domingo, 12 de junio de 2011

The Last Vaccine Frontier

Successful vaccines have been created to protect against pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Why aren’t there any for combating fungal infections?
By Brad Spellberg | June 1, 2011
Jon Krause
When fungal spores touch a moist patch of earth, they germinate and push hair-like hyphae deep into the soil, sucking up enough nutrients to feed the growing cells of the filaments. When a pathogenic fungal spore lands on human tissue under the right conditions, it too germinates and burrows deep into susceptible organs or multiplies like yeast, coating a tissue’s surface as it buds new offspring, colonizing and devouring the tissue beneath it.
Invasive fungal diseases often take hold when a person’s natural defenses are weakened. These infections frequently occur in hospital settings, after a patient’s normal bacterial flora is wiped out by antibiotics, or the skin and gut mucosa are breached by surgery or central venous catheters including for intravenous nutrition. In fact, candidiasis, an infection caused by one of several species of the yeast Candida, is now the fourth most common bloodstream infection in hospitalized patients both in the United States and in many European countries. And the death rate from such Candida infections remains about 30 to 40 percent, even after treatment with antifungal therapy. Given their increasing frequency and unacceptably high morbidity and mortality rates, prevention of invasive fungal infections has become of paramount importance. Vaccination is a promising strategy for prevention, since it has the potential to permanently protect individuals from fungal infection. In the immortal words of Ben Franklin, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
For years the development of fungal vaccines has lagged behind that of vaccines formulated to attack viruses and bacteria. One barrier has been the widespread belief that most patients who develop life-threatening fungal infections have profound defects in immunity—for example, those whose immune systems have been impaired by cancer chemotherapy. Researchers always assumed that the immune systems of these patients would be too weak to respond vigorously to vaccination, thus limiting the usefulness of a vaccine in the hospital setting.
However, only some 10 to 20 percent of patients who develop bloodstream infection of Candida are seriously immunocompromised. The large majority of patients develop the infection because they become more susceptible while hospitalized, where use of broad spectrum antibiotics (which wipe out bacterial competitors), surgery, and intravenous catheters allow fungi to gain a foothold in tissues. Such patients have relatively intact immune systems and will generate an immune response to vaccination. In addition, there is extensive literature confirming the immunogenicity and efficacy of vaccines even in patients with extremely weakened immune systems—for example, those with active leukemia, HIV infections, or receiving immune-suppressing corticosteroids. Majorities of these groups have been shown to respond adequately to vaccination, if not as robustly as immunocompetent controls.12
Infographic: Antifungal Immune Response 
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In recent years a number of research groups around the world have begun to focus on creating vaccines against some of the most serious and deadly fungal infections. We are closer than ever to bringing a protective vaccine to the clinic, but a number of technical and economic barriers remain to be overcome before the first such vaccine is available for use in humans.

