miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011


blogs.plos.org - Posted on March 8th, 2011 by Michael MorrisImage Credit: Gopal Vijayaraghavan Three new articles were published this week in PLoS Medicine, with a Perspective on one research article. An analysis o...

adn.es - Aveces, no poder controlar los impulsos impide el progreso. Los niños que sufren Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDAH) lo saben tan bien como sus familias. Y cada vez son más. S...

reuters.com - By Frederik Joelving NEW YORK | Tue Mar 8, 2011 5:21pm EST NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Scientists who review large sets of drug trials for medical journals often ignore financial conflicts that mig...

eluniversal.com.mx - En un nuevo y audaz estudio que busca hallar una cura al sida, un grupo de científicos aplicó la ingeniería genética a seis pacientes para producir glóbulos sanguíneos resistentes al virus que caus...

aafp.org - Family physicians participating in CMS' electronic-prescribing, or eRx, incentive program must meet two different sets of criteria if they want to both avoid a penalty and earn an incentive payment...

medicalnewstoday.com - Academic JournalMain Category: Nutrition / Diet Also Included In: Pediatrics / Children's Health Article Date: 08 Mar 2011 - 14:00 PST email to a friend   printer friendly   opinions  Current Artic...

reuters.com - LONDON | Tue Mar 8, 2011 5:19pm EST LONDON (Reuters) - The "three-year glitch" has replaced the "seven-year itch" as the tipping point where couples start to take each other for granted, according ...

aafp.org - Family physicians need to be aware of an increased risk for oral clefts in infants born to women who use the anticonvulsant medication topiramate during pregnancy, say FDA officials. According to n...

nytimes.com - A new analysis suggests that blood pressure drugs may benefit heart disease patients even if they don’t have high blood pressure. The paper, published in the March 2 issue of The Journa...

rwjf.org - “We are committed to offering high-quality, rigorous and safe programs for entry into nursing practice at the baccalaureate and advanced practice levels. The budget challenges have left us little a...

scientificamerican.com - By Katherine Harmon | Mar 8, 2011 05:00 PM | Sleep deprivation can lead to plenty of unwise decisions, which researchers have long tied to flagging attention and short-term memory. But a new study ...

symposier.com - Uploaded and Shared in Youtube by: GoogleTechTalks — A Google Tech Talk May 5, 2010 ABSTRACT Presented by Michael Goard, PhD, and Emily Jacobs, PhD. The majority of the human brain is comprised of ...

symposier.com - Uploaded and Shared in Youtube by: NCINews — Animation on how mice are used to study changes in DNA that could also occur in humans and eventually lead to cancer. The genetic similarity of mice to ...

elsiglodetorreon.com.mx - La dirección general del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social acordó una ampliación de tiempo, hasta mañana lunes siete de marzo, para presentar la Determinación de la Prima del Seguro de Riesgos d...

bebesymas.com - Para votar este post conéctate con Facebook ConnectLa fertilidad masculina podría verse reflejada en cómo tienen los huesos los hombres debido a la acción de una hormona, la osteocalcina, que induc...

reuters.com - By Lisa Richwine SILVER SPRING, Maryland | Tue Mar 8, 2011 5:16pm EST SILVER SPRING, Maryland (Reuters) - Novartis AG failed to win support from a U.S. advisory panel for the highest proposed dose ...

sumedico.com - Un estudio realizado por un equipo de investigadores de la Gallup Organization de Princeton, en New Jersey, reveló que aquellas personas que dicen ser felices, gozan de una mejor salud que aquellos...

xatakaciencia.com - Para votar este post conéctate con Facebook Connect -Dormir demasiado o dormir poco incrementa tres veces el riesgo de afección coronaria en menores de 60 años, según la Academia Americana de la Me...

symposier.com - Uploaded and shared in Youtube by: USFoodandDrugAdmin — FDA recently approved the first diagnostic test that simultaneously detects HIV antigen and antibodies. The test, called the ARCHITECT HIV ...

cnn.com - Researchers were surprised by the differences in how men and women responded emotionally, even when they were equally adept at managing home and work. STORY HIGHLIGHTSWhen co-workers contacted them...

medpagetoday.com - WASHINGTON -- An FDA advisory panel has voted 13-4 that a 75 mcg once-daily dose of indacaterol (Arcapta Neohaler), an investigational long-acting beta-adrenergic agonist (LABA) is safe and effecti...

cnn.com - Researchers were surprised by the differences in how men and women responded emotionally, even when they were equally adept at managing home and work. STORY HIGHLIGHTSWhen co-workers contacted them...

neurodojo.blogspot.com - To recap: In early December, NASA holds a press conference relevant to astrobiology, wherein Felisa Wolfe-Simon announces a paper on a very interesting bacteria. The bacteria is indisputably arseni...

symposier.com - pp.50-54 (5) Authors: Karel Allegaert, Marc van de Velde, Gunnar Naulaers -- doi: 10.2174/1874321800802010050 -- Effective analgesia in neonates is still hampered due to the lack of data on pharmac...

symposier.com - Symposier.com is the technological platform that will allow you (and your colleagues) to share medical information, event calendars, clinical cases, new procedures and much more with medicine profe...

aolnews.com - If you woke up one day with an earache, you could call your doctor's office for help. Or you could do what the majority of patients do today and Google what to do first. Type "earache" into your We...

kevinmd.com - by Dennis FortierMore so than with any other major disease, our near-term progress in the battle against Alzheimer’s will be determined largely by our ability to improve awareness about several asp...

informationweek.com - (click image for larger view)Slideshow: Health IT Boosts Patient Care, SafetyAs a growing number of Americans use the Internet to perform a variety of health-related tasks, a new study shows that n...

healthland.time.com - Watching human organs take shape in a lab dish is no longer the realm of science fiction: as scientists get better at applying engineering techniques to living cells and tissues, lab-grown organs a...

medpagetoday.com - Action Points  Note that in this meta-analysis of prospective studies, atrial fibrillation was associated with an increased odds of dementia.Note, too, that the increased risk appeared stronger amo...

healthcareitnews.com - WASHINGTON – Thirteen new guidelines for the patient centered medical home recognition and accreditation program were released Tuesday by the American Academy of Family Physicians, the American Aca...

everydayhealth.com - The phrase “money can’t buy happiness” has gotten a lot of mileage over the years. Perhaps people like the the sentiment; perhaps it just makes them feel better if they’re not rich. But no matter w...

nytimes.com - A leisurely four-course dinner at a fine restaurant can take two hours to eat, while meals eaten at home are usually over in 30 minutes. Does one leave you more satisfied — and less likely to snack...

symposier.com - Uploaded and shared in Youtube by: EmoryUniversity — A new study on vitamin D levels and Parkinson's disease risk points to the need for further research on whether vitamin D supplements can protec...

symposier.com - Uploaded and shared in Youtube by: SouthDakotaState — The advent of psychiatric medications, sometimes referred to as psychotropic or psychotherapeutic medications, has been a boon to patients with...

equity.posterous.com - Mar 8 Links to presentations, interviews and the recorded virtual session: PAHO/WHO/NLM-NIH Series on Public Health Information - Innovations Exchanges – November 18, 2010 The focus of the Panel wa...