martes, 14 de junio de 2011

Seis millones de estadounidenses se borran de Facebook

14.06.11 - 01:11 - 
El muro de Facebook tiene una nueva grieta. Esta vez, en el de su casa, y de cierta profundidad. Cerca de seis millones de estadounidenses dejaron de utilizar esta red social durante el pasado mes de mayo, según recoge el portal Inside Facebook. No son los únicos que se están desenganchando de uno de los mayores fenómenos sociales y tecnológicos que incluso ha inspirado a uno de los filmes más taquilleros del año pasado. En la vecina Canadá perdió más de un millón y medio de usuarios. Y no solamente el continente americano sufre de un inicio de desencanto. Hasta 100.000 han dejado de usar esta web tanto en Noruega como Inglaterra y Rusia.
La red social Facebook cuenta ya con 15 millones de usuarios activos en España, informaron ayer los responsables del portal, que indicaron que los internautas españoles han «madurado tecnológicamente» de manera que acceden a él no solo desde el ordenador, sino también desde móviles y tabletas.

Abnormal brain MRI signal in 18q-syndrome not due to dysmyelination

Progressive ataxia and myoclonic epilepsy in a patient with a homozygous mutation in the FOLR1 gene
submitted by ktimp 8 months ago
Several unrelated disorders can lead to 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5MTHF) depletion in the cerobrospinal fluid (CSF), including primary genetic disorders in folate-related pathways or those causing defective transport across the blood-CSF barrier. We report a case of cerebral folate transport defi...
0 Comments - Bury   Topic: Health

Kinesigenic Dyskinesia in a Case of Voltage-Gated Potassium Channel-Complex Protein Antibody Encephalitis
submitted by ldrogaa 5 months ago
To describe the first case (to our knowledge) of voltage-gated potassium channel–complex protein antibody encephalitis with kinesigenic dyskinesia and cramp-fasciculation syndrome.Design Case report.Setting Hospitalized care.Patient A 38-year-old man with a history of bronchial asthma, ecze...
0 Comments - Bury   Topic: Health
A common pattern of brain MRI imaging in mitochondrial diseases with complex I deficiency
submitted by cheikwa 5 months ago
To identify a consistent pattern of brain MRI imaging in primary complex I deficiency. Complex I deficiency, a major cause of respiratory chain dysfunction, accounts for various clinical presentations, including Leigh syndrome. Human complex I comprises seven core subunits encoded by mitochondria...
0 Comments - Bury   Topic: Biology

A case of congenital axonal neuropathy associated with West syndrome
submitted by menhctyhoe 5 months ago
We report the case of an 11-month-old girl with congenital axonal neuropathy and West syndrome. She had generalized hypotonia and an abnormal posture since birth, and apparently, her development was stalled. Deep tendon reflexes were absent, and at 5months of age, she developed West syndrome foll...
0 Comments - Bury   Topic: Health

Expected value and prediction error abnormalities in depression and schizophrenia
submitted by reatardella 17 days ago
The dopamine system has been linked to anhedonia in depression and both the positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia, but it remains unclear how dopamine dysfunction could mechanistically relate to observed symptoms. There is considerable evidence that phasic dopamine signals encode predic...
0 Comments - Bury   Topic: Biology

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: An Overview
submitted by onceint3434 1 month ago
When fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) was initially described, diagnosis was based upon physical parameters including facial anomalies and growth retardation, with evidence of developmental delay or mental deficiency. Forty years of research has shown that FAS lies towards the extreme end of what are...
0 Comments - Bury   Topic: Health
White matter abnormalities in irritable bowel syndrome and relation to individual factors
submitted by vejoykamor 2 months ago
Patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) have abnormal cortical responses to rectal distension and gray matter thinning in brain areas associated with nociception. These abnormalities may be driven by white matter changes and individual factors. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that WM sub...
0 Comments - Bury   Topic: Health