Candida vaccines

By far the most common culprits in invasive fungal infections are members of the genus Candida. Population-based surveys in the United States have reported that the annual incidence of systemic candidiasis is 60,000–70,000 cases per year.3 It has been estimated that the health-care cost of treating bloodstream Candidainfections is $2–4 billion/year in the US alone.4 A vaccine that could prevent or ameliorate these infections would clearly be a major health benefit and of significant value to national health-care systems.
Several recent vaccine approaches have shown promise in animal models. Many of them involve conjugating a fungal surface glycoprotein or polysaccharide—which generally does not activate the immune system well—to a nonfungal protein that is a strong immunogen. One vaccine, developed by Antonio Cassone, at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità in Rome, and colleagues, was protective not only against Candida infections in mice but those of Aspergillus and Cryptococcus—two other common and often fatal fungal infections. The vaccine is made of laminarin, a polysaccharide from a brown alga that is similar to a cell-wall component of many types of fungi, linked to a mutant diphtheria toxin carrier protein that is highly immunogenic but not toxic. In this case, the stimulation produced a strong antibody response that protected mice given an intravenously injected lethal load of fungal cells.5 More recently, Cassone established the efficacy of a related vaccine in mice using an oil-in-water adjuvant (MF59), which is acceptable for human use, making the laminarin vaccine a promising candidate for translation to clinical trials.
While the innate immune response can help keep some infections at bay, adaptive immunity controlled by B and T cells is necessary for lasting immunity. Vaccines are therefore generally designed to activate adaptive immunity against a pathogen, creating memory T and B cells that will rapidly and strongly respond when they encounter the pathogen a second time. While inflammation-inducing T cells (part of the Type 1 T-helper, or Th1, response) and antibody-producing B cells (activated by the Th2 response) can both be important in clearing a pathogenic infection, vaccines sometime stimulate only one of these types of adaptive immunity.
Although laminarin appears to activate B-cell mediated immunity, other fungal vaccines being developed activate cellular immunity as well. For example, a vaccine similar to Cassone’s employed the candidal surface polysaccharide mannan, conjugated to human serum albumin (HSA) to elicit a greater immune response than mannan alone. In rabbits, the mannan-HSA vaccine generated both antibodies and specific T cells. Other anticandidal vaccines in animal studies have focused on immunizing using heat-shock proteins derived from the Candida cell wall and surface, a method which also produced both antibodies and cell-mediated inflammatory responses. Our group demonstrated that the candidal cell wall protein HYR1 helps Candida escape phagocytosis by immune cells, and could itself serve as a vaccine target, resulting in impressive protection in a systemic infection model.6 In addition, it appears that the eukaryotic-cell model system, the yeastSaccharomyces cerevisiae, can act as a vaccine against many fungi after heat inactivation (effective against Candida, Aspergillus, or Coccidioides), due to its expression of carbohydrates shared across many fungal species.
With its entry into Phase I clinical trials, the Candida vaccine furthest along the development pathway is based on the agglutinin-like sequence (Als) family of proteins expressed on the surface of Candida albicans. The vaccine, developed in our lab, is made from the recombinant N-termini of the candidal agglutinin adhesion molecules Als1p or Als3p (rAls1p-N or rAls3p-N). Injection protected mice from otherwise lethal widespread candidiasis, and also reduced fungal burden in a model of vaginal infection and a steroid-treated—and thus immunocompromised—oral candidiasis model.7
The vaccine targeting Als proteins activates Th1 and Th17 CD4+ T helper cells, which then recruit and activate phagocytic cells that engulf and destroy the fungus in tissues.7 This vaccine did not require a Th2 response, characterized by activation of B cells and their subsequent production of antibodies, in order to be effective.
These results elucidate several critical concepts regarding vaccinations against fungal pathogens: 1) Vaccine efficacy against fungal pathogens likely requires enhancement of phagocytic host-defense mechanisms, whether by antibody-mediated or nonantibody-mediated methods; 2) Vaccine-responsive T cells can provide direct enhancement of phagocytic defense mechanisms in the absence of protective antibodies; and 3) Contrary to widely held assumption, it is not necessary to develop antibodies that neutralize virulence factors—the disease-causing proteins or toxins expressed by the pathogen—in order to achieve protection with a vaccine. These findings suggest that there may be a variety of antigens that will serve as excellent vaccine candidates even though they are not “virulence factors” for fungal pathogens.
Infographic: Fungus Factsheet
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The success of the Als vaccine when combined with an aluminum-based adjuvant was a critical milestone for this vaccine’s development, as aluminum derivatives have been widely used in US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved vaccines. Hence, a dosing schedule, route of administration, and adjuvant have now been identified for rAls3p-N, which helped support the granting of Investigational New Drug (IND) status enabling clinical testing to begin in 2011.

