14. doi: 10.1620/tjem.244.7.
In Japan, traditional gender roles of women, especially the role of motherhood, may cause early career resignations in female physicians and a shortage of female researchers. Besides this gender issue, a general physician shortage is affecting basic science fields. Our previous study suggested that female physicians could be good candidates for the basic sciences because such work offers good work-life balance. However, the attractiveness for female physicians of working in the basic sciences, including work-life balance, is not known. In a 2012 nationwide cross-sectional questionnaire survey, female physicians holding tenured positions in the basic sciences at Japan's medical schools were asked an open-ended question about positive aspects of basic sciences that clinical medicine lacks, and we analyzed 58 respondents' comments. Qualitative analysis using the Kawakita Jiro method revealed four positive aspects: research attractiveness, priority on research productivity, a healthy work-life balance, and exemption from clinical duties. The most consistent positive aspect was research attractiveness, which was heightened by medical knowledge and clinical experience. The other aspects were double-edged swords; for example, while the priority on research productivity resulted in less gender segregation, it sometimes created tough competition, and while exemption from clinical duties contributed to a healthy work-life balance, it sometimes lowered motivation as a physician and provided unstable income. Overall, if female physicians lack an intrinsic interest in research and seek good work-life balance, they may drop out of research fields. Respecting and cultivating students' research interest is critical to alleviating the physician shortage in the basic sciences.
KEYWORDS: Japan; Kawakita Jiro method; basic sciences; female physicians; research interest
Aportaciones de la mujer a la medicina
Leticia Rodríguez-Pimentel, Rodolfo Silva-Romo
Bertha M. Gutiérrez Rodilla Universidad de Salamanca
Cuadernos del CEMyR, 23; marzo 2015, pp. 121-135; ISSN: 1135-125X
Las Mujeres en la Ciencia
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Delivering safe anaesthesia to the world's poorest people
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