Decreased Thymic Output Accounts for Decreased Naive T Cell Numbers in Children with Down Syndrome
submitted by osefroshed 2 months ago
Children with Down syndrome (DS) have low numbers of naive T cells and abnormal thymus development and function. Because next to thymic production, peripheral proliferation greatly contributes to naive T cell generation in healthy children, we examined the cause of reduced naive T cell numbers in...
0 Comments - Bury   Topic: Biology
Cerebral hemiatrophy associated with hippocampal sclerosis following a single prolonged febrile seizure
submitted by orwol 2 months ago
The etiological relation of prolonged febrile seizures with hippocampal sclerosis and cerebral hemiatrophy is controversial. Causal relationship is mainly adopted from retrospective statistical analysis and data from epilepsy surgery. We report a 17-month-old boy who had a prolonged febrile seizu...
0 Comments - Bury   Topic: Health

Diagnostic reliability of magnetic resonance imaging for central nervous system syndromes in systemic lupus erythematosus: a prospective cohort study
submitted by bioagri 1 year and 4 months ago
Previous studies of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as a diagnostic tool for central nervous system (CNS) syndromes in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) contained several limitations such as study design, number of enrolled patients, and definition of CNS syndromes. We overcame these problems a..

lunes, 13 de junio de 2011

Health benefits of green tea weight loss

What Is Green Tea?Credit must be given to the Chinese who first introduced green tea as well as other types of tea, like black tea, jasmine tea, etc. Different kinds of teas have different remedial characteristics. But it is the green tea that has brought extraordinary and unbelievable abiding effects on the human body. Its great impact is its inner healing property as it provides relaxation to the inner body, so, it would not be wrong to be said that it cures the soul. The procedures to produce different kinds of tea and the green tea are different in nature. Green tea leaves are steamed, which avoids the epigallocatechil gallate (EGCG) from becoming oxidized whereas the black tea leaves are changed into composites that are not as helpful in avoiding and fighting against diseases as compared to the efficient green tea.
Green Tea For Weight Loss:Green tea is good for the diet conscious people. Researchers have come with a very interesting result that those men who were given a mixture of green tea extract and caffeine burn more calories as compared to those who were given only caffeine. This research was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and was done at the University of Geneva in Switzerland in November 1999. Green tea helps the body to lose weight. It is the natural effect of green tea that it burns fat and enhances one’s metabolism rate. It is very motivating for the fat people that it can help to burn upto 70 calories per day.
Health Benefits of Green Tea:We are all familiar with the fact that green tea is good for health but most of us would not be knowing what these benefits actually are and what green tea actually does? Once we will come to know about all this, we would enjoy the taste of green tea as well as get the proper contentment of knowing that now we are well concerned about our health and taking appropriate care of our healthiness.
Cancer:Most revolutionary health benefit of green tea in the field of medicine is that the antioxidant present in it called ‘epigallocatechin gallate’ (EGCG) reduces different kinds of cancer upto almost 60
Cholesterol:Green tea lowers cholesterol level. There are two kinds of cholesterols, one is the good cholesterol and the other is the bad one. As green tea reduces bad cholesterol level so it develops better proportion of good cholesterol over the bad cholesterol.
Heart Disease:As green tea lowers the amount of cholesterol, therefore it prevents heart attack and heals the heart cells very soon.
Skin Disease: Antioxidants present in green tea shield the skin to fight against skin cancer and prevent it from the damaging effects of free radicals, which are the main reason of wrinkling and skin aging.
High Blood Pressure:Green tea represses angiotensin which causes high blood pressure, that is why high blood pressure is controlled.
Diabetes:As the antioxidants balance the metabolism rate, thus green tea improves lipid and glucose metabolisms in a better way and the rapid increase in the blood sugar level is controlled.
Others:Green tea protects liver against toxins, promotes oral health, prevents from cold and flu, keeps the bones strong, improves the immune system, and the list goes on.

Cuantificación la caída de mortalidad asociada con intervenciones relacionadas a enfermedad hipertensiva del embarazo