Aspergillus vaccines

Aspergillus is the second most common cause of hospital-acquired invasive fungal infections, with an incidence of approximately five per 100,000 in the US.4 The infection usually takes hold in the lungs, and can cause invasive pneumonia in some individuals, but it can spread to other parts of the body, especially when immune defenses are compromised. Both the advantages of and the barriers to developing a vaccine against aspergillosis are magnified when compared with invasive candidiasis. Despite the use of antifungal therapy, the mortality rate is extremely high—between 45 and 80 percent—underscoring the failure of current therapies.3 However, a particular barrier for development of such a vaccine is that virtually all patients with invasive aspergillosis are highly immunocompromised, which makes development of a vaccine for these infections particularly challenging.
The risk factors for aspergillosis are well understood. They include the severe depletion of white blood cell levels from cancer chemotherapy, leukemia, or bone-marrow transplantation, as well as the necessity for high doses of corticosteroids or other immunosuppressants in patients receiving organ transplants or with severe rheumatic or other autoimmune diseases. On the other hand, the infection tends to occur after multiple weeks in at-risk situations, suggesting that clinicians could vaccinate well before infection sets in.
In 2002, Luigina Romani at the University of Perugia, in Italy, and colleagues found that recombinant protein antigens from Aspergillus induced a Th1, cell-mediated immune response that protected mice against invasive aspergillosis. The mice received an intranasal administration of the allergen Asp f 16, delivered together with CpG oligonucleotides—an adjuvant that promotes a Th1-type response. The pretreated mice, whose immune systems were compromised using cancer chemotherapy, showed improved survival when they were subsequently infected with A. fumigatus via inhalation.8 The same research group also tested a dendritic-cell vaccine approach. Dendritic cells are crucial to the natural antifungal response, as they activate both innate immunity, mediated by phagocytic cells, and the adaptive immune response, mediated by T cells and antibody-producing B cells. When Romani’s team cultured dendritic cells with Aspergillus or with fungal RNA in a test tube and then added lymphocytes to the mix, they noticed lymphocyte activation and release of cytokines associated with the Th1, or cellular, immune response. These primed dendritic cells could confer antifungal protection once reinjected into the mouse. Such an adoptive-transfer vaccination method could be extremely useful in bone-marrow transplant recipients. Dendritic cells could be pulsed with the vaccine antigen and administered along with bone marrow, to reduce the risk of aspergillosis in this highly susceptible population.9
Although experimental vaccines using crude antigen extracts prepared from killed A. fumigatus were also effective in protecting mice from infection, it would be impossible to produce such mixtures according to good manufacturing practices (GMP), which require stringent consistency and reproducibility between batches. Along these lines, Markus Kalkum and James Ito, at City of Hope’s Beckman Research Institute in Duarte, California, and colleagues determined that the active component of their previously published Aspergillus crude extract was the fungal surface antigen Asp f 3.10 Vaccination with recombinant Asp f 3 protected mice from a lethal inhaled challenge with A. fumigatus. While protection required the use of TiterMax adjuvant, which is too toxic for use in humans, the investigators also demonstrated that a protein-precipitate form of the vaccine, administered as a suspension in methylcellulose carrier, was also protective. Hence, Kalkum and colleagues have identified a potential practical vaccine that could be made GMP-compliant using a carrier agent that is safe in humans.

Cryptococcus vaccines

Cryptococcus causes life-threatening infections in patients with substantially compromised T-cell-mediated immunity resulting from HIV infection, congenital causes, or the use of immune-suppressing corticosteroids for transplantation, arthritis, or other conditions. Estimates of the prevalence of invasive Cryptococcusplace this fungal infection third, behind Candida and Aspergillus.4 As with aspergillosis, a vaccine against cryptococcal infection must be effective in patients who have substantial immune deficiencies.
Cryptococcus is covered with a capsule carbohydrate called glucuronoxylomannan (GXM), which is a known virulence factor that suppresses the host inflammatory response and prevents antibody-mediated phagocytosis of the fungus. In fact, natural infection may induce the immune system to produce nonprotective antibodies.11 However, several antigens have been found to induce protective immunity against cryptococcal infection in mice, including the laminarin vaccine developed in the Cassone laboratory, which cross-reacts with a number of different fungal genera. Although the vaccine wasn’t tested in T-cell-deficient or steroid-treated mice, it appeared to induce specific antibodies against Cryptococcus and reduced fungal burden in healthy mice as well as those lacking white blood cells. In addition, vaccinating with a synthetic peptide mimic of the GXM virulence factor as well as other mixtures of surface antigens shows tentative promise.
An important result of much of the antifungal vaccine work that has occurred over the past decade is the realization that fungal sugars, such as mannan, when oxidatively coupled to protein antigens, can act as an adjuvant for vaccines by helping to stimulate potent immune responses. Stuart Levitz, at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, and colleagues have conducted much of the seminal work in this area. They grew fungal proteins in bacteria, which do not add mannose to the proteins, or in yeast, which do cover proteins in mannose.12 Only the sugar-coated mannoproteins produced in yeast generated a strong pro-inflammatory T-cell-mediated immune response to the protein; the protein grown in bacteria generated a much weaker immune response. The addition of the sugar units to the protein served to boost the immune response to that protein. In another study, the same group found that addition of mannose groups to the protein stimulated not only T-cell proliferation, but also the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF and IL-12. Collectively, these results demonstrate the fundamental potential of incorporating mannosylation into vaccine protein design, either by growing the proteins in yeast, or, if E. coli is used to grow the vaccine proteins, by conjugating fungal mannans in order to boost immunity and protection.

Reducing hospital-borne infections

Given the aging global and US populations, and the increasingly intensive medical treatment of critical illnesses, the incidence of invasive fungal infections will continue to rise over the coming decades. Due to enhanced understanding of the host defenses and pathogenic mechanisms that underlie invasive fungal infections, we are now in a position to begin developing such vaccines. The concept of niche vaccination of acutely at-risk patients, or patients in restricted geographical areas, is a new idea in vaccinology. Furthermore, the novel immunological concept of stimulating Th1 or Th17 responses, instead of relying on antibody-based responses, opens new avenues to explore in vaccinology against such infections.
The lack of complete understanding of the market potential for such vaccines has created significant impediments to the availability of the capital to develop such vaccines. Continued education about the economic importance of vaccines for invasive fungal infections, combined with the development of well-defined antigens and effective adjuvants with a track record of safety, should enable these vaccines to enter clinical testing in the coming decade.
The costs of preparation for an Investigational New Drug (IND) application supporting the Phase I trial are significant, and include several million dollars required to develop GMP-compliant manufacturing, as well as additional costs for preclinical toxicity studies using GMP-compliant material. This represents a major barrier to development of vaccines for invasive fungal infections in general, and an even greater barrier for infections caused by organisms other than Candida, which have smaller perceived markets to drive the investment of capital.
Brad Spellberg is at the Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. He is a cofounder of NovaDigm Therapeutics, which is developing candidal vaccine technology.
This article is adapted from an upcoming review in F1000 Medicine Reports. It will be available for citation at (open access).


  1. S. Santos et al., “Haemophilus influenzae type b immunization in adults infected with the human immunodeficiency virus,” AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses, 20:493-96, 2004. 
  2. T. Nordoy et al., “Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy show adequate serological response to vaccinations against influenza virus and Streptococcus pneumoniae,” Med Oncol, 19:71-78, 2002. 
  3. J. Perlroth et al., “Nosocomial fungal infections: epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment,”  Med Mycol, 45:321-46, 2007. 
  4. L.S. Wilson et al., “The direct cost and incidence of systemic fungal infections,” Value Health, 5:26-34, 2002. 
  5. C. Bromuro et al., “Beta-glucan-CRM197 conjugates as candidates antifungal vaccines,”  Vaccine, 28:2615-23, 2010. 
  6. G. Luo et al., “Candida albicans Hyr1p confers resistance to neutrophil killing and is a potential vaccine target,” J Infect Dis, 201:1718-28, 2010. 
  7. L. Lin et al., “Th1-Th17 cells mediate protective adaptive immunity against Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans infection in mice,” PLoS Pathog, 5(12):e1000703, 2009. 
  8. S. Bozza et al., “Vaccination of mice against invasive aspergillosis with recombinant Aspergillus proteins and CpG oligodeoxynucleotides as adjuvants,” Microbes and Infection, 4:1281-90, 2002. 
  9. S. Bozza et al., “A dendritic cell vaccine against invasive aspergillosis in allogeneic hematopoietic transplantation,” Blood, 102:3807-14, 2003. 
  10. J.I. Ito et al., “Vaccinations with recombinant variants of Aspergillus fumigatus allergen Asp f 3 protect mice against invasive aspergillosis,” Infect Immun, 74:5075-84, 2006. 
  11. O. Zaragoza, A. Casadevall, “Antibodies produced in response to Cryptococcus neoformans pulmonary infection in mice have characteristics of nonprotective antibodies,” Infect Immun, 72:4271-74, 2004. 
  12. C.A. Specht et al., “Contribution of glycosylation to T cell responses stimulated by recombinant Cryptococcus neoformans mannoprotein,” J Infect Dis, 196:796-800, 2007. 