Cuantificación la caída de mortalidad asociada con intervenciones relacionadas a enfermedad hipertensiva del embarazo
Quantifying the fall in mortality associated with interventions related to hypertensive diseases of pregnancy.
Ronsmans C, Campbell O.
Infectious Disease Epidemiology Unit, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK.
BMC Public Health. 2011 Apr 13;11 Suppl 3:S8.
BACKGROUND: In this paper we review the evidence of the effect of health interventions on mortality reduction from hypertensive diseases in pregnancy (HDP). We chose HDP because they represent a major cause of death in low income countries and evidence of effect on maternal mortality from randomised studies is available for some interventions. METHODS: We used four approaches to review the evidence of the effect of interventions to prevent or treat HDP on mortality reduction from HDP. We first reviewed the Cochrane Library to identify systematic reviews and individual trials of the efficacy of single interventions for the prevention or treatment of HDP. We then searched the literature for articles quantifying the impact of maternal health interventions on the reduction of maternal mortality at the population level and describe the approaches used by various authors for interventions related to HDP. Third, we examined levels of HDP-specific mortality over time or between regions in an attempt to quantify the actual or potential reduction in mortality from HDP in these regions or over time. Lastly, we compared case fatality rates in women with HDP-related severe acute maternal morbidity with those reported historically in high income countries before any effective treatment was available. RESULTS: The Cochrane review identified 5 effective interventions: routine calcium supplementation in pregnancy, antiplatelet agents during pregnancy in women at risk of pre-eclampsia, Magnesium sulphate (MgS04) for the treatment of eclampsia, MgS04 for the treatment of pre-eclampsia, and hypertensive drugs for the treatment of mild to moderate hypertension in pregnancy.We found 10 studies quantifying the effect of maternal health interventions on reducing maternal mortality from HDP, but the heterogeneity in the methods make it difficult to draw uniform conclusions for effectiveness of interventions at various levels of the health system. Most authors include a health systems dimension aimed at separating interventions that can be delivered at the primary or health centre level from those that require hospital treatment, but definitions are rarely provided and there is no consistency in the types of interventions that are deemed effective at the various levels.The low levels of HDP related mortality in rural China and Sri Lanka suggest that reductions of 85% or more are within reach, provided that most women give birth with a health professional who can refer them to higher levels of care when necessary. Results from studies of severe acute maternal morbidity in Indonesia and Bolivia also suggest that mortality in women with severe pre-eclampsia or eclampsia in hospital can be reduced by more than 84%, even when the women arrive late. CONCLUSIONS: The increasing emphasis on the rating of the quality of evidence has led to greater reliance on evidence from randomised controlled trials to estimate the effect of interventions. Yet evidence from randomised studies is often not available, the effects observed on morbidity may not translate in to mortality, and the distinction between efficacy and effectiveness may be difficult to make. We suggest that more use should be made of observational evidence, particularly since such data represent the actual effectiveness of packages of interventions in various settings

La hipertensión inducida por el embarazo, pero no la diabetes mellitus gestacional, es un factor de riesgo para tromboembolismo en el embarazo.
Pregnancy-induced hypertension, but not gestational diabetes mellitus, is a risk factor for venous thromboembolism in pregnancy.
Won HS, Kim do Y, Yang MS, Lee SJ, Shin HH, Park JB.
Division of Medicine/Cardiology, Cheil General Hospital, Kwandong University, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
Korean Circ J. 2011 Jan;41(1):23-7. Epub 2011 Jan 31.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to identify the association of pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) or gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) with the development of venous thromboembolism (VTE). SUBJECTS AND METHODS: This was a retrospective study of 57,009 pregnancies during 2002-2008 at Cheil General Hospital, Kwandong University. The diagnosis of VTE {deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism (PE)} was based on clot visualization via ultrasound or computed tomography. RESULTS: In total, 27 cases (PE, 20 cases) were detected. The incidence of VTE was 0.47 per 1,000 pregnancies. To determine risk factors associated with pregnancy-induced VTE, univariate analysis using a chi-square test was performed. Cesarean (C)-section, multiple pregnancy, PIH, placenta previa, and assisted reproduction technique (ART) were statistically significant compared to the controls (all, p=0.000). However, age, premature rupture of membrane, and GDM were not statistically related to VTE. Logistic regression analysis was used to calculate the odds ratios for the risk factors. Placenta previa showed a 12.6-fold higher risk, while PIH had a 9.8-fold higher risk for the occurrence of VTE. C-section and ART procedures increased the risk of VTE by 4.2 times compared to that of the controls. CONCLUSION: Placenta previa and PIH were significant risk factors for VTE, whereas the known traditional risk factors of increased age and GDM were not found to be associated with VTE 