Recognizing the Human Potential

It may be time to reconsider an AIDS vaccine which is more human than viral, triggering the immune system in a way that no other vaccine does.
By Gene M. Shearer and Adriano Boasso | June 1, 2011
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Jon Krause
At the beginning of 1991—almost ten years after the cause of AIDS had been identified—researchers thought they might have a vaccine. Evidence from several laboratories suggested that it was possible to develop a vaccine against HIV by inoculating individuals with a crippled version of the virus that could not replicate—a time-tested strategy similar to that used to produce effective measles, mumps, and polio vaccines. In animal experiments, researchers used an HIV-like virus called simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) which infects rhesus macaque monkeys. Over time, infected monkeys developed AIDS-like symptoms, much like humans. Researchers inactivated SIV, injected it into monkeys, and tested whether the animals were protected against live SIV infection. Most vaccinated monkeys were indeed protected, encouraging AIDS researchers to believe that an effective human AIDS vaccine would soon follow.
However, in October 1991, a brief article was published that sent AIDS vaccine research into a tailspin.1 Like other labs,2,3 E. James Stott’s laboratory had immunized macaques with inactivated SIV, which protected them against subsequent infection with live virus. However, the Stott laboratory included a negative control that was missing from the earlier studies: a second group of monkeys was immunized with just the human host cells that had been used to grow the inactivated SIV, but in this case, with no trace of the virus.1 The purpose of this negative control was to ensure that the immune reaction that had successfully protected the monkeys was specific to SIV antigens, and not induced by something else. Surprisingly, the “negative control” produced protective immunity against SIV infection. Equally surprising was the fact that protection in the vaccine group was not associated with antibodies that recognized SIV antigens.
The finding was viewed by most in the field as an artifact and in the years that followed, researchers continued to focus on developing vaccines against HIV that specifically targeted proteins on the surface of the virus. However, HIV proved to be a moving target, avoiding vaccine-induced immune responses by rapidly mutating its surface proteins, and thereby thwarting this type of virus-specific vaccine effort.
In March 2008, the Division of AIDS at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases held a summit meeting in Bethesda, Maryland, to discuss the 20 years of repeated failures in developing an effective viral-antigen-specific prophylactic AIDS vaccine, and to consider plans for the future. The problem was not limited only to HIV’s ever-changing surface antigens. Another challenge was the rapidity with which HIV and SIV infected mucosal sites and attracted CD4+ T-cells—the natural target for HIV infection. With an almost immediate spread of the virus, the adaptive immune responses, marked by T-cell activation and antibody production triggered in vaccine recipients, might be too slow to limit the rapid viral diffusion, potentially resulting in a “too late, too little” scenario.4
Infographic: Part Human, Part HIV
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However, the partial success of recent HIV vaccine trials prompted a few AIDS researchers to reconsider some of the earlier studies on HIV/SIV vaccines. Could we learn anything from the negative-control results of the Stott experiment? Should the outcome of that study still be considered an artifact, or, instead of searching only for protective antiviral responses, should attention be redirected to understanding how the negative controls had protected the macaques? In fact, back in 1993, the suggestion had been made to not abandon those initial successful experiments, but to determine the mechanism(s) responsible for the unexpected protection.5

How had it worked?

Stott’s brief report showed that while the protection of the monkeys did not correlate with the presence of anti-SIV antibodies, it did correlate with antibodies that recognized proteins expressed on the membranes of the human cell line which had been used to grow the virus.1 This unexpected finding suggested that protective immunity was associated with an immune response to human molecules! How did this protection work, particularly since inactivated SIV also protected the animals?
Shortly after Stott’s 1991 publication, other researchers attempted to reproduce and explain his observations. The laboratories of Larry Arthur and Louis Henderson at the National Cancer Institute found that both HIV and SIV particles pinch off and carry with them parts of the cell membrane when they exit the infected cell.6 This finding helped explain why human cells alone could protect against SIV infection: if the lipid membrane enveloping SIV contained human cell proteins, then an immune reaction against those proteins might neutralize the virus that carried them.
Researchers working with mice had already shown that enveloped viruses—those encased in a lipid membrane—would “steal” the cellular membrane, along with its protein components, as they exited the host cell. These cellular proteins included antigens, first discovered decades earlier, that are responsible for foreign organ and tissue transplant rejection. Essentially, HIV “steals” the human equivalents of these transplantation antigens.6
Exposure to these foreign tissue antigens rapidly activates potent immune responses, without the requirement of vaccination. Indeed, exposure lead to long-lasting immunologic memory. In contrast, immune responses to viral protein antigens are not as potent and persistent as those against transplantation antigens.
In humans, these transplantation antigens are termed human leukocyte antigens (HLA). They are highly polymorphic: except for closely-related individuals, white blood cells—or leukocytes—from one person will recognize the HLA on cells or tissue from any other person as foreign (allogeneic) and mount a potent immune response.
Surprisingly, the “negative control” produced protective immunity against SIV infection.
The Arthur and Henderson laboratories discovered that both HIV and SIV particles carried the HLA antigens of the cells that had grown the virus. Furthermore, the quantity of HLA proteins on the virus envelope was actually greater than that of viral envelope protein gp120. Most importantly, the immunized monkeys were protected against SIV by antibodies against the HLA—rather than the viral proteins—as long as both the inactivated vaccine and the infecting live SIV had been grown in the same line of cells and therefore expressed the same HLA.7 The monkey’s immune system recognized the xenogeneic (i.e. from a different species) HLA carried by SIV particles. The findings raised the possibility that AIDS vaccines could be created that included immune responses against both HIV antigens and the more potent HLA antigens.

Surprise is half the battle

Vaccines typically function by training the adaptive immune response, generated by T cells and B cells, to specifically recognize and eliminate target pathogens by antigen-specific mechanisms. However, with the exception of antibodies that result from prior immunization (natural exposure or vaccination), adaptive responses can require days, weeks, or even longer to develop. Innate immunity is another arm of the immune system, which responds to pathogens immediately, in a non-antigen-specific fashion, and keeps these infections at bay until adaptive responses have developed.
Had Stott’s monkeys produced only an adaptive immune response—antibodies and specific T cells—against human HLA? Or did the protection stem from a faster innate reaction triggered by inflammatory cytokines?
Further studies reported that rapid and robust innate immune responses could be induced by the presence of xenogeneic or allogeneic HLA-type antigens. In contrast to adaptive immune responses, expression of these soluble extracellular factors happens quickly, does not require prior immunization, and can be produced in a number of lymphoid cell types that are susceptible to SIV and HIV infection. These soluble factors include the β-chemokines: MIP-1α, MIP-1β and RANTES,8 which bind and block the lymphocyte coreceptors CCR5 and CXCR4 that HIV uses to enter and infect cells. Furthermore allostimulation causes downregulation of CCR5 and CXCR4 receptor expression. In addition, recognition of foreign HLA resulted in the production of APOBEC3G, an enzyme that induces a mutation in the DNA of SIV and HIV, resulting in abortive infections.9 In vitro alloantigen responses also activated a ribonuclease, known as eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN), which also has anti-HIV activity.10
In addition to the above innate responses, recognition of foreign HLA activates two types of adaptive immune antibody responses: anti-HLA antibody, thought to protect the monkeys against SIV infection in the early studies;7 and the more recently discovered antibodies directed against the HIV coreceptor molecule CCR5.9
Thus, HLA stimulation could provide a two-stage protective mechanism against HIV and SIV: 1) vaccine-induced anti-HLA and anti-CCR5 antibodies that can prevent viral entry by blocking essential receptor and coreceptor interactions with the virus (adaptive responses); and 2) rapid activation of antiviral factors such as APOBEC3G and EDN that can interfere with infection after viral entry, if the antibodies fail to block it (innate responses). No existing AIDS vaccine is known to induce this broad arsenal of anti-HIV and anti-SIV activity.