Hipertensión arterial asociada con el embarazo
Alejandro Bautista, MD
Profesor Asociado de Gineco-Obstetricia
Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Jefe Servicio de Totémicas,
Instituto Materno Infantil.
Los trastornos hipertensivos asociados al embarazo son muy frecuentes durante el control prenatal. En nuestro medio es una entidad endémica presente hasta en 10% de los embarazos. En la práctica diaria esta prevalencia tan importante se acompaña de gran morbilidad y mortalidad materna y perinatal. La primera causa de muerte materna en nuestro país está relacionada con la toxemia gravídica. La entidad obstétrica más relacionada con estos casos letales es la eclampsia, acompañada o agravada por el Síndrome HELLP.  
Dr. Benito Cortes-Blanco 
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

IBM, con 100 años, se reinventa

IBM cumple 100 años. Un repaso a su historia es, también, un repaso a los cambios tecnológicos del siglo. Su apellido se asocia popularmente a las grandes máquinas, esos supercomputadores que ganan a los campeones de ajedrez, y a la era del PC, ahora en declive según insignes gurús.
FUENTE | El País Digital13/06/2011
Pero IBM ha sido muchas más cosas y anticipándose a un futuro donde se premia la sabiduría en los procesos y no solo la fuerza bruta que suministra la informática, la empresa ha reorientado anticipadamente su oferta. En 2010, los servicios de tecnología y consultoría supusieron el 56,4% de los ingresos; los programas, el 22,5% y el negocio de las máquinas... el 18%.

Antonio Zufiria, presidente ejecutivo de IBM en España, Portugal, Grecia e Israel, considera que los enormes cambios que ha protagonizado IBM en estos 100 años reflejan un proyecto claro: vincular el avance tecnológico al progreso de la humanidad. Para Zufiria, el mejor invento de IBM -que tiene 76.000 patentes en su portafolio- es sostener la cultura de progreso.

En la última década, la imagen de una compañía dedicada a las máquinas ha evolucionado hacia una compañía dedicada también a los servicios y al software empresarial. Vendió su unidad de ordenadores domésticos a Lenovo y, entre otros movimientos, compró la consultora Price Waterhouse Coopers Consulting. "Este cambio es una respuesta a la globalización y al reto que deben enfrentar empresas en sectores maduros, donde una parte de la oferta son ya servicios estandarizados. La transformación de IBM obedece a la apuesta de construir una empresa basada en oferta de valor. De ahí que se seleccionen inversiones orientadas a crear la diferencia". Para Zufiria, los clientes buscan soluciones integrales y transformadoras. Entre 2000 y 2010, IBM compró 116 empresas. "IBM dominaba los conocimientos técnicos y adquisiciones como las de Price Waterhouse nos permitían disponer de conocimiento sobre los procesos de negocio y dar esta respuesta global". Este mismo principio lo aplica al mercado de la gestión empresarial. "El reto ya no está en las herramientas de almacenamiento de datos. Se sitúa en los procesos analíticos alrededor de dichos datos, que permiten a una empresa conocer su situación y tomar decisiones en tiempo real". En este terreno, IBM ha invertido 14.000 millones de dólares (7.800 millones de euros) en crear un portafolio completo de soluciones de análisis predictivo gracias a la adquisición en cinco años de 24 compañías especializadas.

IBM, en este contexto de economía globalizada, se ha organizado por su parte, también, globalmente. "No se trata de deslocalizar. Se trata de buscar dónde existe la mejor mezcla de talento y coste. En IBM, una determinada tarea se hace desde un único lugar y para todo el mundo. Por ejemplo, en China reside el servicio de compras. En India, donde hay excelentes ingenieros, se centraliza el desarrollo de programas de telecomunicaciones. Los servicios web están radicados en Brasil. En España, se atiende a la administración y cobros en la zona europea porque podíamos ofrecer un servicio multicultural que atiende en los idiomas nativos del cliente...".

IBM ha hecho una apuesta millonaria por el software libre, de código abierto. "IBM dedica el 6% de sus ingresos a investigación y desarrollo". Por ello, explica Zufiria, la empresa no busca una oferta redundante, que ya existe y se estandariza. "En 2007, abrió 500 patentes. No se trató de un acto desinteresado, sino que trataba de impulsar la estandarización, por ejemplo, de determinados sistemas operativos o elementos de software, de modo que se acelere la transición a otras capas superiores del software en los que IBM puede aportar mayor valor".

En España, su primer gran cliente fue Telefónica. Otras grandes marcas domésticas se asocian a esa historia. El Corte Inglés fue la primera empresa en emplear los terminales de la casa en el punto de venta (1977) y La Caixa fue pionera (1984) en la introducción del pecé en las oficinas abiertas al público. La digitalización del Archivo de Indias (1991) figura en la cronología local de la compañía. Pero el proyecto más llamativo ha sido el superordenador Mare Nostrum, que en 2006 llegó a ser el sexto más potente del mundo. Mateo Valero, director del Centro de Supercomputación de Barcelona, recuerda que "Mare Nostrum fue un avance muy grande en la manera de hacer supercomputación. Estaba basado en Linux y con tecnología estándar. IBM había empezado en 1999, y colaboramos desde entonces con IBM. Y seguimos haciéndolo". 

Indudablemente, en 100 años da también tiempo para arrepentirse de algunas conductas. Thomas J. Watson, el fundador de IBM, aceptó en 1937 la medalla que Hitler concedía a los extranjeros dignos del Tercer Reich. Algunos historiadores aseguran que su tecnología estuvo detrás de la administración de los campos nazis. Pero IBM había perdido en 1941 el control de sus operaciones en Alemania... y Watson devolvió la medalla. 

Una de las grandes incógnitas de esa historia es qué habría pasado con IBM y, sobre todo, con Microsoft, si en 1981, IBM hubiera mantenido su propio sistema operativo en su pionero pecé (3.825 dólares) y no lo hubiera abandonado a favor del MS-Dos de Microsoft. El fabricante dio a esta joven empresa de apenas seis años la entrada en el mundo del ordenador personal compatible que ella había abierto.