Support from field studies

These findings suggested that protection from SIV and HIV infection could result from intentional exposure to foreign HLA. Furthermore, observations from the field appear to corroborate the possibility that foreign HLA recognition could contribute to protection against HIV infection. One such finding came from women who had spontaneous recurrent miscarriages. Because the chance of a successful pregnancy is lower when the mother and the father share high HLA homology, it was hypothesized that recurrent miscarriages were caused by the mother’s immune system not recognizing the partner’s HLA as foreign and not producing factors necessary to protect the foetus. Therefore, some of these women volunteered to be immunized with their partner’s white blood cells. This approach sometimes failed or even backfired, and the FDA halted the treatment. But when studied in vitro, leukocytes from vaccinated women exhibited increased levels of MIP-1α, MIP-1β, RANTES, and APOBEC3G, and decreased expression of the coreceptor molecules.11,9 Furthermore, their normally HIV-susceptible T cells were several-fold more resistant to in vitro HIV infection.8
Another example comes from a study of mother-to-newborn HIV transmission in infected Kenyan mothers. In this study, white blood cells from HIV-infected mothers and their infants were typed for differences in their HLA molecules. Newborns whose HLA were most similar to their mothers were 10-fold more likely to contract the infection than babies whose HLA were most different from their mothers.12 Similar results were obtained in a mother/neonate study in the United States. Notably, the placentas of pregnant women express the anti-HIV factor EDN, the levels of which are associated with maximal maternal/fetal HLA discordance.13 Thus, maximal maternal/fetal HLA differences may have contributed to protection against mother-to-child transmission of HIV.

The HLA vaccine—pros and cons

Vaccines take advantage of how the immune system reacts to foreign material. Generally, it takes an inactivated virus, a dead bacterium, or some smaller component of such foreign invaders to jolt the immune system into inducing the T- and/or B-cell responses that generate long-term immunity. The revolutionary idea here is that vaccinating with a potent human molecule may be an effective deterrent to HIV infection.
The revolutionary idea here is that vaccinating with a potent human molecule may be a more effective deterrent to HIV infection.
In theory, an HLA-based anti-HIV vaccine—an alloantigen-based AIDS vaccine (ABAV)—would be composed of several maximally diverse HLA molecules to ensure an immune-activating mismatch for most people. Once the vaccine was injected, the immune system would mount a robust adaptive response, activating both T and B cells, which would in turn generate memory cells. Together with the natural innate immunity that would be rapidly triggered following virus exposure, these memory cells could be activated and could contribute to countering the “too late, too little,” problem that HIV vaccines have encountered to date. It would be important to ensure that this vaccination completely prevents viral replication, because once any virus budded from an infected cell, it would contain the new host’s HLA in its envelope and would thus become invisible to the immune system, which is trained not to attack self-HLA.

Advantages and disadvantages of alloantigen-based AIDS vaccine (ABAV)



Induces potent anti-HLA antibody memoryCould exclude vaccine recipients from receiving
tissue transplants
Inactivated xenogeneic SIV induces anti-SIV antibodiesMight induce autoimmune disease
Inactivated xenogeneic SIV and xenogeneic cells already shown to protect against SIV infection (>200 animals)Could activate CD4+ T cells—virus target cells
Alloimmunization of women with recurrent miscarriage (>2,500) reduced in vitro HIV infectionInnate anti-HIV factors might not exhibit immunological memory
Immunologically indifferent to viral mutationHLA types of infecting HIV are unknown
Induces several different innate antiviral factors,
including CD8-SF, RANTES, MIP-1α, MIP-1β, EDN, APOBEC3G
If infection occurs, donor HLA is rapidly replaced by host HLA
Induces CCR5 antibodies and reduces HIV coreceptor expressionImmunity is not virus specific

One major benefit of using HLA instead of HIV epitopes is that the vaccine would be unaffected by HIV’s high mutation rate. Also, based on the high density and immunogenic potential of HLA on the HIV envelope,6 anti-HLA antibodies are likely to react against HIV more efficiently than antibodies against viral-envelope antigens. Finally, although this is yet to be proven, if anti-HLA and anti-CCR5 antibodies generated by an HLA vaccine can be induced at mucosal sites at the time of infectious challenge, they may exert protective activity during this narrow window of opportunity.4
On the other hand, an HLA vaccine raises several concerns. The most immediate concern is that by vaccinating humans against human antigens, we may set up our immune systems to act against ourselves, causing autoimmune disease and excluding vaccine recipients from receiving any future tissue grafts or organ transplants. However, the probability would be low that vaccine recipients in many HIV-endemic regions of the world would receive transplants in the future, and the drugs that are currently used to control rejection would most likely work well enough to prevent reactions that the vaccine might cause. Also, more than 2,500 women with recurrent miscarriage have received multiple immunizations (some more than 25 years ago) of alloantigen from their husbands without any detected autoimmune response.3
One major pitfall that the traditional HIV vaccine efforts encountered was that in stimulating the immune system, the vaccine would also inadvertently activate and recruit T cells, which would provide fodder for HIV viral replication and spread. This would also be a risk with any non-HLA vaccine too. The hope, however, is that an increase in the number of T-cell targets for infection would be counteracted by the multiple protective mechanisms that an HLA-based vaccine would induce.
While the strength of an HLA vaccine is that it is likely to activate both the adaptive and innate immune responses, the question is: for how long? The kinetics of anti-HLA antibodies indicate that they can be detected years after alloantigen immunization in women treated with their partners’ white blood cells, and anti-CCR5 antibody responses have been reported to last for at least 12 months after HLA alloimmunization.8 Kinetic studies of the β-chemokines suggest that they may not be maintained beyond six months of alloimmunization,8 whereas APOBEC3G has been detected in memory T cells after alloimmunization.10 It is possible that HLA alloantigen itself, when introduced by HIV at the time of exposure, could reactivate innate anti-HIV factors.
The use of allogeneic cells instead of inactivated virus has a potential disadvantage because it would exclude the possibility of simultaneously inducing HIV-specific immunity. Thus, a dual vaccine strategy—incorporating both inactivated HIV and alloimmunization—may combine the above-described benefits of alloimmunization with the potential for also generating HIV-specific memory responses.
We are aware of only one international workshop on alloimmunization as an alternative AIDS vaccine strategy. That workshop was held in 1999,3before anti-coreceptor antibodies and most of the above-noted innate anti-SIV/HIV factors were reported to result from HLA alloimmunization. Consideration of the more recent and increasing body of evidence showing the various alloantigen-induced mechanisms that interfere with HIV replication and infection suggests that it may be time to reassess this alternative vaccine strategy.
Gene M. Shearer is at the Center for Cancer Research, National Institutes of Health, and Adriano Boasso is from Imperial College London.


  1. E.J. Stott, “Anti-cell antibody in macaques,” Nature, 1991, 353:393, 1991. 
  2. E.J. Stott, G.C. Schild, “Strategies for AIDS vaccines,” J Antimicrob Chemother, 37 Suppl B:185-98, 1996. 
  3. T. Lehner et al., “Alloimmunization as a strategy for vaccine design against HIV/AIDS,” AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses, 16:309-13, 2000. 
  4. A.T. Haase, “Perils at mucosal front lines for HIV and SIV and their hosts,” Nature Revs Immunol, 5:783-92, 2005. 
  5. G.M. Shearer et al., “Alloimmunization as an AIDS vaccine?” Science, 262:161-62, 1993. 
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