Autor:   Tomàs Delclós

Uso de los components sanguíneos en obstetricia

Uso de los components sanguíneos en obstetricia
The usage of blood components in obstetrics.
Adukauskienė D, Veikutienė A, Adukauskaitė A, Veikutis V, Rimaitis K.
Department of Intensive Care, Kaunas University of Medicine, Kaunas, Lithuania.
Medicina (Kaunas). 2010;46(8):561-7.
Major obstetric hemorrhage remains the leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality worldwide. Even though blood transfusion may be a life-saving procedure, an inappropriate usage of blood products in obstetric emergencies especially in cases of massive bleeding is associated with increased morbidity and risk of death. Thorough knowledge of the etiology, pathophysiology, and optimal therapeutic options of major obstetric hemorrhage may help to avoid lethal outcomes. There are evidence-based data about some risks related with transfusion of blood components: acute or delayed hemolytic, febrile, allergic reactions, transfusion-related acute lung injury, negative immunomodulative effect, transmission of infectious diseases, dissemination of cancer. This is why the indications for allogeneic blood transfusion are restricted, and new safer methods are being discovered to decrease the requirement for it. Red cell alloimmunization may develop in pregnancy; therefore, all pregnant women should pass screening for irregular antibodies. Antierythrocytic irregular antibodies may occur due to previous pregnancies or allogeneic red blood cell transfusions, and it is important for blood cross-matching in the future. Under certain circumstances, such as complicated maternal history, severe coagulation abnormalities, severe anemia, the preparation of cross-matched blood is necessary. There is evidence of very significant variation in the use of blood products (red cells, platelets, fresh frozen plasma, or cryoprecipitate) among clinicians in various medical institutions, and sometimes indications for transfusion are not correctly motivated. The transfusion of each single blood product must be performed only in case of evaluation of expected effect. The need for blood products and for their combination is necessary to estimate for each patient individually in case of obstetric emergencies either. Indications for transfusion of blood components in obstetrics are presented in order to improve the skills of doctors and to optimize therapeutic options in obstetric emergencies. 
Bienestar de los pacientes obstétricas en las transfusiones mínimas de sangre (Estudio WOMB)
Well being of obstetric patients on minimal blood transfusions (WOMB trial).
Prick BW, Steegers EA, Jansen AJ, Hop WC, Essink-Bot ML, Peters NC, Uyl-de Groot CA, Papatsonis DN, Akerboom BM, Metz GC, Bremer HA, van Loon AJ, Stigter RH, van der Post JA, van Alphen M, Porath M, Rijnders RJ, Spaanderman ME, Schippers DH, Bloemenkamp KW, Boers KE, Scheepers HC, Roumen FJ, Kwee A, Schuitemaker NW, Mol BW, van Rhenen DJ, Duvekot JJ.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2010 Dec 16;10:83.
BACKGROUND:Primary postpartum haemorrhage is an obstetrical emergency often causing acute anaemia that may require immediate red blood cell (RBC) transfusion. This anaemia results in symptoms such as fatigue, which may have major impact on the health-related quality of life. RBC transfusion is generally thought to alleviate these undesirable effects although it may cause transfusion reactions. Moreover, the postpartum haemoglobin level seems to influence fatigue only for a short period of time. At present, there are no strict transfusion criteria for this specific indication, resulting in a wide variation in postpartum policy of RBC transfusion in the Netherlands. METHODS/DESIGN: The WOMB trial is a multicentre randomised non-inferiority trial. Women with acute anaemia due to postpartum haemorrhage, 12-24 hours after delivery and not initially treated with RBC transfusion, are eligible for randomisation. Patients with severe physical complaints are excluded. Patients are randomised for either RBC transfusion or expectant management. Health related quality of life (HRQoL) will be assessed at inclusion, at three days and one, three and six weeks postpartum with three validated measures (Multi-dimensional Fatigue Inventory, ShortForm-36, EuroQol-5D). Primary outcome of the study is physical fatigue three days postpartum. Secondary outcome measures are general and mental fatigue scores and generic health related quality of life scores, the number of RBC transfusions, length of hospital stay, complications and health-care costs. The primary analysis will be by intention-to-treat. The various longitudinal scores will be evaluated using Repeated Measurements ANOVA. A costs benefit analysis will also be performed. The power calculation is based on the exclusion of a difference in means of 1.3 points or greater in favour of RBC transfusion arm regarding physical fatigue subscale. With missing data not exceeding 20%, 250 patients per arm have to be randomised (one-sided alpha = 0.025, power = 80%).
DISCUSSION: This study will provide evidence for a guideline regarding RBC transfusion in the postpartum patient suffering from acute anaemia. Equivalence in fatigue score, remaining HRQoL scores and physical complications between both groups is assumed, in which case an expectant management would be preferred to minimise transfusion reactions and costs

Anemia y embarazo: implicaciones anestesiológicas
Anaemia and pregnancy: Anaesthetic implications.
Grewal A.
Department of Anaesthesiology, Dayanand Medical College and Hospital, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.
Indian J Anaesth. 2010 Sep;54(5):380-6.
Anaemia in pregnancy defined as haemoglobin (Hb) level of < 10 gm/dL, is a qualitative or quantitative deficiency of Hb or red blood cells in circulation resulting in reduced oxygen (O2)- carrying capacity of the blood. Compensatory mechanisms in the form of increase in cardiac output (CO), PaO(2), 2,3 diphosphoglycerate levels, rightward shift in the oxygen dissociation curve (ODC), decrease in blood viscosity and release of renal erythropoietin, get activated to variable degrees to maintain tissue oxygenation and offset the decreases in arterial O(2) content. Parturients with concomitant medical diseases or those with acute ongoing blood losses may get decompensated, leading to serious consequences like right heart failure, angina or tissue hypoxemia in severe anaemia. Preoperative evaluation is aimed at assessing the severity and cause of anaemia. The concept of an acceptable Hb level varies with the underlying medical condition, extent of physiological compensation, the threat of bleeding and ongoing blood losses. The main anaesthetic considerations are to minimize factors interfering with O(2) delivery, prevent any increase in oxygen consumption and to optimize the partial pressure of O(2) in the arterial blood. Both general anaesthesia and regional anaesthesia can be employed judiciously. Monitoring should focus mainly on the adequacy of perfusion and oxygenation of vital organs. Hypoxia, hyperventilation, hypothermia, acidosis and other conditions that shift the ODC to left should be avoided. Any decrease in CO should be averted and aggressively treated

Dr. Benito Cortes-Blanco 
